Schultzie, what's the lens you use in these photos (assuming it's the same ones?) - is it this one?
Assuming that is you
It's not the best pic, but yeah that's me. Sometimes I use that lens, sometimes I don't. It really depends on what I'm shooting at the time. The lens in that pic is a 70-200 2.8. I also use a 35L and a 100 2.8L macro.
Here's a shot taken from my bedroom window in Guildford this morning (after a bit of Photoshop abuse ) There was this amazing swirling mist like I've never seen before.
great set! Norway sure is a nice country
well worth the hike up
Lillehammer Vale by Will_F, on Flickr
vikingskip by Will_F, on Flickr
Breather by SauceyJack, on Flickr
1950 Chevy Fleetline Deluxe hood ornament by SauceyJack, on Flickr
1950 Ford hood ornament by SauceyJack, on Flickr
seagull wallpaper by HelderP, on Flickr
Oh me? Just collecting some particles. by SauceyJack, on Flickr
Part of the Accumulator ring at Fermi Lab by SauceyJack, on Flickr
Bolts and stuff by SauceyJack, on Flickr
Part of the STQB Low-Energy Quadrupole by SauceyJack, on Flickr
Four buttons by SauceyJack, on Flickr
Venice Beach by HelderP, on Flickr
Vigeland by Will_F, on Flickr
DSCF1367 by mr-chompers, on Flickr
It's not the best pic, but yeah that's me. Sometimes I use that lens, sometimes I don't. It really depends on what I'm shooting at the time. The lens in that pic is a 70-200 2.8. I also use a 35L and a 100 2.8L macro.
Afternoon sun by TimOvervliet, on Flickr
Autumn prairie by SauceyJack, on Flickr
Still by SauceyJack, on Flickr
Autumn color by SauceyJack, on Flickr
Nice pics/colors
workPrint001 by LittleOddity, on Flickr
Fall by Will_F, on Flickr
Playing with a new camera I was given for some crazy Samsung event, so sorry for the spam, new toy woo
Nice!! UWA FTW.
Here's a shot taken from my bedroom window in Guildford this morning (after a bit of Photoshop abuse
The smallest things. by Will_F, on Flickr
Agility by Will_F, on Flickr
More water play by SauceyJack, on Flickr
edit: and sneakymcfox! awesome
It was a water fountain. At the end of each metal rod where the water comes out there is a flat disk so it splashes out to the sides.
Evil_Fish by Guntharf, on Flickr
Old School Biker by Guntharf, on Flickr
Cowboy Leak by Guntharf, on Flickr
Driver Dog by Guntharf, on Flickr
Landscape by Guntharf, on Flickr
Barber Shop by Guntharf, on Flickr
DSCF1523 by mr-chompers, on Flickr
Fantastic camera too. I'd love to get one of those myself one day just for the looks alone