hey everyone. I haven't posted here before though I've been a member for quite some time (since DW2 I believe). decided recently to become more involved in the community so, here's some of my work, mostly older stuff. few recent things. hope you all enjoy, crits and comments are welcome if you like...
here are just a couple characters for an animation I was working on not too long ago (project is currently on hold)...
quick paint character...
What sort of size do you work on those thumbnails at? They seem to have a fair amount of detail in them which looks cool! Also what sort of timeframe are knocking these out in? As ive really gotta step up my game if im to be of any use!
Inspiring stuff!
got some more stuff to post...
these 2 here are as yet unfinished but I'll be getting back to them soon (maybe, lol)
here's a sketch I just started working on, trying a new approach to my digital process...
sort of a chalkboard effect, white on black...
tone the white down some and just flat in some grey...
and work in some details...
more on this guy l8r...
*obligatory nitpick*: It'd be nice to see a little less monochromatic action and some more refinement. They really deserve it.
You: Why?
Me: well I suck at making those mini sketch ideas so observing others do it might guide me and others with my problem in the right direction:P...
anyway keep posting.
and yeah, I suck at making the mini thumbs as well, so I'd like to see a video of you doing them too
ae|peppi: thx, always nice to see others getting excited about my work, lets me know I'm doing at least one thing right, lol.
whipswitch: oh man, that's right on the nose, story of my life, lol. however, I'm making more of an effort to post finished works and should have some refined illustrations up to see soon. thx for the obligatory nitpick...just what I need every now and then.
zcorpion|bounchfx|coldkodiak: thumbnails are pretty much my favorite thing to do because I'm always coming up with new ideas and I need to get them out quick. as for the video, I'm sure I can cook something up for you guys in the next few days. It wont be a gnomon dvd but it'll be something watchable, lol. glad you all like the thumbs
gb: hey man! don't make me come over to your house and eat all your food again, lmao. we gotta get another few concept brainstorms going soon, post some work man your stuff needs to be seen, lol.
ok here we go again...this illustration here is a current WIP I'm working on, also I got another set of thumbs I did to warm up...
was warm enough to start painting after filling in only 2 of them, but they are thumbs, I'm sure I'll come back to them at some point for some juice
this one here is a rough draft and the idea is still very loose in my head so, changes will trickle down as I progress further but...here it is right now
mark me down as yet another fan!
Blown away by the thumbnails.
original sketch (graphite pencil/ charcoal on marker paper):
readjusting and tweaking in photoshop, some added values:
adding details, and getting set for coloring:
shotgun: lol, thx
coldkodiak: ...nice, lol
pixelmitherer: thx, it seems I'll at least be known for making cool thumbnails, lol.
ged/monstro: good to hear I'm headed in the right direction with the latest piece, thx you guys.
truedeja: It's great that you can draw inspiration to take your art to another level, it's even cooler that my art is what inspires you, I'm honored, thx for the compliment.
ok still been quite busy with other things and dw4, but heres the current state of the last piece I posted. for now its done, but I will more than likely come back to it and add a few more things I can see would help it look better...
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note: I am not extremely versed in the Star Trek universe, just thot it was a cool storyline use...
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