Let 2016 begin! Past WAYWO threads:
- 1 embed maximum (1 image, or 1 video, or 1 Sketchfab, etc.)
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(oversize image disabled by moderator, original here: http://i.imgur.com/alLCaYM.jpg)
More Images on my sketchbook and art station!
More images and the 3D viewer on my artstation: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/N4GnD
This is my first time ever posting in WAYWO!
My work for the Polycount monthly Character Art Challenge.
Check it on Artstation for more images: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/N4GXD
Hey Polycount!
This is my first skin shading test on UE, liking it so far
It's just a rough WIP in the default scene and default lighting, but wantet to share with you.
There is more of this character in my art station. If you like it check it out.
3D character I am working on with zbrush, next step texture and retopology.
Here's the Fel Gaurd I've been working on.
'Nother update on this likeness. Doing some shader tests before I start refining certain areas a bit more.
x-post from my thread here:
hi poly only at the moment
Started working on this little guy. Trying to do some more complex modeling with Cinema 4D, so far so good. Working without reference images in the scene is a pain though.
If all goes well, I'll use him as a character in a game project I have in mind
Finally found some time, so I decided to try to finish this old fan art I started ages ago. Still WIPping and while studying ddo new techniques
Critiques are welcome!!
3D character I am working on with zbrush, next step texture and retopology.
More in my artstation https://www.artstation.com/artist/fabien_3d_art
Here's the release of my new basemesh on my gumroad !
go take a look at the giveaway thread.
(oversize image disabled by moderator, original here: https://us.v-cdn.net/5021068/uploads/editor/n5/1jv4q3p1ejnm.jpg)
Hello, I'm going to finish up my Technoviking project, working on the face. Let's see how it goes.
For more images and marmoset viewer: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/yN4LO
more images here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/wNOvw
More shots here : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/nD0L4
Hope you like it!
More pics on Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/16Nv8
Still hacking away at this guy. The plan is to make him mechanically accurate and put all the large-scale detail in the actual model and then paint the smaller details in the normal map in Substance Painter. I'll probably make a separate thread for this one to avoid spamming this thread too much
PS : damn, url imgs are broken on this forum : here is url : http://cremuss.net/3d/wip/ShrineBreakdown_StylizedCracks.jpg
I'm also studying Ice shaders x)
All modo so far! And this is just the first pass and the layout of the final idea. I'm yet to model some ice around it, model the light beans, etc.
Here's the ice shader im working on.