Woah, polar bears are biotics from nature? We need those damn implants and boosters, while they can envelop themselves in mass effect fields without breaking a sweat.
I guess the whole antword thing is fake I m mean their style is real, but I read on the wiki that supposedly yolandi and ninja are married and have a kid. I believe everything I read on the internet
dunno If a fully believe that tho- she doesn't look like the baby having type
Cheers for Die Antwoord guys, i keep coming back listening to it. I like how it's bad-ass and different yet doesn't get obnoxious. Funny to see they do the same thing as this sketch group we have here, capitalize on some of the more marginal population groups
There's this comparable rap song really big here associated with those guys, the "New Kids":
Not as "extreme" as Antwoord but I like it too, so catchy (bakpao sandwich).
(also anybody catch that D9 ref on Antwoord's site lol ?)
I greatly approve of that. The production focus is a good read. 21 days of work!
Guess there's not much else to do in Alaska but make awesome vids of bears destroying worlds.
Woah, polar bears are biotics from nature? We need those damn implants and boosters, while they can envelop themselves in mass effect fields without breaking a sweat.
Damn them all to hell.
true sandbox in stealth video game universe
I was looking for reference pictures of something completely unrelated and I some how ended up there, the comments creep me out.
Well you can't search for anything without getting porn.
the one with the dude kicking the door down. Hilarious!
Looks awesome as hell, and it actually made me interested in Bioshock 2 (Never played the first one).
Also this:
I'm sold! what a great video
^^ put everything into perspective.
Probably deserves a thread of its own
I went to school with the guy who made the original.
if you like it on any level, you should check out their website.
whole album is called $0$ cause its free-
The quality of the marketing for these guys is pretty bananas.
Ten minutes of straight dope rhymes and Aliens.
or else ...
Mario vs Pac Man
MAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNN! that's the bestest video!
I guess the whole antword thing is fake
dunno If a fully believe that tho- she doesn't look like the baby having type
frog fail:
^ For those that dont frequent cghub.
:P I graduated yesterday
There's this comparable rap song really big here associated with those guys, the "New Kids":
Not as "extreme" as Antwoord but I like it too, so catchy (bakpao sandwich).
(also anybody catch that D9 ref on Antwoord's site lol ?)