Hi, I am learnning 3D modeling. I've been working on a car lately, and I'm basically done with the modeling , and starting to unwrapping UVs. I was originally going to put part of the car frame and the wheels on one UV map, but my teacher recommended that it would be better for me to put the wheels on a separate UV map. It seems that most people are doing this. My teacher explained that the wheels mostly rotate, and that the AO of the other parts may affect the wheels. But I don't really understand it. Can someone please explain it to me in more detail? Thanks a lot!
I mean yes you could have AO hit the wheel theoretically. But that can be the case independent of their UV Map.
You could either explode your model for baking or use baking groups, or name matching to avoid said issues, doesnt matter if it is on its own texture or one combined.
Imho only good reason to have a wheel on its own texture is to allow more details/pixels.