I think it's funny, in a weird/sad way, that they are hating on Zynga, while they themselves make fairly similar facebook games. They're fairly decent games sure - but they are not what the video implies. Unless I'm the only one who interprets the video as saying "we make kick-ass high production value independent console games" along the lines of 'risky' IP starts like Homefront and HAWKEN?
Good one. Now you know why we set up stuff that way so if people are planning to be stupid they should just get buried and die under the items. :poly142:
Good one. Now you know why we set up stuff that way so if people are planning to be stupid they should just get buried and die under the items. :poly142:
I reckon our guy's out cold for a couple of seconds - he faceplants that railing pretty hard.
Yeah he doesn't move his legs for a fair while... I'd feel sorry for him. But... he's the kind of guy that jumps over it rather than stepping over it. It's like he's... happy. So fuck that guy.
Nifty digital booklet with videos, music, etc, on the making of Paranorman. http://focusguilds2012.com/pnbooklet/
The production of a movie like this is completely insane. 40,000 face shapes each rapid prototyped and then hand finished for example.
bravo epic
Spoiler:... its pretty freaking awesome.
My daughter is studying how to play this after I showed her yesterday, so thanks for the link!
Wonderful use of a 3d pipeline to produce beautifully sensitive work.
Thanks to my mate Keez (a wizard of time and space) for the link.
interactive 360 view while heli is flying over volcano
its been 5 mins and im still laughing !!
I think it's funny, in a weird/sad way, that they are hating on Zynga, while they themselves make fairly similar facebook games. They're fairly decent games sure - but they are not what the video implies. Unless I'm the only one who interprets the video as saying "we make kick-ass high production value independent console games" along the lines of 'risky' IP starts like Homefront and HAWKEN?
Oh Thank you Alberto
Good one. Now you know why we set up stuff that way so if people are planning to be stupid they should just get buried and die under the items. :poly142:
I reckon our guy's out cold for a couple of seconds - he faceplants that railing pretty hard.
The production of a movie like this is completely insane. 40,000 face shapes each rapid prototyped and then hand finished for example.
This has happened to my band once back 7 years ago when our lead guitarist was completely stoned and hitting all the wrong key notes on the stage. <.<
I'm surprised this wasn't included. Has to be one of my all-time favs.
That's not unexplainable, thats badass!
Meantime in Mother Russia...
Not really love this guy. But he knows how to choose a vehicle.
Wow, chills to my freakin spine lad. Good one, thanks for sharing.
the tech is even more impressive. they use motion vectors to track the linework onto the 3D. its super clever