Let 2016 begin! Past WAYWO threads:
- 1 embed maximum (1 image, or 1 video, or 1 Sketchfab, etc.)
- Anim GIFs must be less than 2 mb
- Externally-hosted images must be less than 500 kb
- Uploaded images must not exceed 1000 pixels in any dimension
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- Breaking these rules may cause merciless editing by a Moderator
- Why these rules? See WAYWO Usage.
A replica of an alien weapon technology discovered buried beneathe the the ocean floor named element 3-21.
Look into the barrel where the particle disappears and stare at it for more than 15 seconds or longer (until you get a bit cross-eyed) for a surprise optical illusion!
Had 3 feature requests but only got 2 of them done so far. Next up is Channel Packing (for all these people that want to really stick it to the Texture!)
Little vid showing the new features which are:
-Overriding the document name on save (can "rename" your file from "MyTexture" to "MyBallinSpaceShip" without actually renaming it)
-Group exporting of layers (take dem layers and put em in a folder ya hurr)
I've just finished a tuto from Josh Lynch.
Here is a transition on the first gun based on the pixel art I did for the jam
More images : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/deDme
Did this quick sculpt of Sexy Squidward because I did one 3 or 4 years ago and wanted to see the difference. Also recorded the sculpting for anyone that's interested. Link will be down below.
(oversize image disabled by moderator, original here: https://us.v-cdn.net/5021068/uploads/editor/da/53fmdvr24svq.jpg)
Please click on image to view more info and video...
Now unto the low-poly
WIP Bren Ten pistol
Finished this up last week but forgot to share it here. Low poly D.Va from Overwatch
Just done with the modeling and texturing. This screen is from Unreal Engine.
Now I will move into Rigging. First time I will do some rigging. Not really my area.
The final result will be this char controled by an actor with camera capture.
(oversize image disabled by moderator, original here: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Zmn9UXG3vak/V6Lpmq2N0yI/AAAAAAAABC8/sq3ug-aWcz8a2Ru-AZOcE5hsKb36ZEh3gCL0B/w1597-h812-no/2016-08-04.png)
thread: http://polycount.com/discussion/174182/wip-retro-flying-saucer-toy
Amazing stuff here , as always !
I just wanted to share with you a simple asset : I had a lot of fun working on it !
This morning I've been messing around with materials in Unreal and made a sort of Fur Shell effect with the BumpOffset node and masking opacity using Fresnel and the heightmap output from said BumpOffset:
I think this is how the grass in Rocket League and GTA V is done in some cases.
Subject: Blackwidow
By: David J Hickson (dipingo)
Video: https://www.facebook.com/Dipingo/videos/10153911279453031/
Website: www.davidjhickson.com
I'm still messing around in Unreal:
Shaders are fun!
More shots on artstation
Link to WiP thread: Here
This is my entry for A Roadtrip in 2116:
You can also check it here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/85NzR !model
So far its my Airbus A320 Cockpit in HP. Realtime model with textures will follow soon.
To addition, its a part of my bachelor thesis. Main focus there simulation in VR. So the VR model with all his functions will follow.
Hope you will enjoy it. But critics are always very welcome! THX
More on my Artstation page:
More images here:
(oversize image disabled by moderator, original here: https://us.v-cdn.net/5021068/uploads/editor/3u/gg2q4l4txzvc.jpg)
I've recently finished this free time project, based on some of the Warcraft movie weapons I saw. Custom concept though!
More renders and marmoset viewer here:
(oversize image disabled by moderator, original here: https://us.v-cdn.net/5021068/uploads/editor/0u/na0nno4zw2bb.jpg)
I saw many beautiful works here. Finally, i finished my highpoly knight.
Please, check out more images on https://www.artstation.com/artist/artpity
and in my thread http://polycount.com/discussion/174538/petr-sokolov-sketchbook#latest
more images on artstation: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/lZeAJ
British Army "Foxhound"
--> http://polycount.com/discussion/174371/spec-ops-helmet-detail-study#latest for ideas, crits & suggestions
here is an image, of course constrained to 1k width, that's why it's cut off...
You can see more of our progress in our thread here! -> http://polycount.com/discussion/127439/blubber-busters-game-dev-blog/p1
(oversize image disabled by moderator, original here: https://us.v-cdn.net/5021068/uploads/editor/gu/7u3xlc7aoh0t.gif)
(oversize image disabled by moderator, original here: https://us.v-cdn.net/5021068/uploads/editor/d8/zirhk0uyneqq.jpg)