Welcome to the Bi-Monthly Character Art Challenge!
Challenge will run until the end of October
Previous Challenge Thread How it works
- Each month, 3 Character Concepts will be provided
- You're free to approach any of the concepts however you like, as long as you stay true to the essence of the original concept.
- You have until the end of the month to complete any of the given concepts.
- Leave
at least one critique per post. Being able to effectively receive, and
give constructive criticism is an invaluable skill as any type of
- There are no software restrictions; you're welcome to use as little, or as many different software packages as you like. However do try to make the final result game-ready
- Post your work in progress in the thread. You're welcome to cross post on different sites (Artstation, Facebook, etc.)
- Before
starting your character, break down the concept and plan your work
accordingly. Being able to effectively estimate how long it will take to
complete a project is an important skill, especially for freelance
- Your final presentation should be posed and rendered in any real time engine. (Marmoset, UE4, Cryengine, Unity, etc.)
- Don't
be afraid to ask questions, but don't hesitate to find the answer on
your own - chances are, the answer to your problem has already been
answered within these forums
- We're all here to grow as artists. Learn as much as you can, and share what you've learned.
- If you feel anything should be modified or added to these guidelines, please let me know!
Please credit and link to the artists when posting on other sites!

Thank you
@Bitmalty Recreate the existing
finaly feel confident enough to join you!
As the others have already pointed out; "great concepts!"
Really looking forward to this.
I'm definitely going to keep on doing this
Just so everyone knows why I choose certain concepts, here are some things I look out for:
Last one was more sci-fi, this one is more fantasy. I have an idea for the next one in winter but if anybody has any ideas or cool concepts that could potentially be used for future challenges, please send them my way!
all 3 concepts are amazing but i decided to go with the paladin one, i love dark skinned paladins ever since i played diablo 2.
So here is base for the character, this one is already low poly (around 7k verts) but didnt bother too much with the detail of the body since its going to be removed anyway so i focused mostly on proportions and silhouette. (crits on those areas are specially welcome!)
@Gaston: hey there! so far i love your sculpt, specially the ears and nose, Im guessing you are going for a more stylized version of the character? if not i would tweak the proportions, maybe making the eyes a bit smaller, also adding some hard edges in key points of the face to make it look closer to the original concept, right now it looks too smooth (unless you are going for that style)
Started with the blockout today and tried to mainly focus on anatomy and proportions. Also tried to resist the temptation of getting into detailing yet... not so easy.
@Karellen : thanks for the feedback, i spend some time onthe eyes to finished it
@floon: take some steps back and check the anatomy of the hips, chest, legs and neck. use references so you will not forget some muscles.
@MrAwexome : you need step back on the proportions i saw that you block some muscles but you need first place the model on the right proportion first.
@rallison08 : i dont know if you are trying some diferent aproach but the pomel and guard is a little diferent from the concept.
Decided to make Paladin. At this moment i have rough block out body proportions and face.
@Karellen: definitely do sth with face
Ps.I made hair and armor only for placeholder
@rallison08 It looks like you used boxes to start your model but the pommel and the handle are really just cylinders. For me, I've found that it's a lot easier to get the correct forms by starting the model out low poly and then only adding detail / smoothing once the basic forms and proportions are looking right. Once you add all those polys it gets a lot harder to work with.
There is the result of the first couple hours spent on the face. I will let this as it is for now and block out the body and armor.
@Karellen I'd suggest creasing the cheeks a bit and making the chin more square shaped. That concept has in fact a lot of masculine features such as the strong jawline, chin, etc.
@Calvin Nice Basemesh.
@floon Isn't he a bit too muscular?
@Calvin: excellent geo!
@Gaston: much better now indeed, also i would have the scarf and the hair as separate subtools, nevermind if you are already doing that
@Calvin may I ask if you did this with Zmodeler?
I'm also doing the paladin. I've had that picture in my inspiration folder since I first saw it months ago, so it was an obvious choice for me
Still blocking in the rough shapes, trying to get the proportions right.
@Ottom There are some easy to fix issues with your proportions. I'd move up the groin a bit, broaden the shoulders and the ribcage, straighten the arms. You've got a goob base to work from though. I don't really see the point of giving the basemesh huge breasts as they will be flattened by the armor either way :P Hope this helps and if you have any questions, feel free to ask.
I'll be back with more critiques later when I'm not in a rush!
Now i will change my approach and try to get the entire highpoly (or almost all of it) done inside zbrush, then decimate and retopo.
@Karellen : i think your head is very angular, you could add more volume on masseter muscle .. it will help
@Utte : unless you are trying to make a child, your head is too big for the body proportions, the eyes are poped out so try to fix it putting more inside the orbits
Need to shorten his legs a bit. Also any tips on making leather wraps in Zbrush?
You're not alone, rock it
I think im done with the base for now, maybe i will finish detailing the and correcting the head, then start working on the armor/clothing.
hi guys here´s a wip of what i´m doing right now
@Karellen : the head is not talking properly with the body seems like a child bodybuilder you need arrange the proportions and sizes, the neck is very low
Edit: just tweeking the iris on the right place
Here is another update, hope im going in the right direction.
The neck is still bothering me, but i find difficult to work on that area without merging both subtools.
@Gaston: great work, though i would tone down the specularity a bit, also next time, consider managing your UV space better, you are giving tons of space to areas that need little detail, while leaving less for the most important areas such as the face or ears.
by him a can good image a animation where the sword is going up and down within the armor :pleased: