Hey all I'm new to the site, I've been doin the 3d for a while and working in games for about 2 years or since I've been out of high school. I'm in college at AI chicago. Any feedback is metal. My web site can be viewed here at davidlesperance.blogspot.com. Sorry Not sure how to scale these mofo's lol. Any feedback is great. These are all of my own personal private work, but the dudes below help a ton in beeing cool people to help crit Right now its mainly a focus on HP art which is towards the bottom. :poly122:Stay Metal
Special Shout Out to Moody, Mikey, and the amazing Kevin J, Dan L aka tall and sexy, John Powell, Andy Firth, Kurt Willams, Joe Burger, Dan B and John Powell.

I don't have too much to say, your doing all the right things lol keep at it. Really inspirational stuff in your blog
... well the tinest thing to say would be that theres too much to look at in things like the last pic you've posted buuuuut thats a pretty small nitpick lol
How do you work so fast? Other than working "really,really fast". You said you were taught to work in "rapid development pipeline". Can you eleobrate on any of that? do you use any tricks or methods to your workflow? Polyboost, modifiers or anything?
Hot damn your good!
You seriously have to break down your workflow, you do this stuff in a bit a day? Is it all in one sitting or are you saying more so Hours... so maybe you spend a week on these (or I guess 3 days) and put 8 hours towards it each day.
Be nice if some of those shots were blown up, would really like to see some of the finer details!
Awesome work man.
Great work
I am really looking forward to hearing about the specifics of your workflow.
Like others have said, very inspiring stuff!
When you say speed, how long are you talking about?
Also, bigger shots of that UE3 stuff on your site plz!!
Seriously? . . . Nice work though.
Ditto, I'd love to know your workflow for this kind of stuff!
I use max for all of my hp stuff and whenever I can in a work setting. As of recent I have been using XSI. The best thing to become faster I think is to do it over and over again. I try to a piece a weekend. And I do it everyday at work. Hope that helps. I true workflow is coming soon. Thanks again.
Dave or Metal if you will.
and your probably more knowledgeable than any of your teachers there when it comes to working with 3d art at least
(not sure how good the traditional art teachers are there).
It just seems like kind of an expensive way to be handed 3d projects for your personal work.
Or maybe I'm just a little bitter about all the debt I have from going to college, ha ha.
- Still patiently awaiting the workflow specifics
On a personal note though, no one who says "stay metal" in every post should say "lol" so often. Ironically, not very metal.
Stay Metal (lol
Stay metal
Projection master's use of copy/paste for the win.
Awesome work, I wanna know more!!!
Stay Metal
Still havent found a good way to doc my work flow. Its coming sorry about the delay.
The thing is though, you totally failed to duplicate the source. The reason I pointed you to this image was because its got regular realistic shapes and it would have forced you to make reality look cool and learn about how things really work.
You've take the easy route of being fast and making cool looking satisfying shapes and throwing them together and created something that is inspired by something real but doesnt look real because its now lost most of its grounding in reality.
If I were your teacher rather than someone simply suggesting something that would help you, I'd fail you for this one!!
It's hard for me to say how functional this engine really is, I was never that much into mechanics so it seems as plausible as the ref pic to me. Only hardcores like ror can spot that. But I will agree it seems excessively - and possibly uselessly - detailed. For example, those tubes you injected into the 3 diagonal forms, as well as those clips-things, do the actually do anything? But perhaps more importantly, they don't seem to follow a clear, focused, global design. They just make things more busy.
Any "algorithm" you introduce into the original, basic design should reoccur in more than one level. The more standalone stuff you have the more you lose the viewer. Try and build things step-by-step, layer-by-layer, holding yourself back from using 100 shapes and forms. Place your basic layers and elaborate them, don't add new ones. This is perhaps why you find it difficult to doc your work flow.