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Looks like BUsh, peoples!

polycounter lvl 18
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sal_manilla polycounter lvl 18
I think I'd have preferred a democrat in office but Kerry just wasn't the man. Ce'st la vie. ooo.gif


  • ndcv
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    ndcv polycounter lvl 18

    Maybe next time the Democrats will find guts enough to nominate someone whose appeal is a little more compelling than "he's not Bush"
  • CCPhil
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    CCPhil polycounter lvl 18
    maybe you should wait with opening threads like this until the election is over
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    Were all doomed. The world would have been a much safer place with the evil madman gone.

    I heard an interesting concept today that I hadn't really considered too much before. The worlds opinion of the U.S, and obviously particularly of its foreign policy is at an all time low. But the handy disclaimer for Americans was always that Bush arguably didnt win the last election. Now theres no excuses. You lot actually *want* the dumb fuck in power. ( and obviously I dont direct that at pc'ers for the most part. According to the pc poll most of you wanted Kerry in ).

    Its really depressing to the point that it actually makes me want to leave the US.

    /waits for comments along the lines of 'we dont care what other people think of us'. Well, you should. You've got a war on Iran to look forward to now. Who knows where it'll stop.
  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
    yeah man right now there's still 3 states left that are not yet decided on who won in those states and bush is up by 2 votes only...
  • lkraan
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    lkraan polycounter lvl 18
    But then again the only state out of the 3 that matters is Ohio since New Mexico and Iowa only have 12 EV's together where Ohio has 20.
    I never understood why you either win or loss all the EV's in a state and not win the percentage of EV's based on the amount of votes.
    Right now the different in votes for Ohio seems too big for Kerry to catch up. Bummer frown.gif
    I would like to see a change in guard just to see if Kerry can make a difference.
    But as CCPhil said ... it isn't over yet.
  • CCPhil
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    CCPhil polycounter lvl 18
    it is a very weird system and in my eyes not very democratic. It basically makes your vote worthless, its a bit like gambeling.
    Another thing about the USA is that there are no real electionstandards or institutions.
    In one state you will find a smoothly going election in the other the mashines will be busted, you are not listed as registered etc.
    Everything is run by companys, thats why Florida 2000 was actually possible and thats was most of the europeans don´t see.

    Very weird system smile.gif
  • Soul_Reaper
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    Soul_Reaper polycounter lvl 18

    The politics of terror reign supreme for another 4 years
  • Irritant
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    Irritant polycounter lvl 18
    Well if you want to go by popular vote, it wasn't even close.

    Bush won the majority of that, 51%-48%, the first time that has happened since Reagan.
  • Jes
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    Jes polycounter lvl 18

    Last time I saw the stats though, it was 254 for Bush and 252 for Kerry.. ooo.gif
  • Neo_God
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    Neo_God polycounter lvl 18
    Well right now I think it's Bush 286 and kerry is still at 252.

    Makes me upset, one of the reasons bush is getting such a large voting population is because people like his morals. "The Man is a good christian"...god that is one of the worse things to elect someone on. I mean JFK had that great quote "I am Not a catholic President, I am a President who happens to be Catholic". There's also that vast majortiy of shit kickers (eh...maybe not them, but that's how is is around my area) who would still vote for bush even if they heard he was a Zombie Nazi from space who wants to eat every first born son, they don't care, just as long as they get to keep Automatic weapons in their homes.

    Oh well, if he does get elected, look on the bright side, he can't be elected again...
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    Where's James Bond when you need him?
  • neolith
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    neolith polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Where's James Bond when you need him?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    LOL laugh.gif
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    Not another 4 years. frown.gif

    Europe...start invading please. I have a feeling the next war, Americans against their government, is going to happen sooner than predicted. The White House will probably be burned for the second time. Where's those city sized spaceships when you need them?

    I noticed a lot of people voting for Badnarik. That's taking votes away from Kerry. If they're voting for that guy, just because the don't want Bush or Kerry, what a bunch of dipshits. Who the hell is Badnarik?
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Who knows where it'll stop.

    [/ QUOTE ]I suspect it'll stop when he takes a shot at China and your country gets squished like a particularly large bug. You can see him (and the rest of the insane people you've got in power) just itching to go up against them.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    China cannot possibly 'squish' America. They couldn't land troops here, it's not even a question.
  • Toomas
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    Toomas polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Oh well, if he does get elected, look on the bright side, he can't be elected again...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah like this is set in stone when you have all judges and shit under your pawn... frown.gif
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    There has been a case in the past of a three term president.

    Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • ShadoKat
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    ShadoKat polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    one of the reasons bush is getting such a large voting population is because people like his morals. "The Man is a good christian.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah. One of the reasons is because of the shitstorm surrounding same-sex marriage on the ballot in, like 14 states or something like that. Homophobes came out in droves to shout, in one voice, "I hate fags!" The Republicans capitalized on the fact that so many people believe, "Them queers shouldn't have the same rights as us normal people." Yeah? Well FUCK YOU! Love is for EVERYONE, YOU ABSOLUTE PIECES OF SHIT!! Sorry for the vitriol, I've just got a big dose of disillusionment going on. One of the local ballot measures I was watching in Oregon, measure 36, actually passed. I used to love Oregon. I didn't think it could happen here. I didn't realize I was surrounded by such bigotry in my own state.
  • Dukester
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    Dukester polycounter lvl 18
    and that is what brought about the two term limit smile.gif
  • sledgy
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    sledgy polycounter lvl 18
    I'm disappointed but it is clearly what the majority wants. You'll be sorry! (when Bush eats your babies!) Time to buckle down for another 4 years of bullshit - spending money we don't have, picking fights we don't need and generally being the asshole of the world.
  • CCPhil
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    CCPhil polycounter lvl 18
    well, shit ... yeah shit, we will all suffer under the economical impact this president will take on your economy. The one thing that really makes your country the strongest.

    We will see how strongley the asians will react to keep the dollar stabl or all their nice dollars that they have been hording will be worthless and the economy will go tumbling down.

    If the dollar keeps falling like it has been (because of bush) and the oilprices keep rising (because of bush) we all will soon face a major financial problem.

    ... Until then, I´ll be opening up some facilitys for americans that want to flee into a scure place wink.gif
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    I still hope that those rumours about CIA plans turn out true...
  • jzero
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    jzero polycounter lvl 18
    Rick: The reason Roosevelt was in for three, actually almost four terms, is that not only was he popular, everyone was too busy with the Great World War Two. And the two-term limit was brought in when people realized that those four terms had basically killed FDR.

    You Brits need to pay more attention in your American History classes! Or, you will, after Bush invades and mandates it.

  • bearkub
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    bearkub polycounter lvl 20
    Well, I must say, I would have liked things to turn out other than they did, but I have also come to the realization that at least people got out and stood behind what they believed in, no matter the side. Hasn't happened in some time.

    However, that being said, the first person that voted for Bush I hear bitch about the war, or the economy, or can't understand why they are spat at by foreigners, or complains about the lack of jobs or the number of dead soldiers, I will take a deep breath and say "Hey, tough shit pal, you had your chance to stop this and didn't because you were too busy 'baaaa-ing' with the rest of the sheep all the way to the polls. You got exactly what you wanted. Suck it up, you have no right to complain about anything. You did this, not me"
  • ElysiumGX
  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
    2 words:


    nothing else left to say...
  • Irritant
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    Irritant polycounter lvl 18
    This thread is a cross section of absurdity.

    You have people talking about Bush invading this or that country, or calling Bush a tyrant. Shows a total lack of education of the American democratic system of checks and balances, and well, apparently a failure of whatever education system they were raised in.

    I'm not going belabor these points too much after this. Bush won, get over it. It's time for this country to be the "United" States once again. Sadly, I fear that the left is going to further attempt to divided the country socially.

    I realize I am in the extreme minority on this board. That is fine - I know my place. I don't particularly like Bush, in fact, I think he's a bit of a boob. But I will never, ever, as long as I am physically able to push a button, vote for anyone from the Democratic Party again. Ever. I have seen the damage done by their so called "ideals", firsthand. The culture of unaccountablity they have created during the 60's on through the 90's has done more to destroy what is good about this country than anything else.

    America, is, was, and will be a nation that is conservative by nature. The Clinton hangover is finally over.
  • Paolo
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    Paolo polycounter lvl 18
    I am deeply saddened that a majority of my countrymen have approved of the man who has squandered the blank check of 9/11 on a war that is blatantly motivated by oil interests, seeks to impose his religious views on others through legislation, shows nothing but disdain for the global community, and despite his rhetoric acts in favor of big buisness against everything else.
  • Toomas
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    Toomas polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    You have people talking about Bush invading this or that country, or calling Bush a tyrant. Shows a total lack of education of the American democratic system of checks and balances, and well, apparently a failure of whatever education system they were raised in.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  • eXpendabLe
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    eXpendabLe polycounter lvl 18
    Looks like I'll be the lone Bush supporter here. I'm proud to have voted for Bush and cant be happier for the way things have turned out. kudos to Kerry for a good effort and for showing class in conceeding to Bush via phone just now.

    Overall it was a great show of democracy and to see a record voting turnout.

    Sorry Kerry fans, better luck next time. McCain in 2008!!
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    I congratulate the President of 51% of America.
  • Dukester
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    Dukester polycounter lvl 18
    I would jump in here and try to post something witty, but I'm to busy polishing all my automatic weapons that apparently I get to keep!
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    don't forget the bayonettes you can affix to them now!
  • Irritant
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    Irritant polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Can it still be called the United States?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Moreso than it has been since 1988, it would seem smile.gif
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    "I noticed a lot of people voting for Badnarik. That's taking votes away from Kerry. If they're voting for that guy, just because the don't want Bush or Kerry, what a bunch of dipshits. Who the hell is Badnarik? "

    WRONG! Libertarians are socially left but economically wayy right to the point of making the government minimal with all funding from donations. Most likely those voters were disallusioned republicans looking at their fellows in horror who sat foaming about christian morals/prophecy and Bush.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    "It's time for this country to be the "United" States once again. Sadly, I fear that the left is going to further attempt to divided the country socially. " -Irritant

    That is so one sided to be a characture. Did the "right" fall into line with Clinton? Fuck no. At least have enough honesty to not make outrageous statements.

    Also, would you put Libertarians into the left? Seriously. Your type of "black and white" viewpoint is what has made these past elections so unorthodox. Is is your type who try to divide rather than find common ground whom are dangerous. Jon Stewart is right.
  • CCPhil
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    CCPhil polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Looks like I'll be the lone Bush supporter here. I'm proud to have voted for Bush and cant be happier for the way things have turned out. kudos to Kerry for a good effort and for showing class in conceeding to Bush via phone just now.

    Overall it was a great show of democracy and to see a record voting turnout.

    Sorry Kerry fans, better luck next time. McCain in 2008!!

    [/ QUOTE ]


    m8, sorry to get a bit offensive here, over 60% voting, for a western state that is a very miserable statistic but in the US that actually seems to be high. Also the fact that you have to register to vote, not that you are a citizen intitels you to vote but you have to tell the guys that you want to vote and that doesnt always work.
    No votingstandards, different systems, not controlorgans to make sure everything goes well (hell you have to send in laywers)
    With the EV system, lots of votes become uncounted because you can either win all or none.

    United States ? ... whats with the rest 40 % don´t even care who leads them ... president of the (apparently) 51% who cares.

    It has democracy written all over it, hasnt it O_o
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    Good system to inflict on others, eh? smile.gif
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20
    [ QUOTE ]
    However, that being said, the first person that voted for Bush I hear bitch about the war, or the economy, or can't understand why they are spat at by foreigners, or complains about the lack of jobs or the number of dead soldiers, I will take a deep breath and say "Hey, tough shit pal, you had your chance to stop this and didn't because you were too busy 'baaaa-ing' with the rest of the sheep all the way to the polls. You got exactly what you wanted. Suck it up, you have no right to complain about anything. You did this, not me"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That has got to be one of the dumbest most asinine political statements I've EVER seen.

    As for me being political sheep, you couldnt be farther from the mark PAL. Its fairly well proven scientifically and historically that the Democratic party is elected by those segments of the populace with the lowest incomes, education, and understanding of the political machine. So that makes you the sheep. Line up so I can shear your hairy ass.

    I didn't vote. I didn't feel liked I'd researched enough to make a truely educated decision. I, unlike many democratic voters, wont vote for somebody because they play saxaphone on MTV, or they "won 3 purple hearts" or are supported by my favorite media celebrity. One of the biggest asshole/morons I've ever known had 2 purple hearts. So, clearly that medal means next to nothing.

    While I dont like Bush and what he's done to a large extent, I REALLY dont like Kerry and his plans for the future. I agree with several of his platforms however.
    Were I to take one of those online "who should you vote for" quiz's? It always said I aligned more with Bush. If I changed one or two answers I was on the fence about? It swung to Kerry. The point is that you people want to blame everything on Bush or blame everything on the republican voters. Thats silly, obviously because many like myself share a good deal of your viewpoints. Whats funny is you blame the Rep voters...and then in the same breath say that votes don't matter. Ug. It seriously & honestly seems to me that all the people who sit and whine about the Kerry/Bush election are being juvenile and naive.
    The only reason I'm posting are the fairly general insults being flung in the direction of non-Dem voters, and THAT bothers me. I am a registered Indie because I don't fanatically align myself to any 1 party.

    I didn't vote because I dont agree with 40% of Bush, but had I voted I have a strong feeling it would have been for him. That doesnt mean I WANT him to be a retard sometimes. Nor does it mean that Kerry was the Magikal Fix-America Fairy. Who by virtue of my single vote would have healed american, cured the blind & infirm... So. Relax. Current indicators show that he lost. Get the fuck over it. Youve got Lemons for now. Make some fucking lemonade. The majority of us like the lemonade. And if it turns out he won? Im not going to SUE or post a thread about how he FIXED THE POLES! or We were ROBBED of that election...blah blah sore loser whiney bullshit. I'll enjoy your goddamned democratic lemonade. I'll have to make the best of the scenario.
  • bearkub
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    bearkub polycounter lvl 20
    Thanks for the personal attack, Scoob. I forgot, I am not allowed to vent my frustration like the rest of the general public. My statement was directed at people who vote for one person and hoorah and carry on about how great and amazing they are, once again, regardless of party affiliation and then 3 days later are complaining about laws or mandates or whatever that the person they voted for and put in office are now putting into place. Why did you vote for this person, if all you were going to do is bitch about it later? Seems pointless, no? I'll keep that in mind and make sure to march in line. It's not a political statement, it's a vent of personal frustration at the current state of affairs. So, sorry you took it so personal. Apparently you took complete disregard for the first part of that post where I said I applaud everyone, democrat and republican alike, for getting up and standing up for what you believe in which matters more to me than who won.

    I totally agree with you, which is what I was getting at. So, the person that I did vote for didn't win. Well, that's how things go. It's just like anything else and life will go on regardless. The world isn't going to collapse tomorrow because of it, contrary to popular belief. I hate sore losers just as much as you apparently do. However, I also hate people that make a choice about something and then can't stand by that decision, which was my whole point. Granted, my wording was, at best, poor and a bit harsh and not thought out as well as it could have been, but I am not going to go back and change or edit it. I made my bed and I will most definately lie in it, as I have done several times in the past.

    But, it seems you are happier to take personal attacks so, enjoy one at my expense.
  • Frank
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    Frank polycounter lvl 18
    This is all a setup so Hillary can be President in 2008. Mark my words, she's going to start getting more and more vocal about Bush inthe coming years, and then when people start shouting for her to run, she'll get all "aw, shucks, okay," and there you go.

    Well, maybe it's not all about her running; let me loosen my tin-foil hat a bit; but I predict she will run in 2008 on the strength of the peoples' dislike for Bush. wink.gif

    Frank the Avenger
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 18
    Hillary - Obama '08!!!!

    I am so depressed right now. I really believed that Kerry would win this election.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    [ QUOTE ]
    Its fairly well proven scientifically and historically that the Democratic party is elected by those segments of the populace with the lowest incomes, education, and understanding of the political machine. So that makes you the sheep. Line up so I can shear your hairy ass.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Since Bush has been elected my entire family has fallen more and more into the lower class. Earlier this year my grandpa died of Alzheimer's. Before his death, his condition led my grandmother into a world of debt. She has been repeatedly harassed by services such as Medicaid because of her willingness to help me build a credit history, credit she has never used herself that I had to cancel in order to help her. Which I am now unable to receive again. I've been without a job for months, and without work at all for weeks. My fiancee is now in the hospital with possibly a serious condition that will result in a large medical bill that will send us into further debt, adding on to the debt we're trying to pay for our "low" education. We've been looking for extra jobs for months with no luck. Apparently we make too little to earn unemployment, and too much to be eligible for food stamps. But hey, atleast we're killing terrorists and pissing off the homos.

    How about you go fuck yourself.
  • joolz8000
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    joolz8000 polycounter lvl 18

    Okay then. I won't go calling people sheep or idiots for now- we've heard it all before. I won't go crying about the economy, the war, the environment- all in the shitter and seemingly less important than God, Guns, and Gays. Instead I'll take a moment of silence and spend the day thinking about the likely future of our fair nation. The Democratic Party will self-destruct. The middle class will shrink further. The Rupublicans will control the nation for at least the next fifty years. The religious right will aquire more power and influence. Gays and lesbians will lose more rights. The environment will continue to deteriorate. The 'safety net' will fade into memory. International relations will go from terrible to completely abhorent.

    Not that I really believed that Kerry would've been able to stop any of this from happening. But I had hope that he might slow it.

    We deserve what we get.
  • Nerd Groupie
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    Nerd Groupie polycounter lvl 18
    Bah, didn't realize just how much of a Kerry supporter I was until Bush started winning.

    But I live in South Dakota, so I'm sure my opinion matters.
  • Ryno
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    Ryno polycounter lvl 18
    OK folks, sorry for the rant, but it's now or never. These points are not in chronological order.:

    During Bush's first time in office:

    1. The biggest terrorist attack against the United States took place. This was not exactly his fault, but he was totally stunned that this might happen, and finally realized that he could not be president and spend his entire first term vacationing. Now, many people in the various intelligence branches were aware that we were a big fat soft target, yet due to Bush's naivete, this caught him completely off guard. In my view, this was a pretty bad oversight on this part, but was understandable due to his inexperience in world affairs.

    2. Bush initiates the war in Afghanistan. Totally acceptable, and a good decision. The administration does a decent job bringing in various allies, even unexpected ones such as Pakistan.

    3. The country loses hundreds of thousands of jobs due to dot-com bust, Enron scandal, the war and other factors. This was not completely Bush's fault, however his close ties to corporate corruption is very disturbing.

    4. Bush declares Iran, Iraq, and North Korea "The Axis of Evil" in a speech. That's a way to use diplomacy. This'll come back a few points below.

    5. Bush invades Iraq based on the weapons of mass destruction arguement, ignoring evidence to the contrary. There is much talk in Washington that this invasion had been planned all along, possibly because of Bush senior's regrets at not having "Gotten the job done", and the aborted Iraqi assasination plot against Bush senior. Although this is pretty bad, it in no way justifies the initiation of a war more than a decade after these events took place.

    6. Bush basically tells the world to go f*** themselves when other nations are hesitant to join a coalition to invade Iraq. This country, who after 9/11 was the most respected and supported country in the world, becomes the most reviled. Long time allies of the US realize that they cannot trust the US, and the US will show them no favor.

    7. Seeing what happened to the other 3rd of the "Axis of Evil", both North Korea and Iran begin frantically trying to develop nuclear weaponry. They are obviously concerned that Bush will invade their countries next, so seek to build a substantial nuclear deterrent. This is pretty much all Bush's fault, as he had already judged these countries, and damned them in his speech. At this point there will be very little hope for diplomatic influence of these countries.

    8. Bush continues to promote tax-cuts for wealthy citizens, claiming that this will help the economy. There is strong evidence that this concept is infeffective, as the trickle-down theory caused a severe recession during the end of Reagan's term. This tax-cut is actually more of a bribe on Bush's part, to ensure that he will maintain his support among this group. Being an American is about supporting your country in a time of need, and stepping up when you need to do so.

    9. Oil-prices hit an all-time high due to the war in Iraq. Texas oil companies profit greatly. Makes you wonder why that war took place...

    10. Bush actively pursues oil-drilling in Alaska, and in other domestic locations, to ease our reliance on foreign oil. He makes very little effort to promote alternative fuel sources, which are the long-term solution to America's fuel dependency and polution issues. Texas oil business is happy about Bush's policy of course.

    11. Bush actively promotes various policies which deny the rights of US citizens and foreigners in his war against terror. Phone lines can be tapped, people held without charge, torture becomes an acceptable option, etc. The US breaks with the Geneva Convention, and refuses to allow its soldiers to be judged by international law. Bush says f*** you to the world, we can do whatever the f*** we want, and you can't do a damn thing about it. And if you're a citizen of the US, and we don't like you, then we can f*** with you too, for no particular reason!

    12. Due to multiple wars, tax-cuts, and the economy going in the tank, the US federal deficit grows to an all-time high. Bush wins the crown of biggest spender in the history of the world. The debt is so high that it will take at least a decade of concerted effort to get things to break even. Of course this type of effort will be very difficult, so it is more likely that social security or other services will be terminated to pay off debt.

    Now, I'm a moderate democrat, and I do vote for Republicans occasionally, but this guy's policies will be hurting our kids and grandkids decades from now. The country will hit a financial breaking point sometime, as he continues to expand the bureacracy, charge up the nation's credit card, and keep bribing citizens with tax cuts. He's already rumbling about Iran next, and as you know he's mentioned North Korea in his "Axis of Evil" speech as well. Iran's nuclear development is completely understandable from their perspective, however it's the cash-starved North Korea who is the bigger threat, as they're likely to start selling nukes to whomever can front the cash. Thanks W! Great job! Oh, and we really appreciate that we have a lot less freedom now, and that the world completely hates us!

    If his first term is any indication, we'll be in for a whole load of shit during the next four years. I can only hope that my suspicions are wrong, and he gets things going right this time around. If he doesn't, there's always 2008. (Or moving abroad, or secession)

    End rant.
  • KMan
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    KMan polycounter lvl 18
    I think that sums up my feelings today.
  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 18
    Does anyone have a definitive list of game companies in Canada? I think I want to defect ... frown.gif
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    You know, AZ, I was literally thinking something along those lines right as I read your post. America - love it or leave it? I'd certainly look into leaving if it wasn't so difficult to permanently immigrate elsewhere.
  • Irritant
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    Irritant polycounter lvl 18
    I can think of 3 reasons that Hillary will not be elected in 2008.

    1) McCain
    2) Gulianni
    3) Scwarzenegger(don't think it can't happen, there are already forces at work to amend the consitution to allow him to run).

    I can also think of alot of other reasons Hillary won't get elected.
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