Nice work - you got anything to animate those sprites? It'd be awesome to see the those beards in action.
Don't know if you ever played with Klick'n'Play or TheGamesFactory - years ago I made a ton of animated sprites for those games, is very quick to make a working platformer - even if just to mock up an environment for them.
Work work working on my lineworks, they are sloppy and gross (on paper of course, though this tangible paper practice will obviously translate to the digital realm. I hope.)
Monty in his battle armor, protects the chest but is o-so rough on his sundress.
(This is a terrible work in progress that smells looks and feels like shit, like from a toilet, input on colors and everything appreciated)
A head type-prototype and rather rough silhouette of the inter dimensional man of mystery, Monty.
(After being found guilty of failing to preserve mankind, Monty is tasked with finding the reboot disk for the universe, though fighting the abstract thoughts that hold the object hostage is a little more than impossible...) his quest is more or less an epic game of "plz fetch me 100x staplers" spread across several planets, asteroids, and space station type areas, all littered with an assortment of friendly fellows
Anyone ever play Samurai Western? Great game.
(Trying to get a feel for brushes again, this time for reallll, mannnn) Sorry for the massive image. Also the lack of quality in said massive image. (It's supposed to be a cowboy in a red scarf, being completely heterosexual i swaer to gad)
very wip mindflayer or soulthief or whatever
also wip, necromancer (not sure on the arm yet)other arm will probably be a bundle of cables.)
Finished with the linework on the necromancer, methinks but i can't really get the colors down right, going to do that later when I have a clear head
(his arms are bundles of metal composed of millions of nanomachines, that bond with metal on touch, allowing the necromancer to bond to any metallic object he wishes)
sprite of monty. obvsly not actual size just enlarged for fuck you factor or somethign.
i dunno.
i dont.
(have to fix the legs, and some of the lines)
a leg study because I came to the legs on my monty sprite and realized I knew fuck all about how legs actually work
disregard ther est of the body it is made of poopy and hairt
also also also this is an edit but;
wat the fuck 3d program should I use?
I want to build objects that have that zesty extra dimension;
but lack proper fundings to get anything fancy facking awesome
this is actually a bit older, but I just forgot to upload it.
Or chose not to, i cant fully recall. Different Monty, I like the design a bit better, much simpler and IMO better, I guess. (Suppose it's time to find middle ground)
Bite size adorable monty but i Fucking hate the magical changes, i want concrete, solid shit but I can't even make up my mind about anything someone hit me ?
Super Cosmic Bastard Squad.
Shitty concept thing to get the shapes down. Inspired a lot by katamari. also the idea is for the characters to be easy to model (IF I get so far as to do that.)
(Space pirates, flying about being cunters, and what not)
RGBRGBRG I need some serious tutorial type help.
3d modeling only serves to make me feel like AN APE furiously HEADBUTTING a computer, the difference being I WILL NEVER PRODUCE ANYTHING GOOD at this rate.
So uh, silo 2.1 tutorial halp>?
(IVe googled my FINGERS RAW sort of and all i've gathered is that good tutorials aren't free and free ones are too vague and feel less like help and more like i'm reading a childrens book about boxes TURNING INTO HEADS)
the real link and three imposters.
Lunk, The buff, macho one
Lank, the scrawny, apathetic one
and Lynk, scheming ring leader (his idea to cash in on the hero of time thing)
And link in his boxers. Currently his face is too expressive, as he's supposed to read as an emotional blank slate (In reference to the idea that supposedly his name is link, as in the link from the player to the game, and the fact that he doesn't speak because this way, the player can impose their own thoughts onto him.)
An awful link sprite for fun funs, but i really need to improve.
still, baby steps i guess.
So I was making a 3d.
Yeah, big deal.
But, When i started i fucked up and it wasn't directly aligned to the axis, so everything is slightly skewn, and some of the polygons (read most) aren't completely flat, and have that weird shape (Where there is some sort of weird ass bump, but no vertex there)
Guess what i'm wondering is if there's a way to flatten them all, like, to make them normal.
Or if i'd have to start all over.
or do something drastic.
This is a 3d, and I made it. Obviously its difficult to discern exactly what it is because the model itself is no good and the angle doesn't lend much to it all. I've currently scrapped this and started over, hopefully this time it'll go better. I've also discovered something that was causing problems, having to do with things i created with the create polygon tool not actually being part of the model, ive fixed that, and am working on it. It's supposed to be Link, as i'm currently unoriginal. Uh, but its good to start 3d because I feel like i'm sort of getting somwhere with it all, hopefully there will be 3d updates.
some fun stuff in here, keep at it! link sketches have some character to them heh. you getting into silo then? I recommend learning the key shortcuts as soon as possible, saves you loads of time and makes the app make a whole lot more sense!
Thanks much. About the link sketches;
It pretty much gets to the point that I just doodle him when i have a hard time drawing other things, that's one reason there are so many. Also, I can't get the idea of a zelda game set in a strange 60's-80's ish space world out of my head. And yes, keyboard shortcuts in Silo are currently my best goddamned friend.
Hopefully I'll churn out so good stuff, hah.
My main question for the time being though, is how does one go about making alphas for textures? So that I may do hair with planes, and what not? I believe thats the proper term..
as for alpha planes, just go for it, a fun way to start is get a model that needs hair and uv it and leave space for the hair in the uvmap then draw some cool hair on a new layer of your texture so that its easy to make an alpha channel out of it then make some polygon stips on your character and uv them to fit the hair youve already drawn.
Thanks, but as for actual silo tutorials, can you help me out? Many of the tutorials are written for the old version so i have a bit of a difficult time translating what they're saying to the new menu, etc.
If not, any tutorials are good.
Hm. So I don't know if i'm using the "create poly" tool improperly or not, but what the hell? Basically, it creates overlapping polygons sometimes, other times it works. Obviously, the one behind it is a stupid n-gon or whatever, but when i hit the triangulate button the program triangulates it differently than i want it to, so i'm doing that shit manual, but having trouble with the create poly tool.
I'm using silo 2.1, by the way.
Erm, nevermind think i figured it out, something about multiple vertices occupying the same place..
really kind of annoying, probably an artifact of my stupidity or something, still, any help from someone who knows what they're doing would be appreciated
Those tutorials pretty much got rid of my issues. Thanks, now maybe I can do something halfway decent...except that i'm pretty sure my mirror function is broken. Whatever.
I made this over the last 2 hours, and so far its probably the best i've done at 3d work, which really isn't saying anything.
The flow is compeletely wrong, the triangulation is awful, and the neck looks stupid as hell.
But, it's still the best i've done.
Crits, halp, whatever?
(Top Row)
Generic, Miner, Lumberjack
(Bottom Row)
Mason, Hunter, Blacksmith, Jeweler)
My neighbor Tyrone didn't answer his door, for some reason
Don't know if you ever played with Klick'n'Play or TheGamesFactory - years ago I made a ton of animated sprites for those games, is very quick to make a working platformer - even if just to mock up an environment for them.
Some very poor pixel work for a game idea i've been musing with.
Thy Garbage Man
(guess what game I based my palette off of. brownie points!)
Work work working on my lineworks, they are sloppy and gross (on paper of course, though this tangible paper practice will obviously translate to the digital realm. I hope.)
Monty in his battle armor, protects the chest but is o-so rough on his sundress.
(This is a terrible work in progress that smells looks and feels like shit, like from a toilet, input on colors and everything appreciated)
A head type-prototype and rather rough silhouette of the inter dimensional man of mystery, Monty.
(After being found guilty of failing to preserve mankind, Monty is tasked with finding the reboot disk for the universe, though fighting the abstract thoughts that hold the object hostage is a little more than impossible...) his quest is more or less an epic game of "plz fetch me 100x staplers" spread across several planets, asteroids, and space station type areas, all littered with an assortment of friendly fellows
Anyone ever play Samurai Western? Great game.
(Trying to get a feel for brushes again, this time for reallll, mannnn) Sorry for the massive image. Also the lack of quality in said massive image. (It's supposed to be a cowboy in a red scarf, being completely heterosexual i swaer to gad)
heavy, acid washed skies hang overhead;
no refuge from the bizarre weather;
frankly, it sucks.
Mother 3.
you are most correct my friend, i love the game's colors so much.
( i attempt to capture its quality, but fail
Trying to jazz things up.
very wip mindflayer or soulthief or whatever
also wip, necromancer (not sure on the arm yet)other arm will probably be a bundle of cables.)
Finished with the linework on the necromancer, methinks but i can't really get the colors down right, going to do that later when I have a clear head
(his arms are bundles of metal composed of millions of nanomachines, that bond with metal on touch, allowing the necromancer to bond to any metallic object he wishes)
New shitty wip;
Lt.Bahr, an apocalypse survivor in bear pajamas.
sprite of monty. obvsly not actual size just enlarged for fuck you factor or somethign.
i dunno.
i dont.
(have to fix the legs, and some of the lines)
a leg study because I came to the legs on my monty sprite and realized I knew fuck all about how legs actually work
disregard ther est of the body it is made of poopy and hairt
also also also this is an edit but;
wat the fuck 3d program should I use?
I want to build objects that have that zesty extra dimension;
but lack proper fundings to get anything fancy facking awesome
this is actually a bit older, but I just forgot to upload it.
Or chose not to, i cant fully recall. Different Monty, I like the design a bit better, much simpler and IMO better, I guess. (Suppose it's time to find middle ground)
Bite size adorable monty but i Fucking hate the magical changes, i want concrete, solid shit but I can't even make up my mind about anything someone hit me ?
Super Cosmic Bastard Squad.
Shitty concept thing to get the shapes down. Inspired a lot by katamari. also the idea is for the characters to be easy to model (IF I get so far as to do that.)
(Space pirates, flying about being cunters, and what not)
far right top row, w/arms.
design of suit, especially colors, is currently an obvious borrowing of the MGS3 sneaking suit.
Working on that.
Anatomy anatomy anatomy.
Work on painting sometime..
Draw better.
3d modeling only serves to make me feel like AN APE furiously HEADBUTTING a computer, the difference being I WILL NEVER PRODUCE ANYTHING GOOD at this rate.
So uh, silo 2.1 tutorial halp>?
(IVe googled my FINGERS RAW sort of and all i've gathered is that good tutorials aren't free and free ones are too vague and feel less like help and more like i'm reading a childrens book about boxes TURNING INTO HEADS)
the real link and three imposters.
Lunk, The buff, macho one
Lank, the scrawny, apathetic one
and Lynk, scheming ring leader (his idea to cash in on the hero of time thing)
And link in his boxers. Currently his face is too expressive, as he's supposed to read as an emotional blank slate (In reference to the idea that supposedly his name is link, as in the link from the player to the game, and the fact that he doesn't speak because this way, the player can impose their own thoughts onto him.)
An awful link sprite for fun funs, but i really need to improve.
still, baby steps i guess.
Yeah, big deal.
But, When i started i fucked up and it wasn't directly aligned to the axis, so everything is slightly skewn, and some of the polygons (read most) aren't completely flat, and have that weird shape (Where there is some sort of weird ass bump, but no vertex there)
Guess what i'm wondering is if there's a way to flatten them all, like, to make them normal.
Or if i'd have to start all over.
or do something drastic.
This is a 3d, and I made it. Obviously its difficult to discern exactly what it is because the model itself is no good and the angle doesn't lend much to it all. I've currently scrapped this and started over, hopefully this time it'll go better. I've also discovered something that was causing problems, having to do with things i created with the create polygon tool not actually being part of the model, ive fixed that, and am working on it. It's supposed to be Link, as i'm currently unoriginal. Uh, but its good to start 3d because I feel like i'm sort of getting somwhere with it all, hopefully there will be 3d updates.
It pretty much gets to the point that I just doodle him when i have a hard time drawing other things, that's one reason there are so many. Also, I can't get the idea of a zelda game set in a strange 60's-80's ish space world out of my head. And yes, keyboard shortcuts in Silo are currently my best goddamned friend.
Hopefully I'll churn out so good stuff, hah.
My main question for the time being though, is how does one go about making alphas for textures? So that I may do hair with planes, and what not? I believe thats the proper term..
If not, any tutorials are good.
Hm. So I don't know if i'm using the "create poly" tool improperly or not, but what the hell? Basically, it creates overlapping polygons sometimes, other times it works. Obviously, the one behind it is a stupid n-gon or whatever, but when i hit the triangulate button the program triangulates it differently than i want it to, so i'm doing that shit manual, but having trouble with the create poly tool.
I'm using silo 2.1, by the way.
Erm, nevermind think i figured it out, something about multiple vertices occupying the same place..
really kind of annoying, probably an artifact of my stupidity or something, still, any help from someone who knows what they're doing would be appreciated
and the glen southern ones seen this one?
maybe you could learn some stuff from here I dont know
sorry I dont have much time to help and I havent used silo in ages. I use c4d and max these days
I made this over the last 2 hours, and so far its probably the best i've done at 3d work, which really isn't saying anything.
The flow is compeletely wrong, the triangulation is awful, and the neck looks stupid as hell.
But, it's still the best i've done.
Crits, halp, whatever?
background is incredibly boring but, uh, yeah.