Hey there,it's Fansub !
You can grab the Beta right here !
been working for the past three months on my first and biggest MEL
script yet,and today i can finally talk a bit more about it !
Pipe is a curve-edge based path creation tool for Maya.With it’s
selection-based formula,Quick Pipe lets you create multiple shapes like
tubes,pipes,ropes,corrugated pipes,floating
http://i.giphy.com/l3V0qii9ogYOimUVy.gifYou can choose to stay in the
tool’s comfort zone and prototype with it as much as you want to see
the results happening in real-time,or go crazy and play with
different profiles to get some weirdly unexpected results.
Quick Pipe comes with a relatively small documentation and a dozen of videos to show you how to create multiple shapes with it.
tool is developed completely with MEL scripting and i used Sublime as
my IDE.Quick Pipe is currently compatible with Maya 2015,2016 and
Maya 2014 and Maya LT support will be added in the coming weeks !
Quick Pipe is currently being beta tested but you can already get it on Gumroad for 8$ !
Guess I have no excuses now lol.
All you need to do is select the edges loops where you want to have your UVSeams,hit the Unwrap Pipe button and your UVs are done.
Will be improving the way it handles corners in a future update,so stay tuned !
I actually wanted to automate the edge selection,but thought giving people the choice to pick up where they want to have their uv seams would be a better solution.
// Error: source “StartQuickPipe.mel”; //
// Error: Line 1.8: Syntax error //
A lot of people got this wrong,so I'm currently working on a way to prevent this error.
Thanks for the awesome tool btw! Cant wait for shapeshifter!
If it absolutely doesn't work in all cases,try to bind this line to a shortcut/MM/Shelf : QuickPipeWindow;
Amazing job with this tool! Such a time saver.
The public beta was a really successful launch for Quick Pipe and there was only 1 bug report from over one hundred beta testers which is great !
I'm currently working on the official release (Quick Pipe 1.2a) and I'm super excited to show you guys all the new tools and features this version has !
For y'all waiting for ShapeShifter,development should restart mid-June,so be patient please
Thanks !
So,looks like Quick Pipe doesn't properly works with Maya LT,but i will be adding support for Maya LT 2016 and Maya 2014 in the next update.
Talking about that,remember last year when i created a thread asking for a selection pattern similar to Modo's ? today i'm proud to say that I've started working on the same system for Maya.
It will be available in the next Quick Pipe update along with many other interesting features.It is still in it's early stage,but i will be improving it along with the future updates of Quick Pipe
Please note that all updates Quick Pipe will be getting are free until year 2085
A picture of the different UIs I've been prototyping with back in May.Will ultimately get back to it very soon hopefully,just need to finish some freelance work atm.
Btw,do you mind testing it for me before the release ? if you're interested i'll give you the update later on today
It's finally here ! ! ! @__@
Quick Pipe 1.5 has been revamped from the ground up to be more stable,faster and easier to modify for future updates.
This update is FREE for anyone who owns a Quick Pipe license.Not only that,i also have a special present for all Quick Pipe users : You can get my new 5$ tool ADN Modeler Tools for FREE ! A download link is in the Quick Pipe notification you have received by Email,check it out !
Here is a list of the major updates :
* Over 60 small fixes here and there that no one gives a damn aboutThat's pretty much it.If you're liking the tool and want to help in some way please share and talk about the tool around you.
Will be solving things a bit slowly to not make a mistake,so excuse me if i reply a bit lately
Wait I think I figured it out..
Omg great software! Any chance this will work for Maya 2013?
// Error: Line 1.28: Cannot find file "StartQuickPipe.mel" for source statement.
I've tried selecting and deselecting everything, particularly what the Readme says (edge mode, no edges selected), and no luck. Any ideas?
I've put Quick Pipe 1.5b on gumroad which fixes that typo,2015 compatiblity and many other stuff.Currently working on a bigger build (Quick Pipe1.55) to include all or most reported bugs and a batch of small new features.
I unfortunately seem to keep getting a third error:
// Error: file: C:/Users/aoroz/Documents/maya/2014-x64/scripts/LaunchQuickPipe.mel line 1288: Invalid flag '-lt'
Anyway,I'm working on a hotfix right now,will send it to you in a few hours for further testing
...maya/2016/scripts/LaunchQuickPipe.mel line 1891: Invalid file type specified: FBX
this error prevents me from switching out the custom profiles. i'm running maya 2016 with service pack 4. thank you.
If you like what i do and think it is worth the price please do buy the tools.
EDIT: Oops, Warez sites. Not Maya sites or something. Nevermind