like deform splines knots and bezier handlers along spline 3d space ?Sounds interesting though I haven't come across something like that.
I am not sure if you can apply a path deform modifier on a shape collection because that would be close to that.
Something that would be awesome as well would be something like wrap Spline around Mesh, for example if you model rope parts or plant parts and then have the splines wrap around geometry.
I found this window reset script today and I think its more pretty as the already existing one for resetting panels often caused by with dual monitor setups and switches.
yeah its rather sad, and this script does not even some sub dialogs like stuff from the UV unwrap editor (which still can't all accessed to this date).
But apparently autodesk is wrapping max into a new GUI with the next several iterations of 3dsmax. Who knows if at some point we might even see a new viewport, GUI and panel manager in max that supports multiple displays.
Vig told me about this one like a year ago, but stupid me, I didn't even try it until just now. I can confirm that it works with 3ds max 2011 also. Basically it gives you all the power of 3ds max with the same abilities of retopology tools like that of topogun, 3d-coat, polyboost etc. Anyways, I recently started using 3d coat for retopology, and don't get me wrong its an awesome little app. but my god is it easy to use this Free Plugin "Max Retopo" for retopology.
I have things like Shift (essentially the grab brush in sculpting programs) as a hotkey so pushing things around adding loops, relaxing and adding geometry is so easy with Max Retopo its ridiculous. And did I mention its free?
Anyways, just thought I would give this plugin justice by letting people know about it. If your a 3d max user and your not using this plugin you are totally missing out!
Oh, one thing though, does anyone know how I can add it to my tool bar. I prefer to have access to it there, instead of manually running the script (drag and drop from desktop) every time I need to use it. Thanks!
Wanted to make a new topic but i guess this can go here
I'm always searching for these links so i tought it would be nice to have them in one post (yeah i'm lazy )
IC.Shape is a set of instruments designed to increase productivity and ease the modeling process. The whole toolset is driven by the 3ds Max standard painting system and tracking functions. It gives its best paired with a pressure sensitive device, since many instruments react to natural strokes. The learning path is straightforward, thanks to a clear interface and shortcuts painless to remember and handle during the modeling process. Many tools are context sensitive and perform different actions based on the artist's intent, without complex combinations of keys. No more than one key is to be hold at the same time to activate an alternaive behaviour and each modifier key gets similar results in comparable tools, like draw and erase, or paint deformation tools. The artist has more time to take care of the creative process.
TexTools is a collection of UV and Texture related scripts for 3dsmax 9 and up that can be very easily installed. It was initially started to improve my personal workflow of UV-editing and Texture previewing in 3dsmax. Eventually I ended up creating scripts that other UV tools can not do or do not yet provide.
When using TexTools you will see a Toolbox inside the GUI of 3dsmax. Most functions only work if you are in the editUVW mode in 3dsmax (unwrap UVW modifier and then the edit button).
The Outliner 2.0 is a fast and easy to use scene management tool. It has a wide range of features, including selecting, hiding, freezing, linking and grouping objects in the "Hierarchy Mode". In the "Layer Mode" you can organize your scene by dragging&dropping objects from one layer to the other. What's more, the Outliner offers support for nested layers, to manage scenes more efficiently. The interface is nimble enough to keep it open constantly.
hey guys did anyone of you noticed that this thread has already been dumped into the archive section, i.e. we are not supposed to post here.
The question thus is if we need another active thread like this in the Tech Talk section. I have been posting here as well even though I noticed that but I thought that with what I posted the right audience was already subscribed to this thread.
On the other hand the Tech Talk section already has so many Sticky threads, anyway just a thought
This is a good section for old stickies. Archive does not mean inactive, otherwise they'd be closed. Stickies breed like rabbits, gotta cull them now and again, helicopter with a rifle!
Great post Ravenslayer. If the wiki upgrade ever happens, this thread would make a great page.
This thread was moved in here, because, as you say, Tech Talk had a huge amount of stickies already and this was one of the less active ones, hence being moved to Archives.
You can still post here, clearly the thread is not closed. It is more of an "archive" thread, rather than an active discussion, though.
Hy! I remember in the past i saw a 3ds Max plugin, technically a simple asset browser (assets has a small thumbs, and able to dragndrop to the scene), like in UDK. I dont remember the name of this plugin, thanks for any help!
huggles huggles!
I am not sure if you can apply a path deform modifier on a shape collection because that would be close to that.
Something that would be awesome as well would be something like wrap Spline around Mesh, for example if you model rope parts or plant parts and then have the splines wrap around geometry.
I have to do this action a lot of times when I'm placing bolts and other things on models.
I've tried to script it but without much success.
Neil's mirrorObjectAlongAxis does exactly this.
But apparently autodesk is wrapping max into a new GUI with the next several iterations of 3dsmax. Who knows if at some point we might even see a new viewport, GUI and panel manager in max that supports multiple displays.
Vig told me about this one like a year ago, but stupid me, I didn't even try it until just now. I can confirm that it works with 3ds max 2011 also. Basically it gives you all the power of 3ds max with the same abilities of retopology tools like that of topogun, 3d-coat, polyboost etc. Anyways, I recently started using 3d coat for retopology, and don't get me wrong its an awesome little app. but my god is it easy to use this Free Plugin "Max Retopo" for retopology.
I have things like Shift (essentially the grab brush in sculpting programs) as a hotkey so pushing things around adding loops, relaxing and adding geometry is so easy with Max Retopo its ridiculous. And did I mention its free?
Anyways, just thought I would give this plugin justice by letting people know about it. If your a 3d max user and your not using this plugin you are totally missing out!
Oh, one thing though, does anyone know how I can add it to my tool bar. I prefer to have access to it there, instead of manually running the script (drag and drop from desktop) every time I need to use it. Thanks!
I'm always searching for these links so i tought it would be nice to have them in one post (yeah i'm lazy
Multi OBJ TOOL (by Mop)
Download: v1.2
IllusionCatalyst IC.SHAPE (by SyncViewS)
Download: 2.0 beta 5
TEXTOOLS (by Renderhjs)
Download: v3.00
OUTLINER (by Pjannsen)
Download: 2.0
The question thus is if we need another active thread like this in the Tech Talk section. I have been posting here as well even though I noticed that but I thought that with what I posted the right audience was already subscribed to this thread.
On the other hand the Tech Talk section already has so many Sticky threads, anyway just a thought
Great post Ravenslayer. If the wiki upgrade ever happens, this thread would make a great page.
You can still post here, clearly the thread is not closed. It is more of an "archive" thread, rather than an active discussion, though.