Hello everyone, welcome to the Bi-Weekly Substance Challenge.
How it works- Every 2 weeks a new reference will be shared to be recreated, you are also encouraged to find your own reference, as long as it still fits the topic for that bi-weekly substance, for example if we share a mud reference, you can gather you own mud reference.
- You can be creative with the reference and make it look either realistic, stylized or hand-painted, it is up to you.
Guidelines- Try and give constructive criticism, giving and receiving this should help each of us artist grow.
- This is a Substance Challenge, so stick with that software.
- You can post Wip's and finished materials here.
- Don't share work you've done in the pass, if you done a material before, try it again don't try pass old work off as something you did for this.
- Final material renders to be rendered in a real-time engine (Marmoset, UE4, Unity, Cryengine, Stingray, IRay is also accepted).
- This is a learning experience for all, don't be afraid to ask questions.
- Learn all that you can and do share what you also learn.
- Please be respectful to each and everyone.
We have a channel in the Allegorithmic Discord group where you can share WIP's and final images as well as discuss the challenge,
Click here to go to it.If you have any other questions in relations to any of the Allegorithmic's software, use the appropriate channels for those questions.
ResourcesPrevious ChallengesChallenge 7 - Stuck in the mud! (Muddy ground) || 12th May - 26th May.Click the pictures for bigger resolutions.
Challenge 8 - Copper || 27th May - 10th June.Click the pictures for bigger resolutions.
Challenge 9 - Windows || 13th June - 27th JuneClick the images for higher resolutions.
Challenge 10 - Ornate Door || 28th June - 12th JulyClick the images for higher resolutions.
Challenge 11 - Moorish Mosaics || July 17th - 31st JulyClick the images for higher resolutions.
Challenge 12 - Round Ornaments || August 2nd - 16th AugustClick the images for higher resolutions.

Hey all, It's been a while! Hopefully can get back into these challenges again
Here's another wip. I think I'm getting close to the end with this one. Feedback welcome
It was nice to see all these different types of windows!
My WIP for now, I think it's close enough but I must spent more time with this work, glass it's tough theme for me. Feedback welcome like always:)
A friend went to Venice a few years back and made it his mission to capture the wild variety of designs they have over there.A few of examples from the collection of 120 doors below.
Final version of window. C&C welcome:)
Soon I will be putting the challenge on hold during the Artstation 3D part of the new challenge because I want to join and another reason I'm pausing it till September is that it gives people time to do the ones they missed as well as I'm moving to start a new job as well .
Hope you're all cool with that.
These have been great challenges to follow along with!
@3DKyle is cool. that will give me time to catch up when I'm done with my current projects!
All critique is welcome!
Here is my first WIP for the ornate door challenge, I think the height map is starting to shape up ! I decided to stay really close to the reference for this one.
Feedback welcome as always
Starting to add some surface details and basic albedo/rougness maps
I have a weird banding in the water areas, in the normal, because the black/gray undulation is really subtle.
caponeI love the crisp edges you're getting. It's a really solid start!
@GDelforge The detail in the structure of the door is cool. The metal and wood parts are very nicely defined in the roughness.
Still to do;
-Something for regions outside of the door.
- Extra dirt passes
- Bring in more subtle colours
- Keyhole
- Bracket decorations
Here's my next attempt!
Challenge 7 - Mud Substance
More lighting options here - https://www.artstation.com/artwork/oRPZz
Challenge 8 - Bronze Copper / Copper
More lighting setups here - https://www.artstation.com/artwork/34D3J
How do I approach this issue of mine in Substance Designer? Thanks everyone
P.S. I'm running Designer 5.6.2
EDIT: Now that I'm looking at the recent uploads, it appears others are still using a square texture, but they're forcing a rectangular texture onto it? The doors are clearly rectangular, but it looks like they're placed inside the square texture and are using the borders to fill in the space?
Yeah, you can create a 2048x2048 square as a background and then create the shapes of the door with shape and transform nodes. Could just be a generic flat background if you're pushed for time or if you're up for it you could go for something more elaborate, such as what @Freezy Demon has above (which is amazing by the way Freezy, love it).
Thanks for the advice! I've never attempted anything like this before, so it's proven to be pretty tricky for me =P Your stuff is looking DOPE. Can't wait to see it finished.
Yours is coming along nicely, loving the frame and the ornaments on the windows.
You might need to tone down the dirt on the bottom panels a little, it looks a bit blurry and you lose some of that nice wood grain.
Overall great work, looking forward to the finished version!
I think I'm finished with this one (can't put too much time into it, because work) unless you guys have any really good pointers. A second window will be made in the near future!
I like it! If anything, I'd say that the center trim where the doors meet MIGHT be a little flat? and also I am not 100% feeling the larger flecks of grunge on the surfaces.
The door handle is super shiny and new brass, while the inset part is a dulled silver and the corner anchors are also brass.
Otherwise, I particularly love the inset panel and the rope casing outside the door.
Sounds like there won't be a challenge for a while as @3DKyle is away doing a challenge on ArtStation. I always seem to miss these challenges somehow, do you need to just keep returning to the homepage and looking every few days or is there a better way? It would be cool if there was an app or something that alerted artists to new challenges based on your preferences from specified communities.
Other than that I always post an update on Discord and Twitter.
There should be another challenge after this, then after that one I might do a bulk challenge which links into a catch up challenge.
So that way you have tons of new ones to try and do as well as to catch up on the ones you missed.
I'm mostly doing this because when I move I might not have assess to my PC for over a month, due to moving to another country.
Keep up the good work and love what you done with the door challenge Capone.
Good luck with your move. Where from-to?
@capone I assign specific pages to open whenever I open my browser... so i have the last page of this thread as one of those pages.
...not that I've kept up with the challenges well at all...