I think the irises are too close together, and the eyes themselves are just too big. you mirrored the eyes right? I think this is what's causing your frustration because one eye is pointing in towards the nose a bit, so mirroring it just doubles the effect and makes it way more noticeable.
I suggest lowering the size of the eyes by about 10%... not too much, then putting the iris of the eye on the right, farther to the right than it is now.
As you can see, your height is spot on, but the width is off. Hope that helps.
open canvas cant mirror/copy things (at least i dont know how) changing both eyes and still have em look pretty much the same is time consuming process ^^ ill try what you suggested thanks
Peppi... I just teared up a little, that's a beautiful page... Makkon those are some mean sketches too!! Good stuff all over in here!!!
Here're a few sticky note scribbles from sketchgroup...
i just don't know what to do with the eyes ...
based on a pose from "anatomy for the artist"
btw snowfly thats kickass
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I'd have to say, if you are going for reality, not many girls in this world have mens arms
Some sketches for our player models
mens arms... ah well, next time better
i just don't know what to do with the eyes ...
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I think the irises are too close together, and the eyes themselves are just too big. you mirrored the eyes right? I think this is what's causing your frustration because one eye is pointing in towards the nose a bit, so mirroring it just doubles the effect and makes it way more noticeable.
I suggest lowering the size of the eyes by about 10%... not too much, then putting the iris of the eye on the right, farther to the right than it is now.
As you can see, your height is spot on, but the width is off. Hope that helps.
so does it look for you guys like that as well ?
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Yeah I see it too, rather odd, otherwise, that's quite a good idea, using scanned strokes for sampling brushes.
Awesome sketches as always Makkon.
new version thanks to maulor sa74n and kokosova for constructive crits
Here're a few sticky note scribbles from sketchgroup...
while listening to the new polyphonic spree album
i dont know what concept you have in mind pior, but i liked the last version better
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Not me! I like it. the other one was just oversized sci-fi-overalls, this has much more character.
more doodling to stay awake.
Messing around with robG's brushes in CS2 for a few minutes. Some good ones in there.
time: roughly 1 hour
reference: straight from my tv
Stupid quick things to get back in the vibe. The 'slow life' method failed.
Always good to see things from you guys, this is a good thread.
This is part of a bigger graffiti like wall. Might post the full thing if i can get it to turn out as a nice whole
Bram you're such a David Mack ha!
Brown or blue?
I need to focus more on fat over lean... At the end it felt too much like painting with butter, yuck.
Pior; Great pic and I vote for brown. Blue is too cold imo.
( the blue colors remind me of metal gear solid )
Thats shaping up great pior, i'd go for brown aswel
"Summers Sunset"
Pior: Love it. I think I'd go with the brown one. I like the warmer tone. It goes well with the face.
Hawken: Nice sketches. I wasn't expecting the last one, that's for sure. Haha.
"Summers Sunset"
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Really liking the colors on this one.
Pior you fool, the blue!
Nice work everyone.
Oh and AndyM, that's not a candy dispenser, it's a dildo. How I know? *It's a mystery*