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QUAKE 4 custom Models

polycounter lvl 18
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Zatoichi polycounter lvl 18
Well, there once was a time that custom models for games came out at a nice steady pace for various games. However, I haven't seen very many come out for any of the new 'normal mapped' games such as Doom3 or Quake4. I've only seen more along the lines of HL2 models (and so far none are posted here on Polycount... will it start?).
Seeing that many of the most popular maps for Q4 are old maps, and that they keep releasing new maps...well, that are old maps from Q3. That got me thinking. Where are the original characters from Q3, just updated? Well, I am going to start to try to create one of my more favorite characters to play with from Q3, Slash. She is the quintesential 'big-boots' babe. I would also love to see a Hunter, Klesk, and even a Sorlag, Tank Jr. and an Orb done! The bigest obstical after just creating a character, would be the custom animations. I have a feeling that new models for games will have to be a combined effort and no longer a task for just one person.
Anyone else here thinking about doing some characters to be put into Quake4?

here is the original Q3 Slash:


And here is my concept for the updated version. I dont have a wacom with me this week, so just did a simple color job (will 'go to town' on her when the wacom gets back). I think it keeps with the original spirit of her, while changing a few things. I always felt her hair looked like electronics rather than hair... and I like exposed breasts. So sue me.

EDIT: Here's the updated Photoshopped versions!



  • Zatoichi
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    Zatoichi polycounter lvl 18
    Oh, and I just HAD to change the "I'm a grandma on drugs" gi-normous glasses she was wearing to a more cooler half-head dome. Looks more along the line of Visor or Hunter, I know... but hey, s'all good.
  • steady
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    steady polycounter lvl 18
    awesome concept zatoichi! yes its true, all of the normal mapped games have very few ppms being made, and its a shame! hopefully we can see this one make it in game soon. you should attempt concepts for the other characters you mentioned! cool.gif
  • Vailias
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    Vailias polycounter lvl 20
    heh look who's changed their name. wink.gif Blind samurai, good choice. Bitchen concept
    Been looking forward to doing some more teamwork with ya, especially since I didn't get to move out to cali a few months back. I may have to pick up Q4 and to see about characters for it.
  • Mark Dygert
    Personally I think PPM's are a dying thing. So many games roll out so quickly we are not left to lement on the same game for very long. Given the long learning curve of higher poly modeling and not to mention that normal mapping can be a crazy patch work of plug-ins, scripts and export options. Don't forget about rigging your character and animating it, long gone are the days of simple rigs with hard vertex weights.
    Also there is a lack of free or near free tools for people to use for PPM's. IF they really want to create a PPM they resort to aquiring questionable copies of high end software. Stack all that up agaist the gamers with ADD and you get a large lack of PPM's.

    Everyone wants em but no one wants to make em'

    With that said, I haven't played Q4 yet, but I did get it for Christmas. If I like it, and the tools are available I bet I will convert a few of my Q3 or UT2k3-4 models to Q4.
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 20
    [ QUOTE ]
    Oh, and I just HAD to change the "I'm a grandma on drugs" gi-normous glasses she was wearing to a more cooler half-head dome.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    would be cool having her actually old indeed, like "30-years-after".. u know with those huge eye glasses old ppl wear.. cyber-implemented fake teeth etc.
    update the concept not just the technology kinda thing..
    but heck this is cool too wink.gif
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    I don't like those nipples covers. that lowers the quality and kinda draws attention away from the well designed outfit. just throw a verticle band over them or something.
  • Zatoichi
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    Zatoichi polycounter lvl 18
    A verticle band would be too much of an allusion to the ever present censor bar. "Down with Verticle Bands! Up with nipple covers! Hell no, we won't go!" (plus the nipple covers allows for some kid to come along and make a 'naked' skin. I try to help out the kiddies as much as I can)

    But in all seriousness, I'm not too shure what I'm going to do with the breasts yet.

    Good to hear from you Vailias. Yah, you not comming out was a bummer. Stick with it... your still a young'un, unlike us struggling antients.
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    Zatoichi, i applaud the effort of bringing back some of the Q3 characters, and that is an excellent sketch. however, i would say that you actually have managed to lose most of the spirit of the original character. Slash is more punky girl than overt sexy lady, as several of the other characters tend towards. your reasoning for going with the face shield is sound, it's definitely a nice update. but losing the body suit and inverting what flesh is exposed really loses a lot of the balance and feel of the original... with the stomach/breast area exposed and the neck covered, it doesn't create nearly as much visual interest as the isolated areas of skin near the garter belts. i'd prefer a design that hews closer to the original clothing design, but maybe that's me. it's your revival of the character so it's certainly up to you smile.gif looking forward to you rendering it up in photoshop.

    and i must confess that seeing your post inspired me to do a more or less faithful rendition of Hunter... there are minor tweaks. as my friend Sidwell put it, this is in the spirit of a fighting game makeover--on first glance everything looks the same, but if you compare with the original outfit there are plenty of smaller changes. it still needs some polishing, but i've worked on it long enough for today to post it. in any case, i <3 hunter smile.gif


    also, if anyone has a zip or a still working link of all those old character sheets, i'd be much obliged.

    SUPER BONUS LOVE for anyone who still has those pre-release shots of Q3... i know there was an older version of Hunter that had a furry bear head or something instead of the skull.
  • CheapAlert
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    haha thanks cheapie, that's a great site with a lot of nice stuff in... no, what i'm looking for is a character sheet of Hunter, except it was a much earlier version than the final.

    awesome looking over the super old Quake shots, though. i remember looking at those in NTSC Mosaic coupled with Romero's insane babbling about how amazing the game was going to be. smile.gif
  • CheapAlert
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    CheapAlert polycounter lvl 18
    that's NCSA Mosaic, noob
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    [ QUOTE ]
    i would say that you actually have managed to lose most of the spirit of the original character. Slash is more punky girl than overt sexy lady, as several of the other characters tend towards.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I have to agree with gauss, for once. I'm sure it'll never happen again. While I love your concept, it's not the same character. It's based off of it. Q3 is a game I'll never uninstall, it's why I'm here, and I love it for the characters. That's why when I see something like this, I'd rather there be focus on the character itself in every aspect, instead of just adding titties and a thong. It's like going from award winning actress, to pornstar.
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    hahah yeah elysium, it's just one of those things like a solar eclipse, it just happens once in a great while smile.gif

    Zatoichi i think i have a better solution--as we've said, we think it's a great concept... the sticking point is associating it with an established character. why not change the concept further still from the original and call her something else? the homage to slash will be clear, but you still get to exercise your own artistic choices with no issues... not that this is a big issue of course, but why not take it all the way and make her your own? she's 90% of the way there already.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    all anyone would ever want to see is a higher poly version, why not do that?

    Vig is so right though, the romance years of PPM's are over. It has shrunken this community somewhat, as polycount is and was all about PPM's however I seriously think that if people are willing to put the time in, then every effort should be made to pimp such work for download.
  • Zatoichi
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    Zatoichi polycounter lvl 18
    Nice sketch, Gauss. Quite true to the original.

    Thanks for the input, BTW. I know exactly what you are getting at. Basically a high poly version of the exact same character... much like your sketch(and I would love to see that done too as an upgraded 3D piece). However, I don't exactly think that look would translate into the aesthetic of Quake4.

    This sketch is actually born out of looking at length at the artwork and concepts for Quake4. That got me thinking about how to translate the older characters into the look of the new conceptual world of Q4.

    I was going to do a sketch of my version of HUNTER, but Simon Bisley beat me to it. Here's an image by him that inspired Hunter. (oops, heh...looking at his work he gave her nipple-covers too/ eventually replaced with straps. I see a trend here.) http://images-jp.amazon.com/images/P/1882931769.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg

    She has the same spirit, but yet is different somehow. More menacing. Anyway, there is bound to be conflicting aesthetic ideas when it comes to reimagining loved characters. (like the next Star Trek movie... how the heck can someone play Kirk who isn't Shatner?!)
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    yes, i meant to say something about that--it is clear that your revision has the more menacing quality of a Q4 character. if that's your stated aim then you've certainly done good work.

    even being aware of bizley's original piece that inspired Hunter, i still felt like doing a straight-up homage instead of monkeying around with it--but if i had a goal like Q4-izing her, then i might have been more adventurous. who knows, maybe i'll throw up some more interesting sketches later... in the meantime i'm going on vacation with my family, not sure if i'll have net access.

    btw, was looking at your deviant art site. very nice work with the space jockey style piece, that's a really closely studied giger homage. the harkonnen costume is ace as well smile.gif

    now get going with that photoshop paintover of your Slash!
  • Zatoichi
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    Zatoichi polycounter lvl 18
    Aye-aye cap'n! wink.gif
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    damnit, I didn't know that was you Andrew. Too used to you being 'cenobite'... took me seeing a model I made for SS on your deviant art site to make the connection. d'oh!

    Your newer stuff is looking fantastic. The Eater of Children I especially like.

    To be more on-topic, I like your version a lot. The shape of the shoulder-pad dealie is cool, will give her a nice silhouette. Personally, I'd like to see the amount of asymmetry seen in her upper half reflected in her legs. The popping ta-tas aren't doing anything for me either... maybe tone them down a bit. A/B cups need some lovin too!
  • steady
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    steady polycounter lvl 18
    for all you losers out there that want a quick n dirty explanation on how gauss did that pic, check this bad boy exclusive .gif out:
    zatoichi me wants more! confused.gif
  • Zatoichi
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    Zatoichi polycounter lvl 18
    Post deleted by Zatoichi
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    Now, that I'm liking. The glasses are cool.
  • cochtl
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    cochtl polycounter lvl 18
  • Zatoichi
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    Zatoichi polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Dibs on klesk wink.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]
    YES! Please! I'd like to see more updated arena fighters. Feel free to post them here. It would be awesome to also see some Zbush versions of Sorlag, Klesk and Raziel. crazy.gif
  • Zatoichi
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    Zatoichi polycounter lvl 18
    Here's Orbb a la Quake4. Not going to color it in until I have that Wacom back!!! (the girlfriend took it with her to use on Xmas vacation)

    I also included some concepts for alternate eyes.

    EDIT: Oops. I just forgot that I didn't draw in that gimpy antenna. I guess he is just using "internal wireless" now. tongue.gif

  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    love it :| now man, 3d it !!!!!!!
  • steady
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    steady polycounter lvl 18
  • spacemonkey
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    spacemonkey polycounter lvl 18
    hey great work on that orb redesign Zatoichi, you have inspired me to do a new concept for sarge. mind if I post it in here when I get it done? wink.gif
  • Marine
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 20
  • Slash
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    Slash polycounter lvl 19
    I have to say that im getting a little more exited than i probably should about this movement that might have started here. Q3 being one of my favorite games ever, and Slash having the most beautiful name ever, i think im gonna have a stab at my namesister. I might need a little help with the rigging tho, when it comes to that..
  • Slash
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    Slash polycounter lvl 19
    Here's a work in progress. Old discarded model + chop chop chop = slash WIP. I'll do the cyborg arm after i've finished all the symmetry, so dont bother pointing that out. wink.gif


    C&C is very welcome!

    //edit: I removed the tags, update below.
  • Slash
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    Slash polycounter lvl 19
    I feel that i should apologize for crashing your party Zatoichi. In all my exitement it didnt even occur to me that you might want to do a model of slash, but reading this thread again today, it looks like that might be your intention. So, if you want me to i'll retreat into the shadows again, and let you do your version of her without interruption. I'll still finish the model tho, but i wont spam it in here.

    Here's an update on my progress:


    I'm trying to stay close to the original slash, with some minor additions of my own, espescially on the boots. I tried to bring in an element from q4, namely those cylinders you see on the q4 shaft. Any thoughts?

    (btw, that blue flame is just a placeholder. :P
  • Zatoichi
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    Zatoichi polycounter lvl 18
    Are you kidding? That's looking good... keep it up. This thread was more about sparking the ol' creative juices for myself and others due to the warm fuzzy feelings we all get for these now 'classic' characters.
    Your model is looking quite similar to the original. I'd be interested to see those boots go through some Zbush action!
  • Vailias
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    Vailias polycounter lvl 20
    sweetness, also Slash you don't have to worry much, (as he's said). Zatoichi isn't much of a 3d man, but quite the texture artist.

    BTW I call orb. wink.gif Gimme a day or 2.
  • _Shimmer
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    _Shimmer polycounter lvl 18
    I want to do Partiot!
    Good works, nice idea
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    i love the idea smile.gif its sad i practically dont have time for anything...i would love to do Sarge or tankjr :P

    ...or maybe some guys from Team arena ? ( does that count? )
  • Zatoichi
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    Zatoichi polycounter lvl 18
    I am working on changing that, Vail. Now that Electronic Arts has let me go I have plenty of free time to work on learning Maya and Zbrush. Hopefully I can become just as good with CG/3D as I am with Super Sculpy!
  • Vailias
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    Vailias polycounter lvl 20
    :P good to hear(in its own way). So you want to do orb instead?
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    If someone can concept a good update for Anarki before I can, I'll get started on him. So are we starting a mod? Q4: Arena :P
  • spacemonkey
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    spacemonkey polycounter lvl 18
    I'd like to see progression in the characters, so in this version of sarge I've played with different elements - but based them around the intial character.
    giving him a little goaty beard just felt too funny to be wrong.
  • dur23
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    dur23 polycounter lvl 20
    Im gonna go ahead and call visor;)
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    Uh... I call Major. She seems like a character I'd design. :P
    Yay, bandwagon!
  • Slash
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    Slash polycounter lvl 19
    [ QUOTE ]
    If someone can concept a good update for Anarki before I can, I'll get started on him. So are we starting a mod? Q4: Arena :P

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not necessarily a mod, but it would be great if a community effort could prove once for all that the PPM scene isnt dead! What better way to do this than to revive characters from the game that have seen most ppm over the years?
  • Daedalus
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    Daedalus polycounter lvl 19
    very nice idea you got there.
    Maybe if i find some time i'll do klesk.
    i'm also suprise no one call for xaero yet.
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    I call Gorre.

    At least the concept that is, I doubt I could do a proper model.
  • CheapAlert
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    CheapAlert polycounter lvl 18
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    [ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

  • Slash
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    Slash polycounter lvl 19
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

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    For those of you planning to participate, remember that many of the characters used the same model, like gorre/biker or patriot/bitterman. careful not to double up the effort. (even tho the highpoly probably need to be diffent anyways, because of the normalmaps.. But if the lowpoly could be used for different skins/normals it would save a lot of rigging and animating time.)

    Just a little question.. is it really necessary to have five separate fingers on a model for such a fast paced game? I'm tempted to make the long and ring finger as one, to save myself a little rigging/unwrapping time, plus lowering the polycount. I dont think anyone will even notice, atleast not with a normal map.
  • CheapAlert
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    CheapAlert polycounter lvl 18
    Q4's player models usually are around 1100 triangles themselves.

    also personally I think sarge's beard is dumb. I didn't know we were fighting against colonel sanders
  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    Haha. Nice Sarge! thumbup.gif
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