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I just updated my Warframe Art dump Thread : http://polycount.com/discussion/comment/2479776/#Comment_2479776
Hope you'll like it!!!
Need to redo these, especially the one that didn't have the antler fully in frame
Comments and suggestions are welcome.
Check High Resolution on:
Hooooly shit dude! Looks awesome!
His Light Crossbow:
Tips,C&C quite welcome!
>>Higher rez images on Artstation
>>Get it on TurboSquid<<
I made a tiny little scene in Unreal Engine. It's just a little research project
Hi Polycounters,
I post my last work on fabric / clothes done with marvelous & textured with designer/painter.
3D viewer & more pictures on : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/GgmBW
Finally decided to learn how to use Substance Designer. First attempt.
As a first one, here is a demonstration of a technique... Actually one approach of it. The whole polycount thread can be found in the descriptions:
Whole thread of the topic:
Whole thread of the topics that I was covering and what you can expect on my channel:
Channel link:
This channel and my thread is mainly targeted towards people who has at least some experience with technical stuff!If you feel like this is useful, please let me know by leaving comments, subscribing, implementing and asking about it. Thanks!
Currently it's using a 4 channel texture with everything packed into it, plus a normal map.
All the 3 variations are generated using the same texture and shader.
I just wanted to share the work that I've done on Legion, so I created a new thread !
Thank you !
You can find more images here, since there's a one image limit. This isn't skin deep, it's a nearly bolt for bolt and pipe for pipe reproduction of the big T.
Huge thanks to The T1 Trust, who provided me with all the surviving technical drawings. The idea was i would give them a model they could use to promote fundraising for 5550, which i think i delivered on.
I hope to finish up modeling this week. Right now all that's left is plumbing. Right now i'm working on the feedwater heater and piping the brakes and cheesing the lubricator lines. Everything else is finished, mapped and ready to go.
all the rivits and boiler staybolts are brought in through hair particles, to be both malleable, fast during editing and so i can rearrange the texture allocation and rotation by changing the seed. I wish i'd done that for all the bolts so i could standardize and draw from a "shelf" of standard bolts and make easy widespread changes, but oh well
So yeah, please tell me what you think. I'd like to get a job at somewhere like Turn 10, Codies or Criterion, and i seem to have gotten pretty good feedback so far, so we'll see how it goes once i get the full reel rendered
a personal artwork for my portfolio
Special thanks to Tim Bergholz for his great "Ultimate Weapon Tutorial"! Helps me a lot with presentation. Check it out guys!
Hope you like it!
Thanks for looking
Finally finished that one
Check out my new character. Inspired by Disney and Katikut.
Lately I've been working on updating my female basemesh as the one I did before was, quite frankly, shite. This evening was mostly spent working on the face and upperbody.
Model for fun, Maya, Quixel Ndo, Substance Painter and Unity.

more images on Art Station
Working on some new roofing. There isn't a roughness pass yet. Focus has been on height, normal, albedo, and overall read.
- some props for a diorama :
- and a sexy Dark Queen Syx for printing :
As for me, calling this done. You can see more images with the high res and marmoset viewer version on my artstation:
also more/larger images are in my beast thread here:
Using 3ds Max and Substance Painter.
Caly render and Unreal Engine screens.
T-55 track for my project, thread here.
Crosspost from my workbook!
Thread: http://polycount.com/discussion/172084/ue4-dark-souls-3-small-environment-image-heavy#latest