This is the sweet spot for your low-poly models. Post 'em if you've got 'em!Low-poly hasn't really been a requirement in the games industry for a long while now. This thread is for low-poly art style appreciation, so please take note of these rough guidelines:
- Keep models under 1,000 triangles.
- Scenes are fine, if all models are low poly.
Some dedicated low-poly modelling tools now exist that make this art style a lot easier to produce;
Crocotile3D &
BlockbenchHere's a handy list of ways to make your art look right in mainstream 3D software:
Low-Poly Art Style Guide
Sahil: The shading in the face and neck is too harsh. That combined with the skin color makes her look slightly ghoulish. Maybe lighten up the coat or the hair so they don't blend together. The alpha at the bottom of the skirt isn't necessary either imo.
Just a few things I think I could add: Instead of drawing over UV snapshots, plan it out on some paper. The shirt, for instance, could simply be a tiny square with a YV that you copy and paste for each skirt face. Just remember, if you're drawing the same thing twice for a texture, you're doing it wrong (generally).
For me, the face is the biggest issue. I think it needs to be larger in the texture so you can add more detail. It's just one of those things that you can get wrong really easily. I don't think it looks like her, and it'd probably easily fixed.
Got a lil bored making it, so only spent 2 hours on it.. i guess you could call it half finished :P maybe ill return to it when i have some more free time...
The face before downscaling:
I'm proud of the range of expressions he can do and it's a simple setup (regular CAT human with an extra bone on the head for the hair tips, two bones for the eyebrows and two for the mouth corners) but I'm sure it could be further optmized, I'm still learning the whole skinning and rigging drill. Crits welcome!
very nice, thanks for sharing.
2CV is a bit wide though.
Some lowpoly mumbojumbo I've been working on (click the pic):
wire and texture for one of a dwarves from my previous post
266 polys
I tried my hand at spline modeling. I'm horribly bad at texturing though
Still, it's progress.
Was bored on sunday so decided to do this guy. Might need to push the texture a bit more.
I'm working on a uni project, recreating Rick from Splatterhouse. Nearing completion I think, I feel the skin needs something, but I'm dry for inspiration at the moment. Not sure if coating him in blood will be a good idea.
Manx thats awesome!!
Decided to have a crack at one of these SDK's on the master SDK thread.
256 tex, not sure how many triangles, i think its about 400ish
edit: shit the pics are big, sorry
haha you nailed it!
thanks Giles!
Edit: Working image would be nice!
ManxViking: Great detail on the jeans and shoes! I think the issue with the skin is that each muscle has been highlighted as an individual entity as opposed to part of the whole body. It reminds me a little of 'pillow shading', which is a pixel art term and really means that the light source isn't clear enough. Maybe knock back the overall lightness of the skin, drop in some shadows (under the arm for instance) and then add some tighter highlights? Glistening bloody splatters are an essential!
Could see this looking when textured.
Here's my monster cook character with 1026 triangles and a 512 texture.
So true, funny how I didn't even consider making the outline another color, I'll try this out tonight. Also agree with the heel thing, other people have noticed it but I forgot to correct it before I skinned the model. Can I add a couple of vertexes and not fuck the skin I've already made?
I've been lurking there for too long, so here it is my small contribute for today.
Lowpoly cars for an iPhone game I'm working on (not real car models). They wil jump, crash, explode, deform, destroy, and all sort of bad things, in realtime. Modeled with C4D.
Since there will be more than 60 vehicles and objects togheter in the scenery, I did not go crazy with details... I'm quite happy with the actual polyflow. The LOD one is really creepy, but it shows fine ingame (after all it's quite distant from the camera). I must remember to reduce wheel polys on it!
LODs won't deform ingame, chassis deformations will appear only on near models.
And, for your eyes only, three early screens. Need decent textures so bad, duh.
Unfortunately no...
I planned to record clips later, only after having a decent scenery, some serious particle effects, and sound FXs.
Thanks anyways.
When you say high speed impacts.
please tell me this will run on ios 3.1
And yes, it's Unity. This tool is really giving me unexpected freedom over everything.
I tested this game on iPod Touch 2 (but it's slow), iPhone 3GS and iPod Touch 4, and it's working on all this devices, but it's because I've not installed the latest Apple Devkit (previous ones are more stable with Unity). Unfortunately Apple requires to use only the last Devkit, and the most recent one will cut out every iOS smaller than 4.0... I'm forced to upgrade, before releasing the game! But you could upgrade to iOS 4 and the game will work.
By the way, I took inspiration from Burnout's crash modes, but there were a couple of different things. Gameplay is really faster, and there will be more to crash than just cars and trucks... :poly140:
KIdult - superninja. Practicing in UVW
"fire imp" creature for the web browser game im working on.
256 texture size and 820 triangles. Fire is photoshopped in to represent a particle effect ingame.
Yea it makes me think of the old fun part of burnout !
Hey! I was going to comment on yor windmill, since I love them as a building. I can't really give any advice since it seems like it's in the really early stages, but I really like how it's looking!
Edit: beat you to it by 1 min hawken!
The knight is only 300 polys without the jetpack
Was intending to do a longer attacking animation but realised I'm terrible at animation so this is all I did. Because its so short it doesn't really convey my idea for the blood. Basically vertex colour, would work differently based on the engine it's in but for max I've just got animated uvw channel for the vertex colour. The blood would gradually coat up the arms and the rest of the body when applying damage to enemies. Not for anything serious, was just a little bit of fun.