His work is like the sort of stuff you would see in a gallery of bad 3d art, but executed with some sense of talent and exactly the same amount of un-self-aware insanity. Whatever disease he has I hope they never find a cure for it.
Holy shit!!! That was a sea of cats! I bet it would only take them 15 or so min to eat her whole body. As soon as she hit the floor they would go to town.
holy f********k, man that's awesome i want one - and then create swarms with lasers to defend my evil hideout......
Turns out it's kind of open source, tempting. I browsed their forums a bit, people making their own body designs and whatnot. Cool stuff! http://mikrokopter.de/
I bet if someone like him talked about game art we'd be paying him top dollars for instructional dvd's.
pretty sure she died
doesnt mention anything about anyone dying
interesting mix. Not bad though.
/fires up the hate train
Quick! all aboard!
holy f********k, man that's awesome i want one - and then create swarms with lasers to defend my evil hideout......
please hire this guy!
his other animation
if you love it go to his web
bit of nostalgia, found this on the net, the original studio max program
anyone here used this?
screwattack is the shit!
Kill it with love!
Please tell me that its a joke, though!