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"The City of New Orleans Is Devastated"



  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18

    this is a good story on the BBC on the disaster and the drawings give you an idea of the city's elevation in comparison to the 2 major bodies of water.

    The city is basiclly a bowl,and the levees make the highest portion of the bowl which keep the water out and the real disaster there began when 2 of the levees failed.

    as for cohtl's remarks that is true about people acting after a disaster happens and that indeed was what happened in 69 when camille hit louisiana after that there was amjor efforts to keep those levees in good condition and strong but it appears that unfinished levees could have caused their collapse.
  • skankerzero
    [ QUOTE ]
    You're absolutely right, GX. But you know what? It's over with. It doesn't matter what "could have" stopped this.

    And Skank, I guess you've been complaining since birth then? Every president has helped other countries, while our own is sitting here festering. I'd surely love to remove ourselves from world affairs until our country was strong again. But that's just not going to happen.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You'd be surprised at how 'non political' I am. Generally, I never complained because I never voted, that and the fact that I was too young to vote. This time around, however, I did, and it wasn't for this man. There's just something that irks me about him. Also, it's bizzare how his speech patterns have deteriorated since his time as governor of Texas. It's like watching an episode of the Beverly Hillbillies.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    [ QUOTE ]
    It's like watching an episode of the Beverly Hillbillies.

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    bwahaha smile.gif
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 18
    google maps gives a good visual off how the levee system works for the city


    "Artificial levees function to prevent flooding of the adjoining countryside; however, it also confines the flow of the river resulting in higher and faster water flow. The song "I've Been Working On the Railroad" was, according to Carl Sandburg, originally "I've Been Working On the Levee" before the days of railroads."
  • sledgy
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    sledgy polycounter lvl 18
    Fact is, Bush did a little financial juggling act to keep his little war project humming along and it bit him in the ass. I'm glad it did but not at the expense of New Orleans.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 18
    The ripple affect.

    My phone is ringing off the hook from friends telling me the news. My state, NC, is low on gas. Stations in my town are completely empty, and are being shut down and blocked off by police.

    I was leaving tomorrow for a long trip to Ohio, but now that won't be as easy. Anyone else in the states getting the same news? WTF?
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    [ QUOTE ]
    Mayor Nagin said he had no choice but to remove the 50,000 to 100,000 people left in the city when the hurricane struck.

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    [ QUOTE ]
    Survivors could be taken out at a rate of up to 15,000 a day.

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    [ QUOTE ]
    New Orleans has been plagued by looting, floods and increasingly desperate people, two days after the hurricane.

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    [ QUOTE ]
    The BBC's Alastair Leithead in New Orleans says there is panic as vital supplies run out. Heavily armed police have been trying to impose a form of martial law to stem looting.

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    arse, elbow, bonkers bush

    Save as much money as possible, put it in a bank that not too big but big enough to not go bust, keep at least a months worth of emergency supplies. Move to the hills.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    [ QUOTE ]
    Then when that was done he could use his super heat ray vision to glue together the san andreas fault!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I distinctly remember the "George W. Bush has super heat ray vision while John Kerry can only talk to fish" commercials that were airing during the election!
  • Sean McBride
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    Sean McBride polycounter lvl 18
    I'll ignore the bush talk because I have bitter sweet thoughts of him as a president. The economy is shit and our gas prices are absolutely even MORE crazy than they were before.

    At least i got to see new orleans before it was pretty much destroyed... >.> I was there in March. I'm just staying away from the south eastern beaches. They are just getting absolutely slammed lately. Its crazy!
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    I fucking hate the media.

    I was watchin Fox News and they interviewed this old lady and they used their usually fucking tactics of "You're house got destroyed and you're old and have no where to go and you're uber fucked... AREN'T YOU?!" like their trying to fucking investigate and made the old lady almost cry. You could tell the reporter felt bad but still, why the fuck don't they leave these people alone. I'm sure a bunch of them are embarassed that they are wearing week old clothes, look like shit, and are sleeping in a giant room with tons of other people on a makeshift bed and simply don't want some tard video taping them nonstop.
  • peanut™
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    peanut™ polycounter lvl 19
    I see what you mean, here's 2 news stories with clear bias coming from yahoo, for some people finding food or looting food is all based on your color.

    Find food


    Loot food

  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    Spot on, yea. During all of the 'looting' videos shown on TV, they only showed african americans. Pretty fucked up.

    As far as the economy goes, it's better now than it was in Bush's first term. He's slow as hell, but it's improving. Gas prices are just nutty though. They were 2.76 this morning, and on the way home they were 3.05. Farken retarded. At least they're going to tap into the national oil reserve....

    It's nutty to think though, that we only have about 2.5 months worth of oil in surplus =\
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    That is amazing peanut. All that shit aside, is getting food for survival seriously considered 'looting' ? wtf, stealing a fucking TV or some other useless shite is looting but food?!
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    i agree, people shouldnt be denied water and food, it's abandoned and will go bad anyway, what's the big deal .. control the looting of hardware and firearms instead of trying to stop people from getting some essentials for survival..
  • Irritant
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    Irritant polycounter lvl 18
    I saw on Dateline tonight that the relief effort is the largest in the history of the United States.

    What a huge mess.

    The city is now part of the Gulf of Mexico. The arial shots were horrifying.

    I think alot of people didn't take the warnings seriously. There were alot of people that seemed plenty able to leave the city, (I'd personally do it on foot if I had too), but chose not too. I understand for some it's gotta be really tough to leave your home. It seemed like some had the attitude, "I lived here all my life, I'm gonna die here too".
  • peanut™
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    peanut™ polycounter lvl 19
    Good post Irritant, it gave my backbone a chill.

    I would like to point out that this event in NO will affect gaz price for a while but also anything like food at the grocery store, and energy like electricity and so on, this is going to affect us all.

    If your hungry right now go and enlist in the Army

    On edit: What was i saying again ? oh yes just breacking:
    At Least Ten U.S. Airports Face Closure Due to Jet Fuel Shortages

  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I saw on Dateline tonight that the relief effort is the largest in the history of the United States.

    What a huge mess.

    The city is now part of the Gulf of Mexico. The arial shots were horrifying.

    I think alot of people didn't take the warnings seriously. There were alot of people that seemed plenty able to leave the city, (I'd personally do it on foot if I had too), but chose not too. I understand for some it's gotta be really tough to leave your home. It seemed like some had the attitude, "I lived here all my life, I'm gonna die here too".

    [/ QUOTE ]

    yep very true,when i was living there one hurricane my family evacuated to houston and one thing which always fascinated me was the mentality of some of the people who decided to stay there and they had "Hurricane parties" where people would just drink during the hurricane because they refused to leave.

    During camille this accounted for a few deaths


    man dem cajuns
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    In any case, it's over.

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    [ QUOTE ]
    You're absolutely right, GX. But you know what? It's over with. It doesn't matter what "could have" stopped this...I'd surely love to remove ourselves from world affairs until our country was strong again. But that's just not going to happen.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [ QUOTE ]
    As far as the economy goes, it's better now than it was in Bush's first term. He's slow as hell, but it's improving...At least they're going to tap into the national oil reserve...

    It's nutty to think though, that we only have about 2.5 months worth of oil in surplus =\

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Do you even read what you type? The economy? Is it neccessary to remind you that a hurricane just made a noticeable impact on the transportation network, power grid, energy infrastructure, ports and tourism? Do you think it's good that we're tapping into the reserve? Why are you so pessimistic about what can or cannot happen. It's not over.
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    It's nutty to think though, that we only have about 2.5 months worth of oil in surplus

    That equals roughly how many barrels? The US is a VERY strong consumer, covering the entire nation's oil needs for 2.5 months requires insane amounts of the stuff. Besides, it'll last longer as long as some production facilities are operational. If one fourth of the supply went away, the reserve would last for 10 months, for example.
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    We're seeing reports that some police are now looting - doing over ATM machines too.

    They are ramraiding Wal-Marts to ration food to prevent food riots - hopefully this will help. Of course the photos of some police officers with handfuls of DVDs and PS2 games doesn't help...

    Anyway, I hear the whole place is now being evacuated?
  • Foehammer
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    Foehammer polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    We're seeing reports that some police are now looting - doing over ATM machines too.

    They are ramraiding Wal-Marts to ration food to prevent food riots - hopefully this will help. Of course the photos of some police officers with handfuls of DVDs and PS2 games doesn't help...

    Anyway, I hear the whole place is now being evacuated?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    where are you seeing these photos at? the biggest issue with supply is not crude oil but refining the the crude oil (though the crude is an issue also) the U.S. hasn't built a new oil refinery since the 1970's and most of them are down in that region because that's where the crude gets dropped off from over seas and from the gulf where we drill. our own country's infrastructue is our downfall. we're perceived as a "high-tech" nation yet think about our power and telephone lines and our outdated refineries and out total dependence on fossil fuels. We'll never know wether or not the spending cuts for their levees by the government would have made a difference or not, I love how the Bush haters are so quick to place blame on him alone. Let's not forget that the city is below sea-level, surrounded by water and yet they relied solely on federal funding to keep their city safe from flooding? I don't know about you but if I was the governor of LA or mayor of NO I would have done SOMETHING to keep those levees up and/or finished. (state taxes, tourism taxes, etc.) Not just that but the budget was cut for that program RECENTLY, you would think the levee system they rely on to keep their city in existence would be up to date. You really think had the budget not been cut that the system would have been updated enough to prevent this from happening? The city has been there for 287 years, and they were still not prepared to deal with this storm. (

    My heart goes out to all those people, cept for the stupid asses that are stealing tv's that they'll never get to use, I just heard on the news that someone was shooting at a rescue chopper near the Superdome, unthankful bastards.)
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    [ QUOTE ]
    Is it neccessary to remind you that a hurricane just made a noticeable impact on the transportation network, power grid, energy infrastructure, ports and tourism? Do you think it's good that we're tapping into the reserve? Why are you so pessimistic about what can or cannot happen. It's not over.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    How am I be pessimistic about this, GX? I'm not being negative about anything. This is definatly going to have residual impact. You'd have to be a fool not to know that. I honestly don't think it's going to be THAT bad. Those people in the gulf are much worse off.
    What do you think is going to happen GX? You think the country is going to collapse or something? That's being pessimistic.

    KDR - I beleive the number is close to 700million barrels. I wasn't trying to say that we'll use it all though. Like you said, when the refineries starting coming online again, we'll use less (and hopefully return gas prices to normal).
  • sledgy
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    sledgy polycounter lvl 18
    Many of the refineries are down due to lack of electricity (which is ironic because we get most of our electrons generated from fossil fuels) so it doubtless won't be long before those are up and running again. Hopefully it can serve some good to give us a wake up call about just how hand-to-mouth we are when it comes to our basic source of energy.

    I'm lucky that I live close enough to work to ride my bicycle and I do when the temp isn't over 95F. The colder the better and I'll ride as long as it isn't snowing. Autumn is my favorite time of the year wink.gif There are people here that ride 30 miles round trip. Think about it - $3-$4 a gallon to sleep your way to work and be angry about other drivers or a nice brisk ride where when you arrive you're pumped and ready to rock.

    Foehammer, I don't blame George W. Bush specifically, I blame the Bush Administration, although the motherfucker sure takes alot of vacation. I wish I could spend 40% of my JOB on vacation.

    The levees were underfunded already - by tens of millions of dollars. The Bush Admin cut it to 1/6 of what it needed to be (I forgot who I'm quoting sorry) Where is the city going to come up with that? Pull it out of its ass? "You would think" Well "should" and "is" are two vastly different propositions, my friend.

    Perhaps if we weren't PISSING AWAY so many BILLIONS OF DOLLARS half a world away, we'd have been able to better deal with matters at home when the SHIT HITS THE FAN.
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    Hopefully it can serve some good to give us a wake up call about just how hand-to-mouth we are when it comes to our basic source of energy.

    In industry terms "hand to mouth" is called "just in time" and apparently desirable.

    Someone started a thread back when Act of War was released about the gas price mentioned in the intro, how much was that?
  • Foehammer
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    Foehammer polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Many of the refineries are down due to lack of electricity (which is ironic because we get most of our electrons generated from fossil fuels) so it doubtless won't be long before those are up and running again. Hopefully it can serve some good to give us a wake up call about just how hand-to-mouth we are when it comes to our basic source of energy.

    I'm lucky that I live close enough to work to ride my bicycle and I do when the temp isn't over 95F. The colder the better and I'll ride as long as it isn't snowing. Autumn is my favorite time of the year wink.gif There are people here that ride 30 miles round trip. Think about it - $3-$4 a gallon to sleep your way to work and be angry about other drivers or a nice brisk ride where when you arrive you're pumped and ready to rock.

    Foehammer, I don't blame George W. Bush specifically, I blame the Bush Administration, although the motherfucker sure takes alot of vacation. I wish I could spend 40% of my JOB on vacation.

    The levees were underfunded already - by tens of millions of dollars. The Bush Admin cut it to 1/6 of what it needed to be (I forgot who I'm quoting sorry) Where is the city going to come up with that? Pull it out of its ass? "You would think" Well "should" and "is" are two vastly different propositions, my friend.

    Perhaps if we weren't PISSING AWAY so many BILLIONS OF DOLLARS half a world away, we'd have been able to better deal with matters at home when the SHIT HITS THE FAN.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    i agree with you budget cuts really hurt the cause, but the city has been around for almost 300 years, and it is not the sole responsibility of the Bush administration to have these levees up and running they way they should have been, and unless there has been some huge technological breakthrough in Levee Tech or something that has happend in the last 2 years since the budget cuts I dont think it's really fair to blame this administration solely. There has always been the possibility of a Lvl 5 Hurricane hitting NO and destroying it, and up and till now it hasn't happened, but when it does everyone is so quick to blame the federal government for not taking preventitive measures against it, what about the previous administrations? LVL 5 Hurricanes existed when Clinton was in office also and all the presidents and admins before that. Bush is a favorite scapegoat for alot of people who are so quick to blame him and/or his admin for anything and everything. Even if the budget had not been cut and the levee's had been in place and up to date there is no telling wether or not the this would have happened, granted chances were better for the city if it had been in place, but there is no for sure answer.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 18
    I think it is the responsibility of the government to keep an area vital to our country's energy and supply needs well maintained. If not that, atleast not cut the funding of such programs created to maintain the protection it requires. To me it sounds like the result of bad business decisions. And now the rescue efforts and law enforcement are so disorganized. It's a warzone down there. Post apocalyptic world in just a matter of days.
  • Foehammer
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    Foehammer polycounter lvl 18
    i agree, it's insane to think we haven't kept it up or hell even built any new refineries in 30 frickin years!

    *edit* ok just researched it a bit, last one was built in 1976, the year i was born, so not quite 30 years, 29........30 not 29, (ugh, dreads 30)

  • sledgy
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    sledgy polycounter lvl 18
    Sure from a business standpoint, the JIT approach is more desirable - it saves money by not having to warehouse product. I read that there are different grades of fuel based on season: warm & cold. Ideally the current grade will be timed to run out in sync with the rampup of production of next season's fuel so a stockpile of old fuel isn't left lying around for half a year - refined fuel does have a shelf life. We were getting way behind before this whammy however.

    What I was more referring to was that we need some other energy sources - direct solar, geothermal (wind) and hydro are the next easiest to harvest, solar being the most abundant. Problem is it's been de-popularized and many solar cell mfrs have been purchased by big oil so there haven't been any real advancements in the past 30 years with solar tech. It is cost effective to go solar, but requires significant long-term investment. Say you install a solar system in a house it will take 20 years before the investment pays off, except that the average American moves every 7 years. In addition if roof-mounting isn't an option, solar takes at least a few square yards of yard area when most of the new cookie-cutter houses only come with a few square yards anyway. There goes the swing set and ankle pool, kids.

    In my experience, people are pretty generally abysmally stupid until it comes to money. I swear the average IQ will jump 50 points when it hits the wallet. I'm hoping that $4 a gallon will wake some schmucks up.

    -ride a bike
    -the next car you get, make it a hybrid or at least NOT a fuel-guzzling monster
    -recycle the materials that the goods you stuff into your face come in (this saves oil)
    -don't buy shit you cannot recycle
    Basically, just be responsible and encourage others to as well.
    Call me a dirty hippie if you will but I'll be kicking back eating my soy curd (yeah right) as I bask in the glow of my free electrons while others shovel out cash to make hyper-rich oil barons even richer.
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    Things are getting worse in new Orleans,gunfure put a halt to evacuations in the superdome and people are shooting at the military helicopters

    feel bad for the military guys,they go to Iraq and get shot at and then they come home,to get shot at.

    New Orleans is a rowdy city,i loved it.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    some footage from Louisiana (non flooded area) by Michael Arnold.

  • sledgy
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    sledgy polycounter lvl 18

    i agree with you budget cuts really hurt the cause, but the city has been around for almost 300 years, and it is not the sole responsibility of the Bush administration to have these levees up and running they way they should have been, and unless there has been some huge technological breakthrough in Levee Tech or something that has happend in the last 2 years since the budget cuts I dont think it's really fair to blame this administration solely. There has always been the possibility of a Lvl 5 Hurricane hitting NO and destroying it, and up and till now it hasn't happened, but when it does everyone is so quick to blame the federal government for not taking preventitive measures against it, what about the previous administrations? LVL 5 Hurricanes existed when Clinton was in office also and all the presidents and admins before that. Bush is a favorite scapegoat for alot of people who are so quick to blame him and/or his admin for anything and everything. Even if the budget had not been cut and the levee's had been in place and up to date there is no telling wether or not the this would have happened, granted chances were better for the city if it had been in place, but there is no for sure answer.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Why should I point a finger at the federal government? In all likelihood it's because I pay 30% of my fucking paycheck to them every two weeks to take care of shit like this.
    I'm not stupid though, it's not entirely their fault but N.O. requested federal money for upkeep on the levees that the Bush Admin. denied and cut the funding way down while still shovelling money into Iraq. What you're saying is that because it's been a known problem for 300 years, they should just move out or they should have had it dealt with by now. Holding the Gulf of Mexico out of N.O. is an ongoing project. It was a bad call. If it was another President I admit I probably wouldn't be so vehement but this was bad call after bad call, after lies, etc. from a lazy fuckhead making himself and his buddies rich. Wake the fuck up.

    Where does Bill Clinton come into this? He didn't cut the funding, George W's boys did.

    And I certainly don't buy that shit about his vacations being "working vacations" If that were true, why did he return to the White House because of this? If his ranch is as well-equipped to deal with his job as the White House is, what's the point of wasting time in transit? Bullshit. He's jacking off on the golf course.

    Bottom line: If the levees hadn't been breached, my friends and my associates' friends from N.O. wouldn't be hip-deep in dead bodies and their own shit fighting for their lives. The levees were breached because they sucked. They sucked because N.O. didn't have the money to fix them. They didn't have the money to fix them because the Bush Admin are a bunch of greedy knob gobbling asshole chode asscakes that couldn't give a flying four-door fuck about human life when it comes to lining their pockets.
    We pay them money to do a job and they don't DO IT.
  • AstroZombie
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 18
    Lots of strong words there sledgy, but I agree with them. Solar wouldn't be needed to power all of our resources, just a helpful percentage of it. So a slow transition wouldn't be as costly. AC itself could be improved to use less energy and cause less pollution, with new methods being discovered recently.

    There are now rumors here that schools will only open to students 3 days a week, now that the bus system is $900 over budget per day due to gas prices. Any stations that are remaining open are restricting motorists to 10 gallons. I'm suppose to be on my trip to Ohio atm, but decided to stay home and conserve. I hope others are doing the same. I really wish we had more alternatives readily available so as not to be so dependent on this stuff. Easily modded hybrids are getting 250 mpg, while the tycoons in office lie to use about hydrogen and smokeless coal.
  • sledgy
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    sledgy polycounter lvl 18
    Foehammer, I apologize if I seem to attack you personally - Your views are shared by millions of people. I get really worked up about it because I feel that people are being fed a bunch of shit and they are swallowing it hook, line, and sinker. I reserve the right to go ballistic about it under Constitutional law.
  • Foehammer
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    Foehammer polycounter lvl 18
    "They didn't have the money to fix them because the Bush Admin are a bunch of greedy knob gobbling asshole chode asscakes that couldn't give a flying four-door fuck about human life when it comes to lining their pockets.
    We pay them money to do a job and they don't DO IT."

    lemme ask ya this then, how on earth can you blame the Bush Admin solely for this? that's complete bullshit, there was another president before him, and they had no budget cuts then, why the hell wasn't it fixed? sure it takes time they had 8 years under clinton, and many years before that, yet you are so quick to say it's Bush's fault!!!! blah!!!! he controlled the hurricane!!! my cat died, it must be george bush's fault, damn the republicans!!! fuck that sorry man but he cut the budget 2 years ago, logistically it's insane to think they were that close to finishing what needed to be done inorder to prevent this from happening in that time (even if it COULD prevent it). i think some people are so driven by their hate of our president that they just don't care to think clearly. there is no way of knowing, finished or not that the budgets cuts 100% were the reason for the levee's not performing the way they should have. you'll never see it my way and I'll never see it yours. so STFU and donate some money to the Red Cross!!! smile.gif
  • Irritant
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    Irritant polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    i think some people are so driven by their hate of our president that they just don't care to think clearly.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You got that right.

    Plus, as I said before, people are opportunistic when it comes to bashing a president they don't like.

    I agree with Foehammer - STFU and donate! I am.
  • Foehammer
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    Foehammer polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Foehammer, I apologize if I seem to attack you personally - Your views are shared by millions of people. I get really worked up about it because I feel that people are being fed a bunch of shit and they are swallowing it hook, line, and sinker. I reserve the right to go ballistic about it under Constitutional law.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    dude, seriously don't apologize, politics, religion and many other subjects of conversation bring out the best/worst and true passion of what makes us human, that's why I LOVE POLYCOUNT!!! we can rip each other to shreds in the general forums and then ask for help in the 3d advice/pimp forums and receive it from the guy who you were arguing with in GEN forums just a second ago. This is the coolest community I have ever had the pleasure of being apart of, everyone here is entitled to their opinion, and I love hearing the different views regardless of wether or not I agree with them!
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 18
    What about lack of military aid, disorganized law enforcement, and slow response time to one of the worst natural disasters in our nation's history due to on going oil obsessed presence in a foreign land? Can I blame that on him? Oh please say I can. I'm sorry if attacking Mr. "always on vacation" George "it's hard work" Bush is a problem, but the country needs a leader during these times. A leader who listens to the concerns of his people and takes steps to save lives before they are taken. 49% or more are asking for that at this point. It's honestly just a stressful time for many not knowing what's going to happen next. All the hype and cover ups leaving us confused. OMG terror alert color codes. The local TV and radio stations in my area of doing what they can to calm the public. Good thing, there are more people out riding bikes and mopeds than usual.

    The 2004 season, and reason many in the gulf areas were asking for funds in preparation. Hope this years isn't as active. I've been through enough of these storms already.
  • sledgy
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    sledgy polycounter lvl 18
    No worries man laugh.gif
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    3d advice/pimp forums and receive it from the guy who you were arguing with in GEN forums just a second ago.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  • Foehammer
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    Foehammer polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    What about lack of military aid, disorganized law enforcement, and slow response time to one of the worst natural disasters in our nation's history due to on going oil obsessed presence in a foreign land? Can I blame that on him? Oh please say I can. I'm sorry if attacking Mr. "always on vacation" George "it's hard work" Bush is a problem, but the country needs a leader during these times. A leader who listens to the concerns of his people and takes steps to save lives before they are taken. 49% or more are asking for that at this point. It's honestly just a stressful time for many not knowing what's going to happen next. All the hype and cover ups leaving us confused. The local TV and radio stations in my area of doing what they can to calm the public. Good thing, there are more people out riding bikes and mopeds than usual.

    The 2004 season, and reason many in the gulf areas were asking for funds in preparation. Hope this years isn't as active. I've been through enough of these storms already.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    sure, blame whatever the hell you want on him man,flat tire, male pattern baldness, erectile dysfunction.
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 18
    Edit - nm. I would hate to see a thread about a national tragedy denigrate into a thread about Oval Office blow-jobs.
  • Mishra
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    Mishra polycounter lvl 18
    stolen from another forum

    [ QUOTE ]
    First off I wanted to post what REALLY is going on in this city. Please don't get this thread locked people. The news stations are only showing a minuscule of reality. This post may offend some people but I will post what I saw, like it or not it is REALITY.

    Well last night I was watching the 6pm news when they announced the 17th street canal pumps failed as well as another break in the levee. My house is right off St. Charles Ave. and up to 6pm yesterday is was the only part of the city that was dry. Since the pumps failed and the new break St. Charles Ave. would be under 9ft of water in the next 12-15hrs. My brother and I felt if we wanted to save anything we had to leave NOW. We loaded up flashlights, rope, our medical ID's, both our .45 Glocks, 2 shotguns and rode out. En-route we listened to the radio which broad casted all the news about the looters and what not, in hindsight it was a mistake. My mother didn't want us to go by dad who is a Vietnam vet told to be safe and "shoot to kill" if it ever comes to that.

    One the way we had to pass 5-6 checkpoints to allow entry into the city. We stated we were medical personnel who were activated, showed our ID and off we went. On the radio reports were coming in about the officer who was shot in the head, the 2 gunman who opened fired on the NOPD station, and how looters were carjacking cars to get out of the city. This started making my brother nervous and giving seconds thoughts.

    Anyway we get to the city and it looks like a freaking war zone. The best visual I can give is the movie "Blackhawk Down" when all the Somalians are rushing the city. They are people EVERYWHERE, they are pissed off, and all have weapons, 2X4's, Axes, and guns. If this wasn't bad enough we are 2 white boys in a truck in a sea several hundred armed pissed off blacks. There wasn't a white person to be found. I couldn't get over the little 8-10yr old kids with weapons, I ever saw one carry a claw hammer!

    These people were absolutely nuts rammed trucks(stolen I'm sure) in to jewelry stores stealing items, they were tearing apart Wal-Mart carrying out TV's, Playstations, DVD players, etc. One lady was wheeling out an entire rack of merchandise, not sure what it was but sure wasn't clothes for food. They were all laughing and carrying on like it's freaking Christmas.

    We got stuck in traffic when we see the group of guys walking down the street w/ AK-47's, at that point the "pucker factor" kicked in, a couple Glocks and shotguns were no match for that. We haul azz trying to get to Uptown when we see these people chopping down the front door w/ an axe of this $4-5 million dollar mansion on ST. Charles Ave. I was just in total awe because it was so surreal. Making matters worse it's 11pm at night there is no electricity and you really can see anything or anyone until they are right up on you.

    Our plan was to be in and out in 30min, this included putting his Harley on the trailer. It would have taken me 5-10min tops to get my stuff, all I wanted was my pictures from college, my clothes/shoes, and my computer tower. Well he got scared saying we are going to get jumped while putting the bike on the trailer. Keep in mind this is the only area in the city that is dry. So just like rats who move to higher ground these people were doing the same. Word must have gotten out that Uptown was dry so there started to be a large influx of people.

    Needless to say he wanted to go home rather than take our chances. While it was the smart thing to do I was beyond infuriated w/ him because we made it this far. He just kept saying our lives aren't worth it. So we turned around, our next challenge was getting out of the city while not getting jacked. Reports came out that people were jumping in the back of truck holding the drivers at gunpoint. Traffic started to slow so I just nailed it got out as fast as I could.

    Even though he was the voice of reason I'm still pissed. All I have is my life and the clothes on my back. I lost my house(which is now 9ft underwater) ALL my clothes, TV, computer, furniture, and photo albums and videos from childhood and college. What makes this worse is my brother owned the house and I was a tenant and I didn't have renters insurance, hindsight is 20/20.

    I also hope everyone of the Fucking looters get Tetanus, E-Coli and F*(KING drown. I'm serious I really hope the all die for what they were doing to the city, killing people, and destroying homes. Never in my life have I ever seen people act live savages, it was truly sicking.

    [/ QUOTE ]
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Of course the photos of some police officers with handfuls of DVDs and PS2 games doesn't help...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    where are you seeing these photos at?

    [/ QUOTE ]


  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    It's a bit more than photos. Scroll down the page to 'police looting'

  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    the homeland doesn't seem so secure, what's the deal?
  • pogonip
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    pogonip polycounter lvl 18
    Holy shyte daz that video ...LOL those police woman are soooooo fired . You know if I was those cops I would'nt be trying to stop those people either thus avoiding something that could turn into mob violence but man to join them ...sickning ..
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 18
    Daz: watching the videos linked on that page is shocking.

    This is America at it's worst. This is our nation for the world to see. This time without another country to blame. Racial equality, ruined. The FEMA, useless. Those in its path are asking for help that isn't arriving. Meanwhile, Bush is rejecting any international assistance from countries offering their vital services. Watching Bush's interview, he has no clue what's going on and appears disconnected from the tragedy. The war on fucking terror is still his priority. And N.O. isn't the only area needing assistance. The entire surrounding region is destroyed. It's difficult to accept the reality of the situation, that the media appears to be enjoying, and the government states as fantasy and exaggerations. Who can be trusted for information? The very nature our nation is known for abusing and ignoring, just pwned us.

    edit: I've replied to this thread a bit much perhaps. I take this situation seriously, maybe too seriously, I don't know. To stand behind my opinions and hopefully make a difference where the government isn't, I've made a donation to Redcross. I hope it helps.
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    Mishra, whilst that post is harrowing and I dont doubt its truth, it's one persons perspective. There are always 2 sides to a story.

    Theres some stuff on CNN that's *really* harrowing.

    OK, I'm going to say something now that's going to be controversial. That some of us perhaps have been thinking, but Im just going to go ahead and say it.

    Do you think we'd be seeing such harrowing images of a city on the brink If it had happened in a city whose populous was predominantly white? Somehow I just don't think so. Somehow deep down, I can't help but feel that aid would have gotten to them quicker If it had happened in another city, and I'm sure on the ground there are many people that feel the same way. Perhaps the looting is their way of saying 'fuck you. To hell with it all'.
  • Mishra
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    Mishra polycounter lvl 18
    exactly, the aid would have gotten there faster if they were white i think, but since the majority of the people still there are poor black people and they are rioting the higher ups are thinking "oh its ust a bunch of poor black criminal niggers, they dont buy any expensive things to help the economy" or whatever, im not 100% on their reasoning but i can say that race does have some part in this.
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