@mop: thanks dude! always awesome to hear from you!
@spinks: yeah frank cho is super great. i remember him at comicon a couple years ago, there was so many chicks going up to get their chest signed by him it was pretty funny. his princess of mars stuff is so awesome.
thanks for checking out my stuff!
@rollin: hey pal! thanks for the comments, i'll be trying to get more stuff like this out soon.
@wizo: glad you like it man! and i'm in agreeance with you about having la-senzians as a new diablo 3 class.
@_gr9yfox_: you checked this out before going to sleep? you fool! thanks for checking out the thread dude! always good to see new faces drop by the jouste pit.
@andersh: awesome man, glad you like the guys. anybody in particular? you can go right ahead and model whoever you like as long as your friendly neighborhood jouste a shout out ;D
@nelis: thanks for dropping by dude.
so i re-visited one of my favorite characters, it's that super dense galactic templar the starsquatch!
wielding his grav-o-metric orbliterator and donning the stonesteel war apron of his ancestors, the starsquatch is a proud and noble space warrior that annihilates anyone who opposes him with his insanely powerful weapon.
the face-guard slots denote the class of the templar. this is a lighter starsquatch and belongs to the "scout" class of starsquatches. they usually pilot lighter spacecraft and have access to fewer weapons.
these hearty bipeds can also survive the vacuum of space for hours at a time and are the only organic entity known to be able to take a full energy blast from a warpwire laser cannon and "walk it off"
here we can see him in the "longstar" frozen voidfist stance. its a space-martial art so powerful that later movements can bend space time and unleash insane amounts of power at the cost of years of life to the wielder.
@adam: lol, i had to reply at that cause i did another one. glad you found it funny. jouste the drawbarian version 2!
the style is in a little different direction. loads of fun to work on
shape of the bear is a nod to bravestarr's awesome power; tragically my "shape-of-the-bear" power merely makes my gut stick out and hair to grow more profusely on my shoulders.
LOL That is ace Jouste! And yes I'd have to agree the arms and shoulder are quite hairy. One thing gets me though. The right hand just looks odd to me. The middle and ring finger seem to just disappear.
@bighoss: man good eye, i must have missed it when i was coloring. i guess i must learn to slow down a little . glad you dig what you've seen so far!
@slingshot: slinger! haha glad you got a laugh out of the drawbarian! i suppose he has more powers than i originally thought! good to hear from you as always.
@slappybag: haha the comment is much appreciated! i'm flattered really. but as of now i feel that my chops are at a 4 and i need them to be at a 14 before i can seriously start charging people to have a book of my goofy-ass characters. thanks for the vote of confidence and cool link! the annelidian rifleman!
far across the galaxy lives the disgusting race of annelidians, vicious hermaphrodites that sustain their horrible reign by consuming the blood of all who oppose them. annelidians are quite floppy and need multiple braces to keep their pliable bodies rigid and able to wield conventional weapons.
the annelidians keep loads of their prisoners of war on their awful blood farms and use the steady supply of vitae pumping to fill their gigantic supply silos. these silos fuel all the advancements of the annelidians, their brains only work at full capacity when they are on a full belly of blood (i'm sure we can relate). when an annelidian is starved they regress into a feral state, lose all reason, and will do anything to get a mouthful of blood.
here we see standard issue gear for the average annelidian soldier:
-cobalt flares are useful for both signaling supply drops and melting holes through heavily re-enforced hulls.
-the personal shield generator (PSG) can be set to absorb 3 energy blasts before needing a full day's recharge. they can only be activated for 15 minutes at a time.
-the slicerknife has been shown on countless galactic infomercials as an affordable way to eviscerate your foes and finely chop all your fruits and vegetables!
-the cook rifle has an abysmal rate of fire but makes up for that with unstable metallic rounds (UMRs). the inside of these rounds are made up of two dangerously unstable types of metal that are separated by a magnetic field.
when these bullets are "cooked" in the main housing of the gun they react with violently with each other creating a miniaturized explosion that can pretty much bore through anything.
the rifle takes up a lot of energy to maintain the "cooking" state so it is advisable to have a good idea of what you are shooting at before readying a round.
(a big thank you to my good pal curt-rod who helped me devise what a cook rifle would actually do.)
haha i hope he doesn't kill me for this, but we went rafting down rapids this weekend and there's an awesome picture of Jouste 'bronco riding' the raft through some Level 4 rapids (out of 5!).
haha Adam
after the granny blanket picture, it's gonna take more than him 'riding the bull' to give him the urge to kill ^^ (too bad we couldn't get a picture of that from inside the boat, his ass looked sooo girly in the wetsuit)
@aesir: *highfives* much appreciated! thanks for the compliment dude.
@adam: haha, good times man! and i believe you have posted up a more ridiculous picture of me that involves a grandma blanket, so this one is very acceptable.
it should be known that beards give an automatic +4 to rafting so i knew i'd be safe at the nose of that beast.
rafting was awesome, and so great to go with such awesome people!
@spaceprincess: thanks there darlin! yeah i don't know what the big deal is. a steady diet of beer and pub food can grant anyone a caboose like mine. it's lou garoux! the space werewolf saboteur extraordinaire!
being a hit-ship for hire lou used his werewolf powers to amplify his sabotaging abilities but could only work well during the full moon. so he did what every other smart werewolf would do. get a chunk of the moon and wear it around his neck like some kind of cosmic bling!
with his perma-werewolfism lou quickly became notorious around the galaxy as the most efficient hit-ship on the market and the jobs came flooding in.
hit-ships are like hit-men but they usually target ships or satellites or other kind of important tech. ships are a super rarity in space and super guarded and expensive. tactical destruction can seriously mess up a merchant line or important trade route.
we can see that lou has his trademark "holemaker" pistol that takes a multitude of rounds, each one being able to punch holes into a variety of metals, punish nervous systems, or knockout electronics.
the thing on his waist is a "blackbox" not to be confused with our plane's black boxes. these things have enough nano-bots to repair up too two fatal wounds. so its like having a health gauge in a video game. we can see here that his black box is all topped up so he should be able to take a couple hits before he needs to rely on his werewolf regenerative powers.
I'm back! And you've become even more awesome than before! Great stuff man! Don't be so humble with the book thingie, I'm not complaining, I like looking at your art for free but I think you could get yourself a penny out of it if you need some .
@japhir: haha thanks for the props pal! and i've just recently become confident enough to be seriously starting some higher end stuff. i'm leaning more too a narrative with a pile of images or something like that.
@wizo: thanks for the rating wizo! and the annelidian collar pretty much was the first thing i did on the character haha, it basically started the whole thing. and there shall be more alien gunmen for sure my friend.
just saw your sketch of brainshot. i'll post in your thread
@canden picard: wow that's quite the thing to say. thanks a lot pal! it's a pretty ballsy choice when there such a huge pile of better folks out there. much appreciated!
oh and i use sketchbook pro to make all my lines (at a painful 300 dpi) to keep my lines clean. then i'll inverted magic wand my pic in photoshop (cs3) and color it from there, here's an older pic i did of how i color, and the silly end result
good luck dude!
@conte: awesome! *highfives* glad to hear you dig them pal! always good to hear from you.
@ae.: i'm going to be trying to do some more traditional things so keep checking the thread out from time to time ;D
@peppi: thanks for the vote of confidence dude, but i still gotta get better and more stuff together before i'd ever think about taking on a book. maybe a flyer for now?
@alec3d: wicked! glad you dig the drawbarian. once i have accumulated enough skills i will be inducting people into the drawbarian horde. i'll keep you posted if you are interested ;D
so i dipped over at conceptart and did one of their "creature of the weeks" the topic was a "lich dragon boss monster"
here's mine.
maggotmaw tangleguts!
being a lazy dragon and an even more inept sorcerer, the lich transformation was not very kind to maggotmaw the necrotic dragon.
maggotmaw spent most of necromancer school chasing tail and getting hammered, this left him ill-prepared for the lich transformation. his sloppy necromancy failed to staple up his decomposing body properly and after the first spell he cast; his skin exploded. this left his entrails dangling down in a horrific writhing mass of gory-grabbing tentacles!
donning the name maggotmaw tangleguts he blasts all who oppose him with his maggoty, corruption inducing breath and strangles the life out of his foes with his man-o-warian intestines of disgusting death!
sadly maggotmaw's dangling innards have a tendency to grab anything they bump into including livestock, roofs of buildings, and even the occasional siege tower, this is akin to having toilet paper stuck to your shoe when leaving the bathroom.
and over lunch i did up a quick policeman! yes i know you are all floored that i would draw such a generic thing, but i've been told by people i take seriously that i should start doing some more conventional topics, like a swat guy, or a soldier or a cop. this could potentially get me going on having an actual job concepting something and upgrade my skills above the "party trick" level they are at currently.
don stevens!
so here's don stevens, he's a cop with a taser. don's eyebrows were burnt off in a methlab raid but he's still a damn fine cop. the only problem is that now he suffers from a severe case of arsonphobia that has cause a few problems in some recent raids.
@fleafa: awesome! thanks for liking the style dude!
@popov-sm: i've always admired all of your stuff man, it's really cool of you to stop by. thanks a million! it means a lot. a dyrt soldier!
dyrts are an extremely tough race of bipeds that live off of raw minerals decended from marsworms (a lot like earthworms but from mars). being extremely durable and able to regenerate at a very high rate; dyrts make excellent shock troopers and have been hired on as everything from guards to soldiers.
a steady diet of metals and ground has made dyrts take on many of thier foods attributes and some dyrts can be recognized simply from the radiation signature they give off in relation to the planets that carry the same signature. a prime example is the heavily irradiated glow-dyrts that have been known to take out entire frat parties by just showing up.
in this picture we can see that this particular dyrt has had a cruel joke played on him in the form of a sign and some tape. we can also see that due to their enormous sizes they are treated as vehicles and therefore given out license plates and signal lights.
this dyrt is equipped with a standard "1 ton issue" that is given to all aliens weighing in the neighborhood of 1 metric ton. this includes:
- militarium plate armor. militarium was discovered quite recently and quickly became the standard material for heavy duty weaponry. with its dull green color, militarium didn't need to be painted saving hundreds of dollars in manufacturing fees.
- 2 disruption grenades, these babies are used for taking out electronics and communication signals as well as destroying nervous systems on class-4 and over creatures (that includes us). think of them as flash bangs that separate your optic nerves from your eyeballs among other things.
- the impact rifle is a hard hitting weapon that deploys so much force that its been known to punch holes through starship hulls without too much of a problem. they are favorable to those who can wield them because there is rarely a mess to clean up later.
the impact rifle uses shells not unlike a terrestrial shotgun and can hold 4 rounds at a time. historically impact rifles were created when a scientist made the universe's most powerful shotgun and then taped it to another one just like it.
damn dude- that last one is REEAAAALLLYY dope. - must resist urge to start sculpting project.
what konstruct said !
And the design choices made on this guy, the open locks, the liscence plate, all full of coolness! Great silouette.
I also like what you did with the robot spine on his back, it really brings out some focus.
just a suggestion, I would really want to see the same area of focus on the front view, maybe more detail on the gun or on the face just to direct the eye. because now I find everything is equally awesomly detailed. haha. Its scary how fast you improve.... machine...... Cheers!
@bounchfx: thanks man! glad you dig his smile. i tried to make it as friendly as possible.
@zacd: i'm sure no one would stop you if you put a license plate there my friend. and dan paladin is my favorite game artist, i always try to rob from that guy. i loooove his stuff. thanks for the comments!
i've been trying to balance out my detail placement so it's always good to hear ideas on how it can be improved. lately i've been on a "less is more" kinda run if you can believe it.
How'd it feel to do him [the cop]? Good? Boring? Was it tougher than your traditional stuff? Easier?
it was different for sure, and kinda hard cause i didn't have any crazy areas to jump too for fun like i do with my weirder guys. it was cool to do though and i'll keep at it, i sure need he practice.
so here's another one of those creatures of the week it was "Venomous, Pale Blue, Obese Egg-Layer", here's my quick bash at it.
the roe bloat!
positioned on its mountain of eggs, the roe bloat fired out the last few hundred eggs out of her ptoobes. (ptoobes are like tubes that spit out eggs). it's a weekly ordeal for the female roe bloat.
being the most egg-full species in the galaxy, the roe bloat creates eco-systems within her mountainous piles of eggs. these temporary eco-systems are chock full of eggy energy and keep a lot of the natives of the planet fed right up for a few days.
the main problem with the roe bloats is that it takes 14 males to satisfy the virile females. to fix this problem females (like this one here), are equipped with a potent venom that effects all males in the vicinity.
this venom comes out as a fine mist through her pores and once it comes in contact with the perpetually exhausted males, they can do nothing but get back into the driver seat and do 'em all over again.
this perpetual mating ritual has caused countless of fatalities among the male roe bloats, sending many of them running off to a life of celibacy as a space monk.
and i did up another quick "typical" drawing. a soldier!
it's soldier sam! straight from the the humid swamplands of florida to the dry and beastly desert! good luck sam!
@conte: thanks man! and i saw your version of blue, my slaughterballer. jesus man! way to make a guy feel inadequate! such an awesome job i LOOOVED it.
@whipswitch: awesome! *highfives* thanks for the comments dude. glad to hear you digs. i will continue to try and keep my lines that tight.
@adam: yeah i'm slowly trying to step up my painting game, slow and steady, (and i'm used to neither so its been a little painful).
and the more typical guys are going to keep coming. slowly and steadily as well. thanks for the compliments! it's the hagian supermagus!
lo' its the hagian supermagus! descended from the equally disgusting and amazing hag fishes native to our own planet!
the hagians have always been very amazing science-mages since way back when they thought they were just messing around with "magic" and weren't aware that it was just super-science being effected by their wills and hand gestures.
once they engadged in the "war of the wizards" (an interplanetary battle between magicians) the hagians were outnumbered by the numerous swarms of the swarmians they had to think fast. the hagians decided to double their numbers by equipping all their mages with TWO magic staves! this doubled the size and effect of all their tricks and the swarmians were quickly annihilated with a few boughts of lightning balls and the odd lava-syringe.
centuries past and the hagian supermagus is still represented by their military, teleporting across the galaxy with a science focusing staff in each hand and a mean streak for any foe they run into. their science magic has become refined to a degree that it has not been able to be duplicated by anyone else in the galaxy.
the dual-staff science slinging style has also been managed only by the supermagus. any other race that has attempted this art has been met with agonizingly fatal results. bottom line is that its best to leave the dual staff wielding to the hagian supermagus' (obviously).
@slingshot: thanks man! the pen shall keep on sketching!
@piejesu: awesome! *highfives* glad you dig the style!
@jasp: wicked. good to hear that you liek the characters. i shall keep them coming.
castle crashers re-visit!
so after winning top downloadable game for xbox live (put THAT in your pipe, braid) i decided to revisit those lovable lightning lobbing lunatics the four main knights of castle crashers!
in no particular order...
it's the orange knight! ready to roast renegades and singe scalawags!
i always pictured the orange knight to be the short tempered hot-head of the group. quick to anger and jump into the fray. it is so awesome how the game lent itself to using your imagination to provide commentary and back story for all the super great characters.
it's the blue knight! ready to ice enemies and freeze foes!
blue was always the big crowd pleaser for all my pals on the couch with his super awesome sub-zero powers. since i found his magic to be always maxed out for every body i made him more of a spiritual warrior. always keeping his cool, the blue knight here is shown focusing his icicles and donning a wicked cool katana.
tally -ho!
it's the green knight! withering wizards and diseasing dudes!
the green knight always seemed like the jerk of the group. like the raphael, all attitude. he was the first guy i went through the game with so i'll always have a soft spot for the little asshole.
who seriously poisons all the other knights and then runs away, coming back only after they're dead to make out with the princess!? i did, and i'm sure a lot of you guys did as well .
it's that paralyzing pillager the red knight! sending shocks to rapscallions and electrifying evil-doers!
the red guy got a lot of flack cause you could chain zap people in arena and they would never get up because his magic was a little unbalanced. however that did not stop me from drawing him.
i always pictured him as another guy that was more on the magic side of things, a kind of "power overwhelming" kind of dude. so here we see him shouldering up his mace and shield to unleash a zeus worthy barrage of bolts into some poor-bastard troll!
@ged: great! good to hear that i can stay funky thanks for checking out my stuff ged, always good to hear from you.
@fleafa: i post on their forums whenever i get the chance. i even got one of my versions made into a shirt on their site
it's late, but its always a good time to draw some space veterans!
the lazarus legion!
there comes a time in any hard-core, gun toting, star-soldier's career that time kicks in and turns him from a hardened space commando into a senile ridden veteran. luckily with the invention of the lazarus suit they can keep the war going on well past their years!
the lazarus suit injects a horrible cocktail of chemicals and space-ox blood into the wearer that preserves both their body and mind. they are a little tricky to keep properly maintained and tend to wheeze a lot and constantly alert enemies to their location. the constant bickering about "the good ol' days" is another reason that the lazarus legion can never sneak up on anyone.
a lot of the members of the lazarus legion have been kept alive so long with crazy cocktails of drugs and gases that they've been promoted well through the standard military space code. this leads to medal saturation among the ranks of the century old soldiers and some pretty obscure titles. the actual structure of military ranking has collapsed so badly in the lazarus legion that they rarely listen to anyone other than themselves.
from this image we see that they aren't the greatest shots (although that target was placed 2 light years away so give him some props).
I haven't commented much, but I'm really digging this cleaned-up jousteyness. Great dynamic hands on the red night. Keep doin whatcha do, we all love it.
Great work as always, tons of new material for my inspiration folder =D
I do have one request though... Would you be willing to make a progress .gif of one of your upcoming paintings??? I'm really curious to see your workflow and all.
Oh, and Hagian is my new favorite, awesome design!
Jouste, I must say I really love your stuff. The best part of any day is coming on here and looking at your newest stuff and reading the incredible comments you pair the pictures with. You've got style, my man! Keep it up.
Great work. I like the sketchy style, the not 100% serious approach, though the coloring is pretty decent and the art is good. SO I asked for an interview.
You can read the full interview + some art from Jouste ( well it's allready in this post so whatever ) here :
The blog has some other art and artists to, if your also a great artist and want to be featured you can send me an e-mail, but I probably will find you first.
@spinks: yeah frank cho is super great. i remember him at comicon a couple years ago, there was so many chicks going up to get their chest signed by him it was pretty funny. his princess of mars stuff is so awesome.
thanks for checking out my stuff!
@rollin: hey pal! thanks for the comments, i'll be trying to get more stuff like this out soon.
@wizo: glad you like it man! and i'm in agreeance with you about having la-senzians as a new diablo 3 class.
@_gr9yfox_: you checked this out before going to sleep? you fool! thanks for checking out the thread dude! always good to see new faces drop by the jouste pit.
@andersh: awesome man, glad you like the guys. anybody in particular? you can go right ahead and model whoever you like as long as your friendly neighborhood jouste a shout out ;D
@nelis: thanks for dropping by dude.
so i re-visited one of my favorite characters, it's that super dense galactic templar the starsquatch!
wielding his grav-o-metric orbliterator and donning the stonesteel war apron of his ancestors, the starsquatch is a proud and noble space warrior that annihilates anyone who opposes him with his insanely powerful weapon.
the face-guard slots denote the class of the templar. this is a lighter starsquatch and belongs to the "scout" class of starsquatches. they usually pilot lighter spacecraft and have access to fewer weapons.
these hearty bipeds can also survive the vacuum of space for hours at a time and are the only organic entity known to be able to take a full energy blast from a warpwire laser cannon and "walk it off"
here we can see him in the "longstar" frozen voidfist stance. its a space-martial art so powerful that later movements can bend space time and unleash insane amounts of power at the cost of years of life to the wielder.
Dude its scary how much you look like this.
@bighoss: hey thanks dude!
@adam: lol, i had to reply at that cause i did another one. glad you found it funny.
jouste the drawbarian version 2!
the style is in a little different direction. loads of fun to work on
shape of the bear is a nod to bravestarr's awesome power; tragically my "shape-of-the-bear" power merely makes my gut stick out and hair to grow more profusely on my shoulders.
@slingshot: slinger! haha glad you got a laugh out of the drawbarian! i suppose he has more powers than i originally thought! good to hear from you as always.
@slappybag: haha the comment is much appreciated! i'm flattered really. but as of now i feel that my chops are at a 4 and i need them to be at a 14 before i can seriously start charging people to have a book of my goofy-ass characters. thanks for the vote of confidence and cool link!
the annelidian rifleman!
far across the galaxy lives the disgusting race of annelidians, vicious hermaphrodites that sustain their horrible reign by consuming the blood of all who oppose them. annelidians are quite floppy and need multiple braces to keep their pliable bodies rigid and able to wield conventional weapons.
the annelidians keep loads of their prisoners of war on their awful blood farms and use the steady supply of vitae pumping to fill their gigantic supply silos. these silos fuel all the advancements of the annelidians, their brains only work at full capacity when they are on a full belly of blood (i'm sure we can relate). when an annelidian is starved they regress into a feral state, lose all reason, and will do anything to get a mouthful of blood.
here we see standard issue gear for the average annelidian soldier:
-cobalt flares are useful for both signaling supply drops and melting holes through heavily re-enforced hulls.
-the personal shield generator (PSG) can be set to absorb 3 energy blasts before needing a full day's recharge. they can only be activated for 15 minutes at a time.
-the slicerknife has been shown on countless galactic infomercials as an affordable way to eviscerate your foes and finely chop all your fruits and vegetables!
-the cook rifle has an abysmal rate of fire but makes up for that with unstable metallic rounds (UMRs). the inside of these rounds are made up of two dangerously unstable types of metal that are separated by a magnetic field.
when these bullets are "cooked" in the main housing of the gun they react with violently with each other creating a miniaturized explosion that can pretty much bore through anything.
the rifle takes up a lot of energy to maintain the "cooking" state so it is advisable to have a good idea of what you are shooting at before readying a round.
(a big thank you to my good pal curt-rod who helped me devise what a cook rifle would actually do.)
There's a couple other PC'ers in the picture too
after the granny blanket picture, it's gonna take more than him 'riding the bull' to give him the urge to kill ^^ (too bad we couldn't get a picture of that from inside the boat, his ass looked sooo girly in the wetsuit)
@adam: haha, good times man! and i believe you have posted up a more ridiculous picture of me that involves a grandma blanket, so this one is very acceptable.
it should be known that beards give an automatic +4 to rafting so i knew i'd be safe at the nose of that beast.
rafting was awesome, and so great to go with such awesome people!
@spaceprincess: thanks there darlin! yeah i don't know what the big deal is. a steady diet of beer and pub food can grant anyone a caboose like mine.
it's lou garoux! the space werewolf saboteur extraordinaire!
being a hit-ship for hire lou used his werewolf powers to amplify his sabotaging abilities but could only work well during the full moon. so he did what every other smart werewolf would do. get a chunk of the moon and wear it around his neck like some kind of cosmic bling!
with his perma-werewolfism lou quickly became notorious around the galaxy as the most efficient hit-ship on the market and the jobs came flooding in.
hit-ships are like hit-men but they usually target ships or satellites or other kind of important tech. ships are a super rarity in space and super guarded and expensive. tactical destruction can seriously mess up a merchant line or important trade route.
we can see that lou has his trademark "holemaker" pistol that takes a multitude of rounds, each one being able to punch holes into a variety of metals, punish nervous systems, or knockout electronics.
the thing on his waist is a "blackbox" not to be confused with our plane's black boxes. these things have enough nano-bots to repair up too two fatal wounds. so its like having a health gauge in a video game. we can see here that his black box is all topped up so he should be able to take a couple hits before he needs to rely on his werewolf regenerative powers.
Keep it up!
I love the collar of annelidian. 5* even if we cant we rate threads
I am a huge fan of your alien gunmen!They are so awesome.
My Brainshot sketchtrade is still in the works, (yeah im slooooooooooow) but its almost done I cant wait to show you. Take care.
See I have problems with cleanliness, brush strokes and value. any pointers or advice to a fellow illustrator?
@wizo: thanks for the rating wizo! and the annelidian collar pretty much was the first thing i did on the character haha, it basically started the whole thing. and there shall be more alien gunmen for sure my friend.
just saw your sketch of brainshot. i'll post in your thread
@canden picard: wow that's quite the thing to say. thanks a lot pal! it's a pretty ballsy choice when there such a huge pile of better folks out there. much appreciated!
oh and i use sketchbook pro to make all my lines (at a painful 300 dpi) to keep my lines clean. then i'll inverted magic wand my pic in photoshop (cs3) and color it from there, here's an older pic i did of how i color, and the silly end result
good luck dude!
@conte: awesome! *highfives* glad to hear you dig them pal! always good to hear from you.
@ae.: i'm going to be trying to do some more traditional things so keep checking the thread out from time to time ;D
@peppi: thanks for the vote of confidence dude, but i still gotta get better and more stuff together before i'd ever think about taking on a book. maybe a flyer for now?
@alec3d: wicked! glad you dig the drawbarian. once i have accumulated enough skills i will be inducting people into the drawbarian horde. i'll keep you posted if you are interested ;D
so i dipped over at conceptart and did one of their "creature of the weeks" the topic was a "lich dragon boss monster"
here's mine.
maggotmaw tangleguts!
being a lazy dragon and an even more inept sorcerer, the lich transformation was not very kind to maggotmaw the necrotic dragon.
maggotmaw spent most of necromancer school chasing tail and getting hammered, this left him ill-prepared for the lich transformation. his sloppy necromancy failed to staple up his decomposing body properly and after the first spell he cast; his skin exploded. this left his entrails dangling down in a horrific writhing mass of gory-grabbing tentacles!
donning the name maggotmaw tangleguts he blasts all who oppose him with his maggoty, corruption inducing breath and strangles the life out of his foes with his man-o-warian intestines of disgusting death!
sadly maggotmaw's dangling innards have a tendency to grab anything they bump into including livestock, roofs of buildings, and even the occasional siege tower, this is akin to having toilet paper stuck to your shoe when leaving the bathroom.
and over lunch i did up a quick policeman! yes i know you are all floored that i would draw such a generic thing, but i've been told by people i take seriously that i should start doing some more conventional topics, like a swat guy, or a soldier or a cop. this could potentially get me going on having an actual job concepting something and upgrade my skills above the "party trick" level they are at currently.
don stevens!
so here's don stevens, he's a cop with a taser. don's eyebrows were burnt off in a methlab raid but he's still a damn fine cop. the only problem is that now he suffers from a severe case of arsonphobia that has cause a few problems in some recent raids.
@popov-sm: i've always admired all of your stuff man, it's really cool of you to stop by. thanks a million! it means a lot.
a dyrt soldier!
dyrts are an extremely tough race of bipeds that live off of raw minerals decended from marsworms (a lot like earthworms but from mars). being extremely durable and able to regenerate at a very high rate; dyrts make excellent shock troopers and have been hired on as everything from guards to soldiers.
a steady diet of metals and ground has made dyrts take on many of thier foods attributes and some dyrts can be recognized simply from the radiation signature they give off in relation to the planets that carry the same signature. a prime example is the heavily irradiated glow-dyrts that have been known to take out entire frat parties by just showing up.
in this picture we can see that this particular dyrt has had a cruel joke played on him in the form of a sign and some tape. we can also see that due to their enormous sizes they are treated as vehicles and therefore given out license plates and signal lights.
this dyrt is equipped with a standard "1 ton issue" that is given to all aliens weighing in the neighborhood of 1 metric ton. this includes:
- militarium plate armor. militarium was discovered quite recently and quickly became the standard material for heavy duty weaponry. with its dull green color, militarium didn't need to be painted saving hundreds of dollars in manufacturing fees.
- 2 disruption grenades, these babies are used for taking out electronics and communication signals as well as destroying nervous systems on class-4 and over creatures (that includes us). think of them as flash bangs that separate your optic nerves from your eyeballs among other things.
- the impact rifle is a hard hitting weapon that deploys so much force that its been known to punch holes through starship hulls without too much of a problem. they are favorable to those who can wield them because there is rarely a mess to clean up later.
the impact rifle uses shells not unlike a terrestrial shotgun and can hold 4 rounds at a time. historically impact rifles were created when a scientist made the universe's most powerful shotgun and then taped it to another one just like it.
literally. give him back. woof woof.
love his smile, haha!
what konstruct said !
And the design choices made on this guy, the open locks, the liscence plate, all full of coolness! Great silouette.
I also like what you did with the robot spine on his back, it really brings out some focus.
just a suggestion, I would really want to see the same area of focus on the front view, maybe more detail on the gun or on the face just to direct the eye. because now I find everything is equally awesomly detailed. haha. Its scary how fast you improve.... machine...... Cheers!
How'd it feel to do him? Good? Boring? Was it tougher than your traditional stuff? Easier?
The Dryt Soldier is pimp.
@zacd: i'm sure no one would stop you if you put a license plate there my friend. and dan paladin is my favorite game artist, i always try to rob from that guy. i loooove his stuff. thanks for the comments!
@konstruct: hey man, do what makes you happy! ;D.
glad you like the guy man.
anybody is free to take a bash at the dudes i draw. just drop me a line and stay in contact so i can see the progress!
@wizo: great feedback wizo, thanks alot.
i've been trying to balance out my detail placement so it's always good to hear ideas on how it can be improved. lately i've been on a "less is more" kinda run if you can believe it.
always great to hear from you dude. thanks again!
it was different for sure, and kinda hard cause i didn't have any crazy areas to jump too for fun like i do with my weirder guys. it was cool to do though and i'll keep at it, i sure need he practice.
so here's another one of those creatures of the week it was "Venomous, Pale Blue, Obese Egg-Layer", here's my quick bash at it.
the roe bloat!
positioned on its mountain of eggs, the roe bloat fired out the last few hundred eggs out of her ptoobes. (ptoobes are like tubes that spit out eggs). it's a weekly ordeal for the female roe bloat.
being the most egg-full species in the galaxy, the roe bloat creates eco-systems within her mountainous piles of eggs. these temporary eco-systems are chock full of eggy energy and keep a lot of the natives of the planet fed right up for a few days.
the main problem with the roe bloats is that it takes 14 males to satisfy the virile females. to fix this problem females (like this one here), are equipped with a potent venom that effects all males in the vicinity.
this venom comes out as a fine mist through her pores and once it comes in contact with the perpetually exhausted males, they can do nothing but get back into the driver seat and do 'em all over again.
this perpetual mating ritual has caused countless of fatalities among the male roe bloats, sending many of them running off to a life of celibacy as a space monk.
and i did up another quick "typical" drawing. a soldier!
it's soldier sam! straight from the the humid swamplands of florida to the dry and beastly desert! good luck sam!
Soldier Sam is great. Really well done on the 2 more typical guys so far.
@whipswitch: awesome! *highfives* thanks for the comments dude. glad to hear you digs. i will continue to try and keep my lines that tight.
@adam: yeah i'm slowly trying to step up my painting game, slow and steady, (and i'm used to neither so its been a little painful).
and the more typical guys are going to keep coming. slowly and steadily as well. thanks for the compliments!
it's the hagian supermagus!
lo' its the hagian supermagus! descended from the equally disgusting and amazing hag fishes native to our own planet!
the hagians have always been very amazing science-mages since way back when they thought they were just messing around with "magic" and weren't aware that it was just super-science being effected by their wills and hand gestures.
once they engadged in the "war of the wizards" (an interplanetary battle between magicians) the hagians were outnumbered by the numerous swarms of the swarmians they had to think fast. the hagians decided to double their numbers by equipping all their mages with TWO magic staves! this doubled the size and effect of all their tricks and the swarmians were quickly annihilated with a few boughts of lightning balls and the odd lava-syringe.
centuries past and the hagian supermagus is still represented by their military, teleporting across the galaxy with a science focusing staff in each hand and a mean streak for any foe they run into. their science magic has become refined to a degree that it has not been able to be duplicated by anyone else in the galaxy.
the dual-staff science slinging style has also been managed only by the supermagus. any other race that has attempted this art has been met with agonizingly fatal results. bottom line is that its best to leave the dual staff wielding to the hagian supermagus' (obviously).
fantastic characters you have here.
@piejesu: awesome! *highfives* glad you dig the style!
@jasp: wicked. good to hear that you liek the characters. i shall keep them coming.
castle crashers re-visit!
so after winning top downloadable game for xbox live (put THAT in your pipe, braid) i decided to revisit those lovable lightning lobbing lunatics the four main knights of castle crashers!
in no particular order...
it's the orange knight! ready to roast renegades and singe scalawags!
i always pictured the orange knight to be the short tempered hot-head of the group. quick to anger and jump into the fray. it is so awesome how the game lent itself to using your imagination to provide commentary and back story for all the super great characters.
it's the blue knight! ready to ice enemies and freeze foes!
blue was always the big crowd pleaser for all my pals on the couch with his super awesome sub-zero powers. since i found his magic to be always maxed out for every body i made him more of a spiritual warrior. always keeping his cool, the blue knight here is shown focusing his icicles and donning a wicked cool katana.
tally -ho!
it's the green knight! withering wizards and diseasing dudes!
the green knight always seemed like the jerk of the group. like the raphael, all attitude. he was the first guy i went through the game with so i'll always have a soft spot for the little asshole.
who seriously poisons all the other knights and then runs away, coming back only after they're dead to make out with the princess!? i did, and i'm sure a lot of you guys did as well
it's that paralyzing pillager the red knight! sending shocks to rapscallions and electrifying evil-doers!
the red guy got a lot of flack cause you could chain zap people in arena and they would never get up because his magic was a little unbalanced. however that did not stop me from drawing him.
i always pictured him as another guy that was more on the magic side of things, a kind of "power overwhelming" kind of dude. so here we see him shouldering up his mace and shield to unleash a zeus worthy barrage of bolts into some poor-bastard troll!
@fleafa: i post on their forums whenever i get the chance. i even got one of my versions made into a shirt on their site
it's late, but its always a good time to draw some space veterans!
the lazarus legion!
there comes a time in any hard-core, gun toting, star-soldier's career that time kicks in and turns him from a hardened space commando into a senile ridden veteran. luckily with the invention of the lazarus suit they can keep the war going on well past their years!
the lazarus suit injects a horrible cocktail of chemicals and space-ox blood into the wearer that preserves both their body and mind. they are a little tricky to keep properly maintained and tend to wheeze a lot and constantly alert enemies to their location. the constant bickering about "the good ol' days" is another reason that the lazarus legion can never sneak up on anyone.
a lot of the members of the lazarus legion have been kept alive so long with crazy cocktails of drugs and gases that they've been promoted well through the standard military space code. this leads to medal saturation among the ranks of the century old soldiers and some pretty obscure titles. the actual structure of military ranking has collapsed so badly in the lazarus legion that they rarely listen to anyone other than themselves.
from this image we see that they aren't the greatest shots (although that target was placed 2 light years away so give him some props).
I do have one request though... Would you be willing to make a progress .gif of one of your upcoming paintings??? I'm really curious to see your workflow and all.
Oh, and Hagian is my new favorite, awesome design!
You can read the full interview + some art from Jouste ( well it's allready in this post so whatever ) here :
The blog has some other art and artists to, if your also a great artist and want to be featured you can send me an e-mail, but I probably will find you first.
Once again great art.