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From the hype of CBS' Supergirl, I'm making a Melissa Benoist New 52 Supergirl! I'll add the cape after posing. Here's some WIP screen grabs. Any C&C would be much appreciated.
Anyway, nice.
More images : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/0oz5y
Jacket's everywhere!!
(please excuse the very poor drawing in the bottom left, is supposed to just be a very very basic reference concept doodle!)
i've been making a bunch of knives!
A little Prop Modelling exercise I did to improve my overall quality of textured assets
High Res: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/4l6gq
The Celt - work in progress
Inspired by a sketch from Marko Djurdjevicthread: http://polycount.com/discussion/151867/remaking-an-old-quake-iii-character-i-did/p1
Some renders from the scene I have been working on. Feel free to look at the progression on the discussion page: http://polycount.com/discussion/165008/deus-ex-environment#latest
Currently working on this new character. The idea is that he's some sort of traveler.
3d model and more pics on Artstation.
Also added a viewer for some modular tile sets I created for our VR pitch at work.
Finally I can focus on some my AC: Revelations Ezio project again. It is going to be good to work on something new and not just retouching older stuff.
EDIT: Here he is with human eyebrows and ears.
Crosspost: http://polycount.com/discussion/168333/nicks-substance-materials#latest
8000 Polys
Diffuse, Specular, Normal Mapped
Fully rigged and substantially animated. Initially modeled in 3DS Max, sculpted in Mudbox
Forest Wizard
In this personal project I tried to make another approach at high poly texturing and rendering. I used Zbrush auto unwrap feature to quickly unwrap whole model (15 pieces each with its own 2k texture). Next I used substance painter 2 for texturing. I was quite surprised at how smoothly substance was able to visualize the model in real time. Next I exported all the maps into toolbag 2 for final render. Its amazing how smooth it worked in toolbag as well! The total poly count was something like 1340555. Anyway I hope you like it!
Marmoset Viewer at https://www.artstation.com/artwork/OaDVb