@rens: thanks brother! always great to hear from you.
@sectuars: dude the rabbit is so awesome. i can listen to those guys all day everyday. "moder leper" and the "twist" tear me down to nothing every time.
and i got together and rocked some gameswith you crazy bostonians! very awesome to start putting voices to players at least! so much fun. thanks for getting me a spot!
so i've been getting involved in some feelance stuff which is both super-exciting and scary at the same time. wish me luck you cool dudes and dudettes!
till my net post; here's some more league of legends fan-artage!
here's kassadin, he's a teleporting jerk who can chase down heroes to nothing with his silences and blink strikes. he originally jsut floats there but i drew him feet because i really don't like floating dudes.
next, here's an underplayed support guy named taric. he was the first guy i kind of figured out so i still got a soft spot for him. he's using his awesome shatter ability in this picture where he does a sweet AOE that nukes enemy armor and deals some damage as well.
aaand here's sion. i honestly never liked this guys design but i tried to take some liberties on him. he's like a tanky mage character that talks like arnold and has a wicked shield ability. from looking at his boots i had NO idea how to draw them so i made them into these little stubby skull boot things.
OMG Jouste, your coloring have stepped up so much! They all look amazing, btw PM if you wanna play LoL sometime my char name is t3hSolus. Kassadin is my Fav.
This game is making you make awesome art for all of us. Thank god for LoL hehe!
you have a good day huh. See ya!
@A.Kincade: excellent! glad to here he made it onto a background! thanks for stopping by pal.
@Emil Mujanovik: thanks a lot. i still have a long way to go but its nice to hear that i'm improving.
@Phyzchaoz: haha i still think i have a long way to go before any artbook ever come out. thanks for the vote of confidence though!
@Gallows: great! i aim to inspire! very cool of you to stop by. thanks!
@wizo: i shall have a good day! and yeah LoL took up quite a lot of my art time and leisure time. but it's a lot of fun to work with thier characters.
man alive where the heck have i been? i'm such a slacker and have been doing too many side projects and not getting this damn thing updated! well lets have it then!
here's some more league of legends stuff.
here's Rammus! he's a tanky guy that can sonic spinball into the enemies, taunt, and create awesome tremors that demolish buildings and other players alike! he was a lot of fun to draw, i may have made him less friendly looking and more like a monster but what can i say, i love those monsters.
and i also did up an old flash-game character for a friend of mine.
here's the red baron! and the coolest thing is that those cool cats at newgrounds actually turned it into a poster!
and just for fun here's a freaky demonic whale guy!
holy kraken!
it's that horrible fiend from the cruel lagoons of doom; whalestrom!
sacrificing his flippers for fierce piercing harpoons and donning the amazing cannon belt that allows him to explosively leap great distances, whalestrom is one nautical nasty! his back is bristling with harpoons and scars from all his assailants when he was a mere giant whale.
whalestrom wasn't always a crazy monster but was in fact a very dignified whale scholar who came upon a book of horrible, underwater incantations, the book was called the necronomiprawn and it left him the twisted monstrosity you see before you!
watch out creatures big and small, whalestrom's cruel appetite knows no bounds!
The paintings are getting better, character designs and poses are as awesome and epic as ever, and the line work w/ 2 color shading (I dunno the correct term, but the coloring style on the whale dude) is still awesome.
@yiannisk: great! glad you like 'em pal. thanks for checking it out!
@marlfox8:wicked, very cool to hear that you like them. thanks for the boost! ;D
@ZacD: glad to hear my simple coloring is ok. i can get a lot more stuff done on the side if i can keep producing stuff at that level. glad you like the poses!
@firebert: i love you too firebert. when will we see more lunq!? i must sees it!
@littlephoenix: hey thanks! i get a lot of "with a twist" references which is very cool. and hey, who hasn't been influenced by the starwars flicks?
@jocose: i know i got a livestream account, i just have to get somethign on the go. and i'm pretty quick but i don't know about 5 seconds ;P
just to keep up some artistic momentum here's another 1 shade colored dude!
just when you thought it was safe to be dead...
out comes goofer the gravemonster! armed with dual spades of exhuming and a nasty potion of resurrection. goofer hobbles around graveyards digging up bodies and using them in his crude arcane experiments.
goofer also has some poisonous fangs in his un-holy arsenal that inflict horrible necrosis on any poor soul slow enough to get pegged by one. but really when push comes to kill, goofer is all to eager to dole out some shovel slaughter and has been seen whirling around in a murderous rage, shovels outstretched as his enemies rain down in glorious chunks.
and i know it probably has been seen by everybody but holy cow so awesome! i have to post it here so i'll always have it in a safe place. Josh Lennon and James O'Hare are super champs for modeling some of my crazy dudes! you guys rock hardcore.
if they were local i would totally buy them beer and eat nachos with them.
omg beer and nachos sound so effing good right now dude, you have NO IDEA! :poly128:
I still need to finish the Dyrt Solider man... I've been so slammed lately... bags under the eyes, the whole nine feet.
big internet high five though
@marlfox8: wicked! glad you like it, and thanks for the boost! ;D
@Rens: it is far out to BE back. excellent hearing from you again Rens. always a pleasure.
@konstruct: as long as my hands are attached to my body my good sir! and maybe even after that!
@Firebert: haha no need to kill yourself dude. he's looking really good. you did a stellar job and honored a screwball like me.
@Nitewalkr: thanks! the characters are fun to draw. (except all the ninjas cause ninjas SUUUUUUCK)
more quick stuff to keep me constantly on the move! *deek deek deek*
let's face it, sometimes you want your fortune told by something more badass than a strange old hag with some crystal balls.
enter the stabsayer! the guy that foretells the future with throwing knives!
stabsayers are wicked knife wielders that use "target magic" to do everything from telling futures to launching fireballs. stabsayers can look at the entrance patterns on a target and tell if you will either be a strong and courageous warrior, or some wussy scholar with practically no biceps at all.
but don't think for a second that a stab sayer can't mess you up three ways from sunday. those knives aren't just for divining, they are perfectly capable of jamming into you're sternum. in fact; because of their bloodthirsty nature, all stabsayers are pretty good at reading entrails as well.
Out of the first ten pages of your sketchbook, Star-Squatch & ragnarock-em sock-em are two of your best. Your quick strokes and color choice make them very dynamic.
The tilted horizontal ground plane for the background of Star- Squatch makes the whole composition move.
hey, were you sketching an earlier version of this on the skytrain? i caught a peek of some guy's sketchbook and the style instantly read as yours. whatever I thought i saw, this is pretty sweet stuff. : ) keep going man!
@marlfox: sweet! glad to hear i can deliver! thanks!
ZacD: yeah that's actually the feeling i was going for. glad it hit home! thanks for stopping by pal ;D
@mr slobs: man you went all the way back there!? thanks so much! yeah that starsquatch piece is still one of my faves. thanks for the comments pal.
@InProgress: alright! glad you like it pal. good to hear from you again! ;D
@Japhir: hooray! thanks japhir! glad you could stop by!
@AimBiz: haha why thank you! now, if only i could get into a studio that thought as you did... ;D
@Uly: i do do a lot of drawing on the skytrain but i never draw in a sketch book. i only use clipboards with printer paper so if that's what you saw then it probably was me. and if you knew it was me why didn't you stop and say hello!? come on dude i'm always stoked to meet other polycounters.
anyways here's another drawing!
watch out all you battlefield bandits!
here comes woar boar the saddlecaster! watch as he summons minions of magic from his enchanted saddle to wage wicked wiles on his enemies! here was can see that the saddle caster has brought forth a skilled ice-mage to ride him for the time being. the ice-mage can hurl razor sharp missiles of frozen doom and lock foes in blocks of ice!
saddlecasters are extremely powerful mounts that summon a variety of riders depending on what the situation needs. a tanky knight for some defensive action? a brutal barbarian for some torso-cleaving antics? or maybe even an archer to take out that nasty set of siege artillery over there. yes the battlefield is your oyster when you take control of woar boar!
@marlfox8: true enough. i'd like to find a happy medium of simplistic detail and speed. i guess i'll need to push a little more to get the right balance. thanks for the comment!
so it's robot day on newgrounds so i felt i needed to do something up for them. its basically a day to celebrate robots and all things mechanical, so i present AMAZING TIMES IN ROBOT HISTORY!
so here we can see the hard up cave-bots battling the horrible mecha-mammoth. using plasma spears and laser clubs some cave-bots were lucky enough to bring down the beast and bring his spare parts back to the cave to build more cave bots and repair the elderly. in the foreground you can also see a scribe-bot carefully documenting the battle so that future cave-bot generations know how better to handle the dreaded mecha-mammoth.
and here's som fan art i did for those awesome dudes at epic battle axe.
i decided to draw them all in epic battle forms! i also added a sweet awesometer to the images to give them the feel of game characters or something, please note that i think they are all great dudes and i just wanted to have some fun mixing around redundant power levels.
first off we have Tony the tyrant of terror! here he is with some sweet battle scars and a mean ass axe, ready to destroy all lame gaming news! battle on Tony, you velvet voiced violencer!
then we got DK the death knight! that soul-patched soldier of slaughter is armed here with a sweet hellberd and can use his purple eye-magic to obliterate poorly presented gaming news.
finally at the end is Brent son of the slaughter! viking Brent is totally awesome and leads every show with some truly awesome alliteration, here i armed him as a dual axe wielding barefoot berserker, ready to bash and berate all those who oppose the axe-heads!
@Uly: i do do a lot of drawing on the skytrain but i never draw in a sketch book. i only use clipboards with printer paper so if that's what you saw then it probably was me. and if you knew it was me why didn't you stop and say hello!? come on dude i'm always stoked to meet other polycounters.
yeah, it was you then. i'd forgotten about the clip board. : ) i was on my way back from the dentist and my entire face was numb from the anesthetic. its probably better for both of us that I didnt try to drool out some incomprehensible comment. keep up the cool stuff!
Jouste! I haven't talked to you in forever man, damn futuristic time differences. Excellent work going on in here as usual, I snagged your red baron as my desktop, sounds like I'll have to get one of those posters. I would totally buy an art book or t-shirt or just about anything that you slap some of that killer work on. Keep that shit up! Also, I too use the clipboard with printer paper for sketching.
@Firebert: you would be the first person i'd send a cooler of that stuff too! thanks for the boost pal. always good hearing from you!
@marlfox: haha the brutal crash of collectible cards would have me hesistant but thanks for the comment! the EBA guys put the pics up on thier site! XD
@man_o_mule: you are a very observant man. those giant mammoths gotta re-charge somewhere!
@sectaurs: something told me that you would dig the saddlecaster friend. excellent seeing your type on here as always!
@Uly: haha that's a shame, well next time we meet on the big long loser-cruiser come on over and we'll catch up!
@Em.: well if it isn't my favorite letter! a fellow clip-boardian is some vixen from the future! thanks for dropping by pal. always good to hear from you
here's just some fun stuff i've been doing up with other artists to keep my skills loose and sloppy.
here's another robot day thing i did. i wanted to do an homage to tezuka, who is awesome and will always be one of my favorite artists ever. i hope i got his influence across in my picture of this galactic fencing robot riding his trusty motor-steed.
here's a sketch trade i did with UltraPitchfork he sketched up my old sam "slaughtersand" cargo character while i took a bash at his lobstocrab here he is! i made this guy more of a fiddle variant but i'm happy how it turned out! also note the suspicious starfish to the left ready to make a move.
and another trade of the sketch variety. it's PhatDoughBoy's Higgins. i like the guy (artist) cause he draws with washable crayola markers. that seems like a hard thing to do. here's his original and here's my version of the fishy techno-assassin!
and just cause it's been a while since i did any LoL stuff here's some more!
so here's that previously powerful scarecrow fiddlesticks! a caster favorite for all you straw-filled spell-o-mancers.
here he is yelling at one of his crow buddies to smarten up and bounce around more! but alas the little crow has been afflicted by the nerf-bat! oh the scare-crow-manity!
@inprogress: thanks dude! good to hear from you again. i love hearing that people laughed when they looked at my stuff.
@man-o-mule: whoah! a jousteman! i wonder what his skills would be
watch out folks!
it's a highly skilled hellbeltcher!
these nasty shoulder mounted beasts are fed an alarmingly dangerous amount of fangoes and erupt caustic doom from afar with a violent vomity vengeance! fangoes are horrifying fruit that grow in small bunches on man-eating trees. luckily, the large yellow thrucks are not mere men and can pick these demonic fruits with impunity and use them to equip their shoulder mounted squadrons with their terrifying ammunition.
here we can also see the traditional thruck form of war decoration, where a gold studded iron nail is driven into the thrucks shoulder. this particular thruck is quite notorious and has been awarded enough shoulder spikes to equate at least 8 successful missions.
as for the hellbeltcher itself, it is usually made from an iron-bellied regurgitater. these lizards are usually held in place with splints and other bondage and affixed with a crude glass scope. regurgitaters are so sturdy that they can go for months under these horrible circumstances; being constantly crammed with noxious fangoes and bombarding bone-headed beasts with bulimia!
cover your heads and flee friends! else the hellbeltchers will claim another disgusting and slimy victory!
Jouste, as always, this is awesome, but I have a request. You think you could be so kind as to post a bit of your process next time? I would love to see some of your early setup in terms of shapes and lines. Just what gets you going.
haven't checked in here for a while, so now i'm flooded with your awesomeness. Great work Jouste. I also like how you "traded" ideas with other artist, nice idea .
@jcose: hey pal! i swear that i will be getting yo the roughs of my next picture. this one i jsut ended up taking pictures of my coloring which is not what you asked for so i'll be sure to post my layouts next time! scout's honor!
@rens: help help! i am on fire! thanks for stopping by rens! always good to hear from you pal ;D
@sub_roland: naming convention? i am confused, but happy to see that it is convenient for you!
@conte: yes you fool! let us sketchtrade soon! what picture of mine will you be tackling? i shall tackle this dude is that ok?
@japhir: thanks! i advise everyone that makes up characters to sketch trade them off with other artists. it's a pile of fun and helps you expand your style! hoorah! thanks for checking out my stuff again japhir!
hey my polycountians! hope all is well on the green and gray landscape that is our realm!
here's a character i came up with recently that i've kind of taken a liking to. his name is fetch and he's a young snarl who has been forbidden by his hellish masters to not be able directly harm any mortal as a cruel joke. now the snarls are a race that needs calamity and chaos or else they starve and wither away into ghostly messes, what is fetch supposed to do!?
well fetch is both aptly named and cunning and decides to enlist in the aid of extremely monstrous beasts and plays fetch with them with catastrophic results. fetch will toss his sticks far into villages, gatherings, battles, and even fortified keeps and smile as his lumbering pets will fetch the stick while destroying everything in their path on the way in and out.
pictured here is a pinkback boulder hound, one of the first creatures playful and powerful enough to keep snarl fed up with a healthy amount of chaos. pinkbacks are so strong that during mating season, they are sometimes used as catapult ammunition because they survive the initial impact and go into a terrifying pain and lust induced rage shortly after landing. this destructive treatment is why they were named "boulder hounds" because they are treated as boulders for siege purposes if they can be properly contained.
i believe that fetch will be drawn again! i hope you enjoy the brainy brat as much as i do!
Love the cacti in the foreground, would love to see a series of plants. I'm sure it wouldn't be as much fun as your awesome characters though. and the naming convention thing, you've started doing jouste_(title) for your file names. which saves me a wee bit of time when i grab your work for my inspiration folder 8P Keep up the fantabulous work
@sectuars: dude the rabbit is so awesome. i can listen to those guys all day everyday. "moder leper" and the "twist" tear me down to nothing every time.
and i got together and rocked some gameswith you crazy bostonians! very awesome to start putting voices to players at least! so much fun. thanks for getting me a spot!
so i've been getting involved in some feelance stuff which is both super-exciting and scary at the same time. wish me luck you cool dudes and dudettes!
till my net post; here's some more league of legends fan-artage!
here's kassadin, he's a teleporting jerk who can chase down heroes to nothing with his silences and blink strikes. he originally jsut floats there but i drew him feet because i really don't like floating dudes.
next, here's an underplayed support guy named taric. he was the first guy i kind of figured out so i still got a soft spot for him. he's using his awesome shatter ability in this picture where he does a sweet AOE that nukes enemy armor and deals some damage as well.
aaand here's sion. i honestly never liked this guys design but i tried to take some liberties on him. he's like a tanky mage character that talks like arnold and has a wicked shield ability. from looking at his boots i had NO idea how to draw them so i made them into these little stubby skull boot things.
Amazing stuff and I would gladly pay for a nice collection of your stuff.
This game is making you make awesome art for all of us. Thank god for LoL hehe!
you have a good day huh. See ya!
@Emil Mujanovik: thanks a lot. i still have a long way to go but its nice to hear that i'm improving.
@Phyzchaoz: haha i still think i have a long way to go before any artbook ever come out. thanks for the vote of confidence though!
@Gallows: great! i aim to inspire! very cool of you to stop by. thanks!
@wizo: i shall have a good day! and yeah LoL took up quite a lot of my art time and leisure time. but it's a lot of fun to work with thier characters.
man alive where the heck have i been? i'm such a slacker and have been doing too many side projects and not getting this damn thing updated! well lets have it then!
here's some more league of legends stuff.
here's Rammus! he's a tanky guy that can sonic spinball into the enemies, taunt, and create awesome tremors that demolish buildings and other players alike! he was a lot of fun to draw, i may have made him less friendly looking and more like a monster but what can i say, i love those monsters.
and i also did up an old flash-game character for a friend of mine.
here's the red baron! and the coolest thing is that those cool cats at newgrounds actually turned it into a poster!
and just for fun here's a freaky demonic whale guy!
holy kraken!
it's that horrible fiend from the cruel lagoons of doom; whalestrom!
sacrificing his flippers for fierce piercing harpoons and donning the amazing cannon belt that allows him to explosively leap great distances, whalestrom is one nautical nasty! his back is bristling with harpoons and scars from all his assailants when he was a mere giant whale.
whalestrom wasn't always a crazy monster but was in fact a very dignified whale scholar who came upon a book of horrible, underwater incantations, the book was called the necronomiprawn and it left him the twisted monstrosity you see before you!
watch out creatures big and small, whalestrom's cruel appetite knows no bounds!
thanks for sharing!
Nuff said.
starwarsish style with a twist
@marlfox8:wicked, very cool to hear that you like them. thanks for the boost! ;D
@ZacD: glad to hear my simple coloring is ok. i can get a lot more stuff done on the side if i can keep producing stuff at that level. glad you like the poses!
@firebert: i love you too firebert. when will we see more lunq!? i must sees it!
@littlephoenix: hey thanks! i get a lot of "with a twist" references which is very cool. and hey, who hasn't been influenced by the starwars flicks?
@jocose: i know i got a livestream account, i just have to get somethign on the go. and i'm pretty quick but i don't know about 5 seconds ;P
just to keep up some artistic momentum here's another 1 shade colored dude!
just when you thought it was safe to be dead...
out comes goofer the gravemonster! armed with dual spades of exhuming and a nasty potion of resurrection. goofer hobbles around graveyards digging up bodies and using them in his crude arcane experiments.
goofer also has some poisonous fangs in his un-holy arsenal that inflict horrible necrosis on any poor soul slow enough to get pegged by one. but really when push comes to kill, goofer is all to eager to dole out some shovel slaughter and has been seen whirling around in a murderous rage, shovels outstretched as his enemies rain down in glorious chunks.
and i know it probably has been seen by everybody but holy cow so awesome! i have to post it here so i'll always have it in a safe place. Josh Lennon and James O'Hare are super champs for modeling some of my crazy dudes! you guys rock hardcore.
if they were local i would totally buy them beer and eat nachos with them.
I still need to finish the Dyrt Solider man... I've been so slammed lately... bags under the eyes, the whole nine feet.
big internet high five though
@Rens: it is far out to BE back. excellent hearing from you again Rens. always a pleasure.
@konstruct: as long as my hands are attached to my body my good sir! and maybe even after that!
@Firebert: haha no need to kill yourself dude. he's looking really good. you did a stellar job and honored a screwball like me.
@Nitewalkr: thanks! the characters are fun to draw. (except all the ninjas cause ninjas SUUUUUUCK)
more quick stuff to keep me constantly on the move! *deek deek deek*
let's face it, sometimes you want your fortune told by something more badass than a strange old hag with some crystal balls.
enter the stabsayer! the guy that foretells the future with throwing knives!
stabsayers are wicked knife wielders that use "target magic" to do everything from telling futures to launching fireballs. stabsayers can look at the entrance patterns on a target and tell if you will either be a strong and courageous warrior, or some wussy scholar with practically no biceps at all.
but don't think for a second that a stab sayer can't mess you up three ways from sunday. those knives aren't just for divining, they are perfectly capable of jamming into you're sternum. in fact; because of their bloodthirsty nature, all stabsayers are pretty good at reading entrails as well.
The tilted horizontal ground plane for the background of Star- Squatch makes the whole composition move.
ZacD: yeah that's actually the feeling i was going for. glad it hit home! thanks for stopping by pal ;D
@mr slobs: man you went all the way back there!? thanks so much! yeah that starsquatch piece is still one of my faves. thanks for the comments pal.
@InProgress: alright! glad you like it pal. good to hear from you again! ;D
@Japhir: hooray! thanks japhir! glad you could stop by!
@AimBiz: haha why thank you! now, if only i could get into a studio that thought as you did... ;D
@Uly: i do do a lot of drawing on the skytrain but i never draw in a sketch book. i only use clipboards with printer paper so if that's what you saw then it probably was me. and if you knew it was me why didn't you stop and say hello!? come on dude i'm always stoked to meet other polycounters.
anyways here's another drawing!
watch out all you battlefield bandits!
here comes woar boar the saddlecaster! watch as he summons minions of magic from his enchanted saddle to wage wicked wiles on his enemies! here was can see that the saddle caster has brought forth a skilled ice-mage to ride him for the time being. the ice-mage can hurl razor sharp missiles of frozen doom and lock foes in blocks of ice!
saddlecasters are extremely powerful mounts that summon a variety of riders depending on what the situation needs. a tanky knight for some defensive action? a brutal barbarian for some torso-cleaving antics? or maybe even an archer to take out that nasty set of siege artillery over there. yes the battlefield is your oyster when you take control of woar boar!
so it's robot day on newgrounds so i felt i needed to do something up for them. its basically a day to celebrate robots and all things mechanical, so i present AMAZING TIMES IN ROBOT HISTORY!
so here we can see the hard up cave-bots battling the horrible mecha-mammoth. using plasma spears and laser clubs some cave-bots were lucky enough to bring down the beast and bring his spare parts back to the cave to build more cave bots and repair the elderly. in the foreground you can also see a scribe-bot carefully documenting the battle so that future cave-bot generations know how better to handle the dreaded mecha-mammoth.
and here's som fan art i did for those awesome dudes at epic battle axe.
i decided to draw them all in epic battle forms! i also added a sweet awesometer to the images to give them the feel of game characters or something, please note that i think they are all great dudes and i just wanted to have some fun mixing around redundant power levels.
first off we have Tony the tyrant of terror! here he is with some sweet battle scars and a mean ass axe, ready to destroy all lame gaming news! battle on Tony, you velvet voiced violencer!
then we got DK the death knight! that soul-patched soldier of slaughter is armed here with a sweet hellberd and can use his purple eye-magic to obliterate poorly presented gaming news.
finally at the end is Brent son of the slaughter! viking Brent is totally awesome and leads every show with some truly awesome alliteration, here i armed him as a dual axe wielding barefoot berserker, ready to bash and berate all those who oppose the axe-heads!
saddle caster has to be my favorite idea of yours to date.
good stuff, man. good stuff
@marlfox: haha the brutal crash of collectible cards would have me hesistant but thanks for the comment! the EBA guys put the pics up on thier site! XD
@man_o_mule: you are a very observant man. those giant mammoths gotta re-charge somewhere!
@sectaurs: something told me that you would dig the saddlecaster friend. excellent seeing your type on here as always!
@Uly: haha that's a shame, well next time we meet on the big long loser-cruiser come on over and we'll catch up!
@Em.: well if it isn't my favorite letter! a fellow clip-boardian is some vixen from the future!
here's just some fun stuff i've been doing up with other artists to keep my skills loose and sloppy.
here's another robot day thing i did. i wanted to do an homage to tezuka, who is awesome and will always be one of my favorite artists ever. i hope i got his influence across in my picture of this galactic fencing robot riding his trusty motor-steed.
here's a sketch trade i did with UltraPitchfork he sketched up my old sam "slaughtersand" cargo character while i took a bash at his lobstocrab here he is! i made this guy more of a fiddle variant but i'm happy how it turned out! also note the suspicious starfish to the left ready to make a move.
and another trade of the sketch variety. it's PhatDoughBoy's Higgins. i like the guy (artist) cause he draws with washable crayola markers. that seems like a hard thing to do. here's his original and here's my version of the fishy techno-assassin!
and just cause it's been a while since i did any LoL stuff here's some more!
so here's that previously powerful scarecrow fiddlesticks! a caster favorite for all you straw-filled spell-o-mancers.
here he is yelling at one of his crow buddies to smarten up and bounce around more! but alas the little crow has been afflicted by the nerf-bat! oh the scare-crow-manity!
thanks for all the comments dudes. long live PC!
@man-o-mule: whoah! a jousteman! i wonder what his skills would be
watch out folks!
it's a highly skilled hellbeltcher!
these nasty shoulder mounted beasts are fed an alarmingly dangerous amount of fangoes and erupt caustic doom from afar with a violent vomity vengeance! fangoes are horrifying fruit that grow in small bunches on man-eating trees. luckily, the large yellow thrucks are not mere men and can pick these demonic fruits with impunity and use them to equip their shoulder mounted squadrons with their terrifying ammunition.
here we can also see the traditional thruck form of war decoration, where a gold studded iron nail is driven into the thrucks shoulder. this particular thruck is quite notorious and has been awarded enough shoulder spikes to equate at least 8 successful missions.
as for the hellbeltcher itself, it is usually made from an iron-bellied regurgitater. these lizards are usually held in place with splints and other bondage and affixed with a crude glass scope. regurgitaters are so sturdy that they can go for months under these horrible circumstances; being constantly crammed with noxious fangoes and bombarding bone-headed beasts with bulimia!
cover your heads and flee friends! else the hellbeltchers will claim another disgusting and slimy victory!
-jouste the drawbarian
lovely updates, your style get polished so much.
we should make new art trades soon.
keep up, bro!
@rens: help help! i am on fire!
@sub_roland: naming convention? i am confused, but happy to see that it is convenient for you!
@conte: yes you fool! let us sketchtrade soon! what picture of mine will you be tackling? i shall tackle this dude is that ok?
@japhir: thanks! i advise everyone that makes up characters to sketch trade them off with other artists. it's a pile of fun and helps you expand your style! hoorah! thanks for checking out my stuff again japhir!
hey my polycountians! hope all is well on the green and gray landscape that is our realm!
here's a character i came up with recently that i've kind of taken a liking to. his name is fetch and he's a young snarl who has been forbidden by his hellish masters to not be able directly harm any mortal as a cruel joke. now the snarls are a race that needs calamity and chaos or else they starve and wither away into ghostly messes, what is fetch supposed to do!?
well fetch is both aptly named and cunning and decides to enlist in the aid of extremely monstrous beasts and plays fetch with them with catastrophic results. fetch will toss his sticks far into villages, gatherings, battles, and even fortified keeps and smile as his lumbering pets will fetch the stick while destroying everything in their path on the way in and out.
pictured here is a pinkback boulder hound, one of the first creatures playful and powerful enough to keep snarl fed up with a healthy amount of chaos. pinkbacks are so strong that during mating season, they are sometimes used as catapult ammunition because they survive the initial impact and go into a terrifying pain and lust induced rage shortly after landing. this destructive treatment is why they were named "boulder hounds" because they are treated as boulders for siege purposes if they can be properly contained.
i believe that fetch will be drawn again! i hope you enjoy the brainy brat as much as i do!
-jouste the drawbarian