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[3DSMax]- KeyHydra FREE WIthout DRM for 3DSMax 2020, 2021 & 2022



  • jesusblasco
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    jesusblasco polycounter lvl 2
    Whops, thanks , great to know :D
  • Cathodeus
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    Cathodeus polycounter lvl 15
    New KeyHydraNext build 0.63 is live. mail have been sent to all clients.

    And here is the log : https://www.onikanabo.com/devlog

  • Cathodeus
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    Cathodeus polycounter lvl 15

  • Swordslayer
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    Swordslayer interpolator
    Two more gifs comparing InsetSG with max Chamfer. As you can see, there's not only the consistent width option but also one for consistent radius:

    It's also not as susceptible to deformation by slanted edges as Chamfer is:

    Not saying it's perfect - it's not and there're quite a few items on my to-do list to make it better - but having an alternative like this can come in handy.
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    InsetSG 2.0 is a brilliant piece of work. I'm using it all the time now. Explicit normals is so useful.
  • Cathodeus
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    Cathodeus polycounter lvl 15
    @musashidan Yeah explicit normal is a really good addition i use it during conception process before baking more complexe real InsetSG rounded chamfer. We still not have the expected behaviour for explicit normal [The normals that  Vojtech do set at mesh time, seems to be overriden by max on some really specific places]. And we have no clue why actually.
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    @Cathodeus Yeah mate. This has always been a problem even with the old chamfer modifier. The normals are overwritten on collapse or export. The Data Channel Modifier seems to have fixed this issue but I haven't tried it yet.
  • Swordslayer
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    Swordslayer interpolator
    @musashidan True, some modifiers like edit poly don't support explicit normals at all and will clear them but we had an issue that they wouldn't survive collapsing to poly/mesh which they should. All solved now, in the next release that should work as expected and nothing will prevent you from editing collapsed mesh :smile:

  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    @Swordslayer Great stuff, bud. It's really coming together now.
  • artofjavi
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    artofjavi triangle
    This is a great piece of software that I am definitely getting! I have downloaded the trial, and I found out that cloning the screenmeshes doesn't work for me. In the package says that I have downloaded v063, so it should be already there, right?

    I hope you can help me, and again, thanks a lot for this!


    Edit: I am using Max 2018.

    Edit Again: I just discovered that it only works with instances and not copies of the cutters. It is now working. Sorry for the inconviniences :) It is super nice now, really excited for it! 
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    @artofjavi Make sure you set your clone option to Instance rather than copy.
  • Cathodeus
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    Cathodeus polycounter lvl 15
    @artofjavi Hey man thanks for the kind words. I'm really happy actually, one year ago i started the One year subscription and currently all our subsribers renewed their license. If i can help you in any way please tell me and i will.  We do have now a direct chat on the Onikanabo SHOP page [not on onikanabo.com].

    Max 2018 is totally fine [probably the most stable version of Keyhydra actually].

    @musashidan Thanks for helping us and supporting new comers :)
  • Cathodeus
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    Cathodeus polycounter lvl 15

  • Cathodeus
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    Cathodeus polycounter lvl 15

  • Swayam_9shah
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    Swayam_9shah polycounter lvl 7
    Hi, where Can I find the InsetSG. Does it come with the KeyHydra Plugin I buy from your Website? Thanks
  • Cathodeus
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    Cathodeus polycounter lvl 15
    @Swayam_9shah Indeed InsetSg is part of Keyhydra. And you can purchase it from the shop,
  • Justo
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    Justo polycounter
    I must really congratulate you guys on the development of this plugin. You've kept at it for so long and the sexy gifs you post show the hard work you've put into this :) I remember the somewhat rocky start this thread had at the beginning, and I'm very happy to see that's been long passed and now everything I see here are juicy-looking updates and cool tools. 

    I'll ask a probably silly question: if I wanted to use this plugin in my pc and in my laptop, would I need to buy it twice (20% off for the second purchase afaik)? Or is one license enough? Asking because the second bulletpoint in the store kinda made me think it was the latter:

    "It is perfect for Laptop, and single workstation [even if you move from one place to another]."

    Also, another 2 questions. The price for the license is worth a year of free updates. If we want to keep updating after that period has expired, we need to pay the same amount again, which will be worth another year of updates, I assume? And, lastly, if we decide not to pay again, will we at least be able to keep using the current version owned forever? 
  • Cathodeus
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    Cathodeus polycounter lvl 15
    @Justo Nodelock license are one license per Pc it is very explicitly written on the shop. We offer discount to our clients that purchase a second one.

    It is a subscription, so after one year service need to be renewed or keyhydra stop working at all. 

    Here is is a full copy paste of Nodelock license explanations from the shop :

    Nodelock Licenses are designed for : 

    • One Single user for one computer. [If you want to use it on two computers or more you will need to purchase a second license or more. [One license per computer] [Contact us we offer a 20% discount for your second license, if you already own one].
    • It is perfect for Laptop, and single workstation [even if you move from one place to another].
    • Nodelock license doesn't need an active internet connexion.
    • One single license check per max session is required
  • HAWK12HT
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    HAWK12HT polycounter lvl 13
    @Cathodeus Hi so I am considering buying keyhydra, particularly that chamfer modifier you show is it part of keyhydra on your store for single user $29.99? 
    Also will I be able to switch my license from office to home easy or its like I have to send you guys mail first, unload my license and setup again on home pc? Thanks
  • Cathodeus
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    Cathodeus polycounter lvl 15
    @HAWK12HT Nodelock license aren’t transferable. If you need to use it on 2 machines than you need to purchase 2 licenses. We offer a discount to our clients who need a second licenses.
  • artofjavi
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    artofjavi triangle
    @Cathodeus Well, you should be happy and proud! It sped up my workflow quite a lot, and it has only been 2 days since I got it... I have a question about the licenses. What happens when you have to renew your computer? Is there a way to permanently cancel one license and transfer it to another computer if a case like this happens? Thanks in advance! :)
  • Cathodeus
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    Cathodeus polycounter lvl 15
    @artofjavi Yeah no worries about that if you change MAC address and the subscription isn’t finished yet than of course we will provide a new key with remaining days. Current clients do not complain here because I think they are happy. I help as fast as I can. The more positive people are the more I try to help them fast , and sometime I do more than support !  This kind of things shouldn’t happen more tha 3 or 5 time a year. If it happen more than we will have a talk with the clients. This can’t be used to move from home to office as it is manually made and checked by myself.
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    Cathodeus said:
     I help as fast as I can. The more positive people are the more I try to help them fast , and sometime I do more than support ! 
    Believe me, he is telling the truth here. :)
  • Cathodeus
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    Cathodeus polycounter lvl 15
    Lol yeah I know what Musashidan is referring to ... I was still on my computer late yesterday
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    Shaz_Snow said:
     Am I missing something else which is significant to modeling?
    Yes. A huge amount of Max tools are exposed through Keyhydra and it uses a Wheel Control feature. This means that we can have the interactive speed of Blender tools with Chamfer edges/Bevel/Connect/etc. So for example, you could have these 3 mapped to a single key and when chamfering or connecting use  modifier key and the mouse wheel to interactively add edges. I don't know if you've ever modeled in Blender but it's very fast and intuitive.

    You can also create primitives with interactive parameters using the same multi-tap key and wheel control. There are also other features of Max exposed that can be called with hotkeys. It has boosted the speed of my modeling a great deal. Plus it cuts down on using awkward hotkeys when you run out of keyboard real estate - which is exactly why I started using Keyhydra. I bought the plugin specifically for Lazercut, but now can't imagine not having the Keyhydra features.

    Unwrap UVW is also exposed and I have seen a speed increase there as well.

    And another great thing about it is that its WAY easier to setup/edit and retain your hotkeys due to the GUI layout of Keyhydra. Trying to rummage through the customise UI dialogue is a pain in the arse.

    IMHO Keyhydra should be the native key mapping system in Max.
  • Cathodeus
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    Cathodeus polycounter lvl 15
    We now have an Official Facebook  Onikanabo page like this i will not spam my own facebook wall with Keyhydra things. Not sure My brother, Sister, uncles, mother, and grand mother understand what  Keyhydra is [they probably prefer families videos]  :) .

    Joke appart :

    Having an official Facebook page seems to be a really good things for promoting KeyHydra, Sharing videos, and upcoming discounts, currently i used only Polycount, but any community need to reach the informations and Facebook seems to be the good feet. https://www.facebook.com/Keyhydra/  

    @Shaz_Snow i know that i'm the person that need to do the efforts to bring peoples attention to our tools. The facts are that nothing like KeyHydra Shortcuts do exist actually on the entire market. None cg software do allow people to do what we allow to. So for us explaining what are the main advantages of KeyHydra require lot of time. Currently dev cost for exemple is probably something like 90 percent on the core system wich is not Lazercut at all. People just start to understand now what is that core system i'm talking about since first Polycount post.

    Honestly the current client that really use keyhydra at full power can still be counted on my hands. [Musashidan is one of them otherwise people purchase it and use only a part of it while learning the others].

    I think none of my clients currently purchase keyhydra for shorctut only but 95% of my clients do start using KeyHydra Shortcuts, after starting using Lazercut and when they do so.  They start to understand what they couldn't before. [Hum to be really honest we have some hardcore shortcuts users as well].

  • Cathodeus
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    Cathodeus polycounter lvl 15

  • Cathodeus
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    Cathodeus polycounter lvl 15

  • AFsoft
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    AFsoft polycounter lvl 8
    this is really interesting. thanks !

  • Cathodeus
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    Cathodeus polycounter lvl 15
    @Shaz_Snow Hum  ... You shouldn't have to if you use the linear inset sg mode the low and high will have the same tangent space so baking will be perfectly clean [Of course it depend on what you're baking but if it is mechanical peace than what i say is accurate].
  • Cathodeus
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    Cathodeus polycounter lvl 15

  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    Shaz_Snow said:
    im like the cutter and Inset SG alot man. The only thing Im really sad about which is not this tools fault is that now I will have to pump alot of geo in my cages for the "highpoly" to look good hehe. 
    Not at all. Even with Max's standard chamfer mod you don't have to do that. You just need to keep practicing your modeling and learn to understand topology.
  • Cathodeus
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    Cathodeus polycounter lvl 15
    @Shaz_Snow i try to  avoid cages like plague ! As much as I can, they lead to inaccurate results, artefacts and barreling. Cage are really nice for organic things.
  • Cathodeus
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    Cathodeus polycounter lvl 15
    Sorry, i thought you were complaining about your actual method. That's good if it work, the method we're used to are the best until we learn another even better.
  • Cathodeus
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    Cathodeus polycounter lvl 15
    Keyhydra do have his own identity and is not specialized in Hardsurface we are trying to fix entire areas of max Including modeling but not only. I have hidden some discount in some places if you feel the soul of a gamer :-)
  • Cathodeus
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    Cathodeus polycounter lvl 15
    So, i received this today from a KeyHydra user and i felt like i should share it with you guys.

    It's made by Erwann Trebaol, 3d modeler at Ubisoft Nadeo. He used Lazercut, InsetSG, and Shortcuts partially as of course 3dsmax was the main program.

    We at Onikanabo, did started working on an "Ambassador Program" featuring pro artist using KeyHydra, if you're using keyhydra and want to share with us your work we will be happy to share it :

    -Erwann Trebaol is our first "Ambassador" and a video is on his way.
    -So some tips and tricks from other artist than myself should fallow.

    And here is his website : http://erwanntrebaol.wixsite.com/home

  • beefaroni
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    beefaroni sublime tool
    I am testing this out currently.

    InsetSG is amazing in terms of how it deals with triangles that intersect a bevel. Huge improvement there. Congrats!!

    The problem is that it seems to be very sensitive to the modifier stack. ON 3ds Max 2018, I am unable to add a symmetry modifier and drag it underneath the InsetSG modifier without a .net exception.

    My stack looks like
    Editable Poly

    Typically, without InsetSG, I usually do
    Quad Chamfer
    Editable Poly

    Any help with this would be appreciated! Would love to fully buy the software and use it in production!

  • Cathodeus
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    Cathodeus polycounter lvl 15
    InsetSg need proper smoothing groups in order to work correctly. When I get .net error exceptions it is almost all the time due to faces without smoothing groups or bad smoothings groups . And modifiers can change the smoothing groups. May I ask you why do you use a turbo smooth. InsetSg workflow does not need turbo smooth it is perfect for med poly modeling if you need more section better to add it yourself in real modeling instead of relying on turbo smooth and the heavier mesh resulting. Since I have inset sg I totally replaced my good old quad modeling + turbosmooth . 
  • Cathodeus
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    Cathodeus polycounter lvl 15
    I highly recommend to use insetsg on stack top
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    @massimo I'm the same as you but insetSG can also be very useful if just adding inline/control edges globally for subd.
  • Cathodeus
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    Cathodeus polycounter lvl 15
    @Musashidan Yes indeed, linear mode can be used for adding control edges to a sub d modeling workflow. In fact that is the way i was working before InsetSg existed. I was using "Quad modeling + Quad chamfer + TurboSmooth". But now that InsetSG can handle triangles with good results i do sometime nasty geometry that look as good as if they were turbosmoothed [as long as wireframe is not visible :-) .

    To me this is the biggest avantage of inset sg. Being hable to simplify the modeling workflow [without the all quad constraint]. Also turbosmoothing a model result in some aproximations. i prefer having full control on low poly curvature myself instead of relying on CatmulClark. 

    If i control my high and low than my baking are perfects. [with no barreling at all, and no baking compensations].
  • Cathodeus
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    Cathodeus polycounter lvl 15
    1 Minute Doodeling with Lazercut / InsetSg & Wheelctrl. i think i have found a good shape for next video.

  • Cathodeus
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    Cathodeus polycounter lvl 15
    First page of this topic have been edited in order to show what we have in store.
  • beefaroni
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    beefaroni sublime tool
    @massimo I'm the same as you but insetSG can also be very useful if just adding inline/control edges globally for subd.
    Yes with my workflow having it in the middle of the stack tends to be the most beneficial. I tend to need a lot of sub-d smoothing with edge loops and InsetSG is a great option other than the issues it has in the stack vs. QuadChamfer.
  • rregula
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    rregula polycounter lvl 4
    Cathodeus I became your new user of keyhydra, of course my preferences were laid on lazercut) sorry for my English, I wanted to ask, are there any big changes for us?) will there be new instruments like Lazercut? And is there any news about the very development of 3D Max will there be any innovations in terms of modeling in the future if you know?) keyhydra great tool!
  • Cathodeus
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    Cathodeus polycounter lvl 15
    @rregula Thanks for your support. We are working on some core improvements [total reshape of shortcuts ui]. So our main focus is still solidifying what we have. In terms of new instruments [yes one is in dev a bigger one that could take more than a year before passing trough dev build to public build], and some others tools [small] but important and usefull. I think Max should have a good next releases, and i know autodesk is improving some modeling areas [just look at extrude from sp4 2018] it's probably a small sign.
  • Cathodeus
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    Cathodeus polycounter lvl 15
    Hello all,

    We never communicated on this but KeHydra do come with a 'Linear clone modifier'.

    And here are some GIFS [Of course this modifier was designed to work in junction with Lazercut].

  • rregula
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    rregula polycounter lvl 4
    Cathodeus "Extrude" and what is there in sp4? Where can I see it? I just use 2019, and maybe I missed something. I'm most worried about "freeze" in "viewport" 3ds max is so bad, how can this be fixed? and why this happens, no one just because of this does not want to switch to 3ds max for new versions, all work in 2016 or in Maya. this is a very big problem in 3ds max. in general, I think 3ds max is very competently thought-out 3d package, it still has great advantages, but because of the updates that go out, not in the direction of modeling, lagged behind.
  • rregula
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    rregula polycounter lvl 4
    Cathodeus you are doing incredible things, it inspires me and it's cool that there are people like you.
  • Swordslayer
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    Swordslayer interpolator
    Cathodeus said:
    And here are some GIFS [Of course this modifier was designed to work in junction with Lazercut].

    Worth noting that while the next two gifs show the modifier variant of the tool, on this first gif it's the object based variant - all the clones are instances of the original object and can be selected and transformed independently - sometimes, you just don't want to have a huge mesh, only clone some stuff. It has the exact same interface and functionality as the modifier version. The relevant action names are Clone Nodes by Numeric Input / by Helper (the one shown here).
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