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last portret sculpt
Let me know your thoughts!
If anyone wants to checkout the replay, head to
As well follow me on twitter (@Spid192) to know when I'm going live streaming.
(oversize image disabled by moderator, original here: https://us.v-cdn.net/5021068/uploads/editor/47/qcwd03ffs0z4.jpg">
(oversize image disabled by moderator, original here: http://cgarena.net/media/com_hwdmediashare/files/04/23/db/45e00d836853db0473708db1e00327b7.jpg">
Watch more pictures at: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/gODrL
Topic: http://polycount.com/discussion/161935/gameart-weapons-and-vehicles-critique-needed#latest
Comments are welcome :awesome:
Hi-Res: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/G2yk4
@ bebjibo: Awesome looking character, looks like she would fit into Dishonored.
And have a look at the model in 3D at Sketchfab: https://skfb.ly/R6Bs
Polycount thread: http://polycount.com/discussion/174590/white-walkers#latest
If anyone is interested, a screenshot of my shader graph for this is here:
And my Utility Texture for the material is here:
More images - https://www.artstation.com/artwork/lZvNY
If you can find it usefull, you can pickup this model for your personal use - https://www.dropbox.com/s/wpopni8xfvyw524/Dropbox.rar?dl=0
More on artstation: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/V1K3R
WiP Thread
Latest update on my larger scene. Kind of dark but once I make a thread that shows the rest I think it'll make more sense why.
Substance painter/3dsmax
(oversize image disabled by moderator, original here: http://i.imgur.com/RhYoknB.png)
@Dylan Brady your hip hop grandpa sculpt is ridiculous. I honestly prefer your version over the actual photos.
@bejibo the proportions and face are fantastic. It really makes me want to sculpt some wrinkles. Love seeing the updates!
@marrakech I gotta say, I'm crazy about the style for your portrait sketches. Incredibly inspiring for someone trying to improve with stylized and beautiful faces.
I'm always blown away by how great the work-in-progress stuff is here, but I wanted to share some of my own progress. Please feel free to check out the original thread here.
Got lot's of nice plans on making it into a full character, check back next year on that..., hoho!
See more here! http://polycount.com/discussion/comment/2472482#Comment_2472482
You can see on marmoset viewer here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/xNXwX
What do you think?
Making progress on textures
My first texture model
More Images here> https://www.artstation.com/artwork/nDRXE
(original here: https://debrabanderefrancois.files.wordpress.com/2016/08/red-faction-crusader.jpg)
360° Here https://debrabanderefrancois.wordpress.com/redfactioncrusaderconquistador_turntable_1/
Made some more changes, and I think I am done with this one for now. As a little background, I made a lot of the initial pieces based on shapes from some Gundam pieces I really liked, and tried to turn it into an environment.#keyshot #fusion360 #zbrush
trying to keep up motivation (despite all the amazing level of stuff on here i can only dream of achieving)
making a kind of airship captain person. I'm not aiming to exactly follow the refs posted here, just a kind of direction to go in...
Quick pirate (too pleasant for a pirate...maybe a rocker) sketch.
Maybe he needs an eye patch and some skull and bones tattoo to push the pirate idea further...arrrrr.
Model by Dusty Nolting
Texture by Kelvin Tan
(oversize image disabled by moderator, original here: https://us.v-cdn.net/5021068/uploads/editor/cv/75qrn6vtt2j4.jpg">
Other images here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/B2Pyz
Sure, mine is more of a frog and the inside of the mouth is pretty different, but yeah, still.
Here's a pic:
More and larger pics at the full thread: http://polycount.com/discussion/174705/monster-that-actually-wasnt-inspired-by-stanger-things/p1?new=1