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Omfg, Obama is President



  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage
    Barr would have been better, but no one has heard of him, haha
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    Thegodzero wrote: »
    "I'm not even of voting age... Obama just seems too idealistic."

    That's just sad... the youths are supposed to be all about idealism. Its about the only time in your life where your not broken down too far to be idealistic.

    Just because I'm young doesn't mean I have to believe in vague ideas, amirite?
    Like I said, Obama will probly do our contry some good, but I still just don't know.
    Mostly I'm apathetic about politics anyways.
  • Mishra
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    Mishra polycounter lvl 18
    i'd say that it's a minor political victory, change probably won't be that drastic. however, symbolically, it is gigantic enormous hugely huge, and that is what i find best, that a poor black kid from all over the place can become one of the most powerful men in the world is amazing. it's pretty much the personification of the american dream, regardless of the job he does.
  • Smirnoffka
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    Smirnoffka polycounter lvl 17

    What will be will be for you guys. You should just be smiling that you no longer have Bush as your president, for that is a good thing.
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 19
    Originally Posted by Sage View Post
    osama is president.... I hope this doesn't come bite us in the arse.
    and thats just the sort of racist bullshit i would expect from a right winger. who knew we would see that kind of BS here on polycount. for shame sir. for shame.

    Oh next time quote me correctly You left the LOL out.

    Hey Ryan I was joking, I voted for the guy and I'm Hispanic for the record. Don't get your panties in a bunch. Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't really care about being politically correct. The fact is Obama might help make this country far worse than Bush did especially after all the power the president got during the last eight years. Other politicians that used similar catch phrases as Obama to win the masses over during their campaigns were Stalin, Fidel Castro and Hitler. It's way to easy to blame one group, party, race, etc for the problems a country has. I hope things get better, way better and not worse though. Time will tell. You can call me an ignorant prick or ahole if you wish, but really get to know me first before you go say I'm a "Right Winger". Please that really hurt my feelings. :D The Racist bit, I'm not sure of yet, I'm on the fence on that one since I tend to hate all stupid people regardeless of gender and "race" equally, but of course I try and get to know them first before I make up my mind. The reality is I don't trust the candidates that have run in the last three elections.

    Cheers man.
  • hobodactyl
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    hobodactyl polycounter lvl 18
    I'm so happy, but a lot of the wind has been taken out of my sails because all across the nation various props repealed gay rights, and South Dakota made abortions illegal... we're certainly still not nearly as tolerant as some of us would like to think :(

    P.S. - Stevens AND Bachmann both won? From wiki:
    "If reelected, Stevens will be the first felon elected to the United States Senate."

    Still; first black U.S. president? Pwnt. There's hope yet :)
  • IronHawk
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    IronHawk polycounter lvl 10
    Don't hate the player guys hate the game. =p
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    Sage, get laid.
  • Pedro Amorim
    Johny wrote: »
    Sage, get laid.

    player hater
  • Steviant
    I do like the occasional comparisons some people seem to make between Obama and Hitler's oratory techniques. So, being a fantastic speaker and an inspirational leader means you're going to be the new Hitler? Wonderful argument, that.
  • ChrisG
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    ChrisG polycounter lvl 14
    its funny becasue the uk wont have a non white prime minster for at least another 8-14 years, just becasue of the system
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    Change isn't going to happen quickly. We won't be out of Iraq for several more years. Universal health care won't happen for years and alternative fuels are still being researched. Obama is going to take us in the right direction, but don't fool yourself into thinking it's going to happen overnight. It's going to take time. But it's going to be fun ride at least :)
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    to kill Cojax:


    this is a picture of a canadian leopard 2A6M in afghanistan.
    there's about 20 of them, and all have been sent to afghanistan
    canada actually rented these tanks from germany so they could send them as fast as possible to help out in afghanistan, before this, the canadian government was basically on their way to remove the leopard C1A1 and C2 in favour of a "lighter and more mobile force" based on the stryker MGS of barely 20 tons which is basically a flawed concept, based on rapid insertion of airliftable forces.
    then they went 180 degrees and sent the 60 ton leo2 instead.
    because of the ordeal with trying to transition to lighter forces, canada has about 65 leopard C1A1 left,
    15 of which has been sent to afghanistan.
    comparing this to the american effort, USA has zero abrams tanks in afghanistan.
    they're far too busy patrolling around in iraq, and guzzling up millions of tax dollars worth of fuel.
    USA has about 4000 abrams tanks, after downsizing from around 8000.
  • Mark Dygert
    I woke up today and was severely disappointed that for the second straight day in a row;
    - My car hadn't transformed itself into a solar powered car...
    - My condo hadn't transformed itself into self sustaining mansion...
    - Healthcare for my wife and child aren't suddenly free...
    - And every inch of ground wasn't covered in panzies, causing everyone to stop fighting for fear of crushing a single flower...

    Instead I woke up to darkness and rain.
    Fuck hope and change! jk

    Of course change isn't going to happen overnight, and its going to take a lot of hard work and I'm not sure most of that work will be fun. But at least there seems to be a way positive way forward. I'm very happy about that and I'm willing to do what it takes to help.

    I'm also glad that the media might MIGHT get back to something other then politics...
    I'm looking at you NPR.
  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    Vig wrote: »
    I'm also glad that the media might MIGHT get back to something other then politics...
    I'm looking at you NPR.

    Good lord, if that ain't the truth. NPR has been nothing but wall-to-wall election coverage. Unfortunately, now all they're talking about is how things have changed after the election. Give it a rest, already.
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 18
    sonic wrote: »
    I am probably the only (or one of the few) person who is actually the owner of a small business here, and I would gladly pay more taxes if I were asked.

    Our current republican government continues to waste money on stupid shit every day and then they promise to lower taxes. It's a bunch of shit. They are a huge reason as to why we have a huge deficit every year and why our economy is getting shit on.

    Most people don't understand something important. The reason I had the chance to start my own business is because my country is so fucking awesome. Before these last 8 years of shit, the government actually took care of it's people and because of that we became extremely prosperous. Even if some of my money goes to some lazy mother fucker's college education that he never completes, he will become a more productive member of society due to the government's efforts and it makes our country better as a whole.

    Why do you think I can walk to my trash cans without fear of getting robbed? Our government takes care of us with a good Police force. Why do you think I was able to get a loan and start this business? The Small Business Administration section of the government helped me get a loan. Why do you think I can compete in a free market? Why do you think our country is so damn safe from terrorism and shit? BECAUSE WE GIVE THEM FUCKING MONEY TO DO IT!

    No honest & successful person would be where they are today if it weren't for our government. If they need money to take care of us and provide all these amazing things that allow us as individuals and a country to be extremely prosperous, then I'll hand it over in an instant.

    You can bitch all you want about that "lazy Mexican" who got a college grant through the government, but I guarantee you the more people we have like that around here the better our country will become. That "lazy Negro" who is on welfare because his life is in deep shit right now is now given the potential to go make something of himself instead of turning into another piece of shit gang member who sells drugs and kills people.

    Like Obama told "Joe the Plumber," yes, I will be taxing you more once you make more money. But put yourself in your shoes years ago when you didn't have a whole lot of money and you needed a break. If you had a break then, it would help you get to your goals faster.

    The more tools we provide to our people as a whole will improve our country as a whole. We can't force them into becoming productive and successful members of society, but giving them more options to move into the realm of success can only make us better in the end.

    I think I have a man-crush on Sonic now. Well said, bud.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Also in regards to free health care system, there isn't one place in the world that provides free health care with less then a 50% tax bracket. I'm all for it, but you don't see any of the talking heads reporting this and lots of folks will be all over that.
  • Cojax
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    Cojax polycounter lvl 10
    dejawolf wrote: »
    to kill Cojax:


    this is a picture of a canadian leopard 2A6M in afghanistan.
    there's about 20 of them, and all have been sent to afghanistan
    canada actually rented these tanks from germany so they could send them as fast as possible to help out in afghanistan, before this, the canadian government was basically on their way to remove the leopard C1A1 and C2 in favour of a "lighter and more mobile force" based on the stryker MGS of barely 20 tons which is basically a flawed concept, based on rapid insertion of airliftable forces.
    then they went 180 degrees and sent the 60 ton leo2 instead.
    because of the ordeal with trying to transition to lighter forces, canada has about 65 leopard C1A1 left,
    15 of which has been sent to afghanistan.
    comparing this to the american effort, USA has zero abrams tanks in afghanistan.
    they're far too busy patrolling around in iraq, and guzzling up millions of tax dollars worth of fuel.
    USA has about 4000 abrams tanks, after downsizing from around 8000.

    Thank you kind sir! This was the answer I was looking for. Now I wonder, how many other counties have done this same thing. Having rented them from Germany do they intend on giving these back now that they are withdrawing? Correct me if I'm wrong but what use does a tank have in Afghanistan at this time? Other then becoming a huge target for IED's. I can see tanks in Iraq still right now, larger area, tank is a huge intimidating machine...

    Wow this derailed fast.

    Someone kill it.

    Still blame Canada though :P
  • Mark Dygert
    Dekard wrote: »
    Also in regards to free health care system, there isn't one place in the world that provides free health care with less then a 50% tax bracket. I'm all for it, but you don't see any of the talking heads reporting this and lots of folks will be all over that.
    I don't think Obama has plans for Europe style health care which would incur much higher taxes. His plans are far less ambitions then they've been made out to be and as such far less expensive. It's more of a face lift for health care and removal of some of the hooks that big business has put in health care to make it less effective and more profitable.

    - Mandatory health care for children.
    - Lower costs by encouraging technology, specifically in record keeping.
    - New government sponsored insurance options.
    - Guaranteed eligibility.
    - Penalties for large companies that can but don't provide health care.
    - Improved preventative care.

    All good things but not exactly socialized health care. We're looking at higher taxes, and possibly higher taxes to help pay for this health care but its pretty alarmist to freak out and think that there are drastic changes coming and we're going to be taxed like countries with socialized medicine.

    Personally I like the idea of socialized medicine but getting America to sign off on it especially with the large looming debt we face I doubt we'll see it happen in the next 3-4 presidents.

    But Obama's plan is pretty good, and a lot better then taxing the shit out of health care and doing nothing to improve it. Then sending out 5k checks and hoping it covers whatever plan you can scrounge up.
  • Mark Dygert
    Correct me if I'm wrong but what use does a tank have in Afghanistan at this time? Other then becoming a huge target for IED's. I can see tanks in Iraq still right now, larger area, tank is a huge intimidating machine...
    Well they are designed to take huge impacts, making most IED's nothing more then a scorch mark. But they are hugely inefficient machines and all that armor comes at a price. They are also far less nimble and often get used for things they really aren't designed for (tank vs tank warfare) because most armies continue to pump money into Cold War traditional warfare machines.

    Most governments are working on new tech and ideas to deal with new problems but technically all our high tech crap is outdated or overpowered for this type of conflict. We have a bag full of high tech hammers when we need scalpels. Its running up a huge debt to keep it running AND research proper methods, at least for America.

    I'm sure the Canadian government picked the best available vehicles for the job at the time.
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    I am very happy Barack Obama is our new president. It feels good to be proud in my country and last night restored some of the faith i have lost in these 8 years. Anyone who knows me knows i can be quite critical of my country but only out love for its people,our spirit,our culture and especially our history. This love was instilled in me by my father who told me when i was growing up that if you worked hard you could make it in this country,no matter who you are. I am of the firm belief that Americans good people and over time we will make this country a more perfect union.Prop 8 sucked but the times will changed.

    It was also pretty heartening to see such enthusiasim about our elections around the world.The problems we have are domestic but as well as international and we need as much good faith from the world as we can get if we are to solve alot of the issues we face today.

    Im glad he won,i hope he will make a good president.
  • Luxury
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    Luxury polycounter lvl 18
    hobodactyl wrote: »
    South Dakota made abortions illegal...
    Not true. This was defeated.
  • diminished_Self
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    diminished_Self polycounter lvl 12
    Joopson wrote: »
    Barr would have been better, but no one has heard of him, haha

    you mean the nut job libertarian that told that other nut job ron paul, who was probably the greatest chance the libertarian party has ever had, to fuck off?

    nope. never heard of him. sounds like a dick though.
  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    dejawolf wrote: »
    to kill Cojax:


    this is a picture of a canadian leopard 2A6M in afghanistan.
    there's about 20 of them, and all have been sent to afghanistan
    canada actually rented these tanks from germany so they could send them as fast as possible to help out in afghanistan, before this, the canadian government was basically on their way to remove the leopard C1A1 and C2 in favour of a "lighter and more mobile force" based on the stryker MGS of barely 20 tons which is basically a flawed concept, based on rapid insertion of airliftable forces.
    then they went 180 degrees and sent the 60 ton leo2 instead.
    because of the ordeal with trying to transition to lighter forces, canada has about 65 leopard C1A1 left,
    15 of which has been sent to afghanistan.
    comparing this to the american effort, USA has zero abrams tanks in afghanistan.
    they're far too busy patrolling around in iraq, and guzzling up millions of tax dollars worth of fuel.
    USA has about 4000 abrams tanks, after downsizing from around 8000.


  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 19
    Johny I'm working on getting laid, really. :D

    From watching documentaries on the military channel, tanks don't set off IEDs as easily as a non tracked vehicle because of how the tracks distribute the tanks weight.
  • Marcus Dublin
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    Marcus Dublin polycounter lvl 17
    It seems that staff members from the McCain camp have been slinging a bit of mud towards Sarah Palin. News outlets have been getting word at how difficult she was to deal with and her lack of knowledge of basic geography, polices, etc.

    To think this woman actually had a shot at becoming Vice President, and even President should McCain's health had wavered.

    Anyways here's the Fox "from all places" News clip: [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1ktXKzT_gQ&feature=related[/ame]
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    ha, the military channel.
    IEDs are not set off by pressure sensors, they're set off by guys with mobile phones.
    basically they strap a mobile phone to the bomb, with the vibrator on. and the vibration sets off the detonator.
    IED means improvised explosive device.
    its basically anything they can get their grubby hands on that goes bang, duct taped to a mobile phone detonator.
    then they hide somewhere in the bushes, chant allahu ackbar, and wait for enemy vehicles to come along. because leaving the IED in the middle of the road is a bit obvious, they usually have to put it in drain ducts under the road, or on the side of the road, which is completely inefficient, unless they've dug down a 100kg charge or more.
    thats usually enough to kill at least 1 crewmember, usually the driver.
    the canadian leopards are IED proofed, with extra belly armour,
    and a seat slung from the roof for the driver.
    usually, the blast travels into the drivers seat, causing severe spinal injuries if its mounted on the floor.
    the canadian leopard also has slat armour, which is basically an RPG-proof fence.
    when the warhead strikes the fence, it deforms the warhead, reducing its RHAe penetration capability significantly, so it basically just splatters onto armour relatively harmlessly.

    as for what use a tank can have in afghanistan, a tank is basically boots on the ground.
    they can drive around and chat with the local populace, gather intel on talibans locations,
    and if the need arises, they have a 120mm gun loaded with High explosive shells that can deliver damage up to 2km away with a dispersion of about 1.5m.
    and they also have a machine gun aligned with the main sight, with an effective range of about 700 meters.
    the leopard 2A6 has 2 thermal imagers, one for the TC and one for the gunner.
    with it, they can spot camouflaged enemies at 2-3km, because they appear as bright hotspots in the thermals.
    i'd say tanks compare favourably to a helicopter, which can only operate during nice weather,
    and have fairly large repair bills after each mission.
    and comparing it to a jet bomber.. a laser guided bomb costs about 18 000$ each, and can cause significant collateral damage if there's a failure in the guidance warhead(a JDAM nearly killed Hamid karzai because of a failure in the warhead when the bomb struck the american position instead of the taliban one) ground fog/sandstorms can also interfere with the guidance.
    a tank round costs at most 2000$
    and tank rounds are completely unguided, all the ballistic calculations are done within the tank before the round is fired, and the gunner can adjust for error, like the laser rangefinder reflecting off a close object like a tree.
    yes. tanks have lasers.

    anyways, if obama wants to cut military spending, it should be in the air force and navy, especially air-superiority fighters are completely unneccesary money drains, and should be grounded until the end of the deficit.
    A-10s and AH-64 apaches are useful tools, although expensive to operate.
    he should also axe the army's FCS.

    oh and as for the rented leo2s by canada, they intend to give them back after they've finished using them, and then buy 100 from dutch surplus.
  • dejawolf
    Offline / Send Message
    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    It seems that staff members from the McCain camp have been slinging a bit of mud towards Sarah Palin. News outlets have been getting word at how difficult she was to deal with and her lack of knowledge of basic geography, polices, etc.

    To think this woman actually had a shot at becoming Vice President, and even President should McCain's health had wavered.

    Anyways here's the Fox "from all places" News clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1ktXKzT_gQ&feature=related

    hah, funky seeing the snakes at fox turning on its own tail.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    woah, people dumping on Canada's military is grade-A douch-baggery material
  • [MILES]
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 19
    Miles that clip reminds me of what the republican party is doing, except it's real. :D I loved the MSNBC shows reporting on how Palin is being blamed for them losing the election. :D Also the report the The first dog bit a reporter was really funny.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Hahaha Miles that is so nicely done!
    I am wondering how many internet users are going to believe this is real because 'it's on youtube'
    I love how the empty stares and mind twisted speeches of these 'Obama Zombies' remind me of documentaries about the Jesus camps/religious ecstasy. Great find!
  • Ephesians 2:8-9
  • Michael Knubben
    The bit in the O'reilly video where Bill says 'okay, so lack of knowledge on basic geography, but they could bring her up to speed, there had to have been more', as if they could just grab any bum off the street and train them to be Vice President in a fortnight is depressingly telling.
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    MightyPea wrote: »
    The bit in the O'reilly video where Bill says 'okay, so lack of knowledge on basic geography, but they could bring her up to speed, there had to have been more', as if they could just grab any bum off the street and train them to be Vice President in a fortnight is depressingly telling.

    any bum would do better as president than palin.
  • Mishra
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    Mishra polycounter lvl 18
    then they'd be grilled on their belief in bags, paper or plastic, which kind makes better shoes, what parts of a refrigerator are edible, etc.
  • Cojax
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    Cojax polycounter lvl 10
    woah, people dumping on Canada's military is grade-A douch-baggery material

    What are you talking about I love Canada, and it's Military...

  • PeterK
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    PeterK greentooth
    I didn’t post in any of the other political threads on this forum because the arguments were enumerated by others, and argued in turn. Because although we may all disagree on countless issues, the common thread between us all is that we cared enough to participate.

    Our differences, although stark, are rendered pale by our common journey, and the desire to see those we care about happy and safe.

    The spirit of our times was one of division, one of dissension, and oppression; and regardless of whom you voted for, we have all chosen to stand together in the face of this unwieldy spirit, and cry out with one voice. “We will not go quietly along this downward path; we will burn our light more ferociously than ever in the face of anguish, and illuminate every corner of our common spirit”.

    Thank you all who voted, and whenever you feel the old spirit reaching with its bony hands, remember that our path is before us, not behind us.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master

    i loled.

    especially at the shopping lady :P
  • Mark Dygert
    PeterK wrote: »
    I didn’t post in any of the other political threads on this forum because the arguments were enumerated by others, and argued in turn. Because although we may all disagree on countless issues, the common thread between us all is that we cared enough to participate.

    Our differences, although stark, are rendered pale by our common journey, and the desire to see those we care about happy and safe.

    The spirit of our times was one of division, one of dissension, and oppression; and regardless of whom you voted for, we have all chosen to stand together in the face of this unwieldy spirit, and cry out with one voice. “We will not go quietly along this downward path; we will burn our light more ferociously than ever in the face of anguish, and illuminate every corner of our common spirit”.

    Thank you all who voted, and whenever you feel the old spirit reaching with its bony hands, remember that our path is before us, not behind us.
    Totally agree. Whichever candidate won we where going to move forward not backward. They both heard that voice and rose up to champion it.

    It really didn't matter if we took 48th street or 52nd street they both where going to the same place.
  • thesenator
    Here Israeli analyst provides a detailed comparison of Obama to Michael Jackson: http://samsonblinded.org/blog/michael-jackson-for-president.htm
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    dejawolf wrote: »
    ha, the military channel.
    IEDs are not set off by pressure sensors, they're set off by guys with mobile phones.
    basically they strap a mobile phone to the bomb, with the vibrator on. and the vibration sets off the detonator.
    IED means improvised explosive device.
    its basically anything they can get their grubby hands on that goes bang, duct taped to a mobile phone detonator.
    then they hide somewhere in the bushes, chant allahu ackbar, and wait for enemy vehicles to come along. because leaving the IED in the middle of the road is a bit obvious, they usually have to put it in drain ducts under the road, or on the side of the road, which is completely inefficient, unless they've dug down a 100kg charge or more.
    thats usually enough to kill at least 1 crewmember, usually the driver.
    the canadian leopards are IED proofed, with extra belly armour,
    and a seat slung from the roof for the driver.
    usually, the blast travels into the drivers seat, causing severe spinal injuries if its mounted on the floor.
    the canadian leopard also has slat armour, which is basically an RPG-proof fence.
    when the warhead strikes the fence, it deforms the warhead, reducing its RHAe penetration capability significantly, so it basically just splatters onto armour relatively harmlessly.

    as for what use a tank can have in afghanistan, a tank is basically boots on the ground.
    they can drive around and chat with the local populace, gather intel on talibans locations,
    and if the need arises, they have a 120mm gun loaded with High explosive shells that can deliver damage up to 2km away with a dispersion of about 1.5m.
    and they also have a machine gun aligned with the main sight, with an effective range of about 700 meters.
    the leopard 2A6 has 2 thermal imagers, one for the TC and one for the gunner.
    with it, they can spot camouflaged enemies at 2-3km, because they appear as bright hotspots in the thermals.
    i'd say tanks compare favourably to a helicopter, which can only operate during nice weather,
    and have fairly large repair bills after each mission.
    and comparing it to a jet bomber.. a laser guided bomb costs about 18 000$ each, and can cause significant collateral damage if there's a failure in the guidance warhead(a JDAM nearly killed Hamid karzai because of a failure in the warhead when the bomb struck the american position instead of the taliban one) ground fog/sandstorms can also interfere with the guidance.
    a tank round costs at most 2000$
    and tank rounds are completely unguided, all the ballistic calculations are done within the tank before the round is fired, and the gunner can adjust for error, like the laser rangefinder reflecting off a close object like a tree.
    yes. tanks have lasers.

    anyways, if obama wants to cut military spending, it should be in the air force and navy, especially air-superiority fighters are completely unneccesary money drains, and should be grounded until the end of the deficit.
    A-10s and AH-64 apaches are useful tools, although expensive to operate.
    he should also axe the army's FCS.

    oh and as for the rented leo2s by canada, they intend to give them back after they've finished using them, and then buy 100 from dutch surplus.

    very interesting post

    although if someone invaded my country I'd probably set up IEDs all over the place to blow them up too
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    lol dutch surplus.
  • Brobot
    This is an awesome interview on international TV about how Obama will be the same or worse than Bush. Didn't really matter who won. The same underlying plan for America and the push for world government is still on track and speeding up by the second.... The only true candidates that would actually listen to the people were the third party candidates, but they have no chance in our two party dictatorship.

  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Brome wins this thread!

  • ChrisG
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    ChrisG polycounter lvl 14
    hawken wrote: »
    very interesting post

    although if someone invaded my country I'd probably set up IEDs all over the place to blow them up too

    Quoted for truth
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    Brobot wrote: »
    This is an awesome interview on international TV about how Obama will be the same or worse than Bush. Didn't really matter who won. The same underlying plan for America and the push for world government is still on track and speeding up by the second.... The only true candidates that would actually listen to the people were the third party candidates, but they have no chance in our two party dictatorship.


    thats wrong, there is a difference.

    McCain would stay in iraq "until the job is done"
    obama is going to pull the troops out after about half a year, and focus everything on afghanistan.
  • TWilson
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    TWilson polycounter lvl 18

    at least he's not a bumbling idiot like the last one :/
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    Now if he will stop bashing video game campaigns...it might make things a little easier.
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    obama for science:


    seems like stem cell research will start rolling again.
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