ParoXum, if I remember correctly you need to add new elements inside the lensflare, do no edit the base element (named Source). When I used UED it almost always crashed as soon as I changed anything on the base element.
Gearing up for my next project. Having a hard time trying to get a skinny but toned figure. Back seems too skinny, front seems too toned, i need the middle ground.
Speaking as a skinny but toned individual, my ribcage does NOT poke out like that at all, especially near the bottom - the bottom of your character's ribcage is too wide side to side, for one. And my back muscles completely cover the ribcage. The only place you can actually see ribs are on the side in front of my lats and behind my pecs, and even those could be mistaken for the serratus.
quickie painting (<2 hrs) and a nude study (2-3 hrs).... need to simplify the strokes and focus on color/lighting
[shameless art whoring] and since people have asked, I do sell these things... current economic conditions and an urge to pay off all my student loans have forced Ferg's Mediocre Art Gallery into the commercial realm... shoot me a pm if curious [/shameless art whoring]
Ok well I have crossed into the darkside....
I wanted to get some feedback, this is my first "real" (meaning not failed attempt at Z brush. I made a base mesh in 3ds Max and then detailed it in Z Brush.
woogity, nice! I like the veins on the back of the hand especially, do give the blueishness a shot and see how it looks. The palm itself looks a little strange to me, though... can't quite put my finger on it (ha ha). Maybe there's one too many lines in there.
Azimn, you're making the classic mistake of first-time ZBrush users: spending way too little time on getting the large and medium-sized features right. You should concentrate first on getting nice chunky medium-sized shapes in there, like the definition of the chin, the jawline, the area around the mouth, etc. Don't jump into the fine detail until you're fully satisfied with that phase of your sculpt.
If it doesn't already look great without the fine detail, all the pores and wrinkles in the world aren't going to fix it.
For some excellent examples of sculpting workflow, check out this blog full of great timelapse character sculpts:
Greetings All,
We are Scorch and we are creating an environment for the Unearthly Challenge "END GAME"
Here is a link to our work in progress, Feed back is appreciated.
KAKU <(O)> <(o)> View now
@azimn - try broadening the forehead making the jaw less broad the scales on the brow just make it look like it should be broader, looking good though
@woog - a few things, the skin looks like its been tanning and has started to peel, on the palm the life lines looks like there are a couple extra ones or they're not flowing right, i think the blue would look good on the veins not to much though and maybe try some green
**edit** guess i was typing this at the same time as flathead, just took me longer to post lol
Hey, this isnt CDG, if you're going to tell someone to fix something, you have to be more specific. Would you post in a character thread and say "it looks great, but please.. fix the face"? Just be clear when you give crits man, its not hard.
haha again, im no weapon expert, and im sure there are lot's of faults with it, but could you be more detailed roBOT? :P thank you for crits though always helps
On these rails, the cut out only goes halfway down, not all the way down the <_____> shape.
Good job on the guns lately man, it would be cool to see some higher res renders, maybe a little darker material with some more spec to show off the forms better as well.
How long did it take you to make that? I'm trying my hands at guns now. Here's how far I got.
Ayro: Well it's an old model that i worked on from time to time so im not sure about hours, but i was half done when i decided to finish up the HP 2 days ago, good start btw
MoP: Thanks
"edit" Thanks for the clarification Earthquake, good to know trying to update my portfolio with highres pics so please do check out later, might try some other render method later aswell.
OK Thanks guys!
So I fixed a few things and here is the result. I fixed the chin and the brow and the lips a bit.
Also as you can see I need some help with the textures. I have tried a couple of tutorials but I think I am going to have to texture it in zbrush. Right now my colours don't blend very well and because I didn't UVW map it before Z Brush my map is too terrible to take into photoshop and fix up.
If you guys know a tutorial I don't or have some advice that would be super awesome!
Mattw: Hahah- yeah I only read up about the rockers and how they should be placed after I had modelled the highpoly for all this stuff. The original image I was working from only had the badge like I have it now with the bottom rocker out of shot. I think putting it on now would throw the back view off a bit - maybe he is waiting for it to come in the post or something... that's my excuse anyway!
I love nice syntax highlighting (e.g Visual Assist for MSDEV), but quickly miss some of its features in other IDEs. For luxinia (Lua,Cg..) friend and I overhauled the wxLua based editor to a more complete IDE for our needs. Today I added function call highlighting, sadly wxwidgets' scintilla's automatic lexing would overwrite the detected function calls, so the only way to change their style was to use the indicators (meant for spelling and search highlighting). But well abused that a bit to get function call highlighting (which I like, it can be switched off and custom style and colors applied).
as seen from the code I also work on the OpenCL Lua-binding.
I wonder why no one has done red dwarf before! perfect for a little side project
A video game would be nice
Exactly what I was thinking. Made a quick test in unity.
Sadly I don't know if I'm going to take it further. I know that I'll make a bunch
of assets then my scripting will suck and ruin the whole thing.
Considering I haven't posted anything in awhile (haven't really had anything worth while to show... that'll change soon) I figure i might as well post someeethinnng.
Did these for a major project next term, I modeled out quick pieces and then painted over em to make it seem like I know what I am doing... which i don't :P
And of course... silly plant model (doing a couple of these)
Thanks once again to marmoset who continues to turn my shatty models into semi shatty models :P
Hopefully I'll have something better to show in the coming weeks
Im not quite sure what you were trying to change with the proportions?
everyone is commenting on it being a bit disproportionate (other places not here), but the legs are normal length for an adult woman, I think people are just too used to seeing stylised women with legs like stilts. I actually think having her proportioned in a less idealised way creates more character as well .
either that or im having a bad case of art blindness.
Muzz, i dig it. I wouldn't stress over it too much. It comes off as very clearly stylized, and it's consistent within the character. It is good.
She's just slightly bowlegged in the shins, but it looks cute. What Zoid meant when he said he was going to change the proportions was "I have a boner and i'm want to play with your character." and so he did, and his retake on it is also cute, albeit very similar.
keen you are crazy first you add gi light mapping to unity and now a nodebased shader editor ?!?!? is there any plan to make this available to the public or do i have to join your team to get my hands on this ?!?
also that snow shader is it distributed based on vertex colors like that naughty dog/uncharted shader ?
oh yeah, I think a futuristic flamethrower would probably have a spark gap igniter (like a tazer) instead of a pilot light. Although I know why people have the pilot light, it looks cool ;-)
Quick guide:
This might be out of date.
I should have re-read the UDN before too..
Speaking as a skinny but toned individual, my ribcage does NOT poke out like that at all, especially near the bottom - the bottom of your character's ribcage is too wide side to side, for one. And my back muscles completely cover the ribcage. The only place you can actually see ribs are on the side in front of my lats and behind my pecs, and even those could be mistaken for the serratus.
And I'm a 5'9", 120 lb guy, so I AM quite skinny.
[shameless art whoring] and since people have asked, I do sell these things... current economic conditions and an urge to pay off all my student loans have forced Ferg's Mediocre Art Gallery into the commercial realm... shoot me a pm if curious [/shameless art whoring]
Nice model, really nice render.
How long did it take you to make that? I'm trying my hands at guns now. Here's how far I got.
I wanted to get some feedback, this is my first "real" (meaning not failed attempt at Z brush. I made a base mesh in 3ds Max and then detailed it in Z Brush.
o no spec yet, think i should touch up the veins with some blueish?
Azimn, you're making the classic mistake of first-time ZBrush users: spending way too little time on getting the large and medium-sized features right. You should concentrate first on getting nice chunky medium-sized shapes in there, like the definition of the chin, the jawline, the area around the mouth, etc. Don't jump into the fine detail until you're fully satisfied with that phase of your sculpt.
If it doesn't already look great without the fine detail, all the pores and wrinkles in the world aren't going to fix it.
For some excellent examples of sculpting workflow, check out this blog full of great timelapse character sculpts:
We are Scorch and we are creating an environment for the Unearthly Challenge "END GAME"
Here is a link to our work in progress, Feed back is appreciated.
KAKU <(O)> <(o)>
View now
@woog - a few things, the skin looks like its been tanning and has started to peel, on the palm the life lines looks like there are a couple extra ones or they're not flowing right, i think the blue would look good on the veins not to much though and maybe try some green
**edit** guess i was typing this at the same time as flathead, just took me longer to post lol
You need to include his 'attachment' for food preparation!
lister plz, curry stains mandatory
Looking good, the head is spot on, but please fix the chest , the 'pecs' should extend further to the shoulder - see here:
On your mesh they seem squeezed in towards the center
Hey, this isnt CDG, if you're going to tell someone to fix something, you have to be more specific. Would you post in a character thread and say "it looks great, but please.. fix the face"? Just be clear when you give crits man, its not hard.
On these rails, the cut out only goes halfway down, not all the way down the <_____> shape.
Good job on the guns lately man, it would be cool to see some higher res renders, maybe a little darker material with some more spec to show off the forms better as well.
Ayro: Well it's an old model that i worked on from time to time so im not sure about hours, but i was half done when i decided to finish up the HP 2 days ago, good start btw
MoP: Thanks
"edit" Thanks for the clarification Earthquake, good to know
So I fixed a few things and here is the result. I fixed the chin and the brow and the lips a bit.
Also as you can see I need some help with the textures. I have tried a couple of tutorials but I think I am going to have to texture it in zbrush. Right now my colours don't blend very well and because I didn't UVW map it before Z Brush my map is too terrible to take into photoshop and fix up.
If you guys know a tutorial I don't or have some advice that would be super awesome!
I wonder why no one has done red dwarf before! perfect for a little side project
A video game would be nice
Still loads to do on this guy but it's coming along. Spec is just a basic mask at the minute and hasn't been touched otherwise.
its procedural snow placement. The textures are not made by me. I found them on teh webertubez.
and heres the entire node network:
worked on the UI a bit:
Mattw: Hahah- yeah I only read up about the rockers and how they should be placed after I had modelled the highpoly for all this stuff. The original image I was working from only had the badge like I have it now with the bottom rocker out of shot. I think putting it on now would throw the back view off a bit - maybe he is waiting for it to come in the post or something... that's my excuse anyway!
I love nice syntax highlighting (e.g Visual Assist for MSDEV), but quickly miss some of its features in other IDEs. For luxinia (Lua,Cg..) friend and I overhauled the wxLua based editor to a more complete IDE for our needs. Today I added function call highlighting, sadly wxwidgets' scintilla's automatic lexing would overwrite the detected function calls, so the only way to change their style was to use the indicators (meant for spelling and search highlighting). But well abused that a bit to get function call highlighting (which I like, it can be switched off and custom style and colors applied).
as seen from the code I also work on the OpenCL Lua-binding.
heres an orc i did today using my ndsi and a program called colours.
My first sculpt/character in over a year. Just a rough so far - looks a bit like Frankenstein right now.
thanks for the input guys
i was planning on some suggested changes to proportions.....but then i just starting painting some parts for fun. More bewbs!
You need a front sight post.
Exactly what I was thinking. Made a quick test in unity.
Sadly I don't know if I'm going to take it further. I know that I'll make a bunch
of assets then my scripting will suck and ruin the whole thing.
Did these for a major project next term, I modeled out quick pieces and then painted over em to make it seem like I know what I am doing... which i don't :P
And of course... silly plant model (doing a couple of these)
Thanks once again to marmoset who continues to turn my shatty models into semi shatty models :P
Hopefully I'll have something better to show in the coming weeks
Muzz: very cute
general detailing, starting retopo and you can see some concept polypainting i did
Im not quite sure what you were trying to change with the proportions?
everyone is commenting on it being a bit disproportionate (other places not here), but the legs are normal length for an adult woman, I think people are just too used to seeing stylised women with legs like stilts. I actually think having her proportioned in a less idealised way creates more character as well
either that or im having a bad case of art blindness.
She's just slightly bowlegged in the shins, but it looks cute. What Zoid meant when he said he was going to change the proportions was "I have a boner and i'm want to play with your character." and so he did, and his retake on it is also cute, albeit very similar.
also that snow shader is it distributed based on vertex colors like that naughty dog/uncharted shader ?
I MUST KNOW !!!!!!!!
Just used to paintovers being for critique .
thanks guys anyway
and keen you are haxxorz!
fixed it a little
This is the result. Design is not mine, will try to look up the link to it.
Still not happy with the front design but will have to start modeling the low poly version ASAP as I am getting a bit tired of it. But so far fun.