Post one photo of preferably non-people (scenery, buildings, etc) you've taken recently. Also, don't break the tables, so keep it reasonably sized. Everyone here should have the photoshop skills to comply.
Here's one from last night, here in Hafnarjothur, Iceland around 8 pm. Those aren't rocks, it's lava.
Here's my contribution, taken a while back when i was doing working experience in Amsterdam at the former greenpeace action ship the "Sirius". This was my last day after two weeks of showing kids around and telling them about greenpeace.
Three horses and dead Commodore
Central Tilba, Australia
A beach close to where I live, there was an abnormally high high tide that morning and most of the beach got washed away. There was also some damage to the nearby houses and some roads got washed away. That's me on the heap of sand
I made this photo in France, to bad its a bit unsharp.
These are the true colors, they are not adjusted in photoshop. I like to call this photo "The burning sky"
Tone mapped in Photomatix.
Oooh, good idea, and nice photos!
A beach close to where I live, there was an abnormally high high tide that morning and most of the beach got washed away. There was also some damage to the nearby houses and some roads got washed away. That's me on the heap of sand
[/ QUOTE ]Quick stick a flag in it and claim it as your own nation!
This pic was made last year on one of the bays along the coast of south Alabama.
Here's my brother's cat acting all emo
vassago - gorgeous. Is the noise intentional? It works really well with the colours
some climbers up a rock last week. Everso slightly tweaked to give something back to the sky but it's gone all bandy, which is arse. Hey ho
I had a real crappy point and shoot camera when I went on my trip, so that's the actual noise. The original photo looks far different, though. I'll post that after I get back from work.
After my trip, I bought a Sony DSC-H2 - wish I had that before
A forest near Bonn, Germany, yesterday morning
Taken about 2 years ago when camping.
This is from a series taken with my phone camera yesterday. We visited an old village which has had a forestry plantation grow up around it. It's a good half-hours walk from the nearest dirt track.
A perfect sunny day, the seattle skyline, shot taken from Alki!
dec 11th 2007
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Dear god, you're from the FUTURE!
If not can anyone eyedentify them all?
- human
- gecko
- toad
- domestic cat
- dog
- another toad?
- wolve/fox
- owl
- another owl?
- iguana
- birdy
- snake
If you meant specific breeds, then no way :P
Cape Cod recently.
3-some kinda crustacean...crab maybe?
5-porcupine or hedgehog
5-another fish
6-female lion or mountain lion
8-moth or butterfly
2, spot on again, well spotted, on the nature forum they all thought it was a chameleon
3, some kind of invertibrate
4, yes again
5, no
6, another invertibrate
7, no
8, no
9, another invertibrate
10, close
11, yes, any genus/species?
12, yes
2, day geko
3, land invertibrate
4, yes domseticus, my cat
5, no but closeish
6, land invertibrate
7, very close, but smaller and famous for catching birds
8, no
9, Yes, butterfly, can post a pic, but not sure what species
10, close again
11, yes again, any genus/species?
12, yes
Visalia California, February '07.
Edit - Dammit, I'll re-link later today.
While in Osaka I saw this and thought the neon looked neat. I also liked how the lights were blowfish.
dec 11th 2007
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Dear god, you're from the FUTURE!
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Wharf area in Copenhagen,beautiful day,people enjoying themselves,kids playing.
glowing worm
William Rickits Santuary, Mt Dandenong VIC Australia
Shot with DSC-P92 at 2007-06-26
...for some reason it will not show up...*shrug...well here is a link
Dino my bird getting a bath