amazing. the anatomy is like so believable, love the subtle details, the skin on the throat area. very inspiring dude, the horns look so natural and life like. good show.
Wow wow WoooOW! Stop this man! Tackle him hard!
Your work is really really impressive.
But I don't get what is European in it.
Would like to see this monster at lunch time
(May be abble to eat a whole cow without chewing)
GAH! i can't wait to see an update. You really caputured him already in that first image. Great character. Those horns are grand! I wan't to see the bottom half of him
firebert - cheers Bert!
Dur23 - thanks!
stinger88 - yeah it does look a little odd but i'm afraid to change it, think it's one of those quirks that work in the designs favour
jox- thanks
Kontruct - cheers konstruct, i was going for loveable though
warriah - still time for it all to fall apart hehe
kamui - thanks kamui, i've tried a few different shoulder widths, hunched shoulders just seem to be a bit more creepy
foreverending - thanks foreverending, great work on your character!
Vitor- thanks vitor
conte- thanks conte!
rooster - thanks rooster
MoP - Cheers mop!
Sir Gimp - thanks brian, yes you were right!
meshiah - thanks meshiah
davidskiwan - thanks david
R4ptur3 hehe thanks too much hyperbole!
Ride - thanks ride
Peppi - cheers peppi!
EarthQuake- Cheers EQ! its all about working the room
Gav- cheers Gav cleric is looking ace! so far ahead
wizo - thanks wizo
Fuse - thanks fuse
MartinH- nope keep going!
firebert - thanks bert, still thinking about the horns, may ditch them in favour of some strange crest, i've always seen him him as a him but i don't mind if he comes off as a bit ambivalent
kessler - thanks kessler - still messing with the armour
tacit - cheers jake, where's the updates!
woods- ta!
coldkodiak - cheers coldkodiak, yeah i think integrating armour with the anatomy will work, want to keep in some of the markers of western armour though
richkid - actually changed the pose completely based on this suggestion, thanks very much!
mat - cheers mat
benny350 - thanks benny
B1ll - cheers Ben!
bilbana - thanks bilbana
warnoodle - thanks warnoodle!
Onelung - thanks onelung, love your entry on GA!
Ironhawk - thanks ironhawk
mezz - thanks Mezz!
solar - thanks solar
Fat_cap - cheers fatcap
pixelgoat - thanks pixelgoat
erik! - thanks erik! !
woogity - thanks woogity
mentalzulu - cheers mentalzulu
onionhead_o - thanks onionhead
bobo - thanks bobo, impatient for more updates from you!
los - thanks los!
lojack - cheers lojack
ivars - thanks ivars
oglu - thanks oglu! nope zbrush with a mudbox derived material
garagarape - thanks garaga, i just meant the armour and cloth shapes, particularly the ruff had a slightly western/euro historical feel. Want it to kind of feel like that in the shapes but not be too close. Think he'd have no problem with the cow chewing bit but the digestion might be tricky.
muppet man - cheers muppetman, great work on your comic hero entry at zbrushcentral
caseyjones - thank you, don't get any on the thread!
belltann - thanks!
conte - hehe too much hype!
slipgatecentral - thanks slipgate!
duck - thanks duck
joey pistone - thanks joey
javier.deandres - thanks javier
wasker - cheers wasker
spacemonkey - thanks spacemonkey, awesome sculpts in your thread!
valkier - thanks valkier
shepeiro - cheers shep!
iatriki thanks iatriki
rv_el - thanks rv!
kozlow- thank you
thanks everyone! feel my thread is way overhyped but not that i'm complaining
i haven't done much sculpting but have done a lot of thinking about the design - here's a symetrical rough-in. Once i've nailed down the design roughly in 3d i'll retopo to the final game model and do the final sculpt. Two main ideas that i want to add are integrating the shapes of his clothy, costumy bits in a stranger way with his body, so the fundamental shapes are retained and reminiscent of the original forms but; neck ruff may become a rilled gas sac or goitre (don't google image that), armour is starting to become mixed in with his anatomy but still retains distorted reliefs and gold leaf etc, cloth bits perhaps have developed a membrane of blood vessels.
I was also thinking about swapping out his horns with a big powdered wig but don't know what will come of that. at the moment he feels imbalanced with the giant horns, i quite like the blunt head. I'm thinking for the equipment that he will have will be largely based on the sort of stuff kings lug around in portraiture, so a sash, some strange medals that are fused into his armour.
i don't know dude ... those were the pimpest horns I've seen in a LONG while. I do agree tho -- he is very very top heavy. He needs a larger bottom half or some sort of hunched over pose so he doesn't topple over. your execution and sculpt are disgusting ... you live up to the hype. I'll be hanging onto my chair until the next post.
The face looks excellent. All your colors and tones are working really well together too.
I really like the horns, but a powdered wig might be a really cool (albeit different) look for him. Maybe just do a quick 3d-blockin and see how you like it?
Great work all around as always though, man. Some inspiring work in this thread
thanks everyone! feel my thread is way overhyped but not that i'm complaining
We just love seeing someone with real decent knowledge of all-known anatomies! It's only so much you can do with what is really logical and acceptable with organic muscle and bones, BUT for me you just push that lil bit further what makes it memorable.:)
Like last year your dude with 6 arms, how you placed em in the middle underbelly was clever, and I am seeing it done alot this year's comp. But for me you was the first - and this one again. THumbs up.
I have to say, the closer a look I take at this piece, the more it sincerely freaks me out. There's something about it that's so real and so wrong, that it actually makes me feel like running and hiding under my sheets scared, you know?
If I saw this guy coming at me in a video game, I'd probably turn the game off, run away from my console and never play the game again. (At least not in the dark, anyway :P) I think it's the open digestive system that does it
However, I agree with others--like him better without the horns. Too distracting.
Please stop making this thing so awesome!! I'm gonna start having nightmares lol
Awesome stuff Andy. What I love about your sculpts is that you seem to get so much detail in them yet still make them look clean and easy to read. Lots of subtle hints at what's there but not going overboard like a lot of us, definitely myself included, are guilty of.
Personally, I like the horns...though it does make him look a bit awkward I think i really just like ho they're constructed...but they may be better suited for a different body, hehe, can't wait to see how the wig looks!
Turning out great dude. I'm on the fence with the scale and positioning of the horns in the current pose, however I think it's probably more to do with the pose than the shape. Very inspiring stuff.
loved the horns but i think it looks scarier without them( maybe it reminds me of nosferatu or something ).
also, i loved his bare shoulders, it's nice to see someone who gives a shit about anatomy for once in a while. you could make him a bit asymmetrical, a shoulder with armor, the other one without.
i have to agree with the others, it give the impression of simplicity, but so cool none the less.
Wow, looking great of course I have to say I think the horns are what makes him stand out as a powerful character; I see what you mean about the blunt head being appealing, but I feel visually he's much less imposing without them. He looks kinda just like a mutant orc or something without them.
Badass either way, and I'd be interested to see how you'd pull off the wig :P
Awesome stuff, pray to see more soon!! ^.^
o but first i wanna see an animation of this thing roaring soooo freakin bad
- BoBo
are you using mudbox here..?
Your work is really really impressive.
But I don't get what is European in it.
Would like to see this monster at lunch time
(May be abble to eat a whole cow without chewing)
that's realy kickin ass
congrats !
Good luck
Dur23 - thanks!
stinger88 - yeah it does look a little odd but i'm afraid to change it, think it's one of those quirks that work in the designs favour
jox- thanks
Kontruct - cheers konstruct, i was going for loveable though
warriah - still time for it all to fall apart hehe
kamui - thanks kamui, i've tried a few different shoulder widths, hunched shoulders just seem to be a bit more creepy
foreverending - thanks foreverending, great work on your character!
Vitor- thanks vitor
conte- thanks conte!
rooster - thanks rooster
MoP - Cheers mop!
Sir Gimp - thanks brian, yes you were right!
meshiah - thanks meshiah
davidskiwan - thanks david
R4ptur3 hehe thanks too much hyperbole!
Ride - thanks ride
Peppi - cheers peppi!
EarthQuake- Cheers EQ! its all about working the room
Gav- cheers Gav cleric is looking ace! so far ahead
wizo - thanks wizo
Fuse - thanks fuse
MartinH- nope keep going!
firebert - thanks bert, still thinking about the horns, may ditch them in favour of some strange crest, i've always seen him him as a him but i don't mind if he comes off as a bit ambivalent
kessler - thanks kessler - still messing with the armour
tacit - cheers jake, where's the updates!
woods- ta!
coldkodiak - cheers coldkodiak, yeah i think integrating armour with the anatomy will work, want to keep in some of the markers of western armour though
richkid - actually changed the pose completely based on this suggestion, thanks very much!
mat - cheers mat
benny350 - thanks benny
B1ll - cheers Ben!
bilbana - thanks bilbana
warnoodle - thanks warnoodle!
Onelung - thanks onelung, love your entry on GA!
Ironhawk - thanks ironhawk
mezz - thanks Mezz!
solar - thanks solar
Fat_cap - cheers fatcap
pixelgoat - thanks pixelgoat
erik! - thanks erik! !
woogity - thanks woogity
mentalzulu - cheers mentalzulu
onionhead_o - thanks onionhead
bobo - thanks bobo, impatient for more updates from you!
los - thanks los!
lojack - cheers lojack
ivars - thanks ivars
oglu - thanks oglu! nope zbrush with a mudbox derived material
garagarape - thanks garaga, i just meant the armour and cloth shapes, particularly the ruff had a slightly western/euro historical feel. Want it to kind of feel like that in the shapes but not be too close. Think he'd have no problem with the cow chewing bit but the digestion might be tricky.
muppet man - cheers muppetman, great work on your comic hero entry at zbrushcentral
caseyjones - thank you, don't get any on the thread!
belltann - thanks!
conte - hehe too much hype!
slipgatecentral - thanks slipgate!
duck - thanks duck
joey pistone - thanks joey
javier.deandres - thanks javier
wasker - cheers wasker
spacemonkey - thanks spacemonkey, awesome sculpts in your thread!
valkier - thanks valkier
shepeiro - cheers shep!
iatriki thanks iatriki
rv_el - thanks rv!
kozlow- thank you
thanks everyone! feel my thread is way overhyped but not that i'm complaining
i haven't done much sculpting but have done a lot of thinking about the design - here's a symetrical rough-in. Once i've nailed down the design roughly in 3d i'll retopo to the final game model and do the final sculpt. Two main ideas that i want to add are integrating the shapes of his clothy, costumy bits in a stranger way with his body, so the fundamental shapes are retained and reminiscent of the original forms but; neck ruff may become a rilled gas sac or goitre (don't google image that), armour is starting to become mixed in with his anatomy but still retains distorted reliefs and gold leaf etc, cloth bits perhaps have developed a membrane of blood vessels.
I was also thinking about swapping out his horns with a big powdered wig but don't know what will come of that. at the moment he feels imbalanced with the giant horns, i quite like the blunt head. I'm thinking for the equipment that he will have will be largely based on the sort of stuff kings lug around in portraiture, so a sash, some strange medals that are fused into his armour.
those horns just aren't cutting it. badass idea, but in the end they're making him look like a demonic bunny.
I can't get enough of his hands! I wants them.
The face looks excellent. All your colors and tones are working really well together too.
I really like the horns, but a powdered wig might be a really cool (albeit different) look for him. Maybe just do a quick 3d-blockin and see how you like it?
Great work all around as always though, man. Some inspiring work in this thread
We just love seeing someone with real decent knowledge of all-known anatomies! It's only so much you can do with what is really logical and acceptable with organic muscle and bones, BUT for me you just push that lil bit further what makes it memorable.:)
Like last year your dude with 6 arms, how you placed em in the middle underbelly was clever, and I am seeing it done alot this year's comp. But for me you was the first - and this one again. THumbs up.
I have to say, the closer a look I take at this piece, the more it sincerely freaks me out. There's something about it that's so real and so wrong, that it actually makes me feel like running and hiding under my sheets scared, you know?
If I saw this guy coming at me in a video game, I'd probably turn the game off, run away from my console and never play the game again. (At least not in the dark, anyway :P) I think it's the open digestive system that does it
However, I agree with others--like him better without the horns. Too distracting.
Please stop making this thing so awesome!! I'm gonna start having nightmares
Personally, I like the horns...though it does make him look a bit awkward
so keep the horns cuz they are awesome, and add a small wig that hangs down the sides cuz that's awesome as well....
so that's to scoops of awesome on your awesome model. :poly142:
hats off dude.
also, i loved his bare shoulders, it's nice to see someone who gives a shit about anatomy for once in a while. you could make him a bit asymmetrical, a shoulder with armor, the other one without.
i have to agree with the others, it give the impression of simplicity, but so cool none the less.
Badass either way, and I'd be interested to see how you'd pull off the wig :P