Cool thanks! I was out with one of the teens that I mentor.. he's a big halo fan, the whole page was geared towards him. Borrowed some themes from autodestruct
Can anyone help me make it look sharper and more metalic without making it look less evil? This is a friends design I am using to practice painting metal.
thanks phil
some kids were patient, some wouldn't sit still. i tried to wrap it up in 20 min or so, and then work out the rendering and whatnot later at home.
Want my next project to be a character. This is my first draft, but I'll probably make some more before moving forward (as if I'll ever get enough spare time... ^^)
W1r3d the inspiration source was just a picture I have from a WWII helmet I saw in a museum some time ago!
I don't know about that magazine, yet it wouldn't surprised me much since a coworker just pointed me to some artist blog/folio showing a soldier concept design using similar tones and shapes. Don't have a link here, it was very very nice still. The gallery also featured a sketch of the bad guy from the hellboy movie in shorts pants and backpack like if he is 12 year old or so, quite awesome! Wil post the link as soon as I have it at hand.
finally i reached my scanner
finished my bridgeman book; started some nude training; & a new head, titled: "the one without the alibi in the case of the stolen key to boredom"
Nice sketches xysdf!! Here's a painting of the sketch I posted way back on page 3. It's of course not done and I will be adding some color soon once I get the time to do so.
"Summers Sunset"
[/ QUOTE ]
ahhh you broke the poor things neck
Like the colorchoice, hence mood
Pior: Brown, cause brown is totally next-gen
I was playing with [Email]M@t's[/Email] brushes (and actually concentrating) and came up with this
[/ QUOTE ]
wheres these brushes? Thanks in advance
that bong is awesome!
[/ QUOTE ]
sweet sweet after-taste my friend
kitty desperately looking for some color
new version:
I like orange.
First post here: brushy brush
[/ QUOTE ]
for some reason I only get a blank white page there
Nm, it apparently doesn't like firefox..
I clearly do not practix enough.
Loving the hair on the girl Shotgun.
PERIS: PEW PEW! (Thankyou!)
Pior: *Fart*
Shotgun: Pew pew!
Eric: Pew pew pew!
Ferg: Pew!
Shotgun for line control President.
Everyone else, YAY!
Can anyone help me make it look sharper and more metalic without making it look less evil? This is a friends design I am using to practice painting metal.
here's another batch then -
How much time did you have, where the kids flocking around you ?
especially like the third, seems like she was demanding a swift finish.
some kids were patient, some wouldn't sit still. i tried to wrap it up in 20 min or so, and then work out the rendering and whatnot later at home.
rooster: it's an overlay i made some time ago. i have it on ~ 70% multiply over photos of the drawings. if u want it highres its 500k -
P.S - yeah im that lazy right now to create one of my own.
P.P.S 2 - awesome drawings man !
thanks to bayimg for hosting and horrible compression
Hawt work guys.
I Really like the design of that one.
Inspired from a magazine perhaps?
I seem to recall a similar figure on the cover of a magazine at j-list.
And now from the top!
Gee, I wonder what THIS is a rip-off of...
I don't know about that magazine, yet it wouldn't surprised me much since a coworker just pointed me to some artist blog/folio showing a soldier concept design using similar tones and shapes. Don't have a link here, it was very very nice still. The gallery also featured a sketch of the bad guy from the hellboy movie in shorts pants and backpack like if he is 12 year old or so, quite awesome! Wil post the link as soon as I have it at hand.
bored at work today... (and a little inspired by per's latest head sculpt)
This guy's face gives me nightmares.
finally i reached my scanner
finished my bridgeman book; started some nude training; & a new head, titled: "the one without the alibi in the case of the stolen key to boredom"