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How The F*#% Do I Model This? - Reply for help with specific shapes - (Post attempt before asking)



  • mAlkAv!An
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    mAlkAv!An polycounter lvl 5
    I was wondering myself some time ago if this might be an issue when baking normals?
    I ended up subdividing that inset cube once to get an 8-sided cylinder to extrude.

  • Danielmn
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    Danielmn polycounter lvl 14
    Great job

    anyway you can post before and after on the modifiers.

    I would love to see what layer is controlling what.

    Great job again.
  • Gazu
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    Gazu polycounter lvl 12
    Guys, how you would model the right side of the m4/m15?
    This Shape is killing my modeling skills everytime i want to create this shape.

    This is a cylinder, with a another cylinder coming out, then a box, then the cylinder is getting flat where the sleeve ejection is....damn, how to model dat?
    This is what i have atm:
  • Gazu
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    Gazu polycounter lvl 12
    Hey Perna!
    I have no idea how to model in the flat Shape which is coming after the box, without to destroy the round shape of the cylinder...and on the other side of the weapon the cylinder is normal round, not flat.
  • Nolan36
    First of all sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, but I've read the last few pages and I have a couple of questions regarding SubDs.

    I only work in Maya, so should I apply these techniques in Maya as well? I'm asking because I don't really see the advantages of using subDs compared to regular poly modelling. Additionally, all the menus regarding SubDs have been removed in Maya 2014.

    Also how important is it to know your way around with subDs if you want to work as an 3D Artist? Thanks in advance to any replies.
  • s6
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    s6 polycounter lvl 10
    You have the right thought process as far as i'm concerned: Break the model down into it's simplest forms, block those forms out, combine those forms together, and support.

    before you support anything at all I would make sure you have a solid block out though.


    From that point, use booleans and standard poly modeling tools to bring those shapes together. Pay careful attention to your intersections and the amount of geometry each separate shape has in comparison to the shape you're combining it with. The more closely the edges line up the easier it will be to clean up a boolean.

    Nothing too difficult to it though. Just a lot of preparation and planning to lay a proper foundation for a clean high.
  • dzibarik
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    dzibarik polycounter lvl 10
    I'm having troubles with this mesh. First, I can't get volume right - it doesn't look like leafs are going into waves-like shapes. They don't bulge, they just sit there. Second, there are too much edges to make it into one mesh without making geo pinch somewhere. I was thinkin about breaking this into separate meshes but the mesh will be 3D printed so I need to make it watertight.




    What would your workflow be? First, I just draw flat geo, then I extrude separate pieces, pull up vertices and so on. I terminate some edgeloops but many triangles and n-gons occur as result. Also I deform mech a bit so it would pop out but it doesn't seem to work yet.

    So what are guidelines for making something like this? And yes, there is now way to make this should be one watertight mesh.

  • dzibarik
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    dzibarik polycounter lvl 10
    ok,let's do this




  • dzibarik
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    dzibarik polycounter lvl 10
    not sure what you mean. First, I made the strip, then added 2 edge loops and after that I subdivided everything to have enough geo to work with. Or did you mean that I should add all edge loops I need by hand?

    Anyway I'll continue working with it after we finish another element but one thing that slows everything down is the shitty reference image. If I had a clear drawing I would know where to put my edgeloops to form the shape. So we decided to draw everything out and make some the most often used ornament shapes from some other reference.
  • s6
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    s6 polycounter lvl 10
  • Wintersun
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    Wintersun polycounter lvl 12
    Hello There, nice thread. been reading it for like 2 hours. now I got a question.
    Are there any non-manual ways to do a chamfer like the fillet in spline? I mean like the inner vertexes are closer and the outer ones are further. you can see what I mean in the picture below. The left one is a spline with fillet, and the right one is a chamfer. I want to make the left one in editable poly but chamfer isn't surely the thing to do.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    Ausonian wrote: »
    Keep in mind that turbosmooth doesn't give you a perfect circle from a square, so your cylinder section will be a bit deformed, but it's according to the needs :)

    just spherify the result ;)
  • vladrac
    Hello Polycount Forum,

    I was wondering if you could give me a hint on the best way to cut out a shape like this in a curved surface like a cylinder whitout deforming it.

    This is suppose to be a chrome material so any deformation in the vertex shows up easy :/

    I tried to do it from a low poly cylinder runnnig some insets in the front faces then sliding some vertex around their edges and using some smooth groups inside the shell to keep the form. But no real luck.

    Im posting the result I can get with a higher poly count - but the end result is really high poly (200k) just for this piece.

    Its a very basic shape - 1/2 sphere + Cylinder (obv ;) ), but Im quite a beginner so dont mock the questions ;)
  • supaclueless
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    supaclueless polycounter lvl 13
    I don't know if this is kinda what you intended to have, but its just a simple cylinder and i slid the horizontal loops with edge constraints so they will follow the curvature of the cylinder, then shelled with loops and voila. I also used a Tsmoothed cube spherified for the top

    You could achieve this with probably a lower geo cylinder (mine was 32) but I just used a decent amount to do this in a minute :)

    vladrac wrote: »
    Hello Polycount Forum,

    I was wondering if you could give me a hint on the best way to cut out a shape like this in a curved surface like a cylinder whitout deforming it.

    This is suppose to be a chrome material so any deformation in the vertex shows up easy :/

    I tried to do it from a low poly cylinder runnnig some insets in the front faces then sliding some vertex around their edges and using some smooth groups inside the shell to keep the form. But no real luck.

    Im posting the result I can get with a higher poly count - but the end result is really high poly (200k) just for this piece.

    Its a very basic shape - 1/2 sphere + Cylinder (obv ;) ), but Im quite a beginner so dont mock the questions ;)
  • mhaha2
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    mhaha2 polycounter lvl 9
    You can use hinge from edge.
    When you press it you get a little window where pick which edge you want to hinge from and the angle and amount of segments. But that window wasn't captured.

    Like so:
  • Wintersun
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    Wintersun polycounter lvl 12
    @perna Thank you man.
    @mhaha2 Thank you very much, although that's not what I meant, but at least I learned I can use hinge from edge with an edge from another element.
    I think perna got what I meant. I wanted to do this thing in edge extruding process. I can't edge extrude then chamfer to get something like the topology of the left one in the picture I sent last post. anyways thank you both.

    But here's another question :D I've done a lot of hard modelling but I can't get a good way to handle model when you rotate it, I know I can change coordinate system to local and even constraints to edge but sometimes even that is not what you want. I even know that I can make a straight one( not yet rotated) first and make a reference and rotate that and work on the straight one and see the result on the reference but still not the feeling you want. is there any way I can change the whole coordinate system to work with the rotated one as it is yet straight? If you know what I mean... can't explain any better. It has always been my nightmare to continue detailing on a rotated object.
  • mhaha2
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    mhaha2 polycounter lvl 9

    Not quite sure what you mean but it looks like you want something like this:
    It functions the same as your normal grid. When you create primitives they will be aligned to that grid, you can snap to it etc. When your done with it you can reactivate the homegrid or just delete it.
  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    semi-related: this seems like a fantastic time to link this: http://hannesdelbeke.blogspot.be/2014/05/modular-bend-fix.html

    "A maxscript that lets you control the bend modifier with more precision, excellent for modular prop design such as arcs in udk
    This script automatically fixes the bend modifier, but also gives the option for manual control"
  • WarrenM
    Also relayed, miauu makes an excellent workplane script for Max:


    Coming from Modo, this was a huge help. Once you get used to working with a work plane, it's hard to stop.
  • dzibarik
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    dzibarik polycounter lvl 10
    WarrenM wrote: »
    Also relayed, miauu makes an excellent workplane script for Max:


    Coming from Modo, this was a huge help. Once you get used to working with a work plane, it's hard to stop.

    thanks, it was one of the reasons it was so hard for me to get back into Max.
  • Wintersun
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    Wintersun polycounter lvl 12
    Thank you to both of you @fearian @WarrenM
    Man that workplane looks amazing, time saver.
  • Wintersun
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    Wintersun polycounter lvl 12
    @mhaha2 Thank you man. yea I never knew that feature in max. Thanks.
  • stealthx
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    stealthx polycounter lvl 10
    And here we are again. When I make handmade subdivision. I don't know where should I move unsubdivided vertices to get perfect circle in the end?

  • stealthx
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    stealthx polycounter lvl 10
  • stealthx
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    stealthx polycounter lvl 10
  • kevlarorc
    I'm having trouble with a shape. I tried adding more edge loops over everything but it didn't help. I can't find a way to get my harder corners in to the shape without messing up the nice smooth curve that I started with.

    Here's what I'm working with:
  • JustMeSR
  • kevlarorc
    Thank you very much for that, JustMeSR. Such a simple solution that went right past me. There is still a little bit of pinching but it is much better now.
  • WarrenM
    That's, like, a third of what this thread is.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Shinigami wrote: »
    Can anyone do a mini tut on how to do a 12 and 8 sided hole one a curved surface? Seems hard to maintain the curve.

    Yeah, check earlier in this thread.

    Also some links here.
  • Weso
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    Weso polycounter lvl 4
    Did a bit of fooling around on break today, taking some bolts and getting them to smooth well. Took a lot of experimentation to get rid of pinching. I figured this would be the place to post them.
    Inside corner
    Outside corner
  • Nam.Nguyen
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    Nam.Nguyen polycounter lvl 9
    Shinigami wrote: »
    Can anyone do a mini tut on how to do a 12 and 8 sided hole one a curved surface? Seems hard to maintain the curve.

    it's depend on the shape you're trying to create, you can make a hole on a plane and then bend it, or just use boolean
  • Quack!
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    Quack! polycounter lvl 17
    Shinigami wrote: »
    I mean something like thiss. On the pic youll see thecurved surface with those circular holes. The question is how i can add 12 and 8 sided holes in it :( additionally i have quite difficulties with this injection port.

    In order for us to help you, you have to show us what you have attempted. This entire thread has multiple examples of how achieve what you want. Take a few hours and study the entire thing, don't skim.
  • OBlastradiusO
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    OBlastradiusO polycounter lvl 11
    WarrenM wrote: »
    Also relayed, miauu makes an excellent workplane script for Max:


    Coming from Modo, this was a huge help. Once you get used to working with a work plane, it's hard to stop.

    What's the big use from a moveable work plane. Can you explain?
  • WarrenM
    The workplane is a portable coordinate system. Say you want to place new geo on the side of your mech. Select one of the polygons on that side, hit the hotkey to move the workplane there, and now Modo behaves as though the workplane is the default grid. All new geo automatically orients to it.

    It's like the temp grids in Max only way more flexible.

    You can use it for lots of things like scaling or moving things in odds directions. It's hard to give concrete examples but, believe me, once you get into using it you come up with all kinds of oddball and great uses for it...

    The Max script I linked isn't QUITE the same as what Modo offers but it's pretty close.
  • narticus
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    narticus polycounter lvl 7
    I'm creating a small table-top jukebox for a diner interior scene. Using 3ds Max for creation, but I will bring it into UE4. Hopefully this is the right place for this post.

    My problem is with trying to get these small horizontal ridges along the edge of the coin slot: myt1xTy.jpg

    I used proboolean, but had strange results (see final image):


    Any ideas? Also, is this something I could easily do on the normal map, without having to put it in the highpoly model? Still figuring out nDo.

    All comments and suggestions are welcome. Thanks.
  • OBlastradiusO
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    OBlastradiusO polycounter lvl 11
    WarrenM wrote: »
    The workplane is a portable coordinate system. Say you want to place new geo on the side of your mech. Select one of the polygons on that side, hit the hotkey to move the workplane there, and now Modo behaves as though the workplane is the default grid. All new geo automatically orients to it.

    It's like the temp grids in Max only way more flexible.

    You can use it for lots of things like scaling or moving things in odds directions. It's hard to give concrete examples but, believe me, once you get into using it you come up with all kinds of oddball and great uses for it...

    The Max script I linked isn't QUITE the same as what Modo offers but it's pretty close.

    Cool, but couldn't u just use the placement tool available in 3d max 2015?
  • WarrenM
    You could but it's about more than placement. It's a whole coordinate system. Every action is relative to the workplane. It's really, really powerful when you get into it.
  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    them ngons

    and about hte juke box you could waste time modeling them in or you could use floaters or ndo.
  • narticus
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    narticus polycounter lvl 7
    them ngons

    and about hte juke box you could waste time modeling them in or you could use floaters or ndo.

    Ended up reducing the turbosmooth by 1 in max, then the boolean worked fine.

    But, for future instances. How would one create something like that in nDo?
  • reedweinstock
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    reedweinstock polycounter lvl 8
    Having trouble figuring this one out.


  • metalliandy
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    metalliandy interpolator
    Something like this I suppose. :)

  • igi
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    igi polycounter lvl 12
    edit: dem, metalliandy beat me to it :poly124:


    Not completely sure if this is what you're looking for but it seemed like elongated version of that one a couple of pages back.
    cR45h wrote: »
    @Guy with the scope;

    Make a box, inset it twice and turbosmooth. You can prolly figure it out from there.

    I tend to bake a lot so thats what I had in mind here, use surpher's method if you want more control.

    You'll need a few edgeloops to keep the roundness though.

  • reedweinstock
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    reedweinstock polycounter lvl 8
    Awesome! Thanks Andy and igi

  • Turks
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    Turks polycounter lvl 9
    Hey guys, I was hoping someone could help me out with a shape like this. I'm having a really hard time finding where to put edge loops on this? Particularly, that corner near the base of the object where the 3 sides come together.


  • r@m
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    r@m polycounter lvl 3
    Hi guys, I'm really struggling getting sharp edges on this model, any advice how to approach it, I keep getting in a mess and nothing flows correctly, just can't get the loops right.
    Maybe I've roughed out the shape wrong...dunno, but It's got me befuddled.
    Any advice would be appreciated, I have someone waiting for the finished model and he's getting impatient :(





  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    @narticus: I'd suggest redoing that coin slot form entirely. You could better match the circular shape and avoid the squared off look for starters. Run in the basic wires for the grooves, give yourself a lot of geo to work with, a low poly cage approach won't work well there. Before you cut them in, try building the two inset shapes from that.

  • r@m
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    r@m polycounter lvl 3
    Thx throttlekitty, I think I was trying to do too much too quickly, pulled it back to basics and things are coming together, I actually didn't realize I was so bad at this. :)
  • Cannibal Aardvark
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    Cannibal Aardvark polycounter lvl 5
    EDIT: Never mind, got it. Nothing special, just added even more geo and played around with it for a while.

    Hai guys, was wondering if I could get some help on modelling the front sight for a VZ-58. There are just so many curves and my little brain can't cope. :(


    For some reason this has got me stumped. :/

    Edited cuz mega-huge image.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    The black part or the tip or both?
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