the stack shells script in my TexTools collection is designed for something like that - but with just a quad or rectangle it might be difficult to distinguish between top and bottom edge.
renderhjs: I thought you had something like that in your TexTools. I actually had it installed but got paranoid and uninstalled it when max2010 was acting buggy. I think max2010 is just buggy though
Thanks for reminding me!
Is there a way to always see open edges (color, thicker edge ...) in the viewport ? I can't find that feature in 3ds max.
not directly for poly objects. But you could press 4 (open edge mode) and then [ctrl] + [a] to select all open edges and they would show up then as red edges by default.
Alternatively once could write a script that temporarily displays that whenever you press or hold a button and can go back.
If you use the uvUnwrap by default you see open edges for the UV shells (people often refer to them as seams) and they can be displayed with a thick or thin edge. Now if one would temporarily copy the XYZ face and vert channel to the UV channel via script and add a UVWunwrap modifier once would be able to see what you wanted.
The con: you cant edit your poly within that modifier, turning "always show result" on would require a recalculation each time with a script: so that the XYZ and face data gets copied each time into the UV channel within that UV modifier on top.
is there a toggle, that switches a mode on when you press and hold a button and off when you release it?
like silo's sticky keys? I guess by default or what autodesk provides with max not- but anything you script via maxscript can behave like that. Just use a timer bewteen the onPress event and the onRelease once and do stuff inbetween.
I know this modifier but the thing I want is to see these edges all the time in editable poly.
This option is possible in maya or xsi (maybe many others) but I don't think this is possible in 3ds max
1. Add the STL Check on top.
2. Set it to Open Edge, Select Edges, and Check.
3. Go down into the Editable Poly, into Edge mode.
4. In the Subdivision Surface rollout, disable Show Cage.
5. Then toggle Show End Result and start modeling.
xView Mesh Analyzer
Validate your 3D models prior to export or rendering with the xView mesh analyzer technology. This new functionality gives you an interactive view of potential design issues so you can make informed decisions and avoid costly mistakes. The analyzer significantly improves the speed of testing models and maps. Test or query for flipped or overlapping faces and unwelded vertices. You can also add your own specific tests and queries.
1. Add the STL Check on top.
2. Set it to Open Edge, Select Edges, and Check.
3. Go down into the Editable Poly, into Edge mode.
4. In the Subdivision Surface rollout, disable Show Cage.
5. Then toggle Show End Result and start modeling.
Oh yeah ! This is a good little trick
Thanks for this !
Anyone know a plug or a way to have max select the bottom of the modifier stack instead of the top when selecting an object? Pin Stack could be ok but it doesn't alow you to select other objects (and I can't friggin find it in the shortcuts).
Hi Bal, here is the script to activate the BaseObject in the Modifier Stack any time the selection (or ModPanel) changes. Execute once and find the script in Customize User Interface floater under Category: ModPanel Tools. Run once to enable the feature, run again to disable it.
Brad, are you sure you have it like this image (No offense)? :poly124: It appears for me, maybe you need a reinstall or something? Another one of them Max quirks I guess... :poly105:
You could also write out a keyboard chart and see if it's listed in there.
Szark: Heh, no it doesn't give me the majority of those shortcuts. I can't even imagine why, but I'll be okay thanks to renderhjs.
Renderhjs: Thanks dude, your a great help!!
[Edit] doh, I just realized that I was selecting "Category": Unwrap UVW and not "Group": Unwrap UVW.
Oh, well dumb on my part, but the added relax feature you made Renderhjs will definitely save me some trouble.
I'm looking for a script which displays the measure of the bounding box from my object in the viewport after selecting it.
like in the old radiant editors. you create a brush and got the size displayed right beside it.
Is it possible or maybe theres a option in max i missed.
Not as sexy as viewport text maybe, but you can display a floater window that shows you the dimensions of any selected object. Utilities > Measure > New Floater.
Hey, i'm trying to run this script in Max2009, it doesn't seem to work for me when i try to run it. (I have selected faces in UVW Unwrap modifier before runing script).
You've probably moved on already, but what version of 3dsmax are you using? It could be that one of the commands he's using is newer than the version of max you're using?
Also I think the quick planar button was added to 9 or 2008, I know for sure its a part of UnwrapUVW in 2009.
to use it first add your unwrap modifier, and select some faces like before
then open the maxscript listener [F11] - key and from that window select
file > new script
in that new script windows paste this script
now hit
file > evaluate all
or if you have a newer version (not sure here)
tools > evaluate all
you can execute the code by hitting [ctrl]+[e] in that window as well
if that works for you we can maybe change the code slightly
After seeing the winners video from the competition and how he easily choose another object on screen to act as a deform, where Maya auto changed it into a patch object.
Well anyhow.. I don't see a direct translation.
I attempted to change the object thats being used to deform to to a patch, and even in quads, it still giving me illegal patch when I attempt the patch deform modifier on the object.
I tried conform, but realized that basically flattens the object onto the object being conformed to.
Spent almost 3 hours so far on this... >:P
Some plugin or script I need to allow mesh deformations? Or at least reason its whining about illegal patches? From what Im reading on space warps, these create a new object versus translate an existing object into a space warp. So the mesh I have now that I want to be conformed to would be ignored.
I'll call it the Skinwrap Modifier. I'll even auto install it for you using nothing but the powers of my MIND! It's so useful I even install it for the rest of the 3dsmax users world wide, legal and otherwise. BAM! done.
Hey all!
I am looking for a simple script in max that would work just like Separate in Maya.
Lets say I have a mesh (edit poly) made of many different components. These components dont have verts in common, they are simply parts of an object. "Chunks" really.
I can easily detach such chunks using the detach tool, but it will only let me detach things one by one. I am looking for a script that would detach all the chunks into as many new objects.
well its not that fast: in maxscript you have to build up an array of the shells yourself because maxscript does not provide something like that. It means that you have to loop at least through all faces and another loop inside it.
If you have a mesh with a few million faces it might awful slow things down. I wrote a different version myself that could loop through multiple objects with multiple elements but it really was slow in a complex scene.
I hope autodesk will at some point provide a faster method for generating arrays for shells, same for UV where I need it often.
is it possible to bind the same key that i´ve bound to ring and loop selection for edit poly to ring and loop selection in the uvw modifier without overwriting each other? (Max2010)
have you tried it with the toggle override button ?
it lets you swap modifier or window specific shortcuts with global shortcuts that a re overridden therefore. Try that if it works
Yep, in the customizeUI menu click the keyboard tab, set the group to Edit Poly and bind "Select Edge Loop" & "Select Edge Ring" To whatever keys you need.
Then change the group to Unwrap UVW, and bind "Geom. Edge Loop/Ring Select" to the same things.
Make sure to turn on Keyboard Shortcut Override (in the main toolbar it looks like a keyboard key with either a T or a up arrow on it) like renderhjs pointed out. This will tell max to override the main keyboard shortcuts with the sub menu shortcuts of edit poly and unwrapUVW.
This allows you mirror and symmetry vert placement on a symmetrical mesh.
So for example you're making a bunch of morph targets, you do half a smile and mirror it to the other side to get a full smile or flip the whole thing to get a smirk on the other side. Super handy for eyebrow morphs, blinks, mouth shapes.
The best part is that its a modifier so its not just a straight copy/paste like the mirror mode included with polyboost or graphite tools.
I didn't check the entire thread just yet, but I was wondering if there is a script that when used, takes off turbosmooth on all objects selected. If my memory serves me right, racer's tut had something like this (i don't have it with me though).
Thanks for reminding me!
Is there a way to always see open edges (color, thicker edge ...) in the viewport ? I can't find that feature in 3ds max.
is there a toggle, that switches a mode on when you press and hold a button and off when you release it?
Alternatively once could write a script that temporarily displays that whenever you press or hold a button and can go back.
If you use the uvUnwrap by default you see open edges for the UV shells (people often refer to them as seams) and they can be displayed with a thick or thin edge. Now if one would temporarily copy the XYZ face and vert channel to the UV channel via script and add a UVWunwrap modifier once would be able to see what you wanted.
The con: you cant edit your poly within that modifier, turning "always show result" on would require a recalculation each time with a script: so that the XYZ and face data gets copied each time into the UV channel within that UV modifier on top.
like silo's sticky keys? I guess by default or what autodesk provides with max not- but anything you script via maxscript can behave like that. Just use a timer bewteen the onPress event and the onRelease once and do stuff inbetween.
Check out the STL Check modifier.
This option is possible in maya or xsi (maybe many others) but I don't think this is possible in 3ds max
2. Set it to Open Edge, Select Edges, and Check.
3. Go down into the Editable Poly, into Edge mode.
4. In the Subdivision Surface rollout, disable Show Cage.
5. Then toggle Show End Result and start modeling.
Oh yeah ! This is a good little trick
Thanks for this !
I looked around and I don't see it as an option to assign a shortcut to.
Pack UVs
Sketch Vertices
Stitch Selected
That's it! Should be many more I know but that's all the options in 3ds max 2010.
- macroScript quick_planar_map category:"BradMyers82" toolTip:"quick planar map and relax"
- (
- local objs = modPanel.getCurrentObject();
- if classof (objs) == Unwrap_UVW then(
- local numFacesSelected = ( objs.unwrap.getSelectedPolygons() ).numberSet;
- if (numFacesSelected > 0)then(
- local var_a = objs.unwrap3.getRelaxIteration();
- objs.unwrap5.quickPlanarMap();--quick flatten
- objs.unwrap3.setRelaxIteration 1000;
- objs.unwrap3.relax2();
- ---restore previous settings
- objs.unwrap3.setRelaxIteration var_a;
- )
- )
- )
evalulate that code in the maxscript listener or in a new scriptF11 > (ctrl + n) > paste code > (ctrl + e)
instead of storing the value and resetting it?
thanks for the hint,
improved code:
You could also write out a keyboard chart and see if it's listed in there.
Renderhjs: Thanks dude, your a great help!!
[Edit] doh, I just realized that I was selecting "Category": Unwrap UVW and not "Group": Unwrap UVW.
Oh, well dumb on my part, but the added relax feature you made Renderhjs will definitely save me some trouble.
Thanks again guys.
like in the old radiant editors. you create a brush and got the size displayed right beside it.
Is it possible or maybe theres a option in max i missed.
Hey, i'm trying to run this script in Max2009, it doesn't seem to work for me when i try to run it. (I have selected faces in UVW Unwrap modifier before runing script).
Any ideas?
Also I think the quick planar button was added to 9 or 2008, I know for sure its a part of UnwrapUVW in 2009.
ArYes: try if just this snippet works for you:
- $.modifiers[#unwrap_uvw].unwrap5.quickPlanarMap();
- $.modifiers[#unwrap_uvw].unwrap.relaxByFaceAngle 1000 0.0 1.0 false;
to use it first add your unwrap modifier, and select some faces like beforethen open the maxscript listener [F11] - key and from that window select
file > new script
in that new script windows paste this script
now hit
file > evaluate all
or if you have a newer version (not sure here)
tools > evaluate all
you can execute the code by hitting [ctrl]+[e] in that window as well
if that works for you we can maybe change the code slightly
After seeing the winners video from the competition and how he easily choose another object on screen to act as a deform, where Maya auto changed it into a patch object.
Well anyhow.. I don't see a direct translation.
I attempted to change the object thats being used to deform to to a patch, and even in quads, it still giving me illegal patch when I attempt the patch deform modifier on the object.
I tried conform, but realized that basically flattens the object onto the object being conformed to.
Spent almost 3 hours so far on this... >:P
Some plugin or script I need to allow mesh deformations? Or at least reason its whining about illegal patches? From what Im reading on space warps, these create a new object versus translate an existing object into a space warp. So the mesh I have now that I want to be conformed to would be ignored.
I am looking for a simple script in max that would work just like Separate in Maya.
Lets say I have a mesh (edit poly) made of many different components. These components dont have verts in common, they are simply parts of an object. "Chunks" really.
I can easily detach such chunks using the detach tool, but it will only let me detach things one by one. I am looking for a script that would detach all the chunks into as many new objects.
Thank you if you can help!
here is one on
edit: damn vik was faster
If you have a mesh with a few million faces it might awful slow things down. I wrote a different version myself that could loop through multiple objects with multiple elements but it really was slow in a complex scene.
I hope autodesk will at some point provide a faster method for generating arrays for shells, same for UV where I need it often.
It merges your objects selection into a single editPoly object:
- disableSceneRedraw()
- for i in 1 to selection.count do
- Try(ConvertTo Selection[i] Editable_Poly)Catch()
- baseObj = selection[1]
- items = #()
- for s in selection do append items s
- for i in items do (
- if (i != baseObj) then (
- if (classof i == Editable_mesh) or (classof i == Editable_Poly) then
- baseObj.EditablePoly.attach i baseObj
- )
- )
- enableSceneRedraw()
- completeRedraw()
I use it every now and then per session, also useful to quickly convert or merge your object to a simple editPoly object
it lets you swap modifier or window specific shortcuts with global shortcuts that a re overridden therefore. Try that if it works
Then change the group to Unwrap UVW, and bind "Geom. Edge Loop/Ring Select" to the same things.
Make sure to turn on Keyboard Shortcut Override (in the main toolbar it looks like a keyboard key with either a T or a up arrow on it) like renderhjs pointed out. This will tell max to override the main keyboard shortcuts with the sub menu shortcuts of edit poly and unwrapUVW.
This allows you mirror and symmetry vert placement on a symmetrical mesh.
So for example you're making a bunch of morph targets, you do half a smile and mirror it to the other side to get a full smile or flip the whole thing to get a smirk on the other side. Super handy for eyebrow morphs, blinks, mouth shapes.
The best part is that its a modifier so its not just a straight copy/paste like the mirror mode included with polyboost or graphite tools.
Any help would be awesome!
very cool, just found it like 4 days ago myself