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This is the sweet spot for your low-poly models. Post 'em if you've got 'em!

Low-poly hasn't really been a requirement in the games industry for a long while now. This thread is for low-poly art style appreciation, so please take note of these rough guidelines:
  • Keep models under 1,000 triangles.
  • Scenes are fine, if all models are low poly.
Some dedicated low-poly modelling tools now exist that make this art style a lot easier to produce; Crocotile3D & Blockbench

Here's a handy list of ways to make your art look right in mainstream 3D software: Low-Poly Art Style Guide


  • Zoid
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    Zoid polycounter lvl 14
    9skulls wrote: »
    a "poor man's way" of doing edge outlines?
    It must be the precedent/legacy of early composting, since in film you use black = no exposure,
    thus all digital composting was made with film to handle layers knowing things would need black to drop out to 0.. so it all kinda just developed from there and stuck
    (in maya you can set your bg color in camera to w/e you want (default is black))

    I certainly would never want that feature on, i think the tools of digital art have just refined to make it a bit obsolete,
    so I often find myself shutting it off in Maya
  • Tigerfeet
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    Tigerfeet polycounter lvl 12
    Oh geez blender xD I'm using Maya. I remember self-illumination from Max, so I tried increasing the Luminescence in Maya but it mostly just made everything shiny (was using a lambert), then I found the Toon button. So I'm using that shader with just flat colors to get the texture to display without shadows. I messed a little with the toon outline but wasn't able to quickly get something that I was happy with, so I'm leaving it off for now. I'm not above adding an outline manually in photoshop. Also I added a nose :)

    Here's my wires, simple viewport capture (I don't know how to render wireframes):

    I'm excited to see the detailed texture too, and DEFINITELY the chopper! Since it's more complex though I wanted to practice getting the rider how I wanted before I tackled it.

    9skulls wrote: »
    Hey no problem! As long as you throw in some boobs 'n' stuff it'll be just fine :poly108:
    edit: okay, realizing that you were actually not he but she, I'm might've sounded like a douche there :D
    No offense taken :D
  • Zoid
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    Zoid polycounter lvl 14
    Tigerfeet wrote: »
    Oh geez blender xD I'm using Maya.
    this is the basics, and should do most of what you want

    set anti-aliasing however you like

    open source?! just downloaded blender.. see this is what Google$ is for imo, should just hand those people $10 million and help distribute it as well and make it part of the google/docs arsenal
  • 9skulls
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    9skulls polycounter lvl 13
    Hey it is coming together nicely!

    What, minor nitpicks you say? Coming right up!


    And also the nostril area seems to have currently 1 whole poly + 1 additional tri on each side. I guess it'll make the end of the nose a bit rounder, but will it be noticed?
  • Tigerfeet
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    Tigerfeet polycounter lvl 12
    Ah! Thank you Zoid, that worked perfectly!

    Thank you for the nitpicks too 9skulls. I'll get to work on those :)

    Edit: Tris are down to 306 :thumbup:
  • Zoid
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    Zoid polycounter lvl 14
    Tigerfeet wrote: »
    Edit: Tris are down to 306 :thumbup:

    75% of your effort should be the texturing though.

    the mesh needs to be emphasized into the role it plays
    1) only as silhouette to show off good texture work
    2) just the vehicle to make clean+efficient UVs, so less distortion
    3) joint complexity dependent on skinning quality, flexibility + range of motion.

    remember it wont matter if you hard or soft-edge a 100% self illuminated texture
    ... if you need a nose to look like is sticks out from front viewing but not really from the side, there is no need to model it,
    just paint it to look like it exists Trompe-l'œil
    same with any indentations

    think a little less about texturing a model, think more like you are modeling + uving a texture

    Tennis, has a great portfolio i like to show for people who like to be low poly inspired
  • 9skulls
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    9skulls polycounter lvl 13
    Zoid wrote: »
    Tennis, has a great portfolio i like to show for people who like to be low poly inspired
    That guy is a genius. He has been my personal low poly messiah for a good while now :thumbup:
  • Zoid
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    Zoid polycounter lvl 14
    9skulls wrote: »
    That guy is a genius. He has been my personal low poly messiah for a good while now :thumbup:
    Z-dead as well, but he doesn't seem to have his low poly fighter up anywhere >.<

  • 9skulls
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    9skulls polycounter lvl 13
    Zoid wrote: »
    Z-dead as well, but he doesn't seem to have his low poly fighter up anywhere >.<

    ALSO lets not forget Ben "OMFG HE GOT POOP IN HIS MOUTH" Mathis http://www.poopinmymouth.com/3d/3d.htm
    One of the guys who got me interested in low poly, or better, 3d in general.
  • Zoid
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    Zoid polycounter lvl 14
    9skulls wrote: »
    ALSO lets not forget Ben "OMFG HE GOT POOP IN HIS MOUTH" Mathis http://www.poopinmymouth.com/3d/3d.htm
    One of the guys who got me interested in low poly, or better, 3d in general.

    OH yai??? <cracks knuckles> lets do this!

    heh! even found my re-version of it
    spent a few hours re-making his model to learn how it all worked and wisdom+1

    not even chuck norris could fan boy like i can! /flex,
    ...and that is WIP so it is still on topic ;p
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    ummm, after seeing those dogs I'm embarrassed but here it goes...

    For the lowpoly workshop pumpkin carve

    Alright, tex is almost done. 999 tris. 256 tex

    I call it

    Snow Time for Messin' Around (was the corniest title I could think of)
  • Tigerfeet
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    Tigerfeet polycounter lvl 12
    I've got an update on my Edge Splitter! Finished the rider, and I'm looking forward to getting started on her chopper tomorrow.


    And here's my texture:

    After looking through some examples I did a lot of re-arranging of the UVs. I didn't realize until now that when you're working this small the orientation of the pixels is as important, if not more than the amount of space allocated to the polygons.

    Bonus image for barefooters:
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    She's looking good, but I think the dark on the feet should be opposite so the arch is the dark spot.
  • 9skulls
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    9skulls polycounter lvl 13
    Tigerfeet wrote: »
    I've got an update on my Edge Splitter! Finished the rider, and I'm looking forward to getting started on her chopper tomorrow.


    Turntableees! \o/

    What is going on with the right side of the nose? Is it black because of flipped normals or is the texture just stretched over it?
    Tigerfeet wrote: »
    And here's my texture:

    After looking through some examples I did a lot of re-arranging of the UVs. I didn't realize until now that when you're working this small the orientation of the pixels is as important, if not more than the amount of space allocated to the polygons.

    Do you use pixel snapping when arranging your uv islands? I recently discovered that option myself and it instantly made my life hell lotta easier.

    If that was my texture, I'd work on the colors bit more to get them work together a little better. To my eye the greenish yellow of her shirt and the yellow in her loincloth are a bit off from the scale of what I call good looking colors. I'd make them both use the same color and try to find a tone that fits for the character, maybe something like this:


    That smirk on her face is hot btw.
    Tigerfeet wrote: »
    Bonus image for barefooters:
    This is just wrong, but I couldn't resist:


    Waiting for the bike!

    And also what he said:
    Baddcog wrote: »
    She's looking good, but I think the dark on the feet should be opposite so the arch is the dark spot.
  • 9skulls
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    9skulls polycounter lvl 13
    Zoid wrote: »
    OH yai??? <cracks knuckles> lets do this!
    Ok tough guy, you really wanna go down that road? Fine, I'll raise the stakes with Brad Myers' Maxx http://www.bradm3d.com/TheMaxx.html ;D

    @Baddcog Your entry looks good! I'd add a bit more shading to the colors, to me they look a bit washed away now. Can you also post the wires?
  • paradise.engineering
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    paradise.engineering polycounter lvl 11
    still heavily wip 574 tris 256x256 texture
  • Betty Hime
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    Betty Hime polycounter lvl 9
    Hey, I was hoping one of you could help me out. I've been trying to lower my tri-count on one of my models. However, as illustrated in the image below, when I click on either of these faces, it selects both of them and tells me my tri count is 4 instead of 2. I've made sure all the vertices are merged, but no joy. Anyone give me some advice? I am using Maya 2010.example.png
  • 9skulls
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    9skulls polycounter lvl 13
    still heavily wip 574 tris 256x256 texture

    Well there goes my idea of cigar smokin' pumpkin :poly142:

    Gloves should maybe have slightly more shading to help read it better? Also why is there seam running through the shoes? :P

    Looks nice anyhow!

    @Betty Hime Have you just simply tried deleting all the faces on that side of the object, and then making them from scratch? Because now those 2 tris clearly share some of their geometry because your app sees them as 1 single poly.
  • Micah
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    Micah polygon
    As everyone else is showing their low poly pumpkins, I might aswell do it:

  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    Severly bummed out. I went through and did text work for at least a half hour, didn't save and ps crashed :(

    Might call it good, might come back...


    I could probably lose a section height wise in the pumpkins, couple faces from the stems, one tri per snoflake.. Not too worried though, it's under budget
  • paradise.engineering
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    paradise.engineering polycounter lvl 11
    9skulls wrote: »
    Well there goes my idea of cigar smokin' pumpkin :poly142:
    Gonna use the punk one for your bike contest too :)
    I still need to shade some parts more and fix some seams
    Lowpoly Haloween Contest

    I've reduced the texture size to 128x128 and I like it better this way.
  • Betty Hime
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    Betty Hime polycounter lvl 9
    I deleted and re-drew the lines. This seemed to fix the problem! Thanks!
  • Tigerfeet
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    Tigerfeet polycounter lvl 12
    Micah: I love your pumpkins! It looks like you've got them rigged for some squash and stretch, is that right? They're super cute and I love the monochromatic color scheme :)

    On my biker chick, thanks a bunch guys :)

    About the nose being black on one side in the wires... remember how I said I didn't know how to render wireframes? It's just a texture on top of the model. I'll make sure to find a nicer looking solution for a final render. It'd be nice if I could put this in my portfolio :)

    I'm not sure I agree on the color critique, but I'm not very sure of my own eye either, so I made a couple of changes with different colors and I'm going to sit on them for a while to see which one I like. I made the texture completely modular though so color changes are no big deal :) Right now though I'm leaning toward making the shirt white and the sash/gunbelt dark grey. I think it punches up the teal in the bandanna a lot more.

    I'll refrain from posting more images until I've got something to show for the bike :)
  • 9skulls
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    9skulls polycounter lvl 13
    My entry for the Halloween contest:


    Tris: 282


    Texture: 128x64

    Not very original, but hey, it has a stick stuck into his.. head, or body, or, something.
  • Pivot
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    Pivot polycounter lvl 6
    A biker!!


    The texture's still a work in progress, but I really should be doing school work instead :X

    Here's the wires, but there's still a couple extraneous triangles lying around here and there (and I need to redo the neck) (agh)
  • 9skulls
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    9skulls polycounter lvl 13
    @Pivot Looking good so far! That vertical eye patch is brilliant :D
  • Micah
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    Micah polygon
    Tigerfeet wrote: »
    Micah: I love your pumpkins! It looks like you've got them rigged for some squash and stretch, is that right? They're super cute and I love the monochromatic color scheme :)

    Thanks, and yer thats the idear, but animations have never been my strong point...

    9skulls: thats sick! stick looks like stone to me though, think its the colors.
  • Rapante
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    Rapante polygon
    @9skulls thanks for making me do this :) now it's up to you guys to split some more edges :D

    had tons of fun making it, and will do the rider soon, so it's a complete piece of work :)


    and a turntable

  • Racer445
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    Racer445 polycounter lvl 12
  • 9skulls
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    9skulls polycounter lvl 13
    Rapante wrote: »




    Seriously duuuuuuuuuuuude! IS THAT NOT THE MOST EPIC THING EVER!? :polytwitch: :polytwitch: :polytwitch:

    It is so beautifully crafted that I could cry. It's so chunky but yet so streamlined, and it looks really "authentic" if I may say so. Shading and color choices are top notch and I can't see much of a texture stretch despite all the slightly curved shapes. Just awesome. And the most awesome thing is that you obviously had so much fun doin' it which really was the whole point in here.

    Great job mate. If the bike itself was this cool, then the biker must be out of this world :poly142:

    PS: Could these edges be trimmed away?

    PPS: Talking about the smooth shading, did you use soft brushes there or is it baked AO that I am seeing there?
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9

    Nice ride.

    But people, HUBS need to spin with wheels ;)
  • 9skulls
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    9skulls polycounter lvl 13
    Baddcog wrote: »
    But people, HUBS need to spin with wheels ;)
    Look who's talking, mr "oh-I-haven't-even-finished-my-bike-yet" :shifty:
  • Rapante
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    Rapante polygon
    thanks guys, glad you dig it!

    yeah you're probably right about the top two edges, guess I'll get rid of them when I do the rider :) I could trim the on the wheel cover as well, but I rather have it retain it's roundness here, maybe I'll strengthen the curve, make it a bit more prominent :)

    The shading is a mix of two, it's both an AO pass (yeah, I know filthy cheap cheating :D) and manually done gradients I've layered on top of the pixeled stuff where needed.

    9skulls wrote: »
    Look who's talking, mr "oh-I-haven't-even-finished-my-bike-yet" :shifty:

    haha that literally made me laugh to tears for a few minutes now :D
  • Tigerfeet
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    Tigerfeet polycounter lvl 12
    Rapante wrote: »
    :poly101: That's gorgeous! Enough to give a girl stage fright.

    Honestly I don't know anything about bikes, so I decided to make something completely ridiculous. Also I still work kinda slow :/

    I did figure out how to render proper wireframes though! Turntable, GO!
    It's 633 tris, and looking at the model that number seems a little low, could Maya be lying to me?

    I've got a texturing and animation question for you guys too. Have you merged all the pieces into a single mesh?
    - If not, how do you get all the UVs sorted so there's a single texture?
    - If so, how do you go about animating different pieces of the same mesh, wheels spinning, body vibrating?
  • 9skulls
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    9skulls polycounter lvl 13
    Tigerfeet wrote: »
    Hey that is looking great! So far I cannot spot any flaws in it, other than it is looking a bit thin to my eyes. Is it intentional? I'd scale it to be a bit wider, and make that rear wheel at least 2x wider than the front wheel. Oh and know what would look so SICK? Change the horn to something more like this (look at the drill) :D AND MAKE IT BLOODY.

    +10 points for the rockets :)
    Tigerfeet wrote: »
    It's 633 tris, and looking at the model that number seems a little low, could Maya be lying to me?
    Well it could be true, if you are sure it is counting as tris and not quads?
    Tigerfeet wrote: »
    I've got a texturing and animation question for you guys too. Have you merged all the pieces into a single mesh?
    Nope. In my bike I got the chassis, engine, fork and both wheels as separate objects. Mostly because of mirroring stuff and making it possible to animate steering and accelaration of the wheels.
    Tigerfeet wrote: »
    - If not, how do you get all the UVs sorted so there's a single texture?
    It was a bit tricky, at least in Blender. I heard there was addons created to make the job easier, but I didn't feel like googling for them. So I went all McGyver with it: I unwrapped and cleaned up every object separately, then viewed the whole model in checker texture to make sure the texel density is about the same in all of the pieces. Then I took a screen cap out of every object's uv-layout, pasted it in photoshop and began to play around the uv-islands to make them fit together as good as possible. Then I saved that image as a reference texture to be used inside the modelling software for the actual UV-layout. It may sound ... well, McGiver-y, but it worked.

    ^ This, or, as the poster below said, if your model allows it, do the unwrapping first and then just slice it to pieces.
    Tigerfeet wrote: »
    - If so, how do you go about animating different pieces of the same mesh, wheels spinning, body vibrating?
    If one was to animate the bike as a one single mesh, I guess the easiest way of doing the wheel spin would probably be using shape keys (that's what it is called in Blender. You'll probably see something like morphing etc in other packages. Though if I remember correctly, at least in 3DS Max mesh morphing needed you to clone the mesh and add modifiers and stuff to make it work... In Blender, shape keys are just part of any mesh on the stage).
  • Rapante
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    Rapante polygon
    Tigerfeet wrote: »
    :poly101: That's gorgeous! Enough to give a girl stage fright.

    thanks :)
    Tigerfeet wrote: »
    I've got a texturing and animation question for you guys too. Have you merged all the pieces into a single mesh?
    - If not, how do you get all the UVs sorted so there's a single texture?
    - If so, how do you go about animating different pieces of the same mesh, wheels spinning, body vibrating?

    well for the texturing I had all of the meshes merged into a single object so I could do the UV layout easily, afterwards I slitted the model into the different parts.

    as for animating, in 3dsmax you can simply link meshed to be a child of another, so I animated my wheels rotating and linked them to the main body which I then scaled to make the wobbly animation. all objects linked to the main body will inherit its scaling animation so it looks consistent without too much work.
  • Tigerfeet
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    Tigerfeet polycounter lvl 12
    Thank you both very much! I think I might do what you did Rapante, merge it all together then once the UVs are layed out separate everything. I'm pretty sure that'll work in Maya. If not then 9skull's way is always there.

    9skull, I like the drill idea! I didn't have anything planned for the horn but that shouldn't be too difficult with texturing.
  • gilesruscoe
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    gilesruscoe polycounter lvl 10
    NIce bikes everyone :p working on mine atm.... will post it tomoz maybe ;)
  • paradise.engineering
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    paradise.engineering polycounter lvl 11
    Rapante wrote: »

    that's perfect! You know a fat guy couldn't ride it tho

    Tigerfeet wrote: »
    so awesome! 9skulls is totally right, would look better wider and with a wider back wheel
  • Mercury
    @9skulls - Awesome pumpkin, like the animation, i'll be adding knife in mine pumpkin :)

    @Rapante - Grat bike man, I really love it ...

    Here's something from me ... It's still a WIP, i have to work on texture some more ... It's pretty blurry right now ...

  • 9skulls
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    9skulls polycounter lvl 13
    @Mercury Sweet colors mate :D

    Working on something new, WIP:
    Can you tell what it is?
  • paradise.engineering
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    paradise.engineering polycounter lvl 11
    arcade or jackpot

    Mercury is that for the Lowpoly Haloween Contest? cause if it is you also need to post it there.
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    It's a team fortress 2 arcade game
  • ima
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    ima polycounter lvl 8
    @Rapante amazing bike, but you could also make the hubs and inside of the wheels alpha textured quads instead of actual geometry(?) That's 30 less tris I think.
    PS. I don't know a lot about low poly stuff, so tell me if I'm being silly.
  • Delko
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    Delko polycounter lvl 17
    Puch Magnum
    technically a moped but...it looks cool.
  • leilei
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    leilei polycounter lvl 14

    Made quickly (23 minutes) to replace a very ugly 310 polygon 512x512x24 torch someone else made. and then i got a sudden bad headache :(
  • wildmax
  • Rapante
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    Rapante polygon
    Mercury: nice one!

    9skulls: man you're pumping out assets like a squirrel on dope :) can't wait to see it finished :D

    wildmax: nice bike! keep it coming!
    ima wrote: »
    @Rapante amazing bike, but you could also make the hubs and inside of the wheels alpha textured quads instead of actual geometry(?) That's 30 less tris I think.
    PS. I don't know a lot about low poly stuff, so tell me if I'm being silly.

    note: this is just my personal opinion, so don't take it as a definite in low poly modelling :)

    I think it's working against the style using alpha planes for that as to make them really look round you'd need a larger texture than the single 128x128px diffuse. (which was my goal because 9Skulls kind of set the benchmark here :D :angel:)

    to make it look really good it would need to be a texture with soft alpha - which is a performance hit for most lower end devices; as a plus a soft alpha adds quite a lot of a memory impact for those devices (somehow not true for some PowerVR based chipsets :shifty:). so it'd both lower the FPS (and I had my fair share of shit coming along when doing UIs with alpha on iOS devices) and impact the amount of memory available for things more important than the wheel hub!

    And now for the cake of the icing, I just like it better that way :poly121:
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    9skulls wrote: »

    Riding - Isometric:

    Heh I'm liking the bounce to this! And the scarf is looking much better. Spinning the hubs with the wheels might help to make them smoother, or you could go the DS mariokart route and place one quad over the sides with a circular texture on.

    You most certainly might want to move the mudguards up a touch to stop them clipping with the tyres.

    GIF seems a bit screwed to me, last frame is all garbled, what are you exporting them from? I tried fixing it in Photoshop; removed the first frame and equalised all the frames to run on the same delay, exported with no transparency, lossy to zero, lets see: (It may be because there's transparency in the original that the artefacts appear, or that there's a lossy setting on)

  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    Delko wrote: »
    Puch Magnum
    technically a moped but...it looks cool.

    Nice work! (yes I have a soft spot for low poly motorbikes!).

    You might want to reduce the cuts on the crossbar to make it fit in with the rest of the bike. Also a few other angles of this bike wouldn't hurt, the seat is most definitely too thin, along with the wheels, crossbar etc.

    A very cool bike when they have been minimalised, much like the fixie of the moped world.

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