Been thinking about you yesterday, and happy to see your new post!
I am transforming to kid(like werekid or something) every time i see your new stuff, Jouste. So much fresh ideas, gesture and motion.
How have you have been, friend?
Hey Jousteee good to see your stuff, and I like the concept for the zombie game and your art in it. Haven't really been around polycount in a while but I'm glad I looked through it and found your stuff. you probably wouldn't remember me so I'm not going to mention where. You do interesting work. I think my fave is still your soup smith. Later
@Robat: glad to hear! thanks for stopping by with the kind words friend ;D
@ChrissPerr: haha not from me, i don't really have the know how or time to set up anything like that. but print out whatever you like for yourself.
@Conte: I have been really great pal, thanks for asking! just got hooked up with a new job where i get paid to be myself all day, I couldn't be happier! good hearing from you.
@kevlar jens: awesome! thanks for checking out my stuff! sharkula is very close to my heart which is pretty scary because he's a shark.
@coots7: thanks! yeah i slow down when it comes to enviros but i'm gettting slowly better. some up soon hopefully!
@spiderfingers: you gotta help me out, what did we work on together? thanks for stopping by here tho dude.
hey there my greentoothed veterans! so i've been a little busy at my new gig. it's with at that super indie studio Slick Entertainment. So i've been here about a month and one of the coolest parts about it is being able to show everyone what we are working on all the time! i'll post the bigger res images here just for fun but be sure to drop over and check out our Dev Blog that'll be updated with cool stuff every week!
I'm doing all the games documentation in drawings cause its way more fun to look at and show people. It's so much fun.
So here's some pictures form our game's documentation!
Placeholder Splash Page:
just to slap on the front end. Because every game with turtles and turrets needs a splash page! (working title).
here's how our game works!
and here's the first page of the art doc!
thanks a pile for checking out my stuff everyone. it was adam way back in the day that hollered at me to get on here and show off my doodles and now I'm doing what i love and making a living. you guys are the best.
@spiderfingers: you gotta help me out, what did we work on together? thanks for stopping by here tho dude.
see... these are the kinds of explanations I wanted to avoid... grrr... we didn't work on anything together, I'm sure that would have been awesome though. We where talking: you working over a beer me over some of my sketches I might have been sketching a baby rhino or a catfish-man or something along those lines. then you turned up at anomoly another time but I don't think we talked... anyway great stuff again as usual I like the turtle turret concept.
@allmightythunder: thanks! hopefully it'll be a lot of fun! thanks for stopping by here!
@:spider_fingers: man it's starting to come a lot more clear. if you ar in vancouver we should totally hang out or something!
Screaming down the battlezone is that fearless fiend Shattertomb! Here he is donning his ancestors' headstones as armor and firing his loathsome-launcher into the fray! These sinister shells sear straight through the souls of all targets! Soul damage is super nasty and is usually highly illegal during these skirmishes but who cares when you're as badass as this guy!?
Shattertombs terrible-chariot is being pulled by a captured Ifrit that is bound by an infernal blood pact to Shattertomb and can be summoned at the grim-warriors convenience. It also uses headstones from Shattertomb's lineage to guard from shrapnel and enemy fire and is super handy for carrying all that extra health potions and ammunition.
This wicked warrior has sold his soul countless times to many different denizens of the underworld. fortunately for him, he uses his cryptic-connection with the afterlife to ransack those demon's homes and steal it back without much of a problem. Now he Destroys the battlefield with his powerful abilities! beware all who don armor this day! for the gruesome-onesome is here to kill!
-jouste the drawbarian
and just for the heck of it! here's the next pages from the dev blog! hooray!
thanks again for stopping by pals, this was the first place i ever really started posting my stuff seriously. so it's always awesome hearing from everyone!
Love! So what kind of a game is this, precisely? The design stuff evokes that recent steampunk sidescrolling game with the customizeable tank... The name escapes me.
Also, have you got MSN or something or do you mind if I PM you? I want to pick your brain about process for designing these guys!
@spiderfingers: once i'm more caught up with my side stuff that should definitely happen.
@ScudzALmight: initially it was a pedal situation but yeah it's a bitch to read. I've been burning the candle at 4 ends recently and just wanted to get something out haha. damn you and your good eyes!
@onelung: wow thanks for dropping by pal. you seriously have some amazing skills, your recent sculpts have been awesome!
@Razorb: right back at you! i knew your name was familiar, then i found that i had a AFoster folder in my saved pics. awesome stuff!
@Joseph Silverman:steamlands! that game is awesome. Beast is a little like that but simpler with less building. you pick your load out at the begining of eatch level then complete it. I'm always on gchat at hit me up brother!
@konstruct: lets hope so! always good to hear from you again dude!
@frontop: thanks for stopping by!
thanks for all the great comments guy s. I wanted to keep up on my responses so here they are! but since empty sketchbook posts are lame here's the most recent Devblog stuff i got going on! It's really picking up speed and we are havign a ton of fun making it! thanks again dudes!
charging is awesome!
enemy ideas are the best!
eating peppers is a hot thing to do!
badguys need places to live too!
thanks again pals! always awesome hearing from everyone!
Very kind dude! thank you, love the updates! following you guys on twitter now! im such a slacker when it comes to using it
Just a question, are these actually pages from part of your design process as a team? or is it more of a promotional thing? I F*&$NG love it and its a great example of how to do more visual design.
@Razorb: Thanks for the follow pal! and yeah the art doc pages and design doodles are made alongside the process. While tools and other things were being created I would create all this stuff alongside proxy art to get everyone thinking about what could happen with the project.
if you got the speed i'd highly reccomend doing design docs like this as opposed to written stuff. take a gander at endling's design stuff on DA, it's amazing right!?
@Screwonhed: thanks so much! here is more right now!
Hey Polycount family! just dropping by for some responses and more Dev-Bloggage. Here's a few weeks worth to get the gray and green all caught up! you guys are the best!
Wow a shredder! how cool!
Hats!? Boy is that ever topical!
Our game's new name! SHELLRAZER!
Some ideas for exotic crews! vampires and typos galore!
Yikes! It's super buff grapplers!
Some neat-o enemy ideas! Hooray!
thanks for dropping by everyone! It's always awesome hearing from you guys.
@Joseph Silverman: great talking with you the last couple times pal! stay in touch you hear?
@Scudz Almighty: yes! we were hoping to ruin maiden's Hellraser for everyone! hooray!
Hey all, been a while! I am sooo close to wrapping up my IOS game Shellrazer that I haven't had much chance to draw anything else! But i did it up anyways! hooray!
It's updated on my tumblr weekly but i've been slowly drawing every enemy in my game and adding a cool description! so here they are, the first few Shellrazer Scoundrels!
Its that poorly paid peasant archer equipped with low quality arrows and a lousy constitution. Goblin peasants are given the worst bows their armies can find and trained through a poorly worded pamphlet that is balloon dropped on them minutes before the enemy arrives. This shoddy training system combined with the awful diet of an average goblin peasant makes them easy targets for any trampling turtle!
Sometimes goblin archers survive long enough to be awarded a promotion and a helmet. These few goblins are the sturdy Archer-Elite! Being able to take more punishment and aim slightly better make these elite gobbos able to deal some serious structural damage to your platforms. So take a little more time to train your guns onto these assailing archers, your turtle will thank you for it!
Some Goblins are born biggest and bully their way into all the food reserves. These beefy brats become the Reinforced Archers and can don heavier armour and wield strong bow-guns. Although not typically the brightest of the green-horde, their full bellies tend to make them the happiest which is great for company moral. It will take more damage than normal to bring down these denizens so watch your shell!
The terrible Dreadshot is a mechanically inclined goblin with a fearsome repeating bow gun. These weapons can rain down continuous fire and are only given to the few goblin engineers that pass the rigorous training of building these contraptions. Dreadshots can unload a ton of damage in a very short time so be sure to watch out for these little punks on your journey!
Goblins that manage to not have a fear of heights are considered to be the bravest of their brethren. These courageous foes strap into swamp gas filled balloons and equip a light firearm to become Balloon Blasters. Your weapons might need a bit of a boost to tackle these airborne assailants so be sure to stock up on some anti-air rounds and upgrades if you dont want to be swarmed!
If regular ballooner goblins survive a few battles they are rewarded with a shield and heavy bow-gun. These aerial bullies are known as Balloon-Brutes and they sure know how to deal some damage! Brutes have more armour on their heirloom balloons and tend to boss around the grounded troops by yelling out ridiculous commands and dropping rocks. Be sure to equip some anti-air when dealing with these dastardly damage dealers!
now some stuff that was just for me to loosen up!
First off, here's Scoop the Plummeter!
Plummeters are special forces that carry around demonic chickens with them so they can drop off airships and land into the enemies. Once they've landed on the enemy, the demonic hens tend to cause even more chaos as they are usually quite terrified.
Scoop is a skilled Plummeter as he has survived a total of 16 drops. It also helps that he's an extremely durable individual who has used amateur alchemy to increase his toughness tenfold. He favors a very specific breed of demon fowl that is renowned over the lands for their petrifying gaze and brimstone breath.
hope you guys like this bold warrior!
Another quick pic!
It's Edric the Eggsman!
As it turns out, dragons are terribly lazy and tend to hire burly warriors to protect their brood. The main problem with dragon eggs is that they take about 300 generations to hatch. With this in mind, Edric is the 5th generation Eggsman, protecting the eggs of a famous dragon family. Dragons have such huge piles of treasure that if you take up the job of being an eggsman that your family is set for life!
Edric's tools are actually crafted from the toenail clippings of the dragon's family who wouldn't be bothered to look after their young but would gladly allow their nail clippings to be forged into weapons.
Dragon eggs make excellent omelets as well as increase the potency of magic spells a hundred fold. So we know that Edric has his work cut out for him.
wish this warrior luck as he steps out to face the world's problems!
That design doc stuff is getting cooler and cooler. If the execution nails the spirit of the docs I think you`ll have a really cool game on your hands.
@acapulco: thanks! you have some pretty amazing paintings on your hands! good job!
Hey guys! just wanted to reply to your comments and show the game i worked on in the Fullindie48 hour game jam! It was super fun and we had a great team of 3 guys.
Nick Waanders (Code), Kevin Regamey (Sound), and me for the art.
the voices (all awesome) were:
Stephanie Komure, Colin Regamey, and Joshua Matumona.
and the sweet music was done by:
Riley Koenig
The theme was "Alternate Universes" So we made a game about an ogre that has to exterminate the horde of princesses in a castle.
@Stinger88: for sure! Dustforce is a great game idea. thanks for the comment!
@ScudzAlmighty: Thanks hombre! glad you dig!
Hey Everyone! so We got our game accepted and it's coming out on July 26th! we've been dev-blogging every week here and started up a facebook page for liking here
and just to get some art on this badboy, here's some of the fiends you'll be blowing up if you pick our game up!
Elite goblin-ballooners end up becoming promoted to being Storm-Cans, the most heavily armored balloons in the sky. Suited up in a super tough steel can, these goblins fire intense volleys of arrows with their dual dread-shots! Keep a look out for these orange attackers and be sure to bring them down!
Bearded Goblins are some of the more brave/stupider goblins who brazenly sprint at your war-turtle and leap up at the battlements! Once latched on, these sneaky fiends disrupt fire and start wrecking the place with their hacksaws and other tools. Be sure to get a finger on them and flick them off before they destroy your platform completely!
The Goblin-Grappler is a huskier goblin that revels in the art of leaping and demolishing. When they crash into enemy battlements there is sure to be a massive amount of chaos and destruction. Clever turtle riders will single out these Shock troops and bring them down before they can disrupt their guns!
Lumbering towards your turtle is that Burly Roblin-Crasher! Roblins are one eyed red goblins that get much tougher than your run of the mill green goblins. These monsters don heavy armour and trudge straight into battle. Once these beasts land on your war-turtle they quickly get to work demolishing and disrupting your carefully laid plans. Be sure to keep these guys grounded with heavy fire!
Sheep are one of the more stubborn creatures in the world of Shellrazer. Skilled goblins have learned how to ride them and the not-so-skilled ones are quickly trampled to death under thier furious hooves. Sheep riders carry a strong bow into battle and deal large amounts of damage as they zig and zag through war-turtle fire. Be sure to track these bad boys with your weapons!
so there's a bunch of stuff! I wanted to thank everyone who's ever posted on my thread here, it was the first place that I started getting comfortable online with my artwork and now am doing what i love to do everyday. thanks Polycount!
bought it earlier today, haven't played much yet but I love the music so far (and groovy art) and it's one of the very few times I've actually wanted the larger screened iPad
Congrats on the sweet game to you and the rest of the team.
wicked-cool poster also:poly124:
-edit- you should do an announcement thread in gd so more polycounters wikk know it's out;)
@Justin Meisse: Thanks a million pal! hope you liked it! And yes i had a hand in the writing. Me and our designer hashed most of it out, thanks for noticing!
@Joseph Silverman: hey thanks! hope she liked it haha.
@acapulco: glad you liek it the design stuff was a lot of fun to do.
@konstruct: thanks for the bump hombre! always good to hear from you!
hey all! just wanted to hop back on here and dump out some art along with some small news!
So This last PAX I was lucky enough to meet Bill Stiernberg from zeboyd games! It was super awesome running into him and we decided to do up some art trade-age.
I decided to do his very cool game "Cthuluh Saves the World!" it was a lot of fun to do. So there's the blue haired Umi and that cool necromancer October with her books and whip. And don't forget that heroic Cthuluh at the back!
We were working on an update to shellrazer so here's some more design docs!
-some yeti design ideas. we went heavy on recycling the core body and varying the accessories to keep them interesting.
-Here's the Necro-Bomb-Icon! a new spooky weapon platform! I always wanted a necromancer type guy on the back of the turtle, he made it in the game!
here's chuckles the dragon! We really wanted another monster on top of the turtle.
here's a poster i did up for the release! if you want a cool highres 8.5x11 version of it, just click here!
-so the Shellrazer update is here! the game is also free for a week so be sure to check it out if you missed it!
so Oct. was definitely my month of gaming, I'm most likely going to throw up some fan service to those games that really gripped me.
Hotline Miami was an awesome, over-charged punch through the stomach that made me feel like an unstoppable monster the whole way through. everything from the pounding soundtrack to the feel of the game got me amped up and kept me crawling back for more.
I drew my favorite mask to wear when I really want to ruin some people's day, it's name is "Carl" and he comes with a drill.
If anyone is a fan of fast paced fists to the face and high volumes of violence be sure to check this game out if you haven't already.
Found your game to be really fun!
Got to play it on an ipod touch. Though, after seeing your art here.. I really began wishing I had an ipad with a larger screen, so that I could appreciate all the artwork that went into it.
Still a very fun game. As always, love your characters!
@StephenVyas: Hey thanks a ton for picking up my game! It does play a bunch better on an ipad, it was designed with that more in mind. thanks for dropping by!
@SimonT: I know! sooo good! looking forward to the sequel!
Hey guys! So it's been a super long time since I've posted here but Polycount was the first place I built up my confidence as an artist so I thought I would keep this place updated as well! enjoy a big, raunchy sketch dump from your's truly!
Beak is an armored chicken-man warrior that is a master of weaponry and tough as nails. He's encased in the traditional "warbucket" of his culture and wields his lucky hatchet and sword but has been known to bust out many other weapons.
chicken-men feathers make excellent pillow down as well as fletching for arrows and they are terribly delicious so their villages and keeps are under constant raid. This constant fighting has carved these creatures into tenacious warriors, beak has seen many of his friends roasting on the fire pits of the enemy.
Zounds! It's the Terror-Former!
this ghoulish space-thing infests areas with its gruesome gangrenades and pestilence-projector. The Terror former is actually the weapons and ammunition themselves, they get wielded by some hapless space-adventurer who has come in contact with terror-spores.
Once the spores get into the neural pathways of the victim they start giving him/her the brilliant idea to manufacture these terrible weapons and start using them on everything right away.
After a substantial amount of the terror-mold has networked in an area they start manifesting planetary assault cysts that explode with such force they send their payload through the stratosphere. Each spore has the blueprints of the weaponry and is ready to influence another poor bastard.
Looks like it's simple character time again! This time it's that gritty Vampire-Vampire hunter kerVamps the Soulstaker!
During the terrible Vampire Clan Wars, kerVamps bought himself several rolls of two-ply rune-paper. This rune paper had both accuracy and penetration magically sewn into it. When this rune paper was wrapped around a classic stake, kerVamps had created a deadly projectile that would launch off of his wooden casters at the speed of magic! (which is terribly fast).
Here we can see that kerVamps has practiced on a slower member of his brethren by pinning him to a cliff! poor little bat, hopefully the vampire clan wars will be over soon so this bloodshed will cease!
Here's another simple character I came up with while doodling barbarians! I present Axeface! The Axis of Axes! Axeface is the greatest weilder of the axe ever known, his skill is so great that he's even wielded himself at times when he was out of axes! He has fashioned some super cool axe blades to his gauntlets and with the aid of his immaculate tumbling he's been known to cartwheel a dragon in twain!
It should be noted that anyone with an axe tattooed to his face should not be trifled with but Axeface is generally good-tempered and quiet. Just be sure not to mention your disdain for axes in his presence or he'll chop you down to size with a well-timed somersault!
Click-WHrrrrrrr! Look out foes! It's Waldemar the Winchman!
Winchmen are sentient, mechanical warriors. Haphazardly hammered together with magic and clockwork, their bodies can take a licking and keep on ticking. With their giant spool of rope on their backs they can fence from afar and have been known to take down their enemies across rivers and even up in the air atop flying contraptions! Once the body is put together by the most devious tinkers and cunning spell-crafters, you usually need to find a decent ghost to haunt the clockwork body and help with the rope-poltergiesting and winch engine.
Waldemar was originally a sell-sword who was bested by a Winchman when it's long range sword slash came through the window of his 18th floor apartment and brutally cut his head off while he was in the shower. Filled with a great annoyance, Waldemar's ghost angrily followed the assailant back to the factory and haunted it for a while. Before long he was crammed into a Winchman body of his own due to a sever shortage of decent ghosts and a shipping error. He's alright with his second lease on life and has taken to the intricate art of far-slaying like a fish to water!
So watch out! or don't bother because he can slice you from really far away!
And recently I've been working along side those awesome guys at Braceyourself games on Crypt of the Necrodancer! It showed really well at the Indie Mega booth this year at PAX Prime and we are showing it again at PAX East! It's been a blast working on it and these are some of the character concepts I made for that game. The style is in pixel so it was super fun extrapolating the characters for use in cool 16-bit style cut scenes! Be sure to check it out!
So a good friend of mine (Nick Yonge of Krang Games) is making a great game and is super close to his modest kickstarter goal! So if you like spaceship exploration, mystery, and great Canadian Indie game-developers, check out his video right here and see if it's up you alley!
And thanks a million to everyone who checks it out!
It's that Grappling Grubb Mose! Armed with his drop-hook and razor-knife, Mose is a specialized combat Grubb known as a bait-man and he is one of the best. Grubbs were constantly under the attack of huge and lumbering Manglerfish (pictured here eviscerated). Manglerfish would show up and gobble down the poor Grubbs constantly so the Grubbs came up with an ingenious way of taking them down.
Requiring perfect timing, a bait-man will be lowered from the Grubbian towers on their drop hooks and have to be chomped by the Manglerfish WITHOUT hitting the teeth! Once in the gullet of those great beasts they take out their razor-knifes and carve their way out! Easy-peasy!
So that's some art! thanks as always for dropping by guys. the greentooth army was a big part of me getting the best job I'll ever have in my life. Thanks and I'll try and be more diligent here!
I am transforming to kid(like werekid or something) every time i see your new stuff, Jouste. So much fresh ideas, gesture and motion.
How have you have been, friend?
I love the Sharkula, from the shark side of the moon haha
@ChrissPerr: haha not from me, i don't really have the know how or time to set up anything like that. but print out whatever you like for yourself.
@Conte: I have been really great pal, thanks for asking! just got hooked up with a new job where i get paid to be myself all day, I couldn't be happier! good hearing from you.
@kevlar jens: awesome! thanks for checking out my stuff! sharkula is very close to my heart which is pretty scary because he's a shark.
@coots7: thanks! yeah i slow down when it comes to enviros but i'm gettting slowly better. some up soon hopefully!
@Joseph Silverman: thanks for stopping by pal!
@Gav: *goes to get a towel
@acapulco: thanks dude! glad you like it
@spiderfingers: you gotta help me out, what did we work on together? thanks for stopping by here tho dude.
hey there my greentoothed veterans! so i've been a little busy at my new gig. it's with at that super indie studio Slick Entertainment. So i've been here about a month and one of the coolest parts about it is being able to show everyone what we are working on all the time! i'll post the bigger res images here just for fun but be sure to drop over and check out our Dev Blog that'll be updated with cool stuff every week!
I'm doing all the games documentation in drawings cause its way more fun to look at and show people. It's so much fun.
So here's some pictures form our game's documentation!
Placeholder Splash Page:
just to slap on the front end. Because every game with turtles and turrets needs a splash page! (working title).
here's how our game works!
and here's the first page of the art doc!
thanks a pile for checking out my stuff everyone. it was adam way back in the day that hollered at me to get on here and show off my doodles and now I'm doing what i love and making a living. you guys are the best.
see... these are the kinds of explanations I wanted to avoid... grrr... we didn't work on anything together, I'm sure that would have been awesome though. We where talking: you working over a beer me over some of my sketches I might have been sketching a baby rhino or a catfish-man or something along those lines. then you turned up at anomoly another time but I don't think we talked... anyway great stuff again as usual I like the turtle turret concept.
@xk0be: awww yeah! thanks for the gif brother!
@allmightythunder: thanks! hopefully it'll be a lot of fun! thanks for stopping by here!
@:spider_fingers: man it's starting to come a lot more clear. if you ar in vancouver we should totally hang out or something!
Screaming down the battlezone is that fearless fiend Shattertomb! Here he is donning his ancestors' headstones as armor and firing his loathsome-launcher into the fray! These sinister shells sear straight through the souls of all targets! Soul damage is super nasty and is usually highly illegal during these skirmishes but who cares when you're as badass as this guy!?
Shattertombs terrible-chariot is being pulled by a captured Ifrit that is bound by an infernal blood pact to Shattertomb and can be summoned at the grim-warriors convenience. It also uses headstones from Shattertomb's lineage to guard from shrapnel and enemy fire and is super handy for carrying all that extra health potions and ammunition.
This wicked warrior has sold his soul countless times to many different denizens of the underworld. fortunately for him, he uses his cryptic-connection with the afterlife to ransack those demon's homes and steal it back without much of a problem. Now he Destroys the battlefield with his powerful abilities! beware all who don armor this day! for the gruesome-onesome is here to kill!
-jouste the drawbarian
and just for the heck of it! here's the next pages from the dev blog! hooray!
thanks again for stopping by pals, this was the first place i ever really started posting my stuff seriously. so it's always awesome hearing from everyone!
awesome arts as usual, I'm trying to understand what's going on with Shattertomb's left foot there, is he standing behind the chariot?
Also, have you got MSN or something or do you mind if I PM you? I want to pick your brain about process for designing these guys!
3d rendering/architectural visualization
@ScudzALmight: initially it was a pedal situation but yeah it's a bitch to read. I've been burning the candle at 4 ends recently and just wanted to get something out haha. damn you and your good eyes!
@onelung: wow thanks for dropping by pal. you seriously have some amazing skills, your recent sculpts have been awesome!
@Joseph Silverman: steamlands! that game is awesome. Beast is a little like that but simpler with less building. you pick your load out at the begining of eatch level then complete it. I'm always on gchat at hit me up brother!
@Oranghe: thanks pal! glad you dig it ;D
@Wild54Pe: sorry what? the images are broken
@konstruct: lets hope so! always good to hear from you again dude!
@frontop: thanks for stopping by!
thanks for all the great comments guy s. I wanted to keep up on my responses so here they are! but since empty sketchbook posts are lame here's the most recent Devblog stuff i got going on! It's really picking up speed and we are havign a ton of fun making it! thanks again dudes!
charging is awesome!
enemy ideas are the best!
eating peppers is a hot thing to do!
badguys need places to live too!
thanks again pals! always awesome hearing from everyone!
-jouste the drawbarian
Just a question, are these actually pages from part of your design process as a team? or is it more of a promotional thing? I F*&$NG love it and its a great example of how to do more visual design.
if you got the speed i'd highly reccomend doing design docs like this as opposed to written stuff. take a gander at endling's design stuff on DA, it's amazing right!?
@Screwonhed: thanks so much! here is more right now!
Hey Polycount family! just dropping by for some responses and more Dev-Bloggage. Here's a few weeks worth to get the gray and green all caught up! you guys are the best!
Wow a shredder! how cool!
Hats!? Boy is that ever topical!
Our game's new name! SHELLRAZER!
Some ideas for exotic crews! vampires and typos galore!
Yikes! It's super buff grapplers!
Some neat-o enemy ideas! Hooray!
thanks for dropping by everyone! It's always awesome hearing from you guys.
@Scudz Almighty: yes! we were hoping to ruin maiden's Hellraser for everyone! hooray!
Hey all, been a while! I am sooo close to wrapping up my IOS game Shellrazer that I haven't had much chance to draw anything else! But i did it up anyways! hooray!
It's updated on my tumblr weekly but i've been slowly drawing every enemy in my game and adding a cool description! so here they are, the first few Shellrazer Scoundrels!
Its that poorly paid peasant archer equipped with low quality arrows and a lousy constitution. Goblin peasants are given the worst bows their armies can find and trained through a poorly worded pamphlet that is balloon dropped on them minutes before the enemy arrives. This shoddy training system combined with the awful diet of an average goblin peasant makes them easy targets for any trampling turtle!
Sometimes goblin archers survive long enough to be awarded a promotion and a helmet. These few goblins are the sturdy Archer-Elite! Being able to take more punishment and aim slightly better make these elite gobbos able to deal some serious structural damage to your platforms. So take a little more time to train your guns onto these assailing archers, your turtle will thank you for it!
Some Goblins are born biggest and bully their way into all the food reserves. These beefy brats become the Reinforced Archers and can don heavier armour and wield strong bow-guns. Although not typically the brightest of the green-horde, their full bellies tend to make them the happiest which is great for company moral. It will take more damage than normal to bring down these denizens so watch your shell!
The terrible Dreadshot is a mechanically inclined goblin with a fearsome repeating bow gun. These weapons can rain down continuous fire and are only given to the few goblin engineers that pass the rigorous training of building these contraptions. Dreadshots can unload a ton of damage in a very short time so be sure to watch out for these little punks on your journey!
Goblins that manage to not have a fear of heights are considered to be the bravest of their brethren. These courageous foes strap into swamp gas filled balloons and equip a light firearm to become Balloon Blasters. Your weapons might need a bit of a boost to tackle these airborne assailants so be sure to stock up on some anti-air rounds and upgrades if you dont want to be swarmed!
If regular ballooner goblins survive a few battles they are rewarded with a shield and heavy bow-gun. These aerial bullies are known as Balloon-Brutes and they sure know how to deal some damage! Brutes have more armour on their heirloom balloons and tend to boss around the grounded troops by yelling out ridiculous commands and dropping rocks. Be sure to equip some anti-air when dealing with these dastardly damage dealers!
now some stuff that was just for me to loosen up!
First off, here's Scoop the Plummeter!
Plummeters are special forces that carry around demonic chickens with them so they can drop off airships and land into the enemies. Once they've landed on the enemy, the demonic hens tend to cause even more chaos as they are usually quite terrified.
Scoop is a skilled Plummeter as he has survived a total of 16 drops. It also helps that he's an extremely durable individual who has used amateur alchemy to increase his toughness tenfold. He favors a very specific breed of demon fowl that is renowned over the lands for their petrifying gaze and brimstone breath.
hope you guys like this bold warrior!
Another quick pic!
It's Edric the Eggsman!
As it turns out, dragons are terribly lazy and tend to hire burly warriors to protect their brood. The main problem with dragon eggs is that they take about 300 generations to hatch. With this in mind, Edric is the 5th generation Eggsman, protecting the eggs of a famous dragon family. Dragons have such huge piles of treasure that if you take up the job of being an eggsman that your family is set for life!
Edric's tools are actually crafted from the toenail clippings of the dragon's family who wouldn't be bothered to look after their young but would gladly allow their nail clippings to be forged into weapons.
Dragon eggs make excellent omelets as well as increase the potency of magic spells a hundred fold. So we know that Edric has his work cut out for him.
wish this warrior luck as he steps out to face the world's problems!
thanks for checking out my stuff pals!
@Stinger88: haha great! glad you like it pal.
@konstruct: fingers crossed!
@The0ry: will do hombre! thanks for the comments!
@acapulco: thanks! you have some pretty amazing paintings on your hands! good job!
Hey guys! just wanted to reply to your comments and show the game i worked on in the Fullindie 48 hour game jam! It was super fun and we had a great team of 3 guys.
Nick Waanders (Code), Kevin Regamey (Sound), and me for the art.
the voices (all awesome) were:
Stephanie Komure, Colin Regamey, and Joshua Matumona.
and the sweet music was done by:
Riley Koenig
The theme was "Alternate Universes" So we made a game about an ogre that has to exterminate the horde of princesses in a castle.
It's caled "Princess, Die" and [ame="
Awesome. Reminds me of dustforce a little bit.
@ScudzAlmighty: Thanks hombre! glad you dig!
Hey Everyone! so We got our game accepted and it's coming out on July 26th! we've been dev-blogging every week here and started up a facebook page for liking here
come watch our cool trailer!
and just to get some art on this badboy, here's some of the fiends you'll be blowing up if you pick our game up!
Elite goblin-ballooners end up becoming promoted to being Storm-Cans, the most heavily armored balloons in the sky. Suited up in a super tough steel can, these goblins fire intense volleys of arrows with their dual dread-shots! Keep a look out for these orange attackers and be sure to bring them down!
Bearded Goblins are some of the more brave/stupider goblins who brazenly sprint at your war-turtle and leap up at the battlements! Once latched on, these sneaky fiends disrupt fire and start wrecking the place with their hacksaws and other tools. Be sure to get a finger on them and flick them off before they destroy your platform completely!
The Goblin-Grappler is a huskier goblin that revels in the art of leaping and demolishing. When they crash into enemy battlements there is sure to be a massive amount of chaos and destruction. Clever turtle riders will single out these Shock troops and bring them down before they can disrupt their guns!
Lumbering towards your turtle is that Burly Roblin-Crasher! Roblins are one eyed red goblins that get much tougher than your run of the mill green goblins. These monsters don heavy armour and trudge straight into battle. Once these beasts land on your war-turtle they quickly get to work demolishing and disrupting your carefully laid plans. Be sure to keep these guys grounded with heavy fire!
Sheep are one of the more stubborn creatures in the world of Shellrazer. Skilled goblins have learned how to ride them and the not-so-skilled ones are quickly trampled to death under thier furious hooves. Sheep riders carry a strong bow into battle and deal large amounts of damage as they zig and zag through war-turtle fire. Be sure to track these bad boys with your weapons!
so there's a bunch of stuff! I wanted to thank everyone who's ever posted on my thread here, it was the first place that I started getting comfortable online with my artwork and now am doing what i love to do everyday. thanks Polycount!
-jouste the drawbarian
So my game came out! And I'm stoked! About 6 months of hard work and I drew everything in it.
also here's a poster I did of Klei Entertainment! Those guys are like the coolest devs in Vancouver and I love their games.
we actually got an awesome poster done up for slick entertainment by Klei's very own Jeff Agala! I LOVE that guy! It's over here.
so a super short post, but thanks for checking it out guys!
-jouste the drawbarian
Congrats on the sweet game to you and the rest of the team.
wicked-cool poster also:poly124:
-edit- you should do an announcement thread in gd so more polycounters wikk know it's out;)
@ScudzAlmighty: did one up, thanks for the suggestion!
@Joseph Silverman: hey thanks! hope she liked it haha.
@acapulco: glad you liek it the design stuff was a lot of fun to do.
@konstruct: thanks for the bump hombre! always good to hear from you!
hey all! just wanted to hop back on here and dump out some art along with some small news!
So This last PAX I was lucky enough to meet Bill Stiernberg from zeboyd games! It was super awesome running into him and we decided to do up some art trade-age.
I decided to do his very cool game "Cthuluh Saves the World!" it was a lot of fun to do. So there's the blue haired Umi and that cool necromancer October with her books and whip. And don't forget that heroic Cthuluh at the back!
We were working on an update to shellrazer so here's some more design docs!
-some yeti design ideas. we went heavy on recycling the core body and varying the accessories to keep them interesting.
-Here's the Necro-Bomb-Icon! a new spooky weapon platform! I always wanted a necromancer type guy on the back of the turtle, he made it in the game!
here's chuckles the dragon! We really wanted another monster on top of the turtle.
here's a poster i did up for the release! if you want a cool highres 8.5x11 version of it, just click here!
-so the Shellrazer update is here! the game is also free for a week so be sure to check it out if you missed it!
so Oct. was definitely my month of gaming, I'm most likely going to throw up some fan service to those games that really gripped me.
Hotline Miami was an awesome, over-charged punch through the stomach that made me feel like an unstoppable monster the whole way through. everything from the pounding soundtrack to the feel of the game got me amped up and kept me crawling back for more.
I drew my favorite mask to wear when I really want to ruin some people's day, it's name is "Carl" and he comes with a drill.
If anyone is a fan of fast paced fists to the face and high volumes of violence be sure to check this game out if you haven't already.
-jouste the drawbarian
Got to play it on an ipod touch. Though, after seeing your art here.. I really began wishing I had an ipad with a larger screen, so that I could appreciate all the artwork that went into it.
Still a very fun game. As always, love your characters!
@SimonT: I know! sooo good! looking forward to the sequel!
Hey guys! So it's been a super long time since I've posted here but Polycount was the first place I built up my confidence as an artist so I thought I would keep this place updated as well! enjoy a big, raunchy sketch dump from your's truly!
Beak is an armored chicken-man warrior that is a master of weaponry and tough as nails. He's encased in the traditional "warbucket" of his culture and wields his lucky hatchet and sword but has been known to bust out many other weapons.
chicken-men feathers make excellent pillow down as well as fletching for arrows and they are terribly delicious so their villages and keeps are under constant raid. This constant fighting has carved these creatures into tenacious warriors, beak has seen many of his friends roasting on the fire pits of the enemy.
Zounds! It's the Terror-Former!
this ghoulish space-thing infests areas with its gruesome gangrenades and pestilence-projector. The Terror former is actually the weapons and ammunition themselves, they get wielded by some hapless space-adventurer who has come in contact with terror-spores.
Once the spores get into the neural pathways of the victim they start giving him/her the brilliant idea to manufacture these terrible weapons and start using them on everything right away.
After a substantial amount of the terror-mold has networked in an area they start manifesting planetary assault cysts that explode with such force they send their payload through the stratosphere. Each spore has the blueprints of the weaponry and is ready to influence another poor bastard.
Looks like it's simple character time again! This time it's that gritty Vampire-Vampire hunter kerVamps the Soulstaker!
During the terrible Vampire Clan Wars, kerVamps bought himself several rolls of two-ply rune-paper. This rune paper had both accuracy and penetration magically sewn into it. When this rune paper was wrapped around a classic stake, kerVamps had created a deadly projectile that would launch off of his wooden casters at the speed of magic! (which is terribly fast).
Here we can see that kerVamps has practiced on a slower member of his brethren by pinning him to a cliff! poor little bat, hopefully the vampire clan wars will be over soon so this bloodshed will cease!
Here's another simple character I came up with while doodling barbarians! I present Axeface! The Axis of Axes! Axeface is the greatest weilder of the axe ever known, his skill is so great that he's even wielded himself at times when he was out of axes! He has fashioned some super cool axe blades to his gauntlets and with the aid of his immaculate tumbling he's been known to cartwheel a dragon in twain!
It should be noted that anyone with an axe tattooed to his face should not be trifled with but Axeface is generally good-tempered and quiet. Just be sure not to mention your disdain for axes in his presence or he'll chop you down to size with a well-timed somersault!
Click-WHrrrrrrr! Look out foes! It's Waldemar the Winchman!
Winchmen are sentient, mechanical warriors. Haphazardly hammered together with magic and clockwork, their bodies can take a licking and keep on ticking. With their giant spool of rope on their backs they can fence from afar and have been known to take down their enemies across rivers and even up in the air atop flying contraptions! Once the body is put together by the most devious tinkers and cunning spell-crafters, you usually need to find a decent ghost to haunt the clockwork body and help with the rope-poltergiesting and winch engine.
Waldemar was originally a sell-sword who was bested by a Winchman when it's long range sword slash came through the window of his 18th floor apartment and brutally cut his head off while he was in the shower. Filled with a great annoyance, Waldemar's ghost angrily followed the assailant back to the factory and haunted it for a while. Before long he was crammed into a Winchman body of his own due to a sever shortage of decent ghosts and a shipping error. He's alright with his second lease on life and has taken to the intricate art of far-slaying like a fish to water!
So watch out! or don't bother because he can slice you from really far away!
And recently I've been working along side those awesome guys at Braceyourself games on Crypt of the Necrodancer! It showed really well at the Indie Mega booth this year at PAX Prime and we are showing it again at PAX East! It's been a blast working on it and these are some of the character concepts I made for that game. The style is in pixel so it was super fun extrapolating the characters for use in cool 16-bit style cut scenes! Be sure to check it out!
So a good friend of mine (Nick Yonge of Krang Games) is making a great game and is super close to his modest kickstarter goal! So if you like spaceship exploration, mystery, and great Canadian Indie game-developers, check out his video right here and see if it's up you alley!
And thanks a million to everyone who checks it out!
It's that Grappling Grubb Mose! Armed with his drop-hook and razor-knife, Mose is a specialized combat Grubb known as a bait-man and he is one of the best. Grubbs were constantly under the attack of huge and lumbering Manglerfish (pictured here eviscerated). Manglerfish would show up and gobble down the poor Grubbs constantly so the Grubbs came up with an ingenious way of taking them down.
Requiring perfect timing, a bait-man will be lowered from the Grubbian towers on their drop hooks and have to be chomped by the Manglerfish WITHOUT hitting the teeth! Once in the gullet of those great beasts they take out their razor-knifes and carve their way out! Easy-peasy!
So that's some art! thanks as always for dropping by guys. the greentooth army was a big part of me getting the best job I'll ever have in my life. Thanks and I'll try and be more diligent here!