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sketchbook: jouste



  • jouste
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    jouste polycounter lvl 14
    @subroland: i totally will be doing some more conceptual studies that will be involving plant-life and props and stuff. and the change of the file names is cause photobucket is JUNK and i host my images from other places now. thanks for stopping by pal!

    @willy-wilson: haha i assume you are referring to that massive pdf you're working on? man that is quite a ton of work. good luck friend!

    @bounchfx: i shant ever stop compadre! thanks for stopping by!

    @character: yeah i always like looking back on these and seeing how much i changed.

    so i am revisiting an old character of mine that i've had for a while. here was the last picture i did of him here. but i felt i needed to give him an update.

    i also wanted to do something familiar before i tackle the PC project! :D

    behold! it's lobstradomus the warrior prophet!

    donning heirloom armor and wielding the very claw of the gods, lobstradomus emerges from a noxious ocean to forge his destiny and heal a dying world!

    the massive weapon in his left hand is the "god's claw" a weapon given to all warrior prophets in order to make their prophecies come true through the ancient art of violence! it makes a very strong bludgeon and can pneumatically snap shut to cruse foes into paste but that's not all! it can also be loaded with ancient lobsterian artifact shells and be fired like a cannon when a little more damage and range is needed.

    lobstradomus is one of my older characters that always will be close to my heart. he's a goofy, courageous, and oblivious hero who wants nothing more than to fix the un-fixable earth that has barely survived an atomic cataclysm. he isn't sure how he will fix the earth, but he has foreseen a world where everything has been healed and that he will be the harbinger of this utopia.

    -jouste the drawbarian

  • DarkStar
    Really Funtastic!!! GJ!!! :thumbup:
  • ScudzAlmighty
    holy crap that's epic Jouste:poly142:
  • marlfox8
  • gibson543
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    gibson543 polycounter lvl 13
    Dude, you gotta timelapse some of this shit this is awesome!
  • jouste
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    jouste polycounter lvl 14
    @Dark Star: alright! thanks a bunch pal! thanks for the thumbs up ;D

    @ScudzAlmighty: awesome thanks! i always love it when people find my stuff epic. it makes me smile :D

    @marlfox8: thanks! that weapon design has been kicking around for some time in my head and i think i finally nailed it down.

    @gibson543: i've thought about doing that for a while, i think the problem is is that i zoom so often people might get motion sickness or something D:

    so here;'s a couple drawings jsut to bump my thread up. thanks all you cool dudes who have been following me forever! i really appreciate you guys checking in on me and helping me along in my quest!

    here's a commision i did for a friend of mine at newgrounds, it's the red baron character facing off against all the characters in the newgrounds rumble. think you can name them all?


    and here's just another quick and fun space dude with a description that's waaay too long ;P

    behold space travelers! it's phang that crafty flesh miner!

    here we see that he's riding a crystalline phase-shark that he's locked into his dimension with his anchor-gun. phase-sharks make great rides for any race able to take the total vacuum of the void without the need of a space-suit. this particular phase shark has had some additional weapons grafted to it to thwart any larger predators that come along.

    phang himself is on the lookout for the slumbering skin beasts. giant monsters that dozily drift through space in a vegetative state, consuming cosmic energy to increase in size. their epidermis is highly values in bio-crafting and organic armoring because of its general acceptance of any species' DNA and extremely low rejection rate.

    phang wields a heavily serrated sonic-saw that can vibrate through the super strong skin beasts carapace and can also chop through a starship's hull in a matter of milliseconds. his race can also happily survive the vacuum of space and has mastered equestarianism, the act of riding a mounted creature through the void instead of a bulky starship.

    flesh mining has really taken off with the recent emergence of self-customization. phang himself has had his entire left arm replaced with a much more durable drullian affair and has been saving up to re-organize his neural network with a trivian brain-beast overhaul.

    so beware anyone creeping in on phang's harvesting territory, he's been known to slice ships in half and send their crews into the void without anything but a few seconds of life support!

    -jouste the drawbarian

  • vofff
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    vofff polycounter lvl 10
    epic stuff m8:)
  • dtschultz
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    dtschultz polycounter lvl 12
    Wow! I love your color, line work and the personality of your characters. Pages of awesome stuff!
  • sub_roland
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    sub_roland polycounter lvl 12
    For shame jouste, never say your descriptions are to long, I love the backstories. 8D
  • ocarian
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    ocarian polycounter lvl 16
    Excelent Sketchbook Jouste

    A Lot of Charisma on your characters

    Keep up :)
  • jouste
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    jouste polycounter lvl 14
    @voff: thanks dude! always great to hear from a fellow polycounter! :D

    @dtschultz: hooray! thanks for going through all the pages! glad you like the stuff.

    @sub roland: haha well that's good to hear. sometimes i get too carries away, it's almost like i should start a comic or something...

    @ocarian: yes! charisma! my favorite of all the D&D stats! thanks for the comment hombre! :D

    here's just a dump of recent stuff i've been getting out. contest entries and fan art! hope you folks dig it!

    first off here's that grog swillin' villian gragas!

    initially when this guy came out he was pretty weak, but after some nerfs and getting annihilated by strong gragas players i took the plunge and started playing this tanky beast of a man. he is sooo much fun to play once you get the hang of him.

    hope you league of legend fans like him! he was a lot of fun to draw.


    and there was a scott pilgrim contest on DA so i gave it a shot with two characters in the style of Bryan Lee O'Malley.

    Look out Scott Pilgrim!

    It's Bradley Thomas the barefoot blogger! Armed with his zero-point energy watch and rugged laptop he blogs his way through coffee shops, ordering ridiculous drinks and keeping his thousands of followers up to date on his "hard-core" barefoot approach to the blog-o-sphere.

    Bradley has also developed his own style of martial art that is a combination of exhibition blogging and long fist kung fu. He can adeptly deal out punishing blows while never failing to miss a key on his all terrain laptop, making sure his followers are fed a continual stream of sweet blog and vlog action.

    Bradley dated Ramona for a brief period of time in grade school after he first removed his shoes for gym class. He forgot to put them back on and Ramona swooned as she mistook his general laziness for anti-establishment actions against the totalitarian elementary school. Bradley never put shoes or socks on for that matter ever again.

    So tread carefully through those caffeinated canals of calamity Scott! Bradley is one mean customer that waits in line for no one and never fails to tweet about a sub-par latte!


    and here's another one!

    Brace yourself Pilgrim!

    It's that mean dish-washer wash-up Curtis Meyers! Armed with a never ending supply of deadly dish ware, Curtis emerges from the dish pit at the local greasy spoon to deal out the surly beats!

    Curtis was one of the first kids in his school to get a job, as a dishwasher. he made so much money he was able to shower Ramona with lovely gifts of candy and movie rentals. Ramona quickly grew tired of his attention and dumped his rich ass. But Curtis took the break up poorly.

    Curtis dropped out of junior high to pursue a career in dish-washing because his life had stopped when Ramona left him. He quickly became the counties greatest dishwasher, earning a staggering salary of 9,000 dollars a year.

    But Curtis was never in it for the money. he was secretly training himself to take down Scott Pilgrim and win back Ramona with his amazing ceramic wielding mastery and cool new smoking habit!

    So watch your back Scott, this deadly dishwasher will serve up your doom on a squeaky clean platter!


    And here's some stuff i did for a madness day contest down at newgrounds.


  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    I reaaaally like those last two!
  • jouste
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    jouste polycounter lvl 14
    @konstruct: hey thanks dude, i kinda liked how that one turned out as well. thanks for stopping by!

    man it's been a long time since i posted anything. so lets put up some stuff!

    here's the behemoth picture i took to pax this year to deliver to those awesome dudes over at the giant rooster. it was so awesome to meet my favorite artist in person and give him it all framed up. they liked it a bunch so i wanted to share it with you guys as well. it's got the dudes from battle block theatre and soem behemoth classics!


    also i entered the newgrounds calender contest again this year and took january again! i'm super stoked and i did it with this picture. its a pile of the newground sponsored games. if you don't know who they all are never fear! from left too right (kinda)armed prophet, time fcuk, meatboy, fishbane, tyrone from hot ninja moon moon, the cyborg protagonist from league of evil, space-ninja, miami shark, toss the turtle, and larry from larry andthe gnomes!

    all super awesome games you should check out if you haven't.


    i also did up some stuff for BoMToons, three pictures of the bosses in his awesome game chibi-knight it's a super fun game and i was really happy to do up the three bosses near the end of the game in my own style.

    here's the mean and green spear knight...


    the rampaging red hammer knight...


    and the fiery powerhouse, the purple knight...


    and i also entered Jazza's poster contest for his epic flash beat-em up larry and the gnomes .

    i decided to draw my favorite boss the freak! you fight him in act three and he's totally awesome. i chose that fight in particular because it was one of those great moments i get in gaming when i get absolutely trashed and then i figure out what to do and win and feel smart.

    so here we got larry, a little more armored than usual brandishing the super awesome board with nails in it and standing beside those levels that send him into that perilous drop zone level! in the background are the nasty gnomes, ready to take him down a peg and looming up behind him is the terrible freak, brandishing those twin cleavers and ready to rip apart our hero!


    and here's osme quick conceptual stuff i did up recently just for practice.

    a high tech generator for hiding behind and powering your laser-horse...


    a universal engine for your vehicle or mounted plasma cannon...


    a scary desert...


    and some mean-trees...


    thanks for checking out my stuff guys.
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    I like your character art, but it's super cool to see other stuff from you for a change.
    I like the tech bits.
  • crashadams
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    crashadams polycounter lvl 7
    Followed you for quite some time on newgrounds, used your version of the Dad n Me drawing to practice my character modeling in maya awhile back and was happy you actually responded on Deviantart where I posted it. I'm back on polycount now because I'm in the game art program at FullSail so I figured I need a good place to go...never really could get established in newgrounds...and I'll reitturate what someone else said that I like your environment and tech drawings, very cool :)
  • redpandafire
    Wonderful action and coloring. =) Keep it up!
  • SlappyBag
    This is one of the main reasons I keep coming back to Polycount, not that Polycount isn't awesome anyway. I'd love to see some of these time lapses, I truly love your style.

    Edit: I worded that completely wrong.
  • wi_2
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    wi_2 polycounter lvl 10
    awesome and beyond!.. great work sir!
  • InProgress
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    InProgress polycounter lvl 14
  • jouste
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    jouste polycounter lvl 14
    @HonkeyPunch: hey thanks! yeah i figure i need to start broadening my artistic horizons.

    @CrashAdams: hey great! yea hit's pretty tough to get noticed as an artist on newgrounds, 3d especially. best of luck in your program friend! thanks for following me!

    @redpandafire: will do! i LOVE your pencils BTW, thanks for stopping by!

    @SlappyBag: LoL, i'm going to start livestreaming stuff soon if anyone is interested. i'll be sure to post up the link ;D

    @wi_2: thanks you! glad you like it ;D

    @InProgress:thanks for stopping by! always good to hear from you pal.

    time for some dumpage!

    for conceptart.orgs character of the week challenge. its the lady of the lake from arthurian legend, it was one way out of my comfort zone so i took a bash at it.

    i tried to take her in a different direction. making her more of an under-water alchemist. so here laboratory is at the bottom of the lake, where she can enchant excalibers and whip up sweet sweet potions.there's her air tanks anchored down to the bottom of the lake with some chains and some floating flasks.

    basically i wanted her to be like a very powerful mystic who's power was only truly magnificent when at the bottom of her lake. this was a lot of fun, great topic ;D

    i also put those elephant irons on her to further represent that she's stuck down there if she wants to be super awesome at the magics.


    here's my entry for the blizzard art contest.

    blizzcon sure looked crazy from the vids i ended up seeing. a big hooray for everybody there. congrats on your awesome success.

    i figured that i've put enough hours into their games that i can spare a few for some fanage.

    I always loved the idea of the classic ogre-mage, a giant caster that can hurl lightning, bench boulders, and take a beating.

    So I threw him up against a beefy orc grunt with a trusty axe and shield.

    The ogre-magi is shaking up things with an earthquake spell but our orc friend is ready to take on the seismic assault and return some punishment with his tools of trauma.

    Good luck brave orc! Here's hoping you pummel that blue behemoth into paste!


    alright, this was done for the league of legends community.

    basically i have a thread there that has a few pages of art throughout it and i foolishly stated i would draw this abomination if my thread hit over 1k upvotes.

    there's a character in the game called ezreal who is a dude who always gets razzed about looking like a chick. so this guy named "kama-toki" on the forums thought it would be cool if ezreal went exploring and was transformed into a cat-girl version of himself.

    i wouldn't blame you if you stopped reading.

    anyways my thread hit the number of upvotes so i swallowed my pride and drew up this ridiculous picture because i am if anything a good sport.

    so enjoy this rarely seen weirdness drawn by me, or totally don't. if anything it was interesting working on subject matter i would never willingly participate in.

    here is the excerpt from the forum post:

    "she's got some bells on her tail and collar to keep those mouses alert and some auxiliary yarn for those extra long spelunking trips! the goggles are also cat-eyeish and she's armed with a bloodthirster! how neat! also next to her satchel is one mean carabiner she used to use for climbing except now she's got claws so it's strictly there for aesthetics!"


    so i wanted to do up a quick character so i came up with this guy.

    it's impalin' kaylun, the super skewer! he uses his sub-par telekinesis skills to launch huge spikes at his foes! scary stuff!

    i say sub-par because he is actually quite a weak telekinetic. his powers are actually amplified by his family heirloom "the spinering of amplification". kaylun's inept powers aren't all attributed to his laziness or inability to remember anything. kaylun is a snox, the snox are a race that is doomed to never excel at anything in particular but instead are drearily average at absolutely everything.

    passed down from generation to generation, this stone ring amplifies all latent abilities and turns amateur spell-slingers into forces of arcane reckoning.

    wish kaylun luck as he punctures his way through his enemies!

    -jouste the drawbarian

  • Rens
    I got some catching up to do on your work man,
    I'm going to take my time and look through them one at the time, so i don't miss out any detail you put in. <3
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    these fems came out fantastic man! love it!

    don't know how long ago you did it, but the new portfolio site on DA is sick man!
  • InProgress
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    InProgress polycounter lvl 14
    Now I have to decide which one I want to do first. The Oarsman or the Impalin. Great job, as always, mate!
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    Catgirl EZ!

    oh lawdy
  • Sebeuroc
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    Sebeuroc polycounter lvl 13
    Dude, your stuff is crazy fantastic; I love your style!

    It's really inspiring to look back at the beginning of this thread and see how your skills have exploded over the last couple years.
  • jouste
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    jouste polycounter lvl 14
    @Rens: Rens! awesome to hear from you! it seems that it has been far too long pal!

    @Firebert: yeah its slick and totally free. when threewave shut down like 3 other uys used it as thier quick set up portfolio sites. it's not too bad ;D. thanks for the comments on the chicks! i still need a lot of work.

    @InProgress: do whatever you like pal! i look forward to seeing anything... INPROGRESS BWAHAHAHAHAHA! ;D

    @Sectuars: haha yeah the forum thread really liked it lol.

    @Sebeuroc: yeah it still seems like yesterday that adam told me to post up my lunchtime sketches. sheesh was i terrible. well i'm bound to get a little better after all these scribbles! thanks for stopping by!

    so i wanted to get a shwack of environmental stuff together so i set myself some time limits and just started cranking them out. it came out so fast and easily i really need to do more and start honin' my skills!

    not a pile of stories to go with these guys, just quick ideas. more like mood pieces. hope they get some folks thinking they were there.

    01: a flagged fountain on a clifside


    02: a stacked stone idol in a canyon


    03: a torn up shore with some open graves


    04: a blimp flying village in the steppes


    05: a demonic field plowed with fear and jutting with obelisks


    06: a log bridge over some grassy cliffs during early fall


    07: a dockside fishing village at night


    08: a phoenix forge inside of a shallow volcano


    09: a hidden mausoleum among spiked bridges and stagnant water


    10: an alpine farm and a tire swing cower under unknown invaders


    11: a moonlit pond overlooked by levitating rocks


    12: a garden surrounding a stone from the heavens

  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
  • PogoP
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    PogoP polycounter lvl 10
    Sorta reminds me of Cosmic Spacehead on the Mega Drive. Which is AWESOME!

    I could totally see you making environments for some sort of adventure game.
  • jouste
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    jouste polycounter lvl 14
    @MoP: yes! thanks for stopping by paul! it is always awesome to hear from you! and here is the fiend of the orange!? i needs to see it!

    @PogoP: haha i remember that game! and thanks! i still need to brush up on my environments so these were a fun exercise.

    holy cats!

    it's time for some fan-artage for that fabulous throwback to the games of the old, Retro City Rampage!

    if anyone isn't aware of this nostalgia storm of awesomeness get educated! the thing won best of PAX 2010, voted by a bunch of folks from respectable gaming sites... and destructoid!

    So here's "THE PLAYER" running down a brick laden alleyway, wielding his retro-zapper and being bitten by a radioactive plumber! this occurrence gives the player the sweet ability to jump on dudes and pound the ground just like everyone's favorite italian! yowzers that's neat-o!

    so much awesome crap is crammed into this game i can't wait for it to come out! you get to roll around in the turtle-van, rock out 88 mph in a flame-setting DeLorean, and take on the two guys from contra!

    built by the super talented brian provinciano (why do game dev's always get the coolest names?) this thing is going to kick ass with boot to spare so strap on your power glove, check your flux capacitor. and brace yourself for the frenzy of fantastic fun that will be Retro City Rampage!

    check it out fools!

    -jouste the drawbarian

  • jouste
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    jouste polycounter lvl 14
    hey all! just wanted to put my dom war deal in here as well as some newer stuff i quickly did up.

    so here's my finished domwar mini-contest!

    two corrupted champions backing up those polygon punching patriots at polycount!

    on the left is PHELGRUM: HIGH-BRANDISHER OF THE BIRD ABLAZE! holy-cake-eating-dinosaur! what a monster! phelgrum was an expert wielder-demon; creatures that are capable of weaponising anything they come in contact with. phelgrum managed to trick a phoenix with a cunning trap involving birdseed and an untracable cellphone call. now that fiery falcon resides in a horrible cage-club that is wielded by that horrific demon phelgrum! yikes how scary!

    and don't forget that freakinsh fountain of fear on the right:

    CAULDRONIS: THE GRIM GHOULASH! that sinful soup, that baleful brine, the frightful fondue! watch out people! that's a spined war ladle he be wielding in tandem with that lid shield! cauldronis was a slurry of foul concoctions that was so horrific and vile it grew an evil consciousness, consumed the insane alchemists that brewed him. and transmogrified the cauldron that became his new body! yowzers what a tale!


    zounds! it's batwing-bear!

    just when you thought it was safe behind that big fortress door of yours! bat wing bear is one ferocious fiend! wielding one bad ass maul he flaps his furry force into the fray and flattens his foes with fantastic foulness!

    good ol' BWB is a renowned mercenary who lends his combat prowess to the highest bidder and has been known to swap allegiances mid battle if the honey pot has been sweetened enough.

    using his small but strong wings, bat wing bear can cover a lot of ground during battles and outdoor parties, he also uses his massive frame to plow through battalions and barriers with the greatest of ease! his hammer is a family bearloom that was passed down from generation of flying bears to generation but alas it's cursed! the wielder of the hammer becomes horribly greedy and miserly! skipping on the bill and never tipping!

    oh you poor majestic creature! hopefully that greed of yours won't make you end up in too many pickles! oh hell who am i kidding... of course it will!


    ouch! who's that pepper powered pugilist?

    why it's none other than captain saicin: soldier of spice!

    here we see him decked out in his herb slinging battle gear, ready to douse the field with his searing smoke and peppery mists of scorching spices! on his belt and back you can plainly see the ripened custavo doom chilies; the hottest pepper ever experienced in the galaxy (there may be hotter peppers out there but discovering them without being destroyed would likely be impossible.

    captain saicin commands a squad of spice soldiers into the most dangerous of missions and has many a harrowing tale to tell! on his right arm is a cutomized peppershot device that deploys a concentrated blast of screaming hotness that melts through armor and flesh alike!

    so watch out everyone! this cyclopean customer is on one spicy mission!


    so this year i'm going to try and finish a short comic. i'm tired of these guys not having stories so wish me luck dudes and dudettes! and as always thanks for checking out my stuff!

    -jouste the drawbarian
  • clyke
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    clyke polycounter lvl 13
    Amazing thread!!
  • clyke
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    clyke polycounter lvl 13
    I had a dream last night and some of the recent images reminded me of it. Any way great job on the environment.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    My inspiration folder has seen little work from the great and mighty jouste in a while.

    I am a sad panda.
  • SimonT
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    SimonT interpolator
    awesome style :D love it!
  • conte
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    conte polycounter lvl 18
    heh friend, you rock) we must do some sketchtrades again.
  • jouste
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    jouste polycounter lvl 14
    @clyke: whoa! a dream about these guys? you poor bastard! thanks a pile for stopping by! i really appreciate it ;D

    @firebert: yeah i know, i haven't been doing too much personal stuff, the fan stuff seems to get people more excited :/ i guess i gotta make something myself!

    @SimonT: awesome! thanks for the comment pal! hooray!

    @conte: hell yes! lets get a sketch trade going! always good to hear from you conte, your sketchbook is super tight.

    it's been too long polycounters! i'm getting super stoked on tackling the dom war this year, but before then here's some fan art action!

    first off it's ratfist! a very awesome web comic by the very awesome Doug TenNaple (earthworm jim anyone?) i recommend reading it cause its awesome.


    and also here's some fanart for that very awesome show Girlchan in Paradise by egoraptor. man that show is hilarious. so here's the characters Kenstar, Yusuke, and Galacticamaru.


    and here's an update of me the drawbarian! wielding a wacom tablet battle axe! whoo hoo!

    also i started doing a daily sketch blog to keep more of a presence during these projects that take up my time. please drop by and check it out! i swear there will be something new on there everyday.

    thanks for checking out my stuff everybody!

    -jouste the drawbarian
  • wizo
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    wizo polycounter lvl 18
    haha I wish I had that wacom pen! Lookin awesome jouste can't wait to see what you do on Dominance war, I am pumped aswell.
    Take care!
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    love the worn down nib :D
    come to think of it... damn... i gotta change my nib... yeesh!
  • Sean VanGorder
    Love it. I'm so psyched that you're doing a drawing-a-day blog.
  • HeatSeeking HandGrenade
    I cant get over it man, i love your work. Ive been workin on my painting skills, i just cant seem to break out of over realising and hard values. How do you approach your artwork in terms of coloring and value?
  • jouste
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    jouste polycounter lvl 14
    @wizo: thanks for the drop in dude! and no domwar for me haha ;D.

    @Firebert: here to help pal!

    @SeanEG: haha thanks! they're just quick little sketches but i hope you dig em!

    @HeatSeekingHandGrenade: I think that the main thing i focus on is keeping the palette simple and let the highlights and shadows push it.

    hooray! made it through 2 weeks of the daily highfive! thanks for dropping by guys!

    here's a simple character i set up with a bit of a backstory! hope you guys dig him!

    Keep clear denizens of the desert! it's Sefu the Sword of the Sands!

    Sefu is a battle worn Mantisman who has survived a Mantisman mating ritual. Mating rituals are usually quite fatal to Mantisman males as the females are insanely powerful and violent and out weigh the males by a good 400 pounds.

    After surviving the coupling ritual Sefu barely escaped his colony and clipped off his antenna, severing his link to the swarm and forever ostracizing himself among his own race. His mate was a notoriously cruel female and continues to hunt him down to this day!

    Sefu is a renowned Martial artist who specializes in breaking techniques and has several retractable spines that are housed just under his exoskeleton. Mantismen exo-skeleton's never heal so older Mantismen typically have scars that are years old and are bound together with wraps and staples.

    Sefu is also a cigar aficionado who eats the but ends of stogies because of his love of tobacco leaves.

    I know i've done a mantisman kind of character before but i wanted to really nail him this time. Hopefully i can take this guy a little further as i'm a fan of his simple design.

    -jouste the drawbarian

  • jouste
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    jouste polycounter lvl 14
    o spaceship hull is safe! Get to those escape pods while your life-support systems are still intact!

    Brace yourselves for the impact of Sledj, The Smasher Supremus! A super durable starship sundering space-slammer!

    Space-Slammers are a sect of galactic warriors that pride themselves on being able to smash through anything. Their Smash-based religion believes that all things were once created through smashing, and can be undone by the same amount of smashing.

    They start on your basic terrestrial metals and work their way up to invincium starship hulls and even some forms of energy shielding! Middle aged Solidians like Sledj are tough enough to take on becoming an inducted Slammer and therefore the ranks of them are abundant with that durable race.

    the sledge-swords that are used by space-slammers are created from thousand-fold forcium, an insanely durable metal that handles all types of punishment and holds its shape for thousands of years. They are never sharpened or repaired and take only slight wear over their lifetimes of smashing, each nick is a medal of accomplishment to any wielder of sledge-swords.

    -jouste the drawbarian


    Also i managed to get 35 daily highfives up! the longest actual commitment i've ever had artistically yowsers! here's a link to what's been done so far!

    later folks!
  • Daven
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    Daven greentooth
    "smash-based religion"... god damnit lol

    Love your blog man. Calamitous works as always.
  • jouste
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    jouste polycounter lvl 14
    @suburbbum: too kind! thanks for checking out my stuff pal. always great to hear from another 2d dude!

    so I wrapped up all the currently released champs on my daily highfive blog and just wanted to post them all here in a silly giant image whoo hoo!


    Holy cats! it's the Rooftop seven!

    these guys have seriously been floating around i my head for somewhere around 7-8 years and recently a really good friend of mine took up to writing a story for them.

    they are a scrappy team of monster fighters setting the world straight!

    on the left with the red ears and gun is Devil Dog Derringer, a crack shot monster hunter with perfect memory!

    to his right with the goggles and the knife is that baroom brawler steve the cleaver! capable of seeing 4 seconds into the future and eating sandwiches!

    and that mean beast in the front wielding two alligators as if they were crocodiles is none-other than the Dover Demon! a mysterious suit wearing smasher that delivers shocking uppercuts from his augmented armor!

    it's just starting to get some momentum but if a screwball team of misfits battling cryptids is your thing then check it out why don't you?

    and here's a sketch trade i did with Project Endo.


    this character looks super slick and it was a pretty big challenge for me to work with a character whose simplicity is what makes him so freaking rad.

    here's some fan art of the upcoming game "Fat Wizard" built by flash legends Chevy Ray and Matt Thorson I got a chance to play it ant the Fullindie meet up and it slays and will be super cool!


    and lets not forget Plowzer!

    Behold fellow fans of the frightening!

    It's Plowzer! the Bane of the Battlefield! Her he is tromping onward brandishing a Blunted Demonspine and the fabled shield "Blade-Biter". This shield is possessed by a mighty creature who lives to taste the battle tempered blades and arrows of war. Whenever someone's weapon finds it's strike upon it's grisly flesh, the shield snaps it up in it's great jaws! what a perfect companion to take with you on those long skirmishes!

    Plowzer also don's the Helm of the Angered Bovine, vastly increasing his battlerage by a whopping 38%!

    anyways i wanted to do a return to form and draw some silly fantasy stuff, hope you guys like it!


    -jouste the drawbarian
  • OverMarvelous
    i think the health potions are my favorite. You're amazing ! keep up the good work
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
  • conte
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    conte polycounter lvl 18
    last knight blew me away, cool stuff as always!
  • konstruct
    Offline / Send Message
    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    good to see you still kickin ass and takin` names
    The rendering style on the 'rooftop seven' cover tickles my fancy. SUPER confident line work.
  • jouste
    Offline / Send Message
    jouste polycounter lvl 14
    @Overmarvelous: Thanks! i really like drawing health pots all over my guys haha.

    @adam: thanks for the screaming pink text big daddy!

    @conte: always great to hear from you brother!

    @konstruct: thanks dude! i rely a ton on my lines to get my point across. glad to hear they don't look too bad.

    Man it has been waaaay to long since i've posted here. so how about another insanely big art dump for my favorite modelling site in the worlds!

    for a little while over here a few of my old co-workers did up some pretty sweet drawings weekly but it kinda slowed down. either way it was a lot of fun so some of the stuff here is from those quick exercises and some aren't.
    this week on DRAWW! it was Spiderman Villains and i did up the scorpion! One of my favorite old school Lee Ditko badguys. I re-designed him with a backwards style costume robbing some sacks of money! what a jerk! Oh and be sure to watch out for that headbutt!


    Witness watchers of the wierd!

    It's Grudd the Master of Monsters! Here he is, donned with his cloak of the vampire and riding a vicious quadropus. On his flank you can see that he has a cask of re-cursed demon phlem that coats his enchanted homing daggers.

    There has been no ride-able animal that has been able to withstand he wiles of Grudd, who seems to be able to whisper his way into the hearts of any beast with a broad enough back to support his battlefield brawn.

    bash onward oh brave brawler!


    this week on DRAWW! it was Joe Mad's Battle Chasers! I chose that steamy war golem Calibretto who was really fun to mess around with, I'm a sucker for core simplistic design work and Calibretto really rides the edge of being intricate and easy to look at. I always wanted to hear this guy move around after reading the books, it would probably be a very cool sound.

    I saw a few images where other weapons were erupting from his body so I decided to give him some extra melee power with the aid of some flailing sword and shield arms. I also tucked in his head to keep focus on his ridiculous arsenal.


    'Lo those who frequent the frightening and fearsome!

    It's Dogsword the Demolisher! Here he is leaping into battle, wielding the "Magnificent Molars of Mojar!" and donning the terrible "Cloak-thulhu, Cape of the Accursed Cosmos!"

    Dogsword is totally immune to arrows due to an alchemicaly enhanced upbringing that his gypsy mother enacted after foreseeing her only son die by a thousand arrows. Archers that take aim at Dogsword get crippling stomach pains, and any arrow that manages to leave the bow curve away from Dogsword and usually hilariously hit something else. Tragically this means that Dogsword cannot wield a bow which is fine by him because bows are for wussies.

    Now with his cool tools and wicked gypsy boons he crashes through life in the style of any awesome barbarian! hooray for Dogsword!


    DRAWW! this week was one of my all time faves! TMNT! Armaggon is one scary character!


    Hey All!

    A game created by some pals of mine is out! It's called "Zombie Minesweeper: A Love Story" and it's super great!

    You get to uncover killer mines and escape from scary zombies as well as pull out shotguns and blast them apart!

    here's a link to the site:


    Adventure Time is one of my favorite shows. Here's some goofy versions of some characters.




    Hey all!

    Here's Henry the Horrible Hatchmage! Armed with an enchanted talking sword and a blight egg from the foulest of the fowl herself; Wretchbeak!

    Henry is a middle ranking hatchmage who can hold his own in any battle and known for his vile presences across the land. Talking sword are half the cost of Singing Swords but lack the sharpness and are tragically tone-deaf and can only carry on mundane conversation.

    All Hatchmage's are given an egg from Wretchbeak to guard and give them awful pungent powers on the battle field. They are careful not to break the Egg or else they are forever cursed by their cruel master to molt until terribly naked and tend the egg fields for all eternity.


    Look out all you armored assailants!

    It's the plate breaking sharpshooter Sneake the Slaughtercrow! When scarecrows get upgraded, crows simply explode when they get near them and they are then called slaughtercrows and gain sentience.

    Sneake is a crack shot with his twin mini-crossbows and fires terrible Drill-bolts that grind their way through even the toughest of armors. He is also wearing demon-paw-ldrons that obfuscate his presence from up too 4 people a day until they need a break.

    A formidable fiend indeed!


    Here's Hobble Highwound!

    He's a rough and tumble brawlomancer who uses stupidly crude magics to win all his bar-fights.

    He was stuck with an enchanted blade of vampirism and its hex has kept Hobble from removing it. The sword's strange energies are supposed to kill lesser beings but Hobble was too strong so the sword just sits in his arm, siphoning Hobble's spare powers which frankly taste quite awful.

    Since Hobble can awkwardly bully magic into doing his bidding he can channel some of the swords soul sapping powers to aid him in his battles.


    i wanted to get a quick fan job done of one of my favorite web comics out there.

    it's called "Died Again" and it's about a trash mob in an MMO setting and it's really well done. it's located here, and it's done up by the awesome Chris Bourassa! so here's Death Knight! I always pictured him as not being the most powerful death knight around so in this picture he's managed to use all of his magic to levitate a bone. hope you guys like it!


    I decided to post my entry for the Newgrounds calendar entry here as well because it was pretty fun to do. here's the word i typed up over there!:

    Ho' fellow Newgrounders!

    Here's my submition for the 2012 calendar contest! It's got a pile of this year's favorites being called into action by our beloved tankmen! can you name all of that heroic web content?

    Is that a playful Gap Monster? Maybe Mr. Rufus ready to be heading upwards! How about the heroic snail from snailiad! Or everyone's favorite Unforgivable reptilian cos-player Sarthack! oh boy what a sweet roster!

    Trying to find them all is half the fun! Thanks for all the laughs and inspiration Newgrounds, this heroic charge of fresh reinforcements is just what the internet needs to re-charge its demonic batteries!


    On the frozen steppes of Frostmurder gallop the horrendous arachnideer. Venemous and belligerent, these awful creatures claim the bitter wasteland as their own, engaging in deadly territorial battles and even deadlier mating rituals.

    Only one being has the stones to hunt down these creatures for their confusing pelt and hallucinogenic sweat glands, and that creature is Gutbow Peltmasterson. Gutbow's massive spear launching bow has a string made of dragon gut that draws the instrument so taught that it sometimes destroys the hefty arrow outright in a fine mist of splinters before release. Gutbow can also field dress anything with the aid of his "wise knife" a haunted blade that gives great tips.

    Here we can see Gutbow walking away from a recent kill but make no mistake. He has purposefully left the corpse of a virile and handsome male in hopes to lure some of the more valuable females closer. He is also donning a female's pelt as it offers amazing armor class and adds a sold +8 to ALL his intimidation rolls.



    so that's that! hope there's some stuff that you guys might dig. I'm SUPER excited about my new job and am gonna be really active soon. thanks a million all my sharptooth companions.

    -jouste the drawbarian.
  • Jeremy Tabor
    Offline / Send Message
    Jeremy Tabor polycounter lvl 14
    The creativity oozing from these posts of yours is awe-inspiring.

    Great work, man, and congrats on the new job!
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