Hello everyone, welcome to the Bi-Weekly Substance Challenge.
How it works- Every 2 weeks a new reference will be shared to be recreated, you are also encouraged to find your own reference, as long as it still fits the topic for that bi-weekly substance, for example if we share a mud reference, you can gather you own mud reference.
- You can be creative with the reference and make it look either realistic, stylized or hand-painted, it is up to you.
Guidelines- Try and give constructive criticism, giving and receiving this should help each of us artist grow.
- This is a Substance Challenge, so stick with that software.
- You can post Wip's and finished materials here.
- Don't share work you've done in the pass, if you done a material before, try it again don't try pass old work off as something you did for this.
- Final material renders to be rendered in a real-time engine (Marmoset, UE4, Unity, Cryengine, Stingray, IRay is also accepted).
- This is a learning experience for all, don't be afraid to ask questions.
- Learn all that you can and do share what you also learn.
- Please be respectful to each and everyone.
We have a channel in the Allegorithmic Discord group where you can share WIP's and final images as well as discuss the challenge,
Click here to go to it.If you have any other questions in relations to any of the Allegorithmic's software, use the appropriate channels for those questions.
ResourcesPrevious ChallengesChallenge 7 - Stuck in the mud! (Muddy ground) || 12th May - 26th May.Click the pictures for bigger resolutions.
Challenge 8 - Copper || 27th May - 10th June.Click the pictures for bigger resolutions.
Challenge 9 - Windows || 13th June - 27th JuneClick the images for higher resolutions.
Challenge 10 - Ornate Door || 28th June - 12th JulyClick the images for higher resolutions.
Challenge 11 - Moorish Mosaics || July 17th - 31st JulyClick the images for higher resolutions.
Challenge 12 - Round Ornaments || August 2nd - 16th AugustClick the images for higher resolutions.

Any more pointers?
Also new challenge is up! Sorry it's a little late. The next challenge that starts in August will be a bulk challenge (about 4-5 materials as well as catch up, this is due to me moving and I won't have easy access to my computer).
Enjoy the new challenge.
Video too;
Heres my entry for the bi-weekly challenge (WIP):
@capone Nice pattern!
I also *think* (I may be wrong here) that the 'stones' are too rounded both in shape and height, might just be a case of bringing down any beveling levels and if you're using edge detect then try reducing 'roundness' (if it can't be reduced further, I'm guessing that you may have a blur in there, if that's the case you could also try reducing that)
Oh and one more thing (and you may have been planning to do this anyway), though this is a personal comment but I would turn those outer circles with the 'default' grey stones into the same red as the middle 'red' stones. I think that would be a better composition? You may think that's overkill though, just wanting to point out this option.
Did a quick paintover;
Great pattern! Nice job with such a complex pattern!
The wiggle in some of the long rectangular tiles doesn't make a whole lot of sense, and the pattern may just pop even more if the remaining smaller tiles were just a little bigger.
But lets get to the door, thats more recent... I got the most of the heights done, except the ornament piece in the middle of the framings and a few smaller details.
Some feedback:
@K - I agree with capone, they are very round. Not sure if that was the intention. And varying the height of the stones a little bit would make it look more realistic. I think I would add a row of tiles around the bhombuses too.
@capone - The door is nice, but I think it should have more depth. Especially the twisted cylinder thing.
@kimkir, thanks for the feedback! Indeed, that warp was a bit strong. Think I'll go with this for now:
Here is an Iray render without displacement:
Somehow I much prefer my first WIP :S
Personally I also prefer the earlier one. I would just go back to that and recolor with a gradient map - random mask.
The stones are a bit too smooth, and i might have cranked the height up a bit too much (wanted to have it visible
It's sort of a mixture of what I originally had but more recessed, if you zoom in you can see it better. A sort of more detailed border to better house the tiles.
Still not finished with the micronormals.
Here's what I came up with:
More images here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/Lw8gR
I started experimenting with the wood. Don't mind the funny metals.
Here's what i got so far. I tried to stick quite close to the reference picture.
It was the occasion to play a little with the pixel processor:
Building the UV and using them to spread my tiles along those shape. Fun but not very efficient (lots of issues with UV aliasing and blending ^^ )
That's really impressive! That pattern is hard to get right!
I LOVE that!!!!
The bulk one will be so you guys can do what you want and catch up because I'll be moving so I won't be at a PC, but I'll be on my phone to check in and give feedback around my busy time schedule.
@jamesonart Awesome texture!
This was a tough one, here's what I came up with.
More images here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/NmWGg
@3DKyle, Thanks for spending time keeping up those challenges
@jamesonar:t I went for the same ref, this window is so great i had to do it
@rosen_kazlachev: nice coin, you might want to try multiple TileSampler with different random andmask option to stack them less evenly
@Freezy Demon: Great stained glass ! The "blackness" in your glass make it really evil-looking
Here's mine with iRay
and with OpenGL