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Dominance War 2 - Spacemonkey

polycounter lvl 18
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spacemonkey polycounter lvl 18
Pyschic monster from beyond the stars! confused.gif see if I get time to play as I am crunching my ass off right now.


  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Crunchy here too, Tim, but if anyone can manage it, you're the man smile.gif
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Getting crunchy here soon...
    Looking forward to see what you pump out dude.

  • spacemonkey
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    spacemonkey polycounter lvl 18

    "After the decimation of the polycount weapons planet the dark generals were forced to look deep into the void seeking there beings of untapped power.
    The Manitae was found, deadly and ruthless it joined the ranks not only with the intention of spilling blood for polycount, but also with the intent to climb to greater power amoungst those who sought to utilize its strength.
    Outside of its native plane of existence it found the need to bind its tentacles to enable it to traverse in a humanoid method of locamotion. Ruthless and cunning it assaults mortal minds with its telepathic powers, turning men against their own troops causing sabotage and chaos. Perhaps the more brutal fate befalls the machines that it encounters. Its Telekenis is unmatched, they machines are tossed like a unwanted childs toy, the gears jamming and systems failing as they are ripped apart from the inside.
    However he finds the greatest pleasure holding his enemies before his eyes, crushing them in his python like grip. "
  • vahl
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    vahl polycounter lvl 18
    awesome man! can't wait to see how it'll turn out laugh.gif
  • mvelasquez
    Tim this owns! I like your style man.
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    Shit man, the concept look awesome, and I love the description. Can't wait to see some more. laugh.gif
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
  • indian_boy
    kik ass... i'm already looking forward to this on its path to completion...

    one suggestion (though i know everything probably isn't final yet): make the blue glowies into green glowies... considering our colours that is...
  • RazorBladder
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    RazorBladder polycounter lvl 18
    GO FOR IT.
    Personally I'm not sure about the big gut but hey, it's a smoking concept.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    Fear the Manitee!

    cool shit, dude
  • dur23
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    dur23 polycounter lvl 20
    That rocks spacemonkey. Whod a thunk the manatee was so vicious.
  • conte
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    conte polycounter lvl 18
    hey, are he's brains unarmored?
  • Dr_Graevling
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    Dr_Graevling polycounter lvl 11
    Damn! I'm not even sure what I'm looking at, yet it's so totally sweet.
  • richkid
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    richkid polycounter lvl 18
    im not feelin the split tentacle holding the staff thing, it just never seemed like a tentacle would be good for holding things like a hand. other than that i love where it is going. if you do stick with the tentacle, check out jason felix's site, he has a bad ass character with the tentacle deal.

    keep it up
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    richkid: when was the last time you went around holding shit with a tentacle, huh? just ask any giant squid, they seem to have no trouble not only holding, but tearing the main mast right off of friggin' frigates. not feeling the tentacles, pfeh! laugh.gif

    spacemonkey: thank you for showing the kids how it's done. you're crunching away, probably not even enough time to feed the missus and the kids back home a hot meal, and yet you're STILL posting a concept to rock socks every which way (and off).
    while spacemonkeyish in many good ways, it's still very fresh. i really dont have much of anything in the way of crits or suggestions at this point, other than the token "do some thumbnails" bit. but i trust you'll have a horrible, unbeatable beastie in no time at the rate you're going. only fitting for a returning winner! smile.gif
  • spacemonkey
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    spacemonkey polycounter lvl 18

    thanks guys, laugh.gif encouraging responses for that first draft w00t

    dur23, who'd have thought that there is actually a manatee', I am a couple of letters away from a fat see elephant thing! haha! laugh.gif Fear that fat!

    richkid, its certainly not executed well in my peice... so it doesnt represent well - no holdies in this next sketch.. but that doesnt mean he wont smile.gif a mass of tentacles can holding things in very interesting ways!

    Hey gauss, yeah the feedback is good - before I painted I drafted out a series of 5 A4 sketches.. refinging shapes and figuring out the elements I want to include. Thumbnails are damned good - and they helped me avoid some retro scifi stuff that creeped into that first sketch.. but after a day at work away from the pic I decided he felt too generic.
    not enough flesh - too many humanoid elements.. boring and tired.. so I am hoping to push him further down the spiral.
    The new sketch needs lots of elaboration and exploration but I think he's more on the right track wink.gif let me know what you think!

    last year I rushed my design and I felt the pain of it later... if you read my interview its one thing I kicked my own ass about!
  • spacemonkey
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    spacemonkey polycounter lvl 18
    I r bombardment (of wips)

  • richkid
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    richkid polycounter lvl 18
    i like where this is going, this thing is going to be insane looking.

    i did try grabbing a weapon once with my "tentacle", didn't fair so well, i would send some reference picks, but i dont know you that well. maybe if you buy me dinner
  • warby
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    warby polycounter lvl 18
    awesome best concept i have seen yet for DW2 =)
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Go go pogo-cotopus!
  • spacemonkey
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    spacemonkey polycounter lvl 18
    damn I have too many idea's.. my head! I think it might go under the hammer once or twice more - before I settle.

    richkid, you free on Feb 14th? laugh.gif

    Warby and jaskablade thanks!
  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
    i liked the original concept, it had alot more recognizable shapes, the later ones got alot more blobby, i liked the idea of making some kinda squid thing that tries to emulate a humanoid, but is totally nonhuman
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    i´m not a fan of these wired monster blumdigblub things.. but this one fits perfect for evil-polycoutn and i love these blue blubber-parts laugh.gif

    all in all i think the 2. one nails the idear of this blumdigblub-thing a lot better down than the 1.

    keep going workoholica laugh.gif
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    hahaaa. thas for "consistent taste around us"
  • Mansir
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    Mansir polycounter lvl 18
    Very, very cool looking, Spacemonkey.
  • struve
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    struve polycounter lvl 18
    That's pretty freakin cool. The first idea may be more appropriate, having legs and arms. Maybe you can incorporate the two somehow.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    i liked the original concept, it had alot more recognizable shapes, the later ones got alot more blobby

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I agree with rawkstar on this one.

  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    Still all too inspiring! laugh.gif
  • kongni
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    kongni polycounter lvl 17
    Oh dam! This is gonna be sweet!
    I'll be watching this thread crazy.gif
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    both are sweet but I do like the posture better in the first one too.
    prefer the second face tho!
  • ThE_BirD
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    ThE_BirD polycounter lvl 20
    Nice Spacemonkey, They're all very cool... I really like creepiness from the first sketch, keeping the arms reaching out(or doing something with purpose) while the tentacles lash about wildly. You get the impression of a crown or a Tiara that enhances psychic energy in the first sketch too which is pretty awesome... Maybe a tail is in order to sweep you back up into the upper body... The Metal pressed up against the flesh is gonna look awesome!!!!
  • parasyte7
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    parasyte7 polycounter lvl 20
    Tim, this is looking unbelievable man...I love it.
  • spacemonkey
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    spacemonkey polycounter lvl 18

    rawkstar - yeah you was right, the second did degenerate into large blobbyness

    rollin - its only work if your getting paid for it right? laugh.gif ha

    Mansir thanks

    struve - yeah mobility bugged me - so I added some!

    almighty_gir, kongni thanks guys

    rooster, yeah I prefer the second face - the first one was too skull - the second design has potential but the pose is a bit weak, so it doesnt sell well frown.gif but I still lub him! laugh.gif

    ThE_BirD, good point - the crown kind of lost its function in the second degenerated into a glorified helmet! The tail was a hot suggestion laugh.gif

    parasite7, thanks KennY! give us a job at Blizzard ! laF!! laugh.gif
  • gavku
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    gavku polycounter lvl 18
    man this is a great thread to show how to evolve an idea....latest incarnation is definitely the best...
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    i like the mirrored text .... laugh.gif

    no seriousely

    imo the spikey head and the very smooth body (exept the back) aren´t fitting together very good yet..
    but i think you only have to bring a bit of the idear of the head to the body or the other way

    do you know what i ty to say with my superb english ? laugh.gif
  • indian_boy
    i think that u should make the arms a biiiit bulkier, or reduce the 'length' of the head.
    otherwise the thing is looking great...
  • CitizenDown
    ohhhhh man psyhonics ftw.

    I love the ideas good solid base here I'm not sure the tenticals work fo9r this guy yet I'd like to see where you are going with them....

    I hope to see more.

    good luck
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    I liked the floaty one. Still badass though.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    Reminds me of the alien queen... badass!

    i know it's just a concept, but could you move the feet forward somewhat? it looks like it's gonna fall over!
  • MadGaz
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    MadGaz polycounter lvl 17
    This looks amazing. Cant wait to see the finished model.
  • JPSeiler
    Some really awesome art going on here. Have to say that i loved the first one the best, the overall feeling of it, the fourth one looks kickass for sure, but reminds me way to much of the alien queen. I would go with something inbetween image one and three, to be more spicific, go with the image one, and add the floating device + head from image three, just my two cents wink.gif.
  • Painbringer
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    Painbringer polycounter lvl 18
    Great start indeed. Its gonna be really awesome peace of triangles (!) crazy.gif
  • warby
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    warby polycounter lvl 18
    i liked it better when it was floating frown.gif
  • Shady-D
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    Shady-D polycounter lvl 17
    really reminds me of some halo upper chief creature, dunno its name.
    Looks very cool though but more of a general rather than a soldier no?
    good stuff!
  • stix
    Like the evolution of this character alot, much better form in the last concept, i think the head could be bigger and positioned slightly further forward on the body to make it more balanced. I think it would be good to give it a little more armor to, not much just on the shin's and top of the feet, or on the tip of the tail, or both. Think this will help the organic and technical elements tie in nicely as a whole, good job tho mate, keep up the fine work
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    I'm really digging this latest iteration, I was going to say the arms look a little small. But T-Rex arms were small! I think the tentacles help with the proportions. Great stuff!

  • richkid
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    richkid polycounter lvl 18
    kinda reminds me of Independants Day, almost in the same feel of a carlos huante character.

    Dude, i love the drippy nether regions, icky and sticky
  • spacemonkey
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    spacemonkey polycounter lvl 18

    gavku, thanks

    rollin , hey rollin I think you'll find the they blend a little better now smile.gif its was a good point!

    indian_boy yeah I reduced the length of the head- it was bugging me. the arm size... well I'll save my judgement till I see it in 3d laugh.gif

    CitizenDown, tentacle rape? maybe in the final pose he can be violating some of the peeps from cgchat ? haha, in all seriousness I think he would be deadly in close combat with them, combined with the psychic powR is destruction.

    Ninjas floaty was fun, but felt slow.. this guy needs that alien like agility for climing ceilings and chasing people down corridors. It just felt that with the hovering he would be a bullet magneT..

    almighty_gir , yeah definately some alience.. I did a quick move of the feet but I'm more concerned about getting the right ideas down

    MadGaz thanks

    JPSeiler he felt clunky to me, boring shapes although I liked the head gear - its certainly gave me the ideas for his evolution

    Painbringer I hope's I get time to actually make him.. wink.gif

    warby , yeah but he's a shadow killer.. not a ice cream vendor.. I liked it..but it wasnt right

    Shady-D some Elites?? I dont know.. glad you like him smile.gif

    stix I know I did some of what you mentioned, been adding some armour last day or so. He definately needed more balance

    caseyjones thanks, well I did want those arms to feel small next to the power physical prescence of the tentacles - but in reality I wanted the small arms to be the conduits for his psychic power.

    richkid well thats cool, I just bought 2 of Huante's books. Guess they were worth getting !
  • EVIL
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    EVIL polycounter lvl 18
    D'ANG! thats some critter you got there! I really like the tied squid tentacles forming an arm.. I would have never came up with such an idea laugh.gif.. excellent! btw.. he's standing on his tail..
  • indian_boy
    hey i really like the squid thing u got on the right shoulder. and i love the tail splitting into to (i didn't notice it earlier...)
    but something about the leg are bugging me... not to be mean or sound irritating or anything... but they seem to be too similar to ur last one(Brood). The shape and all are good, but the "cyborgification" is.... almost typical? With ur calibre, i think u can show more creativity and style in the legs... just my two cents...
    otherwise, i luv it... looks great and the thing u did with the head is just right
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