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texture transform tool



  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    update v.0.2
    download link: TexRipper_0.2.air

    • Curve points are not fixed until you move them for the first time. This means that the shape behaves as a polygon at first instead of a bezier patch when drawing and tweaking the corner points.
    • Added perspective lines to better lineup edges for architectural and strong line flow based source material.
    • Center grid on the current texture output bitmap shows the same center as the one seen in the source slice.
    • rollOver icons when moving over adjustable points, that way it's easier to tell whenever a position snaps.
    • swapping to a different slice updates all slices to their right state (active or not)

  • Spatz
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    Spatz polycounter lvl 13
    why are you so great?

    THANKS Hendrik this is a very handy helper...
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    dude your a legend!
  • arrangemonk
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    arrangemonk polycounter lvl 17
    id like to customize the folter saving to (my desktop is read only) , and a way to select what region i want to edit
    otherwise a great tool
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    id like to customize the folter saving to (my desktop is read only) , and a way to select what region i want to edit
    otherwise a great tool
    Why the hell don't you have access to your desktop? Thats like working on a computer that doesn't belong you, somekind of crippled computer you are allowed to maybe surf the web with. Maybe change that computer !?!

    The desktop is built in the adobe AIR framework because you are supposed to have access to it without needing Administrative rights. I could add perhaps myDocuments or a subFolder on the desktop but I am not planning for some kind of root access to any drive on the computer and a browse mechanic. I want the tool to be snappy and quick to use, no stupid dialogs to fight through.

    so in short: no
  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    That's amazing, thanks!

    What about just a simple editbox for a custom save location? I hate my desktop.
    Can we have modifier keys? It would be nice to pull an edge and have it scale in relation to the current perspective/curvature of the current plane. (similar to the perspective tool in Photoshop)
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Wow man, super cool. Is there any way to zoom in and out? My personal preference to create the original polygon would be to click 4 times and then adjust later. The click and drag always confuses me.
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Wait, is it me or can you only do 3 texture grabs at a time?
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    you can do as much as you want, but you can't yet scroll down the slices so chances are that the slices add up but at the bottom of your screen. Navigation like zoom, panning and better texture navigation is next up my todo list for this.
    It's still a very early release ;)
  • animax
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    animax polycounter lvl 15
    Amazing tool dude...trying out right now...Thanks.
  • yiannisk
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    yiannisk polycounter lvl 14
    hehe much more than what initially promised :)
    Mr you over-delivered i think :P

    that is a very nice one indeed!
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    update v.0.4
    download link: TexRipper_0.4.air

    • Zoom in and out using the mouse wheel. Pan around by holding down the middle mouse button. This control scheme is just like 3dsMax so it should feel home to many users here.
    • Smoother grid curves on the slice shapes
    • Color indicators for curve or straight lines
    • Updated icons with more contrast

    Zoom and panning around demo:
  • Wheel
    Sir you spoil us with these lush and swift updates.
  • Gilgamesh
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    Gilgamesh polycounter lvl 12
    Amazingly useful, cheers!
  • wailingmonkey
    amazing... firefox, IE, Opera, and Chrome all refuse to allow me to download. could a kind
    soul slap this up on a free hosting site for me to monkey with? :)

    (renderhjs...perhaps it's the '.air' extension that's giving my browsers a conniption?)
  • Popeye9
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    Popeye9 polycounter lvl 15
    Awesome to0l!! I just used this for the first time and love it:) Thanks
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    tiny tweaks and a alternative upload:
    • up to 0.25 (25 %) of zoom out and 4.0 x zoom in
    • zoom behavior doubles now always the scale so it feels faster when zooming and navigating.
    • pasting a image now proper resets the source canvas to its default scale and center position
    • small fixes regarding gui events like updating and drawing certain things
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    I couldnt get it to work to start with. For some reason I cant copy things into the clipboard from the file browser or desktop, I have to go into a visual editing package and copy from there.

    I really like it. Its going to be handy to use as base references to paint over. Or even as getting clearer references from screenshots. Thank you.
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Can you add a feature to scale down the ripped texture visually in the top left hand corner. I tried using this on a big texture and the resulting texture filled the screen so I couldn't see the slice any more. Scaling it down resulted in the ripped texture on my desktop being too small and the wrong aspect ratio. Would be nice if the ripped texture had an output resolution rather than using screen space.
  • wailingmonkey
    thanks for putting the extra link on megaupload, renderhjs!
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    Calabi wrote: »
    I couldnt get it to work to start with. For some reason I cant copy things into the clipboard from the file browser or desktop, I have to go into a visual editing package and copy from there.
    selecting a file and then pasting it doesn't work because that has not much to do with the clipboard - it is more a explorer specific function not a application wide standard. I mean have you tried the same with Photoshop or msPaint ? because it wont work.
    Sure I could program a drag and drop functionality but then again it would be rather limited in what it can read (png and jpeg only) and it is not a priority for me because for my workflow this is the fastest possible way as I have always photoshop openend in the background.
    malcolm wrote: »
    Can you add a feature to scale down the ripped texture visually in the top left hand corner. I tried using this on a big texture and the resulting texture filled the screen so I couldn't see the slice any more. Scaling it down resulted in the ripped texture on my desktop being too small and the wrong aspect ratio. Would be nice if the ripped texture had an output resolution rather than using screen space.
    Maybe you can come up with a elegant solotion that doesn't require any buttons but instead related controls to those already implemented (like the mousewheel) ?
    Because the most difficult part even for stuff like textools is the concept phase, nailing down what you really need and concentrate on programming and creating.

    I had a few thoughts on this but I am not yet happy with them:
    • A key that switches between 2 modes: One is just like now, you can place and arrange the bitmaps. The other mode is a thumbnail mode which shows tiny versions of the slices in a fixed way like rows and columns or just one array of items. In this 2nd mode you can still resize things but it will always go back to this thumbnail size in a visual way although the real data might be bigger.
    • Another idea was when you rollover a bitmap and use the mousewheel you can resize that layer independently from the canvas source layer.
      It just needs a indicator at which zoom state you are but I'd like to avoid text status information. Instead perhaps something like a grid, checker pattern or alike, something more visually.

    On another note:
    I added today
    • a quick 90 degrees turn flip with the left and right arrow keys so you can quickly change the orientation of the output slice without changing its outout size.
    • The width and height to every bitmap with realtime updates as you resize it. This is very usefull if you know the required target size for your texture work or area in the texture.
    Screens, new version and perhaps a new video probably tomorrow.
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    Thats what I thought. I did end up using photoshop to paste it. I dont see any problem with doing it that way, as its going to end up there anyway.
  • Wheel
    I like the new grid better than the old one. Navigation is great. The colour indication of curved and straight lines works well . Would it be hard to make a curve return to straight line behaviour when the control point is passed between its two corner points. Not really necessary just a thought.
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    renderhjs, here's a suggestion about the ripped images being too big.

    Ripped textures render at on the left side of the screen at a smaller resolution, like 512x512 double clicking them will toggle the big version or the thumbnail version.

    I also find myself really wanting to right click the ripped texture and select an option to set it back to its original aspect ration, either that or just assign hotkey to reset the aspect ratio of the currently selected rip.
  • renderhjs
    Offline / Send Message
    renderhjs sublime tool
    update v.0.5
    download link: TexRipper_0.5.air

    • quick rotate with the left and right arrow keys: swaps the points of the slice in cw or ccw order.
    • Texture size overlay for each bitmap

  • animax
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    animax polycounter lvl 15
    Neat update!I am so addicted to the tool :poly124:

    I was extracting a logo from a wrinkled cloth, similar to this.


    I was thinking if multiple points can be added to the increase the segment of the wrap or is there any other way to rip this through texripper?

    Thanks again.

  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    Well yeah I had something like that in mind before - but I thought the more control points one would add the more counter control points would be needed to adjust certain lines or areas. I guess so far I concentrated on what would be possible in the shortest amount of time (as my time is more limited these days).
    Some twist adjustment for example is something I have been thinking on, or some edge extending so that more complex textures could be constructed out of several slices exactly next to each other.
    Maybe at some point it would be interesting to have a different type of constructor that similar to NURBS or subdivision modeling lets you adjust details by adding more points. Just tricky to solve :)
  • bbob
    Wow man, this stuff is looking epic, gonna check this out later for sure.
  • animax
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    animax polycounter lvl 15
    Thanks for the response dude.Glad, you have it all figured out:poly121:.

    Real magician.:thumbup:Thanks again.
  • wailingmonkey
    renderhjs, could you do something similar to increasing internal subdivision density and have
    a falloff adjustable (to move the internal 'shell' over specific areas) or is that competing with
    the technique you've setup thusfar?

    (by the way, I'm still unable to download the .air extension from your site -- no problems seeing
    the images, tho -- in any of the 4 browsers I'm running, so I'll just look from afar for now) :)
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    Awesome tool! Love it!

    But I can only get it to work with images I copy from Firefox? I can't paste from the explorer or from PS :( (win 7 x64 here)
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    Kwramm wrote: »
    Awesome tool! Love it!

    But I can only get it to work with images I copy from Firefox? I can't paste from the explorer or from PS :( (win 7 x64 here)
    I explained before that copying from the WIndows Explorer has nothing to do with copying a image to the clipboard - I mean you can't paste the results of that into msPaint or Photoshop either.

    Also if you copy from Photoshop make sure you copy a merged result without the layer transparency because the default copy (ctrl+c) in Photoshop is a special case which carries transparency which on the other hand is not supported in the windows clipboard class.
    So if you want to copy from Photoshop make sure you have just 1 locked background layer or use ctrl+shift+c to copy merged layers within your selection.

    I also use Windows 7 in 64 bit and it just works for me with any visual app. You can even hit the "PrtScn" or Print Screen button on your clipboard to copy any Display state into the clipboard - which works likewise in TexRipper.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    sorry. stupid choice of words - actually what I wanted to say was that I'd like to be able to drag files from the explorer into the app. Not sure why I posted the crap I did. Seems like the have-coffe->think->post routine got screwed up.

    Anyway, thank you for the PS tips :) I downloaded the latest version of TexRipper and everything works as intended. I don't even have to flatten anything. Maybe my old PC was just screwed up because I just got a new one at work.
  • A R K A I K O
    This is INSANE!!Great tool,congratulations man,really nice work!
  • BigErn
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    BigErn polycounter lvl 11
    its fantastic! oh the countless hours wasted before doing this in PS!! Thanks man!
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    continued working on this, gui mockup for the next version:

    so for the next version I want mainly GUI changes:
    • split view of the source image with its slices and the texture result area. Each side has its own panning and zooming state just like multi views in max or maya.
    • a toolbar with icons and rollOver description for each action that is mappable as single key shortcut. Similar to Silo you just rollOver that command and hit the new key you want to assign to it. Shortcuts would be restored if you open TexRipper the next time.
    • A thumbnail strip or panel that lets me allow additional buttons and commands for each slice
    • perspective or continues guiding lines in the source view so you can better line up 2 points on a line in the picture. Depending on the flow of the shape either just 1 direction, or if rather squared for booth local axis.
    • graying out effect if you hover over a slice or tweak some of its points so it becomes easier to mask out the exact shape you need.

    Some other ideas I have in mind:
    • Oval or Circle template option for slices (instead of the grid right now) so that you can better extract circle textures like wheels.
    • Snapping option that lets you attach multiple texture slices together into 1 texture. So that by moving boundary points other related points of a extracted texture are moved along.
    • some sharpen / blend filters to sharpen areas that are stretched or blurred in the rendered texture.
    • a mirror tool to either blend or clone 1/2 of a rendered texture with blend sliders

    But the GUI is first, have about 40% of that already done
    tiling preview so odd lineups or proportions are easier to spot
  • badmouse
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    badmouse polycounter lvl 8
    Hi renderhjs, the soft is super great! can you add a shortcut for when you hold Shift the line snap to a angle 0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270 ?

    will be very helpful can draw straight lines :)
  • Avanthera
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    Avanthera polycounter lvl 10
    Yeah, the snap to a 15. or 45 degree angle would be awesome,
    the tool is already great and the upcoming features are making me drool :P
    hurry up and make your awesome tron stuff, we need this too :)
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Still looking forward to using this when it's done.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Is there a reason why the application is given "unrestricted" system access to all files, and connects to the internet?...
    Seems kind of sketchy for this. I'm hesitant to install it here at Microsoft.
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    Is there a reason why the application is given "unrestricted" system access to all files, and connects to the internet?...
    Seems kind of sketchy for this. I'm hesitant to install it here at Microsoft.
    Will look into that, I am using a template for the Adobe Air application from FlashDevelop (open source AS3 editor), it could have those settings enabled by default for the air app.
    All I need is access to the desktop and clipboard, will see if I can limit it to those 2 options. Bitmapdata access to the clipboard is not available for the browser flash player and the only reason why I went with AIR, otherwise a web app would do.

    And yes I can add a 22.5/15/45 degree angle snap
  • Abe_hokage
    WOW, how could i miss that!! fantastic tool man! textool and now this?? you rule man!
    quick question, is there a way to use ctrl Z to undo your last action?i know i know, im too lasy hehe
    looking forward ot the new interface, although if you could put the graying effect as an option? or a key shortcut
    anyway, keep it up!
  • badmouse
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    badmouse polycounter lvl 8
    I really using this tools every day making textures in my job. Is really great! i can't wait to the next version :) really really good job
  • MattLichy
    Yeah, I was using it at M$, but then Josh cautioned me to prob. not use it until you possibly fix those security issues.. :(
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Yeah I'm anxiously awaiting an update without the crazy system/net access issues :D
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    coded some design updates:
    booth the source and slice view are independent frames so they can be navigated in their own way with the mouse wheel. If you truck with the mouse wheel in the toolbar area you can change the split of the 2 areas. There will be a maximize tool as well similar to max or maya when you jump into just 1 view instead of the quad view.

    Tools are now shown and mapped in the center on a bar which makes it easier for me to add new features later on or quickly test things. Each tool will have its own icon and label or description if you roll over it. Similar to modo you can bind a new shortcut just by hovering over the tool.

    I added a checkermap in the background of the source image to give a indication of the horizontal and vertical axis. Some of the new things I started on is a filter system, something that will be processed after the slice is rendered. Like a symmetrical mirror, linear sharpen blend or other things that I might come up later with.

    I am also looking into a web mode, where you don;t have access to the clipboard but you can use it anywhere even restricted working environments via a browser and the flash plugin.
  • RappyBMX
    now that looks awesome :D
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    When can I try the new version?
  • Eric Chadwick
    This is looking great! Must be a fun project to work on.

    A jpeg artifact filter would be awesome, something to smooth out the block-compression edges and the noise.
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    malcolm wrote: »
    When can I try the new version?
    when its done ;) nah I just got back into it after a break again, thats why I am tackling right now the UI so my brain gets back in time codewise. Might release a in between version without the filter support but with the new customizable shortcuts, but it will work 80% the same as before just more fancy looking and different areas to navigate around.
    This is looking great! Must be a fun project to work on. A jpeg artifact filter would be awesome, something to smooth out the block-compression edges and the noise.
    Looked into that DeJpeg stuff (couldn't find useable free sample code)- might be difficult but I could add some smart blur stuff or noise removers.
    And yes its a lot of fun for me as I can play with UI graphics, coding and playing with the toy itself- perfect sandbox for me :D

    Some UI progress codewise:
    Booth views have now pan able checker maps but different colors, added some temporary color icons for most tools and some explanation of the 9slice stuff I have been doing. I had that idea already with the MZP rucksack but extended it this time a bit, its a way of artistically create slice tables with sprites super fast without the need of a slice table.
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