This is the sweet spot for your low-poly models. Post 'em if you've got 'em!Low-poly hasn't really been a requirement in the games industry for a long while now. This thread is for low-poly art style appreciation, so please take note of these rough guidelines:
- Keep models under 1,000 triangles.
- Scenes are fine, if all models are low poly.
Some dedicated low-poly modelling tools now exist that make this art style a lot easier to produce;
Crocotile3D &
BlockbenchHere's a handy list of ways to make your art look right in mainstream 3D software:
Low-Poly Art Style Guide
I used 3d Coats automapper for per-pixel painting. I'll be honest, it made some of the ugliest UV's I've ever seen.
64x64 fullbright textures, well there are a couple at different sizes. Tiled over 1x
32x64 32x128 64x128 128x128, the only others are the first one and the large cliff tile, they weigh in at 512 and 256 respectivly, just shrunk them down to fit on this little progression tile.
The last slat wood roof tile, I actually did in layers figured I'd drop in an actual working progression.
They're all single layer paintings.
Hopefully this isn't too big of an image for this thread, :poly122:, if it is let me know and I'll cut it up a bit.
Thanks for sharing that giles, I thoroughly enjoyed watching. [=
Great end result.
Here is my latest lowpoly artwork.
+1, it would add a lot to the texture!
Here's some stuff im working on.
The models will be displayed in game mostly from above.
368 tris (guns:35tris each ak-47:59tris)
210 tris
stacks of planks should be one box with a texture
planks next to them on the left, probably just a alpha plane with a vertex in the middle for some volume
fence would probably be better of solved with an alpha plane, to cater to the low-poly annalists here
door meshes..sure, let's go wild, now what we saved about a million tris doing the above fixes
love the tomb-raider-esque girl!
like the joining of the vertex ending the hips and starting the chest, not to mention the form of the stomach and all.
too bad it has to be wasted on a top down game eh! ;D gg! go!
thatanimator: Thanks for the coment!, there will be some close ups at the character.
Cheers crazy people!
sketch81: I agree with what others have said. I really like your monster, he could look even better.
Here's something from a game I've been working on with a friend... it's actually kind of old by now, texture could use some work in places, but oh well.
gotta work on the textures. this is my first textured model. and my first time posting a pic of my work on this forum
critiques welcome for improvment
@gilesruscoe - I think you can save some polies on the finger joints.
@Xaltar - you can make just the Geo. But textures are appreciated.
@fabio brasilien - the shoulder seems a bit meager and the fingers vary a bit in thickness.
achillesian - looks pretty good, but still a bit much like a cylinder perhaps.
And for some non-arm stuff:
Snipergen, Psyco, Nix - really sweet stuff.
monkeydonuts - you've got a LOT of not-very-useful triangles on the torso. The feet can be optimized a bit too. The sword is very blocky too. - I think maybe you would be better off using alphas for the braids/hair. Right now they're taking up 175~100 triangles or something?
skylebones: Love it.
and i also made the knife thinner:)
I'm currently working on better textures. maybe by tomorrow they'll be up:poly121:
very nice nix.
nix: thats just crazy. love it.
monkeydonuts: hey man its looking good. id fix up his hands tho, try not to have any polies with more than 4 sides. u could also get rid of the faces on the edge of the blade to make it look sharp.
Nix: Wicked artwork, love the textures!
LoTekK: Many thanks!
I tried to get a funny and action feeling.
Cool artwork you have on your site!
$!nz:thanks budy!
Sleepythylacine: Thanks, I tried to get contrast from the main character (the girl) and the mosnters.(the bulky man.)
Foran:Nice work.I think you cuold solve the lower area with texture intead of geometry, saving a lot of polis.
And for the canon, you could use a pentagon, or even a 4 side! (rotated 45º)
Maybe if you low the contrast of the shadows it could gain a more natural look, and also with a overlay layer over the multiply one you can achieve a more warm look.
Hey cap, how do you export a turnaround gif?I have exported image secuences, but no idea about the gif.
I use Photoshop CS5, It alows you to open uncompresed Avi files taken from Fraps or Marmoset toolbag, crop them and covert them to Gif with many special options to compress the animation without losing much quality.
heres a newer screen with a bit of shoulder added, antialiasing and some fixes on the the seams.
blender animation with 51 frames...
mcunha98: Nice work, you should check the timing, it looks like the character is running in slow motion.Also the running formula posted by RAWTalent is a great way to learn animation, it's form "Animators survival kit".
I would add more skull and teeth and less lips, right now that dark stuff around his mouth makes him look like a smiling jack o lantern.
Looks pretty good, but a cross on a goblin seems odd. Make is wand about 2-3 times as thick. He's a beefy little character but is wand is so thin.
thank you guys for the help, I'll make some adjustments and create the texture and then I put another picture again
just having some fun...
Sillo - I think you need to simplify the potions a bit - I estimate yours are 64 apiece which together comes down to 192 for 3, which is 20% of your budget. Also, I'd get rid of the necklace and just texture it in. If you -must- have it separate, use a single plane for the whole necklace, just 2 tris like <|>. Similarly, ditch the belt and just paint it in. Add some thickness variety to the staff, and reduce to 3 sided on the thin parts (thin being the current thickness).
Add an extra loop to the ears, shoulders, cape.
Here's an example for the potions (click to download):
left is 44 triangles, right is only 26. They looks pretty shit at large size, sure, but consider how small they'll be rendered on screen.
That's (partially) because you don't have enough geometry to support the face. Even if you paint an awesome face on a box, it's still visibly a box. You've got about 30 triangles for his head, which just isn't enough.
Try adding a bit more geo to define shapes like the eyesockets and ears, and round out the shape a bit. It'll look much better.
You don't need a crapload of detail, something like this or the middle version of this should suffice.
Also, keep in mind that your on-screen counter says "polys" and max counts a quad as 1 poly, whereas a game engine will consider a quad 2 triangles. So your actual polycount is probably around 550▲.
dactilardesign - that's quite a lot of tris for such a simple prop. I think all the chamfers are overkill for a mobile device. The texture looks good, but I wish you had some of the paint wrap around a bit. The NESO tag for instance could go on the top a bit, and the yellow seems to stop abruptly at the texture seams.
Nice work you done there!
Here's a suggestion about the porportions.
Only by moving around some vertex you could sugest more exageration to the siluethe.
My point it's to be the more dramatic, and exagerated as you can.Making a character the more iconic posible.If your caracter its funny go all the way with it.