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Coming up next - rendering him!
latest update on this - starting to look rather silly which is good i think
finally calling this done.
Second recent attempt at making a boulder/rock, because I've always sucked at it and made something really blobby. Just now starting to get the hang of zbrush enough to feel pretty comfortable/confident with it. This is really wip, a lot of the cracks don't line up and I need to add more. Right now I've gone a little too alpha and crack intensive in certain areas too, it's too noisy, so I'll have to fix that. Also lacking some medium frequency detail. Probably 4 hours of work so far, not good enough to make anything fast yet d:
Hoping for some constructive crit, I feel like my inexperience has got me judging how well it's coming out inaccurately--and I want this to be something good, instead of having to start a whole new project and hope I do better on it the next time around. Considering this isn't a large, terribly blobby mass, I feel like I am doing a lot better, but it's not good to compare what you have to something bad. Thanks!
edit: Oh, keep in mind I'm probably going to make the cracks that are already present less deep using the layer opacity, I know that many of them are probably a little overboard in that regard too.
thanks again
Wolverine sculpt , based on a 2D concept by Max Grecke WIP
Here's my sculpt for tonight, based on a 2D concept by Max Grecke, not finished yet!
It's a ground substance but you can control the size/color/numbers of pebbles, the color of the ground and the roughness, the size/color/numbers of skulls and even better you can plug your own alphas (up to six) but you might want to modify a bit the .sbs since the texturing would fit only bones or rock kind of shapes.
Made this case to practice baking normals and PBR texturing. Breakdown on my Artstation.
(Image removed by a Moderator as it was too large, please see first post guidelines)
Higher resolution here: http://i.imgur.com/W23a1oj.jpg
I Just finished up my first folio piece
Moderator Note:
In case you haven't noticed, we've added new rules for "shared" threads like this one.Please see the first post (also stickied at the top of every page).
Any new posts should follow the guidelines above. This is for the benefit of all.
Thank you!
Lazy Save 1.2 is up. Now includes options for all supported image types (JPG/PNG/TGA/TIFF) so users can select it instead of having a "black box"
1.2 also includes resizing (with your choice of resampler)
I hope people enjoy it.
time for something new.
WIP on a Rainbow Six Siege inspired scene. Just made a thread for it:
Georges St. Pierre likeness WIP:
x-post from here
see more here! https://www.artstation.com/artist/tsmith3d
Full thread here: http://polycount.com/discussion/172779/jigabachi-av
Now there is dirt around the debris (which are meant to look like pieces of the same material), which i might need to make a bit more defined. And perhaps add some more contrast to the roughness.
Please put feedback............