@Altea Musashidan is using currently the very last version. There were no update since january as we are currently in the middle of a major update. 2018 version of keyhydra is stable, yes there is a conflict with some loop tools, and a wheel ctrl bug in edit poly [but as i never used it myself, and never noticed it, lot of other user didn't neither]. We now reaching a couple hundreds of users and two of them including you reported those issues . Keyhydra next will be released by the end of this month [i hope]. All bug reported are fixed within a maximum of 2 months. Keyhydra is a complex peace of software, so being perfect is difficult.
@Musashidan I really appreciated you purchasing the plugin. And thanks you for this positive post.
Whoops i didn't spotted your questions ... Sorry man.
Yes we are still actively developping both "Keyhydra shortcut", "Wheel ctrl", and of course "Lazercut". We've been working really really hard on Lazercut lately [We started developping one thing One year ago from now], Mr "Vojtech Cada" aka "SwordSlayer" and I.
It will not be a direct part of Lazercut but is intend to work in junction with it. So stay tuned. Do not put too much hope on it. It is indeed really usefull but not an UFO. We were unsure of being hable to achieve it, Vojtech reached some really big achievements with it so i decided to try pushing limits further. [I think even Swordslayer couldn't imagine himself doing it if someone asked him one year ago].
UI refinement will be totally re worked from scratch Mainly for responsivness, usability, and speed, it is the next biggest topic we will address, once we finished the refactoring of shortcuts. [This refactoring is the Biggest feature of next release --> Sooner than you might think, i hope end of this month].
@Cathodeusthanks for the reply. Sounds very interesting. Very excited to see what you and Swordslayer have in store. Looking forward to the updates. I'm using Lazercut more and more as I work now. It's such a great toolset.
Here is current log for next release [Only main one].
-[Keyhydra Buisness] : We're now part of ADN [Autodesk Developer network].
-[KeyHydra Core] Added support of upcoming Modifiers, Plugins, and Presets files. -[KeyHydra Core] Added Partial encryption of files. Will allow users to tweak default values to their taste. -[KeyHydra Core] Added Max 2019 Support.
-[Licensing] Added Node Lock type license [This will replace Floating licenses for single individual users]. -[Licensing] Fixed a bug that let the node lock version in trial mode. [Not allowing user to use KeyHydra anymore].
-[Installer] Fixed uninstall bug from "Win10 settings pannel". Wasn't uninstalling correctly from here. None issue from Command Pannel. -[Installer] Removed all unsupported Max Version [2014,2015, & 2016].
-[WheelCtrl] Fixed Edit poly Wheel Ctrl compatibility [Now wheel ctrl do work as expected in edit poly]. -[KeyHydra Bug] Fixed conflict with All Loop tools in Edit poly mode [causing them to not work at all].
-[KeyHydra Modifiers] Added Linear Clone Modifier -[KeyHydra Modifiers] Added Chamfer Fix Modifier -[KeyHydra Modifiers] Added Volume Slice Modifier -[KeyHydra Modifiers] Added Another Modifier [Hidden from Current Beta Build].
-[KeyHydra Shortcuts] Custom Code Shortcuts are now saved correctly. Once modified.
-[KeyHydra Shortcuts] Added brand new Keyhydra shorctut refactoring system : Now users can start from a Single tap shortcut and complexify the shorctut key on demand [adding double tap, triple, tap, quadra tap, or context case]. --> Still missing some features before being 100 percent complete.
@Altea It mean that our clients received a mail, and can already download the new version of KeyHydra. More informations to come from today to release. [We updated the website and mailed all our clients today]. I will now be hable to tell more in future videos [lot of things to show and to say can't be done in one day].
Great stuff you are showing but still, i dont understand why you guys don`t sell the lazercut separately. I dont want the keyhydra, thats the only thing why i dont buy this. Probably you guys have enough customers. Great job anyway.
@s1dK I might have heard your need but not in the way you expected. Our Trello board do have an entry called "Allow users to pick what they want inside installer" but this is a bigger dev than you might think, and this entry do have low priority, because we are doing some big things actually. In fact the installer actually allow it but it wont work as Lazercut is using KeyHydra's core code. To me KeHyhdra is even more usefull for every days tasks than Lazercut is. I think it is a bit scary to people, but i'm working on it :-)
Hey Massimo, still hoping for that shift+clone....... Great work on the updates. I'm using Keyhydra more and more now. It's a workflow-changer for me. Check the Max beta forums. I gave KH a glowing plug after your post to Roxane Ouellet.
I was using the MCG Clone modifier, but it maxed out at 100. The scene helper is a really great feature.
@musashidan I really appreciate your enthusiasm, we really need more people positivity, likes and shares. I have of course seen the message and it made my day [or maybe my month]. Vladimir and Vojtech were really happy to see it as well.
@Cathodeus yeah mate, issue seems to be solved. I reinstalled it fresh. I think the problem was that I was trying to use the profile from the non-beta version. Cheers.
I'm travelling through Spain at the moment so can't skype, but thanks.
We are now hable to propose both Nodelock and floating license for our clients.
-Nodelock Licenses are for :
Single user single computer [No active connexion to internet required anymore > Only One single license check per 3DSMax session is performed now].
-Floating licenses will now only be for :
Companies and we will only sell them for a minimum purchase of 3 licenses, they do require a Local server running inside the company and active internet connexion is mandatory for floating licenses.
If you previously purchased a single user Floating License and want to convert it to Nodelock just send us a mail and we will convert the current license into a Nodelock one for free.
And here is the link to our shop, for visual explanations :
Looking good! The shop page is quite confusing, though. At first sight it looks like a rental that has to be renewed each year. Then it might be free updates for a year like indicated in the small text.
Probably because I would expect that a rental implies updates over the course of the rental, so I don't know if "free" is the best choice of words, here. (It would make more sense if you buy a perpetual licence and get free upgrades for a year on top.)
@Noren Thanks for the feedback i have updated the pictures. and replaced the "free updates" words by the license type.
Subscription do have lot of advantages for developers and users. Perpetual license is something of the past as you might have understood with all "pro" apps currently in place moving to subscriptions. "3DSMax, Photoshop, etc ...."
From A client point of view Perpetual licenses could look like a good idea, but as software evolves quiete fast now perpetual license is not a good idea anymore, nobody purchase software anymore on a static device [DVD, or CD] . Users want fast bug fixes, new features every months, etc ... so subscription is the answer. We could continue to tell clients that they own a perpetual license but that will be a false reassuring things, as if you purchase 3DSMax 2018 version of Keyhydra you will not be hable to use it with Max 2022 anyway.
From a developer point of view I actually view perpetual license as inhibiting our progress, we can't pay our developers to maintain KeyHydra for older version of max especially when only a couple of clients stay on older max versions. As you might know we really depend of Autodesk startegies, they moved to subscription so we have to as well. Once everybody will be using the same version of max Autodesk will be hable to place all developments efforts on the current last version instead of spending tons of money for maintenance on legacy/older things.
Onikanabo stand for "Pushing limits together". That is why we develop only on the 2 last max versions. We spend all our energy on new things, that will use last libraries, or last max features.
For exemple Lazercut couldn't have been made with a Pre 2017 version of Max.
Thanks! I think it's reasonably priced. But without wanting to get into the discussion too much and while I do understand the points that you raised from the point of view of a developer, I still prefer perpetual licences over more and more developers switching to rental. There is a limit to how many tools I'm willing to bind myself to on a rental base (and right now that limit is zero.)
@Noren You're welcome i respect you opinion of course. Hopefully habits change, and subscription will touch all markets.
Expect more and more subscriptions all over the place : Netflix, Spotify, Deezer, Games as service, Consoles : PS4-Switch-Xbox, Blender Cloud, Even purchasing items on fortnite or whatever games is just rental [because if devs shutdown their servers than rental stop immediatly]. When it come to softwares perpetual license is an illusion.
This movement will accelerate as it protect from piracy, etc ... I was really like you before, but i recently changed my mind. To me as a user it is not a problem anymore as far as i receive good support, and good updates.
Yes, Keyhydra price tag is really really low actually [2.5 euros/Month], while the total cost for us as a company is very high [3 developers + Myself]. We started in 2014-2015 and we're still there. :-)
What if two clicks and two modifiers were still too much from Low Poly to High Poly ???? What if a single click could place all those chamfers correctly ?
Id get this for lazercut alone, but because it's bundled with the keyhydra thing, honestly its a reason why I don't want it. Just seems like bundleware.
@Mossbros Thanks for you Lazercut interest. we already plan to allow people choosing what they want to install from the installer. A few people like you obviously want to choose and we will allow them to do what they want. As the product designer of KeyHydra i'm really positive. People will just start to understand why they maybe need the full package. Keyhydra shortcut is a platform, and it is part of the strategy. And the strategy is allowing people to work faster. Doing faster hardsurface model is a part of this strategy, but it is not the entire goal.
@Mossbros I felt the very same way from when I first saw Lazercut. I thought Massimo should market them as 2 separate tools. But, I soon found out that Massimo's passion for Keyhydra(as his own tool) was deep and it being bundled with LC was just the way it was. But LC was too tempting and I bought the package.
Since then Keyhydra has become an indispensable part of my workflow. It isn't just a simple hotkey tool, it's implemented deeper than that into Max and opens up new workflows. I use it every day now.
Try it. You won't regret it. Or simply choose not to use KH and harness the power of LC. Just because you feel that your principles are being encroached upon by thinking it's 'bundleware', you shouldn't miss out on the potential of LC. I'm starting to sound like a fanboy now so I'll leave it at that, but remember, LC is the only tool for Max that can do anything like this. Meanwhile we are being left behind by the likes of Blender.
@musashidan you have a fair point, I feel that way mainly because as an artist I have already altered max to function in a way that suits me, all my keybinds are custom and even parts of the UI are modded so for me it feels like an unnecessary evil. I tried keyhydra a while ago as I was interested in the kh module, but for the sole reason of rebinding keys that max doesn't allow such as alt keys. I never got fully into the context sensitive keys because I already had some set up ( in a clunky way but functional)
Like I said previously though, I'd buy this for the lazercutter as apps like blender can do it, and it's what I've needed for a while. For me I feel like the hotkeys aren't needed. Not that that part is bad or anything, I'm sure it would greatly benefit other users.
@Mossbros My goal is to avoid users having to do such heavy change to 3DSmax user preferences.It seems to have fallen "Normal to everybody" ... But not to me. Actually just to be hable to work correctly as a professional almost all artist do have to do heavy tweaks. Tweaks are need but not as heavy as they are needed actually. Some user like myself before Keyhydra, do rely on additional package or hardware like autohotkey or programmable peripherals [keyboard or mouse] because there is something to solve in the user experience area. But none company want to put thousands of euros in dev for those kinds of things,as they are not easily understandable and hard to market,
So we do [Keyhydra cost is really high actually it is not just a plugin it is probably a big 3Dsmax kinda service pack]. Actually only blender is addressing those issues and provide effective workflow. This topic is a really challenging one. We try to solve it.
I just downloaded Keyhydra, and it seems really cool, just tried some lazercut features and they worked fine, I miss a lot the shift-clone feature, but as I can see, it's coming in a future update, will I be able to use Array 3ds max feature? I love radials ^^
I will keep trying this plugin, I can see myself using this.
@jesusblasco : technically, anything that clones the selection as instances should work (so Array and Spacing Tool as well) though you have to be careful with tools that 'preview' the end result - they do it by cloning cloning selection and then cleaning up but the new boolean object won't be cleaned up. So for preview, you'd have to clone as copy and only switch to instances at the very end:
@Shaz_Snow : I'd say it depends case by case, it's no panacea and sometimes might need retriangulation and the results of boolean cuts might need re-smoothing but it's better at keeping constant width than chamfer is:
Also people requested better overview of keyhydra dev. While i will not provide the Roadmap, i agree to provide more informations on what we're cooking for the upcoming build.
This "shift-clone" feature will be inside next build V0.63 ! Enjoy !
Haha! Massimo/Vojtec I asked and you delivered. Great work. This is a fantastic addition. It adds a lot more efficiency to LC. and I see you've added my other request too: Cutter Mode. Brilliant.
@Mossbros I know exactly how you feel. I have Max so tweaked to my workflow with scripts/hotkeys/custom quads that I couldn't bear messing with it as I felt it was just right(even though I can't help always looking for further tweaks:) ) but it was getting to the point where I was running out of keyboard 'real estate'. That's where Keyhydra came in. I have definitely gained a few percent in efficiency since making use of it. and not only the hotkeys, but the fact that it's embedded into Max in a way that opens up extra workflow speed options(for instance, interactive primitive+parameter creation all bound to a single key)
Plus the added bonus of having a visual keyboard GUI is great.
@Musashidan I’m just a good coach on this one ! :-) Epic kudos to Vojtech ! He worked really hard and re wrote the logic behind. Wich was a bunch of work. We also got frustrated not being hable to do what we wanted. We will probably upgrade later. As I start to know him he is probably thinking out of the box now and will maybe come with the cutter mode we really wanted to have.
@Mossbros I know exactly how you feel. I have Max so tweaked to my workflow with scripts/hotkeys/custom quads that I couldn't bear messing with it as I felt it was just right(even though I can't help always looking for further tweaks:) ) but it was getting to the point where I was running out of keyboard 'real estate'. That's where Keyhydra came in. I have definitely gained a few percent in efficiency since making use of it. and not only the hotkeys, but the fact that it's embedded into Max in a way that opens up extra workflow speed options(for instance, interactive primitive+parameter creation all bound to a single key)
Plus the added bonus of having a visual keyboard GUI is great.
I'll be giving it a trial run the next month at work and I'll see how it goes, if it goes well I'll probably try and get others in studio on it or a case for use in house.
@Swordslayer Thanks for the explanation, I am follow your steps, but I am not achieving what you get, what am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance ^^ btw, symmetry works fine ^^ I am probably buying this
Whoops i didn't spotted your questions ... Sorry man.
Yes we are still actively developping both "Keyhydra shortcut", "Wheel ctrl", and of course "Lazercut".
We've been working really really hard on Lazercut lately [We started developping one thing One year ago from now], Mr "Vojtech Cada" aka "SwordSlayer" and I.
It will not be a direct part of Lazercut but is intend to work in junction with it. So stay tuned. Do not put too much hope on it. It is indeed really usefull but not an UFO. We were unsure of being hable to achieve it, Vojtech reached some really big achievements with it so i decided to try pushing limits further. [I think even Swordslayer couldn't imagine himself doing it if someone asked him one year ago].
UI refinement will be totally re worked from scratch Mainly for responsivness, usability, and speed, it is the next biggest topic we will address, once we finished the refactoring of shortcuts. [This refactoring is the Biggest feature of next release --> Sooner than you might think, i hope end of this month].
-[Keyhydra Buisness] : We're now part of ADN [Autodesk Developer network].
-[KeyHydra Core] Added support of upcoming Modifiers, Plugins, and Presets files.
-[KeyHydra Core] Added Partial encryption of files. Will allow users to tweak default values to their taste.
-[KeyHydra Core] Added Max 2019 Support.
-[Licensing] Added Node Lock type license [This will replace Floating licenses for single individual users].
-[Licensing] Fixed a bug that let the node lock version in trial mode. [Not allowing user to use KeyHydra anymore].
-[Installer] Fixed uninstall bug from "Win10 settings pannel". Wasn't uninstalling correctly from here. None issue from Command Pannel.
-[Installer] Removed all unsupported Max Version [2014,2015, & 2016].
-[WheelCtrl] Fixed Edit poly Wheel Ctrl compatibility [Now wheel ctrl do work as expected in edit poly].
-[KeyHydra Bug] Fixed conflict with All Loop tools in Edit poly mode [causing them to not work at all].
-[KeyHydra Lazercut] : Fixed Garbage collection error.
-[KeyHydra Modifiers] Added Linear Clone Modifier
-[KeyHydra Modifiers] Added Chamfer Fix Modifier
-[KeyHydra Modifiers] Added Volume Slice Modifier
-[KeyHydra Modifiers] Added Another Modifier [Hidden from Current Beta Build].
-[KeyHydra Shortcuts] Custom Code Shortcuts are now saved correctly. Once modified.
-[KeyHydra Shortcuts] Added brand new Keyhydra shorctut refactoring system : Now users can start from a Single tap shortcut and complexify the shorctut key on demand [adding double tap, triple, tap, quadra tap, or context case]. --> Still missing some features before being 100 percent complete.
Here is the first KeyHydra Next - DevLog#1 - Focusing on the new shortcuts system.
Ps : Shift+clone hehe.
-Nodelock Licenses are for :
-Floating licenses will now only be for :
If you previously purchased a single user Floating License and want to convert it to Nodelock just send us a mail and we will convert the current license into a Nodelock one for free.
And here is the link to our shop, for visual explanations :
The shop page is quite confusing, though. At first sight it looks like a rental that has to be renewed each year. Then it might be free updates for a year like indicated in the small text.
(It would make more sense if you buy a perpetual licence and get free upgrades for a year on top.)
From A client point of view Perpetual licenses could look like a good idea, but as software evolves quiete fast now perpetual license is not a good idea anymore, nobody purchase software anymore on a static device [DVD, or CD] . Users want fast bug fixes, new features every months, etc ... so subscription is the answer. We could continue to tell clients that they own a perpetual license but that will be a false reassuring things, as if you purchase 3DSMax 2018 version of Keyhydra you will not be hable to use it with Max 2022 anyway.
From a developer point of view I actually view perpetual license as inhibiting our progress, we can't pay our developers to maintain KeyHydra for older version of max especially when only a couple of clients stay on older max versions. As you might know we really depend of Autodesk startegies, they moved to subscription so we have to as well. Once everybody will be using the same version of max Autodesk will be hable to place all developments efforts on the current last version instead of spending tons of money for maintenance on legacy/older things.
Onikanabo stand for "Pushing limits together". That is why we develop only on the 2 last max versions. We spend all our energy on new things, that will use last libraries, or last max features.
For exemple Lazercut couldn't have been made with a Pre 2017 version of Max.
I think it's reasonably priced.
But without wanting to get into the discussion too much and while I do understand the points that you raised from the point of view of a developer, I still prefer perpetual licences over more and more developers switching to rental. There is a limit to how many tools I'm willing to bind myself to on a rental base (and right now that limit is zero.)
Expect more and more subscriptions all over the place : Netflix, Spotify, Deezer, Games as service, Consoles : PS4-Switch-Xbox, Blender Cloud, Even purchasing items on fortnite or whatever games is just rental [because if devs shutdown their servers than rental stop immediatly]. When it come to softwares perpetual license is an illusion.
This movement will accelerate as it protect from piracy, etc ... I was really like you before, but i recently changed my mind. To me as a user it is not a problem anymore as far as i receive good support, and good updates.
Yes, Keyhydra price tag is really really low actually [2.5 euros/Month], while the total cost for us as a company is very high [3 developers + Myself]. We started in 2014-2015 and we're still there. :-)
Just seems like bundleware.
I tried keyhydra a while ago as I was interested in the kh module, but for the sole reason of rebinding keys that max doesn't allow such as alt keys. I never got fully into the context sensitive keys because I already had some set up ( in a clunky way but functional)
Like I said previously though, I'd buy this for the lazercutter as apps like blender can do it, and it's what I've needed for a while. For me I feel like the hotkeys aren't needed. Not that that part is bad or anything, I'm sure it would greatly benefit other users.
I will keep trying this plugin, I can see myself using this.
@Shaz_Snow : I'd say it depends case by case, it's no panacea and sometimes might need retriangulation and the results of boolean cuts might need re-smoothing but it's better at keeping constant width than chamfer is:
So here is the Dev log page
It will be available at this address https://www.onikanabo.com/devlog
Thanks in advance ^^
btw, symmetry works fine ^^ I am probably buying this