This is the sweet spot for your low-poly models. Post 'em if you've got 'em!Low-poly hasn't really been a requirement in the games industry for a long while now. This thread is for low-poly art style appreciation, so please take note of these rough guidelines:
- Keep models under 1,000 triangles.
- Scenes are fine, if all models are low poly.
Some dedicated low-poly modelling tools now exist that make this art style a lot easier to produce;
Crocotile3D &
BlockbenchHere's a handy list of ways to make your art look right in mainstream 3D software:
Low-Poly Art Style Guide
Would you mind to show the wired version and the UV?
Whoop Whoop
[edit]Found a plugin for wings that lets you disable texture filter. Finally.
Really glad you like the result!
the wires and uv are not pro tho..
sorry for the poor renders, used milkshape 3d to quickly make them cause 3ds takes 10 minutes to load on my notebook
Another anime model i made for a requester on Lowpoly Workshop..
the police car looks amazing Delko!
Is that some kind of shooter where the protagonist wears a jacket that's roughly 4 sizes too small, unzipped so that his silky smooth abdominal muscles show?
/e unfiltered
I really like your simplistic retro style. Would you mind posting wires/textures?
Devil May Cry is more of a blast-and-slash game, starring the white-haired Dante.
In modeling most of your anime characters, do you start them off with 6-sided cylinder, or box modeling?
Beautiful model!
Yeah, I still make really messy UVmaps.
The model can have some triangles cut. Some triangles can be taken out of the base of the car due to symmetry at parts like the roof. I think the little flaps over the wheels can be taken out as at a handheld resolution they are hardly going to be noticed they can just be textured one the sides of the car. The wheels need some work I think they are a tad high poly at the moment like I say keep thinking of handheld resoultion you aren't going to see the wheels much at all in a handheld game.
The unwrap like you say is messy and a lot of free space is being unused. I think for a start you should drop your texture down to a 128 size. It's up to you really just remember memory costs and it's dependant on the subject within the game. If it's a protagonist object then 256 should be alright. I have done a quick paint over to show you how you could effectively use your space better and manage to drop it down to a 2:1 layout. Remember pieces of the mesh which are symmetrical can be chopped up and use half the space. Ben Mathis has a cool tutorial on his site about symmetry unwrapping As for the wheels it's not worth having them on a seperate sheet due to their size and the texture detail. You should drop them into your main car's UVs too. As for sizing of your UVs if you download TexTools which is a great handy little tool for UV unwrapping by renderhjs This tool is god for unwrapping low poly stuff (aswell as high poly). There is a little button on the Textools menu called "Norm." Basically what this does it normalizes the UVs in relation to each other, proportionaly scalling the UVs to the same texel density.
For parts like the roof of your car and underneath, these are using up unnecessary UV space. As they have just one pixel colour there is no difference in using that much space on your UV layout comapred to like a 2x2 pixel UV square. I have done a little comparison for you to show you what I mean.
Your texture work is really good I am liking they way you have done it with the Pencil. I think your colour palette can be dropped down to a 16 colour palette. In the paint over I have done there are 12 of the primary colours of the car. Remember memory is everything for handheld. The wheels would look better black/dark grey. I am guessing you based the car on the Dodge Diplomat cop car in the 1980s try to stick to their colour theme. I noticed your lights on the top are the wrong way round. Red should be left and blue right.
Anyway hope this helps man. Keep at it.
Also you've got some non-quad polygons on the model, like the hood and the whole side of the car. I'm not sure of the consequences but I guess it could be a problem depending on the engine.
Anyway, the car looks great, I love the shape and the colors, don't let the optimization crits get to you, it most definitely has style.
Rorkimaru , yes indeed , I removed the whole background and replaced it with a darker more blended background. You clearly can see the tiles in there but I am going to make some extra variation textures so they will pop up randomly to remove the overkilling tileness.
I hope this looks better , its still kind of empty in my eye's and it need a lot of variations and details . I will be working on that in the future.
283 triangles - 128*64 rifle
210 triangles - 64*32 scope
- 336 Tris
- 128x128 tex size
Ugh, I love it!
Looks great, always love that sharp pixely look
Big improvement. I would suggest beveling the foreground blocks though. I think the rounder look would be worth the few extra polys if you can afford them
well if that game teaches us anything about old US cop cars, it's that the roof lights are red on the port, blue on the starboard. (quick google backs this up, same strangely on ships, except blue is green.)
I fixed that awhile ago.
Also Hawken, did you ever do anything with that isometric project you were working on? That was a big inspiration for this style.
Oh yeah DEElekgolo modeled the Trans-Am and I textured it.
I never have done this lowpoly model before or texture, it has been interesting sofar. It is actually much harder than I thought at first. Will gladly take advices how to improve my work, it's still wip by the way.
Also, is that ragdoll physics?
@Delko, definitely gonna add some hilights on the texture. Is rather dull at the moment.
Thanks for ruining my childhood. Bastard. Awesome work though, I really like the Spyro.
And rigged for San Andreas too
Nice one!
How many poly/tris?
and yes these are also old and i see lots of misstakes both in texture and mesh. both guys are free to download with rigging:
i'm here with marv the martian
Your polycounts are way too high, you could reduce it a lot by simplifying the little skulls on the belts, the hair or Fur Crowns, and the collar of Pearls, Did you removed the back faces from the spheres? also, did you tried to use Tessellated spheres instead? for the skulls you could remove the back faces and make it more simple, with the Fur crown you could use a Square planar with one subdivision to add the curvature needed to the piece.
Apart from that, I love the textures, and its a nice work
Next gun, early wip.