This is the sweet spot for your low-poly models. Post 'em if you've got 'em!Low-poly hasn't really been a requirement in the games industry for a long while now. This thread is for low-poly art style appreciation, so please take note of these rough guidelines:
- Keep models under 1,000 triangles.
- Scenes are fine, if all models are low poly.
Some dedicated low-poly modelling tools now exist that make this art style a lot easier to produce;
Crocotile3D &
BlockbenchHere's a handy list of ways to make your art look right in mainstream 3D software:
Low-Poly Art Style Guide
I made a little more serious one and would love to get some directions.
So feel free to tear it to pieces.
Will do the grungy napkin next.
Reference Images:
The modified model is displayed below:
- only need extra loops around the joints on the side where they stretch to stop them from pinching, not the inside of the joint
- the loop arountd the eyes to the back of the head could probably go without much difference but might need something, try adding them if needs be once texturing is underway as texture may be enough to fool
- ears and nose could be intersecting if your really trying to get it low
i would add an extra half loop running from the middle knee join.... hang on paintovers quicker....
SHEPEIRO: Thanks for the valuable advices. I studied a bit on the rigging effect using popinmymouth and your suggestions and I take the in-between. I am currently polishing the 30-bone rig and will later demonstrate to you the knee deformation.
MachineMinded: Thanks again for the popinmymouth reference.
The below model is at 494 tris:
Wait, I own a market?
Haha, nice stuff, I laughed when I saw "grosh reez," "breds," and "reseet"
That is fantastic work, I lol'd when I saw it
Waaaaaaaaaaaaay too many triangles, theres no way that would work in a game environment, scrap it and start again.
Anyways today i squiggled a cute little penguin named Pengui (innovative huh?) which i felt like modeling.
moar soon!
Rigged Cat woman side 490 tris
Rigged Cat woman camera 490 tris
A token of appreciation to all wonderful people here:
.blend file to be downloaded at
500 tris for a head is a good start but there are lots of reductions you can make here, try to think about how the texture will eliminate sub details. Also check the model in silhouette, see what polygons are not contributing to the overall profile. And finally you need to decide if this model would be close to the viewer in game, depending on the target engine. Often but now less so, high detail heads are used for close ups and LOD heads for in game action where the model is being rendered fairly small.
In such a case some of your polygons might even be just 1 pixel in size, which is an obvious area for optimisation.
You were right about my uv problem. I have made changes to the uv map and have successfully textured it using the reference images.
went back to this thing about an hour ago and gave it some quick UV's and started texturing.
fun so far.
@ Jubba
You should probably redistribute some of those tris at the knee and boots to the elbows. If you make the main body, legs and torso different objects, you could probably cut out some unnecessary tris.
Here's something that I've brewed up. It's a Starcraft 2 marine @ 498 tris with gun. I should have the textures done soon.
pretty shit progress, oh well, drawing fur is my everest.
JFletcher: I bow down to your skills
Updated one of my model's texture to include highlights and such, as well as modelling and texturing another character
An update on the textures.
Decided to start a low poly Ironman, still texturing away. About 570 tris, a bit over budget but oh well, i'm guilty.
That's a good one! Will the metal be more reflective?
Superb texture!
@ ericdigital: Thanks, your ironman is shaping up nicely. You could probably save some tris from the area under the breast plate and the crotch area.
I think I'm going to call the model done.
512 texture?