@ManuelDeJorge Your model looks nice, however it is as Floon mentioned, this thread is to stay focused on the Character Art Challenge concepts found on the first post so people can give and receive feedback. You are more than welcome to post it other places on Polycount.
This gives me an idea for the next challenge's thread on how to break up the first post so we can always have the rules pinned at the top, similar to WAYWO.
Hi guys! This has been an awesome challenge. I regret not posting more often, but here is where i got to. Alot of the pieces are just proxies and i actually got to make a more polished version of them. I got really stuck when i was trying to figure out texturing since i hadn't really done that before. I finally got used to Substance Painter a bit and i also figured out how to get nice bakes. At least i got to run some test bakes on a couple of pieces of the armor just to see how it was done. These screenshots look pretty pixelated, so sorry about that..It looks way better on the actual files. I think i am ready to finish this character and use it as a portfolio piece.
Everyone made a great effort and a good job in my opinion. I want to do a challenge again..but for now i have to finish this. And for feedback i dont really have anything else to say other than keep on working and trying to get better. It is a rough journey and it is not easy, but so worth it. This is my first time seeing the models i make get so pretty in substance painter..I spent a whole day just looking at an asset in awe and testing different materials and dirt effects etc...character modeling has never been so creatively fun like this. The future is now!
@Isunoj That looks fantastic! If you ever find the spare time, you should definitely finish it. This is a great sculpt. Could we possibly get some closeups of the face?
@floon Most of the skin to hair transition was done through texturing on the scalp. I made sure that part of the scalp was dark on both color map and specular/gloss maps. I ended up using the real-time hair tutorial you posted to do the bulk of everything, so thank you for that link! I did end up using GMH 2.6 for creating the actual hair texture though, since it's really quick, so it gave me more leeway to experiment with what the hair strands should look like.
Time is up and I'm still not done... Well no hard feelings towards myself! I learned a ton and had a lots of fun, also because of you guys ! Thanks for all the feedback and the inspiring post about your own progress. It really help me a lot, knowing I am not struggling by myself. I will definitely return to the Character Art Challenge, but I first want to finish this piece. So I will probably skip the next challenge and continue to post my progress in my own thread.
Nevertheless I want to show how far I got. This is the decimated highpoly rendered in Marmoset Toolbag 3 (check it out if you haven't already, it's still in beta and for that period free). Still WIP, but close to be done !
Hello @taffy284, Thanks for feedback. I'll try to finish it in my spare time, for sure. You did a good job in your model as well. Here the face closeup. Not fenished, off course.
Hey everybody! Good work on this challenge, if you want to continue your models you are more than welcome to post updates to this thread or create your own.
This gives me an idea for the next challenge's thread on how to break up the first post so we can always have the rules pinned at the top, similar to WAYWO.
Everyone made a great effort and a good job in my opinion. I want to do a challenge again..but for now i have to finish this. And for feedback i dont really have anything else to say other than keep on working and trying to get better. It is a rough journey and it is not easy, but so worth it. This is my first time seeing the models i make get so pretty in substance painter..I spent a whole day just looking at an asset in awe and testing different materials and dirt effects etc...character modeling has never been so creatively fun like this. The future is now!
I do not finish it But I learned a lot.
That looks fantastic! If you ever find the spare time, you should definitely finish it. This is a great sculpt. Could we possibly get some closeups of the face?
Most of the skin to hair transition was done through texturing on the scalp. I made sure that part of the scalp was dark on both color map and specular/gloss maps. I ended up using the real-time hair tutorial you posted to do the bulk of everything, so thank you for that link! I did end up using GMH 2.6 for creating the actual hair texture though, since it's really quick, so it gave me more leeway to experiment with what the hair strands should look like.
Well no hard feelings towards myself! I learned a ton and had a lots of fun, also because of you guys
Thanks for all the feedback and the inspiring post about your own progress. It really help me a lot, knowing I am not struggling by myself.
I will definitely return to the Character Art Challenge, but I first want to finish this piece. So I will probably skip the next challenge and continue to post my progress in my own thread.
Nevertheless I want to show how far I got.
This is the decimated highpoly rendered in Marmoset Toolbag 3 (check it out if you haven't already, it's still in beta and for that period free). Still WIP, but close to be done
You did a good job in your model as well.
Here the face closeup. Not fenished, off course.
well done man! looks great!
thanks for the breakdown
Congratulations to finish, guys. good luck.
Good job everyone.
New challenge is also up! http://polycount.com/discussion/179301/the-bi-monthly-character-art-challenge-november-december
What did you use to make the textures?
For the ones who are intressted, I also prepared a toolbagscene that you can find here