Urm, yeah, either I completely missed this thread as I've been busy, or I chose not to post on it originally because if I said everything I wanted to say about Bond, the direction it has taken and where I wish it would go I'd have typed more than what Daz, Ror and Rick have written combined.
Am I happy with the choice? I have no idea, I'm not familiar with the actor in question, but that I feel is probably a good thing as I'll have no preconceived notions of him from other perfomances. Mind you, if things don't improve from Die Another Day I don't think it'll matter as I won't give a shit any more. DAD had about 10 minutes of good stuff in it, and none of that was in sequence, but dotted throughout the film. And a Bond film doing a 100% non practical effect just shows me how truly fucking lazy they've become (I have no problem with enchancing an effect with CG, but the surfing sequence was 100% CG, and looked worse than the effects in You only Live Twice, and that's about 40 years old!)
For the record, I liked Brosnan, I liked him a lot, I just think they gave him dick all to work with. His best was Goldeneye (IMO, though it had some major flaws, it was a lot of fun) and in that film I think he came truly somewhere between all the Bonds that had come before him (save Niven maybe). I had high hopes, but it's been all downhill since then, with only the occassional ray of sunlight through the clouds. I blame the Americans - and I don't feel bad for that, since the Americans I work with blame the Americans too
Connery was the best, Moore the funniest, Lasenby the most misunderstood, and Dalton perhaps the most realisticaly human (if Bond can ever be said to be realistic). I loved every one of them, depending on the mood I'm in, although Connery is my prefered choice.
Ewan McGregor would have been a good choice I feel, he was one of the few things that kept me in the theatre for the last two Star Wars "films", and I have enormous respect for him as an actor, and as someone already said, Bond is half Scottish.
Ioan Gruffudd would have been a cool choice too, although I feel he's still a little young and not grizzled enough around the edges. I'd be pleased as punch if he got the chance the next go around though. And he's Welsh (Yay), and Tins informs me he has an emormous cock, which is something I feel Bond probably should have
BTW, Daz, there's already been a Welsh Bond - Dalton was born in Wales (Colwyn Bay), but raised in Derbyshire. Yes yes, he's Irish/Italian/English/Welsh, but it's close enough for me Oh, and he had his opening sequence in Gibralter, and my Dad used to work at where the Land Rover chase begins
I'd better shut up and go to bed now before I start on about something else and can't get up for work in the morning. Damn, and I was only just getting warmed up.
I would have liked it to have been Jason Statham (lack of hair didn't prevent Connery wearing a rug!) because he's probably the 1st convincing british action star for a while.
Previously I'd been rooting for Ewan out of national bias, but after watching the 2nd transporter, i just thought that Jason could pull it off in ways heh
Of course Daniel Craig has the accent that the ladies will like and Bond has been having his cock progressively cut off more and more to suit our feminist age so wee Dan is surely more the man for today... mutter mutter...
I think I'd hav eliked to see Mr. Sean Bean as a possibly contender for the role too, but I suspect he's probablt a little old now, as well as having played both a 00 and a villain in a previous film (Goldeneye of course).
I respect Bean more and more every time I see him, and I now get annoyed each time he's in a film but basically wasted,which, since I hated him in Patriot games shows how far I think he's come.
Jason Stratham would probably have been pretty good in the role, but I think he's probably headed the same way as most British actors - villain in every action film made, or supporting cast to Harry Potter (tallent wasted left right and centre ).
Sean Bean is absolutely perfect in every role he has been cast. I've got to the point where I think he transcends the shitty movie factor and I give the movie points because he is in it. I had a hard time dealing with that "my brother, my king" scene, dammit
supposed to be offically announced Friday.(according to CNN)
odds are is that it is Craig.
good or bad i don't know, but he seems a better prospect than many I saw nominated.
Harl: For shame m8, don't get so down, theres plenty of brit actors and actress' doing good works beyond the scope and range of your gloomy resignations
You ought to be getting one of your brit film buff m8's to keep you up to date with the brit films worth watching that are coming out still.
Just because 'they' have production values doesnt lessen the worth of 'our' having words
since you brought up the subject, and since this thread has gone all over the place, why don't you reccomend some recent films to look for. it is hard enough to find a shitty american dvd to rent on friday night.
there is no reason for this thread to die tomorrow!
gimme some reccomendations to watch of "with the brit films worth watching that are coming out still."
I'm drinking your whisky, tell me what to watch too
I did enjoy Craig's work in Layer Cake enormously, even if the movie itself was a dim attempt at being a Guy Ritchie film. I agree with Harl that I'd like to see perhaps a little different take on the production of the series... Daniel Craig seems like a good place to start.
Duke: heh, thats really funny, honest too i guess!
Try -
Sexy Beast - Retired brit gangster, living the stereotypical british dream of retirement in Spain until,
Ben Kingsley, playing the pyscho for once, comes to demand he come back to help 'do a job'.
The Madness of King George - Based on 'Mad Georgie' and his bouts with madness during the time 'the colonies' broke away and became the United states.
It's a comedy, but it's touching and insightful and best of all, really insulting to the monarchy.
Layer Cake is now out here in the states, ita good fun and not simply a knocked off Lock Stock and 2 smoking barrels though
it is fair to say there are similar themes, still, its more cool and fun than outright over the top and violent like
LSATSB and Snatch are.
The Limey is worth a watch, while were're on Brit Gangster flicks. You could be really fancy and catch up on the original Get Carter and Italian job and see why brits moan about the remakes?
Billy Connelly can act pretty good inbetween being in low grade funny roles or doing standup.
Debt Collecter - he plays an ex Debt Collecter trying to bury his dark past become an artist with varying degrees of
success, possibly some personal reasons there, who knows.
Her Majesty Mrs Brown - again he shows his acting calibre here , opposite Dame Judy Dench, again, based on a piece of history here, very moving stuff.
There plenty more if you are interested, if theres certain things you are curious about, let me know.
No need to stop with Brit Films, Ozzie films are great too you know? Worth sampling -
Chopper - Folk hero ish pyscho (maybe , maybe not) that is in and out of prison and halfway through decides to beat up criminals and pretend he's working for the cops.
Funny and violent and again, based loosely on the truth.
The Dish - Sam Neil stars are the head of the dish in OZ that America used solely to transmit the first pictures of a man walking on the moon.
It's a little known fact, so the Ozzies thought it was time we all learned it and its humour is just fantastic imo.
Let me know how you get on with that little lot, they are mostly just fun films with a bit of a historical, did it or didn't it twist, alongside some good old fashion brit gangster violence with accents and terms that you probably will not get completly !
The Madness of King George is a great movie, happened upon it by accident and really enjoyed it. I have seen both the originals of Get Carter and The Italian Job. Never saw the remake of the Italian Job.
Thanks for the suggestions, I'm gonna look for a few this week
i think i'd rather slit my wrists and rub a tramp's shit into the wounds than watch The Limey again (not a british film, by the way). I've never liked Steven Soderbergh, but this one really made me despise him and everything he stands for.
Let me see if I'm reading between the subtle lines you wrote there.... you're saying you'd give it a 4 out of 5?
Didn't realise it wasn't a brit film, I guess it's been a while!
I'm wondering now what your description for Gangster no.1 or I'll Sleep when I'm dead might have been !
Sorry for the resurrection, but if you read the posts that were made today you'll know who the latest bet for who is playing the next Bond is
Urm, yeah, either I completely missed this thread as I've been busy, or I chose not to post on it originally because if I said everything I wanted to say about Bond, the direction it has taken and where I wish it would go I'd have typed more than what Daz, Ror and Rick have written combined.
Am I happy with the choice? I have no idea, I'm not familiar with the actor in question, but that I feel is probably a good thing as I'll have no preconceived notions of him from other perfomances. Mind you, if things don't improve from Die Another Day I don't think it'll matter as I won't give a shit any more. DAD had about 10 minutes of good stuff in it, and none of that was in sequence, but dotted throughout the film. And a Bond film doing a 100% non practical effect just shows me how truly fucking lazy they've become (I have no problem with enchancing an effect with CG, but the surfing sequence was 100% CG, and looked worse than the effects in You only Live Twice, and that's about 40 years old!)
For the record, I liked Brosnan, I liked him a lot, I just think they gave him dick all to work with. His best was Goldeneye (IMO, though it had some major flaws, it was a lot of fun) and in that film I think he came truly somewhere between all the Bonds that had come before him (save Niven maybe). I had high hopes, but it's been all downhill since then, with only the occassional ray of sunlight through the clouds. I blame the Americans - and I don't feel bad for that, since the Americans I work with blame the Americans too
Connery was the best, Moore the funniest, Lasenby the most misunderstood, and Dalton perhaps the most realisticaly human (if Bond can ever be said to be realistic). I loved every one of them, depending on the mood I'm in, although Connery is my prefered choice.
Ewan McGregor would have been a good choice I feel, he was one of the few things that kept me in the theatre for the last two Star Wars "films", and I have enormous respect for him as an actor, and as someone already said, Bond is half Scottish.
Ioan Gruffudd would have been a cool choice too, although I feel he's still a little young and not grizzled enough around the edges. I'd be pleased as punch if he got the chance the next go around though. And he's Welsh (Yay), and Tins informs me he has an emormous cock, which is something I feel Bond probably should have
BTW, Daz, there's already been a Welsh Bond - Dalton was born in Wales (Colwyn Bay), but raised in Derbyshire. Yes yes, he's Irish/Italian/English/Welsh, but it's close enough for me
I'd better shut up and go to bed now before I start on about something else and can't get up for work in the morning. Damn, and I was only just getting warmed up.
I can hardly wait!
Previously I'd been rooting for Ewan out of national bias, but after watching the 2nd transporter, i just thought that Jason could pull it off in ways heh
Of course Daniel Craig has the accent that the ladies will like and Bond has been having his cock progressively cut off more and more to suit our feminist age so wee Dan is surely more the man for today... mutter mutter...
I respect Bean more and more every time I see him, and I now get annoyed each time he's in a film but basically wasted,which, since I hated him in Patriot games shows how far I think he's come.
Jason Stratham would probably have been pretty good in the role, but I think he's probably headed the same way as most British actors - villain in every action film made, or supporting cast to Harry Potter (tallent wasted left right and centre
odds are is that it is Craig.
good or bad i don't know, but he seems a better prospect than many I saw nominated.
You ought to be getting one of your brit film buff m8's to keep you up to date with the brit films worth watching that are coming out still.
Just because 'they' have production values doesnt lessen the worth of 'our' having words
scold, reprimand, scold
[/ QUOTE ]
since you brought up the subject, and since this thread has gone all over the place, why don't you reccomend some recent films to look for. it is hard enough to find a shitty american dvd to rent on friday night.
there is no reason for this thread to die tomorrow!
gimme some reccomendations to watch of "with the brit films worth watching that are coming out still."
I'm drinking your whisky, tell me what to watch too
I enjoyed watching Sean Bean play a soldier in the 'Sharpe' series. Only saw a few of the early ones long ago, but what I saw, I liked.
Oh, my!
Try -
Sexy Beast - Retired brit gangster, living the stereotypical british dream of retirement in Spain until,
Ben Kingsley, playing the pyscho for once, comes to demand he come back to help 'do a job'.
The Madness of King George - Based on 'Mad Georgie' and his bouts with madness during the time 'the colonies' broke away and became the United states.
It's a comedy, but it's touching and insightful and best of all, really insulting to the monarchy.
Layer Cake is now out here in the states, ita good fun and not simply a knocked off Lock Stock and 2 smoking barrels though
it is fair to say there are similar themes, still, its more cool and fun than outright over the top and violent like
LSATSB and Snatch are.
The Limey is worth a watch, while were're on Brit Gangster flicks. You could be really fancy and catch up on the original Get Carter and Italian job and see why brits moan about the remakes?
Billy Connelly can act pretty good inbetween being in low grade funny roles or doing standup.
Debt Collecter - he plays an ex Debt Collecter trying to bury his dark past become an artist with varying degrees of
success, possibly some personal reasons there, who knows.
Her Majesty Mrs Brown - again he shows his acting calibre here , opposite Dame Judy Dench, again, based on a piece of history here, very moving stuff.
There plenty more if you are interested, if theres certain things you are curious about, let me know.
No need to stop with Brit Films, Ozzie films are great too you know? Worth sampling -
Chopper - Folk hero ish pyscho (maybe , maybe not) that is in and out of prison and halfway through decides to beat up criminals and pretend he's working for the cops.
Funny and violent and again, based loosely on the truth.
The Dish - Sam Neil stars are the head of the dish in OZ that America used solely to transmit the first pictures of a man walking on the moon.
It's a little known fact, so the Ozzies thought it was time we all learned it and its humour is just fantastic imo.
Let me know how you get on with that little lot, they are mostly just fun films with a bit of a historical, did it or didn't it twist, alongside some good old fashion brit gangster violence with accents and terms that you probably will not get completly !
Thanks for the suggestions, I'm gonna look for a few this week
Didn't realise it wasn't a brit film, I guess it's been a while!
I'm wondering now what your description for Gangster no.1 or I'll Sleep when I'm dead might have been !