Let 2016 begin! Past WAYWO threads:
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Some more pictures are on my Artstation side.
Here's my first couple experiments I've been working on;
Both 100% substance
Just finished this.
It is a Chinese Temple.
My website - http://siddgameart.wix.com/siddharthravindran
In the process of splitting for 3d printing. We'll see how it turns out.
Finished it this weekend
more: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/ka9Q0
I just finished my diorama today and I wanted to share with you !
So enjoy.
More here
Did a sculpt of Nävis.
It is based on a scene of my favorite french comic book:
Sillage by Philippe Buchet and Jean-David Morvan.
It's a scene where Nävis prepares her mission on the planet TRI-JJ 768. People on TRI-JJ 768 have a white skin whith black dots, therefore she uses a camouflage that also serves as translator with the People on TRI-JJ 768 .
you can see more pictures on my artstation page:
Weekend Wippin' on some Tracer fanart
Alrighty folks! I'm sure you're more than tired of seeing the boring stuff I post but here's where I am putting her down for now. It's a middle ground where I know I can improve but I just need to move on to another project and come back to this one with fresh eyes. So without further ado please toss critiques, comments, concerns, and questions my way! Cheers and I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
Direct Link:
Portfolio Link:
Oki I am calling this sculpt done for now https://www.artstation.com/artwork/1Xv0Z
Thief fan art based on a concept [ http://tiny.pl/grwww ] by Nicolas Ferrand [ http://www.nicolas-ferrand.com/ ]
Portfolio Link: https://www.artstation.com/artist/swayamshahof course C&C appreciated.
My 1st attempt to make something usable in Substance Designer with no external inputs (no Zbrush sculpting etc.), still a lot of work but I'm learning SD, excellent software. I know it's only another brick wall but I had no courage to start with something more difficult.
Alrighty folks! I'm sure you're more than tired of seeing the boring stuff I post but here's where I am putting her down for now. It's a middle ground where I know I can improve but I just need to move on to another project and come back to this one with fresh eyes. So without further ado please toss critiques, comments, concerns, and questions my way! Cheers and I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
Direct Link:
Portfolio Link:
Just finish this prop inspired from Fallout 4 Gun Concept . Hope you like it.
Holy shit, a sextuple post, hahaha. In any case, I like what you've created. Good job man.
Actually, I just tried to post and it didn't work, and it only saved half my message. I've reloaded the page a few times to make sure my post didn't go through, but I think I see how you possibly wound up posting six times.
edit: my post finally went through when I stopped trying to use the quick post function, guess I should report the bug.
Link to Artstation
Edit: I added some more photos.
(Vegetation assets and foliage are from the kite demo )
wow, very nice lighting
Rogue Legacy fan art, i created this model to practice animation on stylistic character.
Fast texturing, 2k maps a/r/m/n
C&C is welcomed. Thanks.
Marmoset Viewer -> https://www.artstation.com/artwork/dgXP3
Seraphinn, the First wave vector, my favorite weapon
well done with this one, I think modo will be my main app from now on got my high to low poly workflow down, rendered it in marmoset.
More images in my thread
currently focusing on the groom and was wondering what critique I could get for it so far?
(currently using vray and maya hair)
High res: http://extrazoom.com/image-59450.html?heuln50x50
Saturation: http://extrazoom.com/image-59451.html?heuln50x50
The earlier ones are over on my Artstation if you want to check them out; https://www.artstation.com/artwork/DmeDE