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texture transform tool

sublime tool
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renderhjs sublime tool
just wanted to share progressions and demos (to come) of a project I started a day ago.
The basic idea is to have a very specialized tool like UVLayout for UV´s but instead of texture transforming.
With shortcuts and the interface I want to try out new stuff so that in the end just a few clicks are needed in order to get the texture in your workflow.

mockup of my current version:
the version that works so far can´t handle multiple shapes right now and doesn´t align so nice the outputs, but you might get the idea of what I am aiming for

what I have done so far:
- texture transformation only within the defined area
- automatic texture size calculation (should be adjustable later on)
- takes a 2 click to define a shape of 4 corners (like drawing 2 lines). More ways however will be added like where you draw just 1 line wich defines already the orientation and the radius of a rectangle
- integer, Bicubic or Bilinear pixel interpolation to choose from

some goals I have that should imo. be implemented (I´ll try to face these at least)
- ability to add multiple shapes and automaticly line up the resulting textures
- drop texture output to the OS clipboard so that one can right away paste it into photoshop without the need of creating another document in PS.
Aside from that of course batch exporting as PNG or JPEG using AIR (flash/html framework to build rich Applications)
- propper interface (no coder´s art). Should be minimalistic, very different direction as OSX or Vista.
- sliders to move the the center within the shape so that one can define where the focus is
- adjustment controls to fine-tune the corners like sniper magnifiers
- bezier grab points and the edges to bend edges, enabling to rip rurved surfaces
- help lines like a perspective grid, switchable circle, arch and other common shapes

and losts of other ideas

in comparison with Photoshop:

you might think other than the workflow it doesn´t differ much from photoshop but that´s not the case:


as I tried to illustrate in the picture the center in photoshop is completely different calculated as how I did it.
With my method however you get usually more details in your final output which is great for textures where you can´t afford to lose details. I plan on however adding silders so you can even tweak that center later one.

tell me what you think,- I hope I get some pregress with this new baby this week will post as soon as something evolves,- if you have some ideas or suggestions or links to similar stuff I´d be happy to recieve them here :)


  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    I just looked for some similar tools to what I want to do in the internet. And some are indeed interesting like how they structured the interface, added additional functionality and how streamlined the workflow is (often not that good imo.).

    anyway the ones I found:

    seamless texture generator
    Price: EUR 34.95

    Seamless Texture Creator
    Price: US$ 24.95

    Price: €64.95+VAT

    Texture Workshop
    Price: $24.95

    Price: $99.00

    Texture cutter
    Price: free

    Altostorm Rectilinear Panorama
    Price: $69 - $179
    note: this one works a bit different as the rest,- it lets you define curves which the software then tries to straighten.
    It works best on distorted photos to create orthographic images from them,- sometimes even with surreal effects.

    Price: not specified
    http://www.kubit.de/index.htm > Produkte > PhoToPlan (horrible Javascript website)
    note: Similar to Autodesk ImageModeler this one is rather a technical measurement tool - it requires thus a certain knowledge of that area in order to work with it.

    Autodesk Imagemodeler (before part of the stitcher family)
    Price: 995.00 $
    note: this tool is rather developed for the insurance and architecture industry as it has a strong bound to real world units and measurements. Its thus by no means easy to quickly slice out images- instead the tools tries to create a 3d model with automatic unwrapped texturized models. Not very artist friendly imo. as I tested it once before.

    like I mentioned before not all of them are what I have in mind but they are in the same area. Also
    - except for 1 application they all have a 1 screen interface which makes it a little bit of work switching between the modes or views or images. So personally I want to change that.
    - most of them waste alot of pixel space in the interface (seamless texture generator might be the exception): to large buttons and to wide frames are my main compaints.

    I haven´t tested them but I assume that not all of them can open or add images by drag & drop instead I guess they do it the classic way with a dialogue. I´ll test them on that out as well.

    will post a muckup of my interface with the next post

    [edit 1:]
    found another one

    [edit 2:]
    Altostorm Rectilinear Panorama

    [edit 3:]
    added PhoToPlan & imageModeler
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    this is my current interface design state (thumbnails in the bottom are screenshots from xnView)


    for now I plan:
    - on the left: the photos where you can pick the photos, add slices and tweak them
    - on the right: the texture slices where you can tweak them orthogonal
    - adding a tool bar with active buttons or status symbols in the center. All actions will be mapped to keys but just to be a little bit more intuitive at the beginning also mouse clickable screen-buttons for the most important actions/ modes.

    tell me what you think, perhaps some suggestions?
  • Kevin Albers
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    Kevin Albers polycounter lvl 20
    This seems pretty darn cool so far. It's great that you are carefully checking out what's already been done so that your end result has some usefull features that aren't currently available.
    For this sort of stuff I like to be able to get decent results with as few button clicks as possible, and then have the option to tweak the initial results as needed when more time is available or for critical assets.
    It's neat that yours is set up to arrange a texture with numerous sub-elements (i.e. UV arranging). It would be nice to have some features that further support this. Some auto-sizing could help. For example, what if you wanted to create a texture sheet that had 4 windows grabbed from 4 different photos, and you wanted the windows in the final texture to all line up nicely in a row, or be in 4 equal sized quadrants etc.
    Having "Texture Workshop" type adjustments of contrast etc, usable per sub-texture would be nice (so you could color balance the 4 different windows in the previous example so they match and such).
  • Eric Chadwick
    This looks really interesting. Have you thought ab out adding a correction for barrel distortion? Mostly helpful for closeup shots. Take a look at Photoshop>Filter>Distort>Lens Correction. Still suffers some of the problems with the regular transform tool, and can't affect the length of the lens (distortion curve is always the same).

    Are you posting this in other places for feedback as well? (you should, the more the merrier)
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    Are you posting this in other places for feedback as well? (you should, the more the merrier)
    just here for now,
    beeing active @ flashkit.com (flash stuff) as well but this kind of topic might be less interesting there even in the sub forum of 3d, applications and alike. Only the game development section rocks (most of it 2d game stuff though).
    Perhaps some other 3d forums,- that might be an option I want to use this tool in first place myself as a texture artist - for some 3d projects. So texture artists would be the perfect target group to get feedback from.
    a correction for barrel distortion? Mostly helpful for closeup shots. Take a look at Photoshop>Filter>Distort>Lens Correction. Still suffers some of the problems with the regular transform tool, and can't affect the length of the lens (distortion curve is always the same).
    if I am not mistaken you still can not after all those releases of PS define the center of the disortion- which is a big sucker since most other adobe tools can do it like AE.
    I plan on making a a spherify filter with a custom center- but more importantly bezier curves on the sides of a rectangle so that one can adjust to curves or rounded shapes. If I succeed in this- because it involves some new math stuff for me.
    For this sort of stuff I like to be able to get decent results with as few button clicks as possible
    absolutely agree. I am a big fan of UVLayout and Silo (booth excellent interface and workflow design) just because of for exmple the sticky keys in booth apps make the workflow so much faster compared to others in the field.
    of course I have planned myself for some unique ideas like:
    - copy the result to clipboard, instead of forcing to first save it, give it a unqiue name and then open it in photohop, select all copy it and then finally paste it into what I need.
    - drag´n drop images directly into the application so you dont need a opening dialogue
    - auto export images with a template name like "bricks_###" which then results into bricks_001.png, bricks_002.png, bricks_003.png,...
    - less or no dialopgues at all- persoanlly I hate them because they take you more clicks
    - as minimalisic mouse clicks or geastures as possible for the shape definition. Though I plan on including 3-4 methods so you can pick your favourite. Right now it takes just 2 clicks to define 4 points - it´s done by basicly drawing 2 strokes that define 2 opposite sides of the quadrilateral (rectangle).

    with thoose and more I plan to make the workflow extremely quick (my goal is like to make it 4x times shorter as the average similar tool).
    - dialogues
    - text to read
    - instant action buttons
    - more multi- functional keys -> context sensitive as well as behaviour sensitive (hold, release, drag, hold, tip,...)
    - keyboard keys instead of screen-buttons

    It would be nice to have some features that further support this. Some auto-sizing could help
    Autosize already works,- it calculates right now the average width and height in screenspace of the photo slice. In addtion to that I wrote already a far more accurate Size calulation based on
    but the proportion stuff is still a matter because it wont always fit- so at least there I´d need some rescale tools in the planar view - so one can change the proportions.
    For example, what if you wanted to create a texture sheet that had 4 windows grabbed from 4 different photos, and you wanted the windows in the final texture to all line up nicely in a row, or be in 4 equal sized quadrants etc.
    that is a very nice thought,- and it brought me a new idea.
    Instead of aligning the final cuts in cliché row/ column order with thumbnails I have the following idea:
    all slices can be placed freely within that slice- canvas and be scaled proportional. With that you´d be able to determine the size in relation to the other slices.
    Having "Texture Workshop" type adjustments of contrast etc, usable per sub-texture would be nice (so you could color balance the 4 different windows in the previous example so they match and such).
    that might be actually a little bit difficult for me,
    not done much scripting with color stuff - might be a try but usually I get into PS for such. My first priority is the slicing stuff.

    thanks for the good feedback guys
  • Pedro Amorim
    oh wow. you do awesome art and you also code, damn!
    this is looking really nice
  • Eric Chadwick
    Been a month, any updates? I just saw something similar here:
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    whoa thx for the great link, that pushes some ideas,

    yes there has been some progress - I added a scanline renderer that can batch process multiple slices with different resolutions and or quality settings (aliasing on/off, pixel skip ect.). Its just that recently I´ve been busy with lots of different things, will try to push it sometime soon into a first alpha useable release.
  • Reverenddevil
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    Reverenddevil polycounter lvl 9
    Render I just noticed this post.. Good luck with this man, i hope it turns out every bit as awesome as it sounds.. I have used some fo those texture creators etc before and would love all of them in one program..
    Keep up the progress cant wait to check out the alpha..
  • Michael Knubben
    Since you link to this in your signature, any news on this?
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    a tiny bit,- atm. I am busy getting my portfolio done. Once all that stress is gone I will have more time again for this one.
    I could upload a demo meanwhile though showing the rendering modes
  • Eric Chadwick
    Looking forward to this tool, still.

    Also the navigation in your portfolio is cool! But I can't read the text, nor enlarge the images. :( I know it's a WIP, but basic functionality should never be sacrificed at the altar of flash-iness.
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    added Altostorm Rectilinear Panorama to the list,- which is fairly unique and one of the main inspirations I had first- though i did not remembered the name at first.
    url of the software:
    I tried it once the past,- it has a great concept and a good technology behind it but the workflow is painfull and very linear (wizard with steps,..)

    Today I recovered the code of what I had so far,- I really hope to continue this one as soon as possible even more since with the Flash Player 10 you can create JPEG/PNG images and save it on the clients desktop - right out of the box. So it would be nice to have that build in to batch export multiple slices maybe even from within the browser.
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    how do you have time to do so many things.. do you have found someone who is giving you money just for the sake of it? :)
    can i have his or her number? :)

    cool stuff!
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    added PhoToPlan & imageModeler booth image measurement and kind of modeling tools- quite complex and not very suited for a 3d artist- but still very interesting in their approaches.
  • conte
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    conte polycounter lvl 18
    that's AWESOME, dude!
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    still on hold till I find the time to continue with this. I had recently though some nice ideas of doing the same in maxscript and 3dsmax and or a version which snaps to imported UV's.
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Cool shit man, I used to do this all the time manually in photoshop.
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    It is long easter weekend and next week I have a lot of low poly building texture stuff to do at work - so ripping textures from images super fast could be really useful for that. And I have a bit of time to play around with some older projects like this one.
    So right now I am playing around with Adobe AIR using booth the free FlashDevelop and adobe's FlexSDK to create a standalone tool (can be exe later). I am actually suprised how easily it was with Flashdevelop to setup a AIR application and test it right away with all the AIR permissions (like writing data to the HD, clipboard,...).

    What I have so far working is setting and getting the OS image clipboard - and so this weekend I want to create a quick dirty version without fancy UI just shortcuts that:
    1. lets me paste images from the clipboard
    2. define slices
    3. and copy them back to the clipboard so they can be pasted in Photoshop

    Here is another dated mock up I did once in between which shows of how I imagine things working at some point:
    The curves are not a priority right now but something I'd like to have- perhaps with a way of setting custom marks inside a 4 sided face and then tweak it. So once could add as many tweak points as he wants.

    But in the end I think it will be more minimalistic and just focusing on 1 image a time and one slice so that the GUI can be even more minimalistic perhaps without any button at all.
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    looks awesome, I usually do this job in max.. as you can imagine its a bit limited, are you planning on releasing this?
  • Ben Apuna
    I've been looking forward to this ever since you first posted it. I'm glad you are still working on it and have some time to continue development.
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    it went a bit quicker as I thought, now I already have a working thing, kinda ;)
    Right now I hit spacebar to acquire any clipboard bitmap, I draw my rectangle with 2 stroke clicks and it renders after that it gets back to the clipboard. The output size is atm. hard coded and not calculated but I will address that tomorrow.

    And of course it will be released, just have to figure out in what form like AIR file or exe.
  • yiannisk
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    yiannisk polycounter lvl 14
    not bad at all :) good job man :) looks like very easy to use too.

    I have used imagemodeler it's pretty cool and now actually comes free if you buy the "suite" solution with mudbox and mbuilder. Pixplant is pretty decent too.

    i usually do this thing manually in photoshop, selecting with perspective and then bringing it to planar but it is not as fast and easy.

    looking forward to it!
  • Disco Stu
    do i see a german paint there?
    Guten Abend :D
    I think ill never understand how something like this is made.
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    Disco Stu wrote: »
    do i see a german paint there?
    Guten Abend :D .
    Well something from my past, still haven't bought a computer here so I have to deal with this.

    small progress:
    I did rewrite some of the classes again to clean stuff up and decided that I want to implement proper transform properties for every slice.
    So just like previous sketches and illustrations I actually started programming curve control to the slice shape so that in the end there will be 9 input markers that define and tweak a slice.
    Out of these 9 markers:
    1. 4 are the corners of the rectangle (source and mapping target)
    2. 4 are optional curve control points letting you bend edges (e.g when having curved photos, or FOV distortions)
    3. 1 centroid tweak point which will represent the center of the output render. By moving this one around its easier to tweak inside curve / falloff alignment. This is not yet working as I have to think about some math stuff first to implement it.
    I should have a demo that renders just like before but with the curve control within the next few days. After that its about coding a good base to have at least good input controls (draw shape & tweak corners/ curve controls + center). After that I will release something public.
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool


    It renders now the new curve quads even though I can't tweak yet the curve points (orange boxes).
    Multiple areas can now be defined and will be rendered on the side. I plan on adding a shortcut or button to batch save all sliced textures to the desktop with a unique filename for each.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    good progress Ill keep an eye on this, just did a project where I made about 14 little buildings this would have been great! haha
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    update with demo:


    Online demo (without clipboard support because that is not permitted in the online FlashPlayer)
    I guess this a quick way to show demos in between of the bigger *.exe releases as they take more time to wrap and create.

    drag 2 line to create a shape, after that you can tweak the white and orange boxes. Del key to remove the current shape, backspace to remove all shapes.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Pretty cool!

    Not sure if the perspective recovery is quite right yet?

    When I try to straighten out the circles, I have to position the side orange CVs deeper in perspective than where the natural halfway point would be in the photo.

    Could also be the influence from the center CV, which as you said isn't adjustable yet.
  • Eric Chadwick
    A couple features that might be nice, maybe you're already planning them...

    1. Zoom, the image scaled without filtering, so I can place the points/lines more accurately.

    2. Button to auto-align midpoints to the centers of the edges. Would be cool if it figured out the midpoint position in perspective, rather than halfway in screenspace. Would also be nice if the function auto-aligned the center point to the center of the new midpoints.
  • divi
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    divi polycounter lvl 12
    very awesome :D

    on a side note: what's the library in the picture?
  • Wheel
    Hey that's coming along great. Good to see an update on this. The demo is 'kin cool. Nice one.
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    divi: some French library, don't know any more - got it in my inspiration folder for ages.

    No that is not yet implemented it just uses a screen centroid of the shape, not considering the diagonals of the corners to get a center more close to correct perspective centered.
    The green point will at some point be there to adjust the center spot of the texture, perhaps there will be another handler to tweak a linear curve of how things are shifted towards the center and the borders.
    A couple features...
    1. Zoom, the image scaled without filtering, so I can place the points/lines more accurately.
    2. Button to auto-align midpoints to the centers of the edges. Would be cool if it figured out the midpoint position in perspective, rather than halfway in screenspace. Would also be nice if the function auto-aligned the center point to the center of the new midpoints.
    1. was already in the Youtube video on the other page for the mouse pointer and for every corner :)
      It will be back but I need to find a way so that it is not in the way and is useful;
    2. There will be a auto position of the mid points at the beginning for every point. But as soon as you tweak one of them it will behave like now. That way it should be easier to just work with non curvy shapes and just straight edges.
    Some extend edge just like in 3dsMax (while holding shift + mouse drag) would be nice to quickly create new faces next to existing ones.

    small update:

    Just as I expected some of the get Pixel methods was using integer values instead of float values which is why the demo slices look pixelated to some extend.
    I fixed it and added a dynamic texture size for each slice:
    Those results look perfectly use able :)

    I am also working atm. on some icons for the different mouse actions. I don't plan adding any mouse buttons because I think that should go all through shortcuts and maybe some context sensitive text area that tells you the right shortcuts.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Looking good.

    You should also test with high-res photos. I think users would want to use this tool with the largest source possible, to reduce the effects of distorted pixels.
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    well I have some plans for that in my mind - like a panning and zoom navigation to navigate through bigger source images. But before I even can get that far I need to finish the controls and the basic mechanics - which will be my first release.
    After that and should it succeed with what I have in mind I can extend and add stuff. There is a lot of potential here and I already have many crazy ideas that I would like to see myself being included, but its all a matter of time and resources that I have.
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    some usage test cases from yesterday,


    I played around with some faces and body parts to see how useful it would be to grab character textures for typical game UV's that have rectified UV's to avoid pixel rotations and to increase the crispiness of low res textures.

    Anyway it gave me some ideas on how to improve the tuning of the cage, like maybe adding influence points or markers to push the grid in certain areas within the shape. That way it should be easier to unwrap for example complex shapes such as a face where the nose sticks out.
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    this does look really really cool!

    is there a limitation with the source img size ?
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    The maximum size per 1 BitmapData I can process and handle inside Flash is 2880x2880 pixels. So that would be the limitation for source bitmaps.

    The amount of slices is only limited to the amount of RAM you have in your computer - so you can create plenty of those all up to 2880^2 - in the end I think all this wont be such a big problem in most cases. I don't expect people to actually load 4k images into the tool which could be already capped by the windows clipboard alone (as I experienced with TexTools).

    2k bitmaps booth pasting and exporting should be no problem though, rendering speed depends on the CPU speed and FrameRate I set during rendering, but here on my i7 Intel (8 CPUs) its perfectly fast. I think with all the size stuff it depends more on some clever zoom functionality so that it all fits within your screen or application window. It is not first a priority
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    The tweak center tool is now working even though it has atm. a very primitive curve function beneath it to shift the values. I recorded a video of 3 example images on how it might impact things:
    Time to get a first release ready, hopefully within the next few days.
  • Eric Chadwick
    That is really cool! Looks kind of like NURBS.
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    This is stunning.
  • wailingmonkey
  • sinistergfx
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    sinistergfx polycounter lvl 18
    Looking awesome renderhjs! I was using a hacky method of using vanishing point in Photoshop to do texture grabs (set up planes on object to grab from > set up a 'flat' plane > use stamp tool to clone from perspective to flat), but the curve and center features definitely pushes this tool to the next level!
  • mLichy
    like I posted on youtube, that's crazy man. :)
  • Funky Bunnies
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    Funky Bunnies polycounter lvl 17
    you're a madman, render! this is looking superb :D
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    Release 0.1
    This is a first early release of the TextureRip adobe AIR app that lets you slice and retarget images from your clipboard to your desktop as PNG images. Checkout previous posts if you don't know what all this means.

    quickstart guide:
    1. Get the files:
    2. Install both (Air runtime first)
    3. Copy a Image to your Clipboard (i.e from your browser) and hit Space in the TexRipper application. Drag 2 lines on that image to define a 4 sided polygon. Hit Enter to save all slices to your desktop.

    In depth features and details:
    • You can now resize texture slices by dragging their corners to any position (just give it a try - really simple). Dragging in the middle of the slice lets you re position it.
    • You can batch save all texture slices as PNG images to your desktop (works on booth mac and windows alike) by hitting the [Enter] key. There is no confirmation or status display right now but if you check your desktop you should see the added PNG images.
    • Filenames and unique ID:
      It uses now a unique session ID every time you paste a new source image from the clipboard into the app. This ID is used to generate the unique file names of the saved slices to your desktop. But it also means that you can update your slices if you are slicing from 1 image but tweaked some settings.
      Saved texture slices have a filename like this:
      that random string inbetween is the session string, the last 3 digits the slice number.

    Well that's it for now, this is a very early release so many things are not even there yet - but the way it is right now it should already be useful to some of you.

    Installation guide (for the ones that hesitate to install that AIR stuff [like myself]):
  • Wheel
    Sweetness, thanks for this. Giving it a whirl soon as possible.

    Edit/ It's working great here, so nice playing with higher res pics. First time I saved to desktop nada, second time it was fine . This is gonna be so usefull.

  • wailingmonkey
    hmmm...unable to download, seems to timeout. server down?
    (tried twice with both Firefox and Opera in the last 3 hours)
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    hmmm...unable to download, seems to timeout. server down?
    (tried twice with both Firefox and Opera in the last 3 hours)
    If you can see that last screenshot of the installation I added to my former post it means you can access my server. The same if you can see any of the other screens on the frst page - so maybe your browser configuration is off? Try right click and save to target.

    If nothing works download it here:
    though my server should be rather stable and relieable for anyone out there even china.
  • wailingmonkey
    yeah, bizarre, renderhjs....I can see your images.

    had a touch of browser funkiness tho (neither firefox nor opera were refreshing
    some flash I was working on, causing me to think the code was borked--had
    to reboot to see that code was working fine), so maybe that's somehow related
    to it. (shrugs)

    anyhow, thanks for putting it up on megaupload as a backup. It downloaded just
    fine from there.

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