This is the sweet spot for your low-poly models. Post 'em if you've got 'em!Low-poly hasn't really been a requirement in the games industry for a long while now. This thread is for low-poly art style appreciation, so please take note of these rough guidelines:
- Keep models under 1,000 triangles.
- Scenes are fine, if all models are low poly.
Some dedicated low-poly modelling tools now exist that make this art style a lot easier to produce;
Crocotile3D &
BlockbenchHere's a handy list of ways to make your art look right in mainstream 3D software:
Low-Poly Art Style Guide
Why Can't weee be friends, Why Can't wee be frieeends, Why can't we be friends, Why can't we be frieeeends !!!
:poly142: auhuahuauhauhauh lol, thx for ur opnion! the blue creature is a Ornitorrinco. Very nice?!!!!! :poly124:
oh...OH! I see what you did there.
anyways i came back to my sword today, not much progress haven't spent ages on it but i went with a slightly different color scheme from the concept:
texture might be a bit messy, damn blending modes.
Image removed, updated pic in next post
since this is the low-poly thread, it's worth pointing out that the DS can use quad-stripping. Not sure how many do, but we were all over it in gta ctw
Cheers mop, means alot coming from you!
I've removed the previous image as there isn't a huge progress leap:
heres the texture so far:
That big left over bit on the right im gonna use for some effects around the sword.
Awesome style man!
hey everyone, I've just started getting interested in 3d modeling and this is my first try at making a model and texturing it myself.
I don't really know what i'm doing because i've just taught myself, any crits would be great! especially on helping to make models that deform well (i dont think this one would)
He's a pretty boring looking guy too.
you can waste less space in the rexture if you divide the top part in two, so you have two half circles in horizontal.
also with such low res texture work you should make the fruit much larger for readability. IE 8 red apples is better that 40 red dots.
© 2009 Atomic Banzai Games
© 2009 Atomic Banzai Games
some of my cars
Duck = 243 P
Platypus = 259 p
Cheers guys.
Nice stuff robomaniac. I find the diffuse to be slightly over-sharp, but I'd accept that as the style you're going for.
pretty interesting style. i like the results. it's really noisy and stuff, but that's pretty cool looking. so long as it didn't flicker too bad in game, i'd think that'd be a pretty rad art style.
that texture downsized from 512x512 and models will be used on iPhone
also, they must look dirty and used like in Mad Max
i will post shot from the engine soon
ROFL - brilliant
@ JFletcher - love the subdued colours, is that a strip of cloth hanging off the pommel part, or a metal bar ?
Had a play tonight with sticking a biped inside Johnny with mixed results. As I've got no experience with bringing models into a game, thought I'd do a small scene and a short animation of some sort.
At the moment it looks like he's randomly spasming, and nailbunny is 3 cubes.
Plan to add the blood soaked wall, the tv, the die-ary and maybe mr eff or a lifesize effigy of noodleboy.
Still to learn the art of volume light creating shadows in the atmosphere.
122!! triangles, and 256² texture
edit: I could try experimenting with separate wheel models and their own texture. I might end up with that anyway if I want to swap their textures with different animations of speed spinning.
Really cool mate, not sure how that noise would hold up from a distance though, but nice textures!
@ reenderhjs
Thats awesome, really nice clean work man! love it.
@ Canden
Nice little ducks, keep up the good work mate.
Calling this done, might make the effect a little more subtle but yeah, this ones pretty much worn out.
That's looking really nice
Polies(tris)= 54
1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096, etc...
dont really gain much from using such awkward texture sizes though.
So does the Quake/HL engine, but from my experience they resize the textures to the nearest power of two, resulting in blurry textures. Same case here?