This is the sweet spot for your low-poly models. Post 'em if you've got 'em!Low-poly hasn't really been a requirement in the games industry for a long while now. This thread is for low-poly art style appreciation, so please take note of these rough guidelines:
- Keep models under 1,000 triangles.
- Scenes are fine, if all models are low poly.
Some dedicated low-poly modelling tools now exist that make this art style a lot easier to produce;
Crocotile3D &
BlockbenchHere's a handy list of ways to make your art look right in mainstream 3D software:
Low-Poly Art Style Guide
for the LPW Contest 5:
still massive wip, thinking of adding the interior since i have 200 more usable tris
624 tris 256x256 px texture
I have to agree, but i really want to see that one finished. Jahnas you should check the contests out in the future, maybe you find other themes that interest you.
I can't play with it anymore cause the time is up, but i will try a pixel texture for this mustang after the contest is over.
That's not Kurt Russel. Your fan club stinks! (sweet head
Yeah, I wish I had known about that contest too, I love low poly contests. That would've been a fun one.
Ah, got a new site to check out now though
Baddcog: think of it as a site you could really influence. if you have any suggestions, please share. you can even become a staff member if you want to get involved in this project.
Hey esquire, your interpretation is really fine, but if you really want to follow the things through, I would suggest you to use a very tiny outline effect, or total cell shading ("rubber" shading might turn it to a toy-like character)
ps: and maybe add one more edgeloop to the legs and arms, making it more tube-like.
Kurt Russell Fan Club, I love your texturing doodle
I just started learning 3D modelling about a week ago and stumbled into this thread. I read through most of the pages and really liked most of the stuff I saw. So much so that I wanted to have a go myself
It's 90 tris with a 128x64 diff with alpha. I guess it would be aiming at 3DS* level hardware, but I didn't really have an end use in mind, also it isn't really modelled on anything, it's just a generic car that evolved as I worked on it.
Anyway... I just wanted to show you guys what I made, and to introduce myself really :P C&C is welcome, in fact encouraged really :P I want to learn
*Edit: I meant DS, not 3DS
I started this a few months back with intention to put it in Turbo Run, then I decided not to add it to the game and left it half finished. Found it again today and finished it up since theres been so many cars posted on here the past few days.
More contestants = more fun!
My only crit is the text that says LP car etc. I can barely read it
Please repair your links.. :-)
Wicked cars, everyone has really created some great artwork. This thread is fully skills.
Are your textures based on kennethfejers low poly cars? they look very similar.
Could you post your texture?
You got some serious texturing skills.
Going with doubled pixel scale to make it more pixelly. um
There are a lot of great works in this thread, congratulations everyone!
Ford Taurus SHO?
Urgaffel - cheers man
Paradise - Thanks
I wanted to challenge myself a little harder after the car so I decided I'd have a go at something with a polycount much closer to the limit for the thread :P Anyway, I think it's going pretty well so far, but there is a collection of polys on part of the model that look really ugly. Is there anything that can be done to tidy this up a bit (pics below)? I'd ideally like to keep the model as a continuous solid mesh if possible. Didn't mean to post a WIP, but I'm literally trying to teach myself the absolute basics of this as I go along :P
Cheers for any help you can offer :P
Edit: Delko, I f*****g love the art direction of Turbo Run!
{edit} never mind I didn't look at a ref image of the real falcon, my geometry was no good
Nothing wrong with showing wip's here.
Honestly I see nothing wrong there. Sure, if you were working on a high poly to sculpt it would be cleaner to keep it all quads. But for a low poly there's no need/benefit. You'd need to add tris just to keep it 'clean', which defeats the point of the low poly in the first place.
How about this?
Just got to add the "dish" and some other finishing touches and then it's on to texturing (I don't like texturing).
Cheers for the input guys
ixumanu amazing stuff
green JohnnySix mcunha98 thanks for sending out peaceful reflections
B8MaN give yourself more credit! that car was really eatable
you can save more polies bt removing the edge on the middle of your car
Ok, I'm thinking the mesh for the Falcon is just about done. Does anyone have any crits/tips before I start unwrapping and texturing? Final polycount was a shade over 900 tris, 906 i think...
*edit: haha sorry, just tried to credit somebody else with your work /fail
umm, I think spinning gifs are OK for presentation, but it really makes it hard to give crits.
Pretty nicely done though, lack of mirrors does kind of stand out.
You could probably float the hood scoop, not mirror it, and have enough polys left for mirrors. Also float the headlight/taillight insters and save maybe 16 there?
I dig old trucks so...
I have a question though. I had been avoiding having polys "intersecting" one another because I thought that this caused weird artifacts at the point of intersection? Am I off the mark here? If so I could remove a good hundred or so tris from my falcon model just by detaching any of the details on the hull of the ship (vents, the dish, etc.) from the rest of the mesh and allowing them to intersect whatever poly would naturally be underneath them. It's pretty difficult to explain what I mean
edit. I think I was being a bit stupid about this... I don't even need to make anyting intersect, after playing about I realised I could just sit the vertices slightly above the polygon they were sat on and have a tiny gap underneath that would be so slim it would be near impossible to view at an angle you could see underneath it. I'm still curious as to if/how intersecting polys causes artifacts though... google hasn't been much help, but I think thats because I don't really know how to describe it properly
Floating polys is fine, I do it for Radiant, Unity, Hammer, Dromed engines... Some older engines didn't like it (Dromed for example, the conversion program would slice all intersecting polys so a 500tri model could end up 1000 in game).
But most modern engines are fine. Yeah, I was gonna say you could drop quite a few on the Falcon but you said you wanted a sealed hull, which is fine too, just more tris.
And yeah, if you're not getting real close the verts can be just above the mesh, Xnormal acutally bakes much better AO that way. But on some stuff in 1st person you can see through gaps, etc.. and that's bad.
I see hemispheres and circles here... We know how well they do optimize:\bCategoryTopology\b%29
Baddcog, Cheers for clearing that up for me man
Diamond, awesome link cheers
I tried to apply some of the advice from that link to my model. I also removed some elements from the mesh and "floated them" and allowed some polys to intersect at places too. The end result was that I could add tons of extra detail and at the same time reduced the overall polycount (cheers guys!
*txt deleted*
Sorry if I'm spamming this thread a bit, if I have any further questions I'll post them in the tech talk forums?
*img deleted*
Edit. Ok I'm calling this done! :P last pic I post before it's finished I promise
I'm sorry, I'm not the only one that sees something slightly... Off? With the texture here? Maybe I'm just not mature enough for this one...
Nice. Couple friends had 'em few years back, wicked little cars with gobs of power and no end to the revs.