On a whole different level of awesome, there's a company Kickstarting a 3d printing pen. Works in exactly the same way that the low end 3d printers work, extruding a thread of hot plastic. While it's probably not really practical to do anything terribly detailed with it, it's still a cute idea.
Pope is quitting his job, 3 other Cardinals are also leaving, first time in history over several decades/hundred years to happen.
Running joke is the Pope found sex, and likes it, so he's going back to fapping.
Lastly, that couch is "THE Couch", the running gag 'pun intended' on women who want to get into the entertainment industry, but end up doing porn at the 'interview'. Everything is staged naturally.
Plus the recession excuses people put out, etc, and how sex biz the only one to still work.
1 + 1 + 1 = Current hot topic of Church sex satire.
Pope is quitting his job, 3 other Cardinals are also leaving, first time in history over several decades/hundred years to happen.
Running joke is the Pope found sex, and likes it, so he's going back to fapping.
Lastly, that couch is "THE Couch", the running gag 'pun intended' on women who want to get into the entertainment industry, but end up doing porn at the 'interview'. Everything is staged naturally.
Plus the recession excuses people put out, etc, and how sex biz the only one to still work.
1 + 1 + 1 = Current hot topic of Church sex satire.
What the shit!?!?! I need to find that now! I dyunno where I put mine. I never use it!
They've also made over 60 times their Kickstarting goal in the first 3 days of their campaign.
Lol. Reminds me of the "valuable work" of Vulva from Spaced. Shame I cant find a video clip of it.
Cool story/comic though, check it out.
this was fun. =]
overpowered villain even for ironman
but can't wait to see the movie this may
I saw that advert on TV and was really drawn to her, but had no idea she was CG.
And thus no one got any work done ever again.
Carmack talking on latency. Pretty good read. A little code oriented... but if you like Carmack then you'll like this one.
Added two more links, Oculus Rift team about VR + Latency with the HMD they are developing:
ladies and gentleman, I give you new reason to procrastinate ....
Massive Bomberman Online with up to 1000 players on the single map
* ---
aw dang Jackablade post it first
srry for double post
new Cloudy movie that look amazing!
Fuck yes! I loved the first movie, and the sequel looks better then I would have ever expected
I might have to work tonight - but it'll have an EPIC soundtrack!
anyone who knows why this image is funny is a pervert and you should be ashamed of yourself!
There is no job! lol
Running joke is the Pope found sex, and likes it, so he's going back to fapping.
Lastly, that couch is "THE Couch", the running gag 'pun intended' on women who want to get into the entertainment industry, but end up doing porn at the 'interview'. Everything is staged naturally.
Plus the recession excuses people put out, etc, and how sex biz the only one to still work.
1 + 1 + 1 = Current hot topic of Church sex satire.
Sincerely yours, Captain Sir-Explainsalot.